Hire Java Developers This Year

Last updated on February 26th, 2024 at 11:16 am

For Employers Vetted Talent Vetting and Hiring

Hire Java Developers in 2024 with These Steps

By July 10, 2022 9 min read

How much does it cost to hire a Java developer? How do I hire Java developers? How much do freelance Java developers make? Is it hard to find Java developers? 

Find answers to these questions in the post below.

Java is one of the top five programming languages, with more than 10 million dedicated Java developers globally. Java is also versatile, with many platforms supporting Java applications. In addition, Java is simultaneously a compiled and interpreted programming language.

Java applications run on laptops, desktops, smartphones, TVs, audio players, Blu-ray players, and many other electronic devices. The versatility, multi-platform support, and wide range of applications create a huge demand for Java developers. 

Companies from various sectors recruit Java developers to develop applications, devices, and technologies. However, due to the competition, hiring managers must fully understand what Java is, the advantages of Java, the types of Java developers, and the recruitment steps to hire Java developers. 

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language with minimum implementation dependencies. Java is also a class-based, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Java uses a Java Development Kit (JDK) to write codes and runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in a Java Runtime Environment.

James Gosling developed Java at Sun Microsystems in 1995. Even though Java is 26 years old, it is still a popular choice among software developers and testers.

Related post: Golang vs Java: Which language is the best?

What are the advantages of Java?

Hire Java developers for these benefits

Advantages of hiring Java developers.

Java programs are compiled as bytecode. Bytecode allows Java programs to run on any device. Thus, Java applications do not need a recompiler, making Java a compiled and interpreted programming language. Some of the primary advantages of Java are as follows: 

  1. Intuitive, simple, and has an easier learning curve
  2. Secure, robust, and multi-threaded
  3. Object-oriented, economical, and platform-independent
  4. Efficient memory allocation with separate Heap area and Stack area
  5. Remote Method Invocation for distributed processing

Related post: Kotlin vs Java: What should you choose?

What are the types of Java developers?

A junior Java developer has around 0-3 years of experience in coding with Java programming language. Most junior Java developers can comprehend and implement simple code snippets written in Java, and create basic Java-based functions.

On the other hand, senior Java developers hold three or more years of experience in coding with Java programming language. Most senior Java developers can write clean, readable Java code, while using the complex features of Java. 

What are the skills of a junior Java developer?

A junior Java developer must be well-versed in applying Servlets, Servlet methods, and Servlet parameters within their codes. Junior Java developers should also possess a fair bit of knowledge about Extensible Markup Language (XML), X query, and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). 

As a recruiter, evaluate developers’ basics of Java programming. Check their proficiency in Java-2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and data types, structures, algorithms, and design patterns. Also, test junior java developers for Java-based web services, relational databases, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), and Structured Query Language (SQL). 

What are the skills of a senior Java developer?

Most senior Java developers are skilled at deploying Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and performing effective memory management. Beyond their expertise at J2EE, senior Java developers are also proficient with Enterprise Java Beans, Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) Containers, Dependency Injection, and Multi-threading and Synchronization within Java applications. 

Senior Java developers are capable of managing a team of Java developers and possess leadership skills, team-building skills, version control, and collaboration skills. 

Senior Java developers are highly skilled at OOP, with a good knowledge of abstract classes, serialization, and Java application containers like Jetty and JBoss. Java developers are well-versed in testing Java Server Pages (JSP) with tools like Selenium, TestNG, etc. 

Hiring managers must test senior Java developers for code optimization, error handling, and debugging skills. Also, look for experience in Java web frameworks, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Development Kit (JDK).

What is the salary of a Java developer?

Hire Java developers

Java developers earn a handsome salary.

A senior Java developer in the US can earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per week, depending on the seniority, experience, and portfolio. Java developers are some of the highest-paid developers due to Java’s high demand.

As the cost of hiring Java developers in the US is very high, a lot of recruiters prefer to outsource their Java development teams from developing countries. Outsourcing Java developers provides companies with a larger talent pool of Java developers. Organizations within the U.S. can build a workforce of skilled developers across the globe, with Turing.com.

Turing.com enables companies to hire Silicon-valley caliber Java developers. Turing offers senior Java developers with 3+ years of experience to companies across the U.S.

How to hire Java developers?

Where to find Java developers? How to interview developers for soft skills? How to onboard Java developers? Find answers to these questions below. 

Employers must follow certain hiring steps when they are looking for Java developers. The main stages include screening, telephonic interviews, assessments, one-on-one interviews, reference cross-checks, and onboarding. 

Hiring managers can explore multiple platforms and services to hire dedicated Java developers. Some common places to look for  Java developers are as follows:

  1. GitHub

    GitHub is a code repository, a service where software developers can store the source code of their programs. GitHub also allows developers to store multiple versions and updates of these codes. GitHub serves as an online portfolio that showcases a programmer’s coding skills.

    Hiring managers can identify suitable software developers via GitHub and browse their portfolios. Although these portfolios offer plenty of information, GitHub is not a recruitment platform. Essentially, hiring managers cannot recruit developers from GitHub.
  2. LinkedIn

    Professional social networking sites, such as LinkedIn and AngelList, are great alternatives for identifying and reaching out to potential candidates.

    However, due to the popularity of Java, a single job posting might receive thousands of applications. Sorting through all these unvetted applications to find ideal candidates can be tedious for hiring managers.
  3. Turing

    You can avoid all the hiring challenges mentioned above with Turing.

    Turing is a great platform for hiring Java programmers. Turing helps managers to hire pre-vetted software developers through its Intelligent Talent Cloud.

    The company conducts automated coding challenges and live coding tests to verify the proficiency of software developers and ensure they have excellent technical and soft-skills.

    With Turing, companies can build their dream team of remote Java developers within three to five days. The best part? There’s zero risk. If you decide to stop working with Turing developers within two weeks, you pay nothing.

How to assess Java developers’ skills?

  1. Coding challenges

    Coding challenges are a great way of assessing the technical knowledge of Java developers. Recruiters can present pre-filled Java codes with certain bugs and ask the developers to debug them.

    Interviewers can also design Java coding challenges by providing a few conditions or write a Java code that will produce pre-specified output. Coding challenges allow hiring managers to assess the problem-solving skills and proficiency of Java developers.
  2. Technical interview questions

    Depending on the seniority, some of the technical interview questions of Java development can be as follows:

Interview questions for junior Java developers in 2024

  1. What loops are used in Java?

    A loop is an instructional code executed multiple times when the code is compiled. There are three types of loops in a Java coding environment.

    For loop: A ‘for’ loop is repeatedly executed for a specified number of cycles. For example,

    for (initialization : condition : updation)
    //loop code instruction
    //statements to be executed inside the loop
    //statements to be executed outside the loop

    The ‘for’ loop is executed when the condition is true, and the loop is terminated when the condition
    becomes false.

    While loop: While loops are useful to repeat the execution of code statements, until the condition is met. While loops check the condition before executing the statements inside the loop. For example,

    while (condition)
    //statements inside the loop
    //statements outside the loop

    The loop is initiated after checking the conditions. The updation moves the code forward until the variable meets the condition. The while loop ends when the condition is not fulfilled. The condition is checked before the statements inside the loop are executed.

    Do While loop: The ‘do while’ loop executes the code statements till conditions are fulfilled. But unlike the while loop, ‘do while’ loop checks the condition after executing the statement inside the loop. For example,

    //statements inside the loop
    }while (condition);
    //statements outside the loop

    The condition is checked after the code lines inside the loop are executed. The loop is then repeated until the conditions are fulfilled. The code outside the loop is executed only after the loop completes its iterations.

  2. What is a Classloader in Java?

    The classloader sources classes into the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). A classloader also loads Java classes into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) dynamically. Classes can be loaded from files within the hard drive, or from the internet. The files are usually stored in a .jar (Java ARchive) format. There are three types of classloaders in Java, they are as follows:

    Bootstrap classloader

    The location rt.jar is accessed by the Bootstrap classloader to load classes into the JVM. Bootstrap is the most basic form of classloader.

    Extension classloader

    The Extension classloader loads classes from JDK extension library, i.e., the jre/lib/ext directory. The Extension classloader is derived from the bootstrap classloader.

    System classloader

    As a child class of extension classloader, system classloader is also known as application classloader. System classloader loads classes from the path specified by ‘classpath’ and ‘cp command line’.

  3. What are the uses of Java?

    Java helps developers create the following types of applications:

  • Mobile apps
    Spotify, Twitter, Wikipedia Search, and other mobile applications.

  • Desktop-based Graphical User Interface apps
    Industrial applications that use a GUI are made with Java. Apps such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Netbeans, and others were developed with Java.

  • Scientific apps
    Java is useful for creating applications that require complex mathematical calculations and robust security features. MATLAB and Simulink by MathWorks are some of the most famous scientific apps created with Java.

  • Gaming apps
    Java was very popular as a programming language for game development. Minecraft, the most popular video game of all time, is based on Java. Beyond server-side coding of game development, Java is particularly popular for developing android and arcade-style games.

  • Web apps
    Amazon, Broadleaf, Wayfair, and other web applications are developed with Java. The features and elements of Java ensure that safe, robust, and secure applications can be developed using Java.

  • Enterprise/business apps
    The Java EE (Enterprise Edition) includes all the features needed to create scalable applications for enterprises and large-scale businesses. Companies like TCS, Infosys, Google, Naukri, Flipkart, Goibibo, Uber, eBay, Pinterest, Trivago, HCL, and others use Java. 

  • Cloud and Big Data apps
    The Oracle Java Cloud Service can create and configure Oracle WebLogic servers for your cloud computing requirements.

    Hire Java developers for big data apps

    Java developers can create Cloud and Big Data applications.

Interview questions for senior Java developers in 2024

  1. What is a method? What is the difference between wait() and sleep() method in Java?

    A method is a function/code that is only executed when it is called upon. It groups a piece of code together. This makes it easy to call the function and repeat its execution.

    wait() method halts or pauses the thread without engaging/holding the ‘lock’ or ‘monitor’ structure of the shared object. For certain specified milliseconds, the thread is paused. In other cases, the thread is paused until another thread fulfills the desired condition.

    The wait() method is called in multi-threaded operations to avoid race conditions. The wait() method halts the execution of the current thread until notify() and notifyAll() methods are invoked by another thread for this object. The notify() and notifyAll() methods are used with wait() for synchronization.

    sleep() stops operations while keeping a hold on the lock/monitor structures of the shared object. The thread is stopped for a few milliseconds, or until certain conditions are met. The sleep() method verifies expected results/outcomes, and checks the status of various thread properties repeatedly (polling).

  2. To store sensitive data in Java applications, should you use a character array or a string?

    A character array is more secure for storing sensitive data like passwords, IDs, banking details, etc. In Java applications, strings cannot be muted. Strings are stored in string pools until the garbage collectors remove them.

    The data in the string – ‘string value’ is stored in the memory even after the string is processed by the compiler. Anyone having access to the memory dump, can extract the data and compromise the security of the Java application.

    However, character arrays can be muted by the Java programmer, and the stored value can be set to blank after usage. Sensitive data like passwords can be removed from memory easily, thus making character arrays more secure than strings.

  3. What is a Java framework? What are the benefits of using the Spring framework for Java applications?

    A Java framework is a platform that hosts pre-written Java code that can develop Java apps and web apps. Java frameworks contain classes, functions and other elements of Java code that can be easily compiled on a Java Virtual Machine in a Java Runtime Environment.

    Spring is one of the most popular Java frameworks. Some of the benefits of using Spring framework are as follows:
  • Spring framework requires around 2 MBs of storage for its basic version, making it a lightweight framework.
  • Spring provides a robust mechanism to handle exceptions.
  • Spring offers an easy method to develop Java-based web applications.
  • Spring is a great Model-View-Controller framework for web apps.
  • Spring enables cohesive development, which helps Java developers declare classes that serve their purpose without requiring multiple changes and updates.
  • With Spring, Java programmers can perform AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) tasks. AOP helps separate system services from the business logic of the Java applications.
  • Spring hosts a transaction management interface to simultaneously control local and global transactions.

How to hire Java developers for your company amid the global talent shortage?

Many companies are struggling to find the right talent for their software development teams. The current global talent crisis is affecting recruitment across the IT sector. 

As companies struggle to cope with the rising demand for experienced software developers, Turing is bridging the gap between demand and supply. Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud consists of more than 3 million software developers across the globe. 

Turing helps you hire pre-vetted, experienced, Silicon Valley-caliber remote software developers for your company. Visit our Hire Developers page to hire Java developers for your company.


  1. How much does it cost to hire Java developers?

    The cost of hiring dedicated Java developers in the U.S. may go up to a few hundred thousand dollars per week. The following factors: experience, expertise, portfolio of Java applications, academics, soft skills, etc., impacts the developer salaries.

  2. How do I hire a Java developer? Is it hard to find Java developers?

    Despite the large number of Java developers across the globe, it can be difficult to find skilled Java developers. The toughest part is finding Java developers who can exactly fulfill your set of requirements for the job.

    To hire skilled Java developers at unbeatable rates, visit Turing.com. Turing hosts an Intelligent Talent Cloud and lets you hire the top 1% of more than 3 million developers to choose from. 

Tell us the skills you need and we'll find the best developer for you in days, not weeks.

Hire Developers

Hire Java Developers in 2024 for Your Company
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Hire Java Developers in 2024 for Your Company
Hire Java developers at unbeatable prices and zero risk with Turing. Build your engineering dream team with pre-vetted Java developers in just 3-5 days.
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  • Kedar Kanekar

    Kedar is a skilled technical content writer and a social media marketer. He has worked with Apollo Hospitals, upGrad, Lumina Datamatics, and other companies.


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