

How to Pick the Ideal Tech Stack for Your Startup?

How to Pick the Ideal Tech Stack for Your Startup?


  • Huzefa Chawre

    Huzefa Chawre

    Huzefa is a technical content writer at Turing. He is a computer science graduate and an Oracle-certified associate in Database Administration. Beyond that, he loves sports and is a big football, cricket, and F1 aficionado.

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A wide range of tech stacks is used in the industry depending on the custom requirements of different startups and companies. However, the most popular tech stack includes the MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node) tech stack, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) tech stack, MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) tech stack, and MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node) tech stack.

For a startup, picking up open-source and easily scalable technologies is important to help with the organization's growth. Thus the best technologies for a startup are Python, Java, React, Angular, Vue, Strapi, Netbox, CloudQuery, and GitLab, among others.

The companies choose tech stacks by considering different factors such as feasibility, budget, project complexity, time to market, and scalability. The ideal tech stack is the one that provides the best pathway to meet the company’s objectives quickly and efficiently.

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