

Installation Guide of TensorFlow Through Pip and Conda

TensorFlow through pip and conda


  • Installation Guide of TensorFlow Through Pip and Conda

    Srishti Chaudhary

    Srishti is a competent content writer and marketer with expertise in niches like cloud tech, big data, web development, and digital marketing. She looks forward to grow her tech knowledge and skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

To install TensorFlow on Anaconda pip, follow these steps: Open command prompt. If you are operating only on one version of Python, type in cmd: C:/>conda install tensorflow. If you have multiple versions of Python, look for the version you want to install TensorFlow. Then, type in cmd: C:/>conda install tensorflow python=version(e.g.python=3.5).

The fundamental difference between conda and pip is what lies inside the packages. conda packages include C libraries, Python libraries, executables, and even the Python interpreter itself. On the other hand, pip packages are Python libraries like Matplotlib and NumPy.

Anaconda includes the most common packages or tools that are required by data scientists. They are essentially the hardware store of the tools required in data science. On the other hand, conda is a package manager that handles installation, updates, and removal of different packages.

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