
30 Most Popular NPM Packages for Node JS Developers

Ankit Sahu
20 Feb 202417 mins read
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What are the best and most popular NPM packages? What package does Node js use? What is the most used NPM package? What are the most downloaded NPM packages? Looking for answers to these questions? Keep reading.

Node js can handle huge traffic while maintaining seamless performance. As a result, some major tech companies and new-age startups have adopted Node js to scale their businesses. Node is the market leader in asynchronous frameworks due to its popular demand. What’s more, Node isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Starting with Node js is pretty straightforward. Clear guidelines exist and hundreds of projects are available on GitHub for developers to read, review and analyze. 

Also, Node js has the most popular package manager – NPM. NPM is the default package manager for the JS runtime environment Node js. Thanks to the modules and libraries available through the NPM package manager, creating a website takes only a few minutes. 

Why should developers use NPM packages for Node.js projects?

Why use NPM packages for Node.js projects

Why use NPM packages for Node.js projects

Using NPM packages for Node.js allows developers to easily include and manage external modules in their projects. These packages, which are published on the NPM registry, can provide additional functionality or utilities that would be time-consuming or difficult to implement from scratch. Additionally, using packages from the NPM registry allows developers to benefit from the work of other developers and easily share and collaborate on their own code.

Using NPM packages in a Node.js project can provide several benefits, including:

1. Reusability: NPM packages allow developers to use pre-existing code, which can save time and effort in development.
2. Community support: Many popular NPM packages have a large and active community of developers who contribute to and maintain the package, providing bug fixes, new features, and overall improvements.
3. Dependency management: NPM automatically manages dependencies between packages, ensuring that the correct versions of dependencies are installed and updated.
4. Good shareability: NPM packages can be easily shared and installed across different projects, making collaboration and code sharing more efficient.
5. Large selection: NPM has a large selection of packages available, covering a wide range of functionality, including libraries for server-side rendering, data validation, and more.

Is it safe to use NPM packages for Node.js?

Best practices to follow while using NPM packages

Best practices to follow while using NPM packages

In general, it is safe to use NPM packages for Node.js, as long as you take certain precautions. Here are some best practices to follow when using NPM packages:

  1. Use packages from reputable sources: Make sure you are using packages from reputable sources, such as well-established and widely-used packages, or packages that have been recommended by trusted developers.
  2. Keep packages up-to-date: Regularly update your packages to ensure that they are using the latest version, which may include security fixes.
  3. Check for known vulnerabilities: Use a tool like NPM audit to check for known vulnerabilities in your packages, and take steps to address any issues that are found.
  4. Be mindful of package permissions: Be aware of the permissions that a package is requesting, and only install packages that have the minimum permissions required for your application.
  5. Read the documentation: Before installing a package, read the documentation to understand what it does and whether it is suitable for your project.

It’s worth noting that, as with any open-source software, it’s always a good idea to check the code of the package you’re using and see if it contains any suspicious or malicious code.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your use of NPM packages is as safe as possible.


Open-source frameworks help developers improve their skills in delivering professional applications that are lightweight and reliable. They make the overall development process smooth and efficient. Therefore, knowing these packages is absolutely necessary for developers.

We hope you found this list of the most popular NPM packages useful.

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Best NPM packages
Best NPM packages


1. What are the best NPM packages?

Here is the list of the most popular NPM Packages:

  1. Express
  2. AsyncJS
  3. Lodash
  4. Cloudinary
  5. Axios
  6. Karma
  7. Molecular
  8. Grunt
  9. PM2
  10. Mocha

2. How many packages are there in NPM?

Over 1.3 million packages are available in the main NPM registry.

3. What is the NPM package in Node JS?

NPM Inc. maintains NPM, a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. For the JS runtime environment Node js, NPM is the default package manager.

4. How do NPM packages work?

NPM install is a command that downloads a package. NPM install can be used with or without parameters. NPM install downloads dependencies defined in a package.json file and creates a node module folder with the installed modules when called without parameters.

5. What are the most popular NPM packages?
The largest software registry in the world, NPM has more than 1.5 million packages. Express, React, Lodash, Async, and Request are some of the NPM packages that are most frequently used. With the help of these packages, Node.js and JavaScript programmers may create apps more quickly and effectively.

6. How to find the best NPM packages?
It’s critical to take into account unique project requirements, package popularity and usage, update frequency, community support, and documentation quality while looking for the finest NPM packages. Check the package’s GitHub repository and issue tracker for bugs and security issues. Research and contrast related packages. Analyze the overall stability and dependability of the package. Follow new trends and experiment with various packages.

7. Is NPM package an API?
No, an NPM package is not an API. A group of JavaScript files and assets known as an “NPM package” offer a particular feature, such as libraries or tools. On the other hand, APIs are collections of rules and guidelines that let various software programs talk to one another. NPM packages themselves are not APIs, even though some of them may contain APIs or offer interfaces for interacting with external APIs.

8. What are the three components of NPM?
The registry, command-line interface (CLI), and package.json file are the three parts of NPM (short for Node Package Manager). Over a million packages of open-source code for Node.js are housed in the registry, a public database. The CLI is a tool that enables developers to interact with the registry and install, publish, and manage packages. The package.json file is a metadata file used to automate operations like installation and build procedures. It contains facts about the project, including its dependencies, scripts, and other configuration information.

Ankit Sahu

Ankit is a writer and editor who has contributed his expertise to Govt of India, Reebok, Abbott, TimesPro, Chitale Bandhu, InsideAIML, Kolte Patil Dev., etc.
Ritvik Gupta

Ritvik Gupta

Ritvik is a copywriter and content writer who has worked with fast-scaling startups such as GoMechanic and Pitstop. He runs his own automotive blog as well.

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