

Getting Started With Asynchronous JavaScript

Getting Started With Asynchronous JavaScript


  • Getting Started With Asynchronous JavaScript

    Sanskriti Singh

    Sanskriti is a tech writer and a freelance data scientist. She has rich experience into writing technical content and also finds interest in writing content related to mental health, productivity, and self-improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

If a function gets declared with an Async keyword and the await keyword is permitted within is known as the Async function.

With the async and await keywords, we can write asynchronous, promise-based behavior in a cleaner manner without requiring any explicit configuration of promise chains.

JavaScript is a synchronous language by nature, which means it prefers an event loop system that allows us to queue up actions that won't get taken until the event loop becomes available after the queued code finishes executing.

The Async/Await functionality is one of many functionalities in our program that make the code asynchronous. In other words, Async/Await helps us to make JavaScript work as a multi-threaded programming language and execute different codes parallelly.

The await keyword can get used in an async function before calling a promise-returning function. It forces the code to wait until the promise gets resolved, either with a return or rejected value.

This method allows you to create code that uses asynchronous functions but seems to get written in a synchronous fashion.

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