

Prototype vs Class in JavaScript

Prototype vs Class in JavaScript


  • Prototype vs Class in JavaScript

    Aman Velpula

    Aman Velpula is a front-end developer with a passion for technology and fitness. He documents his journey on Twitter @VelpCode and is dedicated to learning every day. Follow his blog on hashnode for more technical writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

In general, there is no significant difference in performance between classes and prototypes in JavaScript. Both approaches are optimized by modern JavaScript engines, and the difference in performance is negligible. However, there are some cases where one approach may perform better than the other.

For example, if you need to create a large number of objects that share the same properties and methods, prototypes can be more memory-efficient since they allow objects to share the same prototype. On the other hand, classes can be more readable and easier to reason about for some developers, which can improve maintainability and reduce the likelihood of bugs.

Ultimately, the choice between classes and prototypes in JavaScript should be based on factors such as readability, maintainability, and compatibility with existing code, rather than performance considerations.

Yes, you can use inheritance with prototypes in JavaScript. To do this, you can set the prototype of an object to be another object, which will then inherit the properties and methods of the original object. This is known as prototypal inheritance and is one of the key ways that prototypes are used in JavaScript.

The "new" keyword is used to create a new instance of an object based on a class definition. When you use the "new" keyword, JavaScript will automatically create a new object, set the prototype of that object to the prototype property of the class, and call the constructor method on the class, passing in any arguments that you provided. This allows you to create instances of objects that have the same properties and methods defined in the class definition.

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