

Complete Guide to Python Django Framework

Complete Guide to Python Django Framework


  • Complete Guide to Python Django Framework

    Gurkirat Singh

    Gurkirat Singh is a polyglot developer who solves real-world problems and builds web applications for end-users to utilize his solutions. He has been in development for a long time and has almost learned everything from the open-source community. Now it is time for him to contribute back what he has learned and how he has learned through blog posts and walkthroughs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Django is a high-level web development framework for the Python ecosystem. It adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern of web technology and provides both frontend and backend design capabilities in one place.

Django follows a batteries-included approach of software engineering (inspired by Python) and provides built-in features for generic views, templates, database model, forms validation and submission, basic admin panel and on top of that it has documented everything to customise as per your business logic.

Python is a turing-complete general purpose programming language, you can use it to build any kind of application. Whereas, Django is a web development framework written in the Python programming language. In order to use Django, you need to have Python installed on your system.

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