
7 Reasons Your Software Team Should Switch to Remote Work in 2024

Finidi Lawson
26 Feb 20245 mins read
Leadership and productivity
Talent onboarding and operations

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Today’s work environment is dynamic and fast-paced. Remote work software enables tech companies to build new tools more efficiently than ever. Software developers benefit from remote work, as it allows them to take advantage of less congested and inexpensive locations in contrast with big cities. Remote work also helps to reduce their commute time significantly. 

However, remote work is beneficial not only for software teams. Tech companies can also leverage remote work to increase operational efficiency and reduce employee costs by a considerable amount. 

Besides, you can’t help but hop on the trend. Many software companies have adapted to remote work since the pandemic. By 2025, 70 percent of the US workforce will work from home at least five days per month. 

Do you want to learn how to leverage remote work in 2023 to build a software team that pushes your business toward its goals? Read on to find out.

What are the benefits of remote work in 2023 for your software team?

1. Attract top talent from anywhere

Hiring a remote software team will give your company more flexibility. Today, tech companies are looking to hire the best developers in the world, not just the ones who happen to live in their city.

With the global developer talent shortage, building a remote team of qualified candidates across the globe can benefit companies. The best thing about recruiting worldwide is that your company can tap into a talent pool outside your local area.

By hiring remote engineers from various backgrounds, companies can improve the diversity in their workforce and build a more inclusive culture.

2. Reduce talent cost

Adopting remote work is cheaper than using in-house teams since you don’t have to spend on office space, utility bills, or computing equipment. Your main expenditure will probably be remote work software and a payroll system.

Additionally, many developing countries have lower corporate tax rates than the U.S. federal rate of 21 percent. Therefore, working with a virtual team will help you cut down on payroll taxes.

Another way a remote software development team can help you save money is by reducing the cost of transportation. You can cut down on commuter benefits by hiring a few people to work from home.

Related post: 7 Reasons to Hire Software Developers from Mexico

3. Boost productivity

Remote work in 2022

Remote work boosts productivity

Some developers prefer working in a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, while others prefer a more active environment with lots of stimulation. When employees bask in their idealistic workspace, they can easily maintain focus and avoid distractions.

Remote work allows software engineers to be more creative by removing the pressure of being in an office. This working model is time-saving and will enable employees to finish more work in less time.

Another advantage of remote work is that it gives your software team the freedom to select the right working environment.

4. Improve employee morale and retention

A remote software development team will likely stick longer with your company than an onsite team. The main reason for this tendency is software developers are more comfortable with a work-life balance.

When working remotely, a virtual team is more likely to value the autonomy of working from home. That way, the team members can work when it suits them best, making them more willing to stick around.

Remote working also allows employees to explore professional development opportunities unavailable in an office setting. For instance, your software team members can take more courses and work on a schedule that won’t affect their commitment to your company.

5. Pay only for hours worked

A recent survey found that 61 percent of employees waste between 30 minutes to an hour at work daily. While this time may not seem like much, it can add up to about ten days a year – per employee.When you engage remote engineers, you pay them on a per-hour basis. And this payment model means you only pay employees for their actual work time rather than for their non-work activities. This way, you can gauge your team’s productivity and track effectiveness over time.

6. Minimize the risk of outsourcing

When you build a remote team, you’ll be able to retain control over the workflow and minimize potential outsourcing risks. But when you outsource, you often hire workers who are just looking for a job and not necessarily interested in the company.

They may jump ship if another opportunity comes along that suits them better. However, that’s not the case with a remote software development team. Remote workers are often more loyal to your company since your company is their primary source of income.

7. Penetrate local markets

By hiring software developers from various locations around the world, you’re contributing positively to their local economy and building quality relationships that can help your company’s expansion in the future.

Embracing remote work will also help to increase your company’s profile and brand awareness. Remember, relationships lead to revenue.

Related post: Eight Best Countries for Outsourcing Software Development in 2023.

Final thoughts: Why should software teams switch to remote work in 2023?

Working remotely can bring significant benefits to your company, such as access to the best talents worldwide, increased productivity, reduced operating costs, improved employee morale, etc. These advantages can help your company accomplish its mission quickly.

Are you a U.S. company looking to build a remote software development team?  Turing can help you hire the pre-vetted, Silicon Valley-caliber developers at unmatched prices in just less than 3-5 days. Visit the Hire Developers page to know more!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a remote software team?

The first step in building a remote software team is finding a reliable developer job platform. Turing can help you hire remote developers with relevant skills and qualifications for your project at zero risk.

Finidi Lawson

Finidi is a writer who takes pride in writing meaningful and engaging content. He has worked for brands across verticals like Auslogics Software, Revioly, etc.

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