
Why should you include games in candidate assessment?

Ashwin Dua
26 Feb 20245 mins read
Leadership and productivity
Talent onboarding and operations

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How can you use games in candidate assessment? What is a game performance assessment instrument? Why is game-based assessment important? What are the benefits of game-based assessments? How are game-based assessments different from traditional assessments?

This blog post will help you answer all these questions. 

What are game-based assessments?

Game-based assessments use a range of interactive tasks and games to assess the abilities and skills of different candidates. By using gaming technology, organizations can learn how suitable candidates are for different job roles.

Importance of games for candidate assessment

Games can measure natural abilities in candidate assessment.

How are game-based assessments different from traditional assessments?

Traditional assessments usually include questions related to candidates’ personalities or prior work experience and behavior. Such assessments are self-reporting and may not reveal a candidate’s natural traits and abilities.

On the other hand, game-based assessments ask zero personal questions and measure how candidates perform different tasks. Game-based candidate assessment tests can help employers learn first-hand the strengths and weaknesses of candidates.

What are the benefits of game-based candidate assessments?

1. Quick evaluation of different skills

Game-based assessments help you get a quick evaluation of all the traits and abilities measured during your performance. A game-based candidate assessment can measure a series of skills, including numerical skills, logical and analytical abilities, memory retention, and mental agility.

2. Assessments can be customized based on the candidate’s skill level

Intelligent game-based candidate assessment tests adapt to the performance of different candidates. Candidates who perform exceptionally well can complete tests quickly and unlock levels not built for average performers.

For example, if a candidate is able to complete hard levels quickly, game assessments can introduce even harder levels. At the same time, if a candidate is not able to complete hard assessments, they may get assessments of medium difficulty.

3. Reduces anxiety in candidates

Compared to traditional assessments, game-based assessments reduce anxiety as candidates approach them as a game instead of a test. Such candidate assessments need logical thinking and measure your natural response to navigating a problem.

4. Highlights candidates’ psychological strengths and weaknesses

Also, instead of giving test scores, game-based candidate assessment tests give insights into the psychological strengths and weaknesses of candidates. These psychological evaluations can help determine the right job role suitable for their traits and qualities.

5. Eliminates evaluation bias

Game-based assessments are free of bias with an objective assessment of a candidate’s data. There is no subjective bias that can arise from the interpretation of data provided by candidates. This includes subjective data on cover letters, resumes, and other information received from the candidate.

Also, games elicit authentic behavior instead of candidates behaving otherwise to please interviewers and managers. By using game-based assessments with artificial intelligence and machine learning, organizations can pair the natural abilities of candidates with predictive modeling to see how they will perform in the job. 

What personality traits do game-based candidate assessment tests measure?

Game-based candidate assessment tests measure the following personality traits:

1. Self-motivation

While assessing candidates for a job, it is important to know whether they will do their work thoroughly and meet deadlines. Game-based candidate assessments can measure the discipline and motivation of candidates after considering their game performance.

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2. Openness

Candidates must be flexible in their approach and open to suggestions to ensure that they can navigate problems as and when they arise. Game-based assessments can drop hints in to see whether candidates act as per the situation or stick to their own way of doing things.

3. Agreeableness

Game-based assessments include both interactive and story-based games that can measure characteristics like sympathy, kindness, cooperation, warmth, and consideration. By understanding the characteristics of different individuals, organizations can utilize them to the best of their competencies.

Related Post: 10 Amazing Virtual Team Building Games for Remote and Hybrid Teams

What are some common examples of game-based candidate assessment? 

Some common examples of game-based assessments include 

1. Simulated work environments

While assessing candidates for a job, simulated work environments can help you learn how candidates will behave in different situations at work.

Some of these tests may include simple choice-based answers, whereas others may require candidates to analyze the situation carefully, think, and then answer.

2. Strategy games

In candidate assessment, strategy games help you learn about the problem-solving abilities and creativity quotient of candidates. Different candidates can create different solutions to solve problems and give you insights into how they think and reason.

3. Bias-based games

Bias-based games help candidates learn about the different workplace and personality biases that can hinder growth and productivity in an organization.

By using various scenarios, such games can help candidates learn how to resolve different issues and build a positive and transparent work culture.

Related Post: How do Gaming Studios Hire Game Development Teams?


Games can be a great way to acquire get objective data and insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different candidates. Organizations can leverage game-based candidate assessments to find the right person for the job.

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1. Is it possible to manipulate game-based assessments?

It is not possible to manipulate game-based assessments as candidates immerse themselves in the game without thinking about direct response and its consequences. Such candidate assessments measure natural traits and skills without making the candidate consciously think about the response. 

2. What is a game performance assessment instrument?

The game performance assessment instrument helps you measure a player’s performance based on problem-solving and tactical skills. GPAI adapts to different games and considers things like individual and overall game performance indices, game performance analysis, nonlinearity, observer reliability, and usefulness of action.

Ashwin Dua

Ashwin is a content writer who has written several content types and has worked with clients like IRCTC, Hero Cycles, and Fortis Healthcare, among others.

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