
The 20 Best Enterprise Business Software

Subhasish Dutta
23 Feb 202414 mins read
Application and cloud
Leadership and productivity
Talent onboarding and operations

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Enterprise business software has become the benchmark of modern businesses. These applications help companies automate and manage tasks, increasing efficiency and profitability. According to Statista reports, IT spending on enterprise software has increased from US $221.51bn in 2009 to $856.03bn till January 2024. Furthermore, revenue in the enterprise software market is projected to reach US$271.80bn in 2024. These statistics indicate how businesses will continue to invest in enterprise software solutions to support essential business activities.

However, choosing the right software solution is critical to setting your business up for success. In this blog post, we’ll deep dive into the importance of enterprise software applications, and discuss the top 20 applications that have revolutionized the way businesses operate.

Let’s get started. 

What is enterprise software? 

What is enterprise software?

What is enterprise software?

Enterprise business software is an application designed for large-scale companies to support essential business activities, improving efficiency and collaboration. These applications are useful in completing tasks faster, eliminating errors, and providing deep insights. These features allow organizations to navigate business challenges and make data-driven decisions. 

Enterprise business software can support various business activities, including finance and accounting, marketing and sales, supply chain management, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, and project management, among others. 

Why is enterprise software important for your business? 

Why is enterprise software important for your business

Why is enterprise software important for your business?

In today’s tech-driven business world, enterprise business software can bring many benefits to your business. Let’s look at the most important benefits of enterprise applications.

1. Streamlines business operations

Enterprise business applications help businesses automate various tasks and streamline operations, reducing operation time significantly. As a result, your employees can focus on more complex and strategic activities. Moreover, by organizing data from various departments, enterprise software provides real-time access to critical data and facilitates data visualization and access to critical information.

2. Increases efficiency and productivity

By automating repetitive tasks, enterprise business software reduces human efforts and chances of errors, helping employees to accomplish tasks faster and more accurately. Additionally, multiple employees can work on these applications simultaneously, making it easier to collaborate, which increases efficiency and boosts productivity.

3. Improves decision making 

Every enterprise software comes with robust data analytics capabilities, making it easier to store, retrieve, and analyze data. These applications can be easily connected to various third-party data sources for seamless data collection and analysis. By analyzing the data, the stakeholders can make well-informed decisions.

4. Enhances customer experience

Enterprise applications provide a centralized database for customer information, which helps track customer behavior and preferences. This information enables businesses to customize their offering according to individual preferences. Moreover, most enterprise business software has communication tools like chatbots and customer portals that help businesses answer customer inquiries, generate support tickets, and facilitate quicker resolution of their complaints, resulting in enhanced user experience.

5. Ensures data security

Data security is critical for every business, and enterprise software comes with built-in security features that protect sensitive data. The access control feature restricts user access based on roles and responsibilities and ensures that only authorized persons can access specific data.

These applications also use data encryption that converts sensitive information into an unreadable format called “ciphertext” which can be deciphered only using an encryption key. Besides, enterprise software adheres to compliance requirements like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and other data protection frameworks ensuring the software complies with the highest security standards.

Top 20 enterprise business software solutions to stay ahead in the digital age

Top 20 enterprise business software solutions to stay ahead in the digital age

Top 20 enterprise business software solutions to stay ahead in the digital age

There are hundreds of enterprise software solutions available today. Each of them has unique capabilities and benefits. Here, we’ll look at the 20 most widely-used enterprise business applications.

1. Customer relationship management

1. Salesforce 

Salesforce is a premium CRM software used in various industries like finance, healthcare, retail, travel & hospitality, and telecommunications, among others. The application provides multiple functionalities, including marketing campaign management, lead management, customer support, and data analytics.

With its cloud-based infrastructure, intuitive and user-friendly dashboard, and extensive capabilities, the platform has become a go-to solution for businesses across various industries.

Key features:

  • Integrated CRM platform
  • AI and automation feature
  • Scalability and flexibility
  • Customizable dashboards and analytics
  • Mobile access and real-time collaboration
  • Integration with external systems and applications

2. HubSpot

HubSpot is a dedicated CRM solution for small businesses and enterprises. The platform has a wide range of tools that helps businesses streamline sales, marketing, and customer service, achieving their growth objectives. This enterprise business software has emerged as a leading player in customer relationship management, serving businesses across various industries.

Key features:

  • Inbound marketing tools for social media management, and lead generation
  • CRM system for managing customer interactions
  • Tools for sales analytics, lead management, and digital marketing
  • Customer service functionalities for tracking and handling customer complaints

3. Zendesk 

This all-in-one CRM tool is a comprehensive solution to manage sales and customer inquiries, provide resolutions, and track customer satisfaction metrics. This tool offers integrated features to create and optimize social media content that helps generate sales leads. Zendesk’s intuitive interface, customizable features, and advanced analytics empower businesses to manage customer service and sales efficiently.

Key features:

  • Multi-channel customer support: Email, chat phone, and social media
  • Integrated customer satisfaction surveys
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics
  • Integrated AI capabilities for automation and insights
  • Scalable infrastructure and customizable interface 

2. Project management

1. Asana

Asana is a popular enterprise business software used for project management. It facilitates team collaboration and enables team members to coordinate effectively. You can create tasks, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and manage task progress. The built-in communication system allows you to chat with their customer support. Asana’s intuitive user interface provides clarity and helps contributors monitor progress at a glance, fostering a culture of accountability and support.

Key features:

  • Task and subtask creation with contributors and due dates
  • Workload management and real-time status updates
  • Easy integration with apps like Slack, Google Drive, etc.
  • Built-in communication tools for team collaboration
  • Advanced reports and export features

2. Jira 

Jira is a powerful project management and workflow mapping tool. Many industries, including software development, logistics, analytics, healthcare, and others, use this application to manage their tasks. Atlassian created the tool initially for tracking bugs and managing issues in software development. However, they gradually included new features and developed it as a full-fledged project management tool. The intuitive dashboard and real-time visual data representation enable team members to track project progress and keep everyone on the same page.

Also, read: Jira vs Airtable: Which Is the Best Project Management Tool in 2024?

Key features:

  • Detailed reporting tools providing real-time insights
  • Data visualization
  • Customizable dashboards 
  • Seamless integrations with tools, including Slack, Trello, Google Sheets, etc.
  • Extensive customization options for workflows
  • Robust app ecosystem of add-ons
  • Data center deployment options

3. is a cloud-based project management platform that helps businesses manage their projects more efficiently. It has numerous collaboration tools, such as comments, chats, and file sharing, making it easier for team members to collaborate and track progress. Besides, integrates seamlessly with other apps, such as Salesforce, Slack, and Google Drive.

Key features:

  • Extensive range of project templates
  • Customizable dashboards for monitoring project progress
  • Integrated time tracking and workload management
  • Communication features like chat and comments
  • Real-time data visualizations
  • Seamless integration with other software

3. HR and recruitment

1. Greenhouse 

Greenhouse is a leading enterprise business software that enables hiring managers to streamline the recruitment process. From attracting and sourcing candidates to conducting interviews and onboarding new employees, this platform offers a comprehensive solution to manage the recruitment cycle. The powerful application tracking system provides pre-screening questions and customizable email templates, helping businesses save time and money. Moreover, the platform provides data-driven insights for making better hiring decisions.

Key features:

  • Applicant tracking system (ATS)
  • Interview scheduling and feedback collection 
  • Customizable email templates
  • Seamless integration with job boards and sourcing platforms
  • Easy to use and customizable user interface
  • Mobile application for use on the go

2. Deel 

Managing human resources for a global workforce is always challenging, but Deel does the job for you. From recruitment to payroll management, Deel offers a streamlined solution for companies hiring global talent. The global HR platform offers various tools for posting jobs, screening candidates, and interviews. Additionally, the platform helps HR managers with payroll management, taxes, and other compliance requirements in more than 150 countries.

Key features:

  • Seamless recruitment of international talent
  • Automated workflows and applicant tracking
  • Contract generation and management
  • Payroll management with compliance features in 150+ countries
  • Compliance with international labor laws and tax regulations
  • Intuitive dashboard for ease of use

4. Communication

1. Slack

Slack is a popular enterprise business software that streamlines communication between team members, especially working in a remote setup. The communication software allows instant messaging to an individual or a large audience. Besides, the tool comes with functionalities like audio, video conferencing, file sharing, appointment reminders, and automatic notifications, among others. You can also set up different channels like work, fun, important updates, etc for organized messaging.

Key features:

  • Channel-based conversation for focused discussions
  • Direct messaging and group conversation
  • Audio and video conferencing
  • Integration with applications like Google Drive for file sharing
  • Powerful search functionality for efficient collaboration

2. Zoom 

Zoom has revolutionized the way team members communicate and collaborate in a remote setup. Zoom’s user-friendly interface and powerful features have made it a popular choice among video conferencing software. Whether you want to arrange meetings, online training sessions, or webinars, Zoom can help you connect with people from across the globe in real time.

From screen sharing to file sharing, this modern communication tool offers cutting-edge features for conducting online meetings smoothly. The platform has a mobile application that allows you to attend meetings on the go.

Key features:

  • High-quality video and audio meetings
  • Breakout rooms for small group discussions
  • Allows recording of meetings and webinars
  • Screen sharing for seamless presentations
  • Gallery view for engaging meetings

5. Cloud services

1. AWS 

Amazon web service (AWS) is another popular enterprise business software used across industries. The platform provides ready cloud-based computing infrastructure that enables businesses to run their IT operations. This feature helps businesses save a significant amount for building their in-house IT infrastructure.From computing to storage solutions and IOT (Internet of Things), AWS provides a comprehensive suite of IT scalable and cost-effective tools and services. Moreover, with built-in encryption, firewalls, and access management features, AWS offers the utmost protection and peace of mind that businesses need in this digital era.

Key features:

  • Highly cost-effective with pay-as-you-go pricing model
  • Highly scalable, allows you to add or remove resources as needed
  • Provides robust security to your cloud resources
  • Global reach with more than 200 data centers 
  • Highly reliable service with 99.9% uptime

2. Microsoft Azure 

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing provider that offers highly scalable and cost-effective cloud computing services. The platform offers computing, storage, databases, and networking, helping you save a significant amount on your IT infrastructure. Azure’s end-to-end cloud solutions empower businesses to increase production, drive innovation, and transform business operations. Its seamless scalability allows you to scale up or down your resources, catering to your business’s evolving needs.

Key features:

  • Provides services, including storage, virtual machines, and networking
  • Supports multiple programming languages, and frameworks from Microsoft and third-party systems
  • Offers custom solutions to meet your specific business needs
  • Supports advanced analytics including streaming analytics and big data analytics
  • Flexible and scalabe cloud solutions
  • Data center security and threat protection

Also, read: Azure vs AWS: Which is Better?

6. Accounting software

1. Quickbook

Quickbook is a highly popular enterprise business software designed to help businesses maintain their accounts efficiently. This accounting software caters to businesses of all sizes to streamline inventory management, expense tracking, invoicing, payroll management, bill payment, and other accounting work. Apart from this, Quickbook provides various reports that help you track the financial performance of your business.

Key features:

  • Cloud-based application system allows you easy access from anywhere
  • Offers data snapshots and reporting features
  • Syncs with your bank account in real-time
  • User-friendly, intuitive user interface
  • Allows you to build customized reports

7. Content management system

1. WordPress

WordPress is among the top enterprise software that powers more than 40% of the world’s websites. From simple blogs to complex e-commerce stores, WordPress has simplified website creation and empowered millions of businesses to move to digital platforms. It has hundreds of free and premium themes and plugins that you can use to customize the look and functionality of your website. WordPress offers scalability, enabling users to add new features and content according to their business needs.

Key features:

  • Free to use and modify, helping you save big on website creation
  • SEO-friendly CMS
  • Customizable themes and plugins
  • Simple user interface
  • Large community support to get hep with queries 

8. ERP software

1. Oracle NetSuite

NetSuite is a cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that automates key operational processes like order management, financial management, production, supply chain, and procurement. The application enables businesses with real-time data visibility, helping them make data-driven decisions and enhance productivity. Additionally, NetSuite is a scalable software that allows businesses to scale up or down according to their business requirements.

Key features:

  • All-in-one business software that includes ERP, and CRM tools
  • Unified data view streamlines business operations and decision-making
  • Boosts productivity by automating key processes
  • The cloud-based system allows access from anywhere

9. Media solutions

1. Adobe Creative Suite 

When it comes to multimedia solutions, Adobe is your one-stop destination. Its creative software suite offers various services including graphic design, video editing, web development, and more. Adobe Photoshop is an industry-standard photo editing tool that helps design stunning images including complicated 3D designs. Adobe Premiere Pro is a powerful video editing software that helps convert raw footage into polished videos. The suite also comes with Adobe Dreamweaver for website design and development.

The intuitive user interface makes it easy for beginners to create and edit images, videos, and animations. Moreover, Adobe provides numerous tutorials and resources to help users get started.

Key features:

  • Comprehensive portfolio of editing and design tools
  • Cloud-based features for accessibility across devices
  • Wide range of support options including forums and tutorials
  • All-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites and applications
  • Subscription-based cost-effective services

10. Software repository

1. GitHub

GitHub is a web-based version control and collaboration tool where software developers can store and manage their codes. This open-source platform helps developers monitor the changes made to a project and roll back to previous versions of the code. The code repository also allows you to share the code with other developers to enhance collaboration. GitHub’s vibrant community of developers fosters learning, contribution, and problem-solving, providing a growth avenue for both novice and experienced developers.

Key features:

  • Enables the developer to track changes to build and debug software
  • Allows team members to work together within a shared space
  • Provides easy hosting of websites from repositories
  • Helps you automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows
  • Uses industry-leading security practices to protect your code

Also, read: GitLab vs GitHub: Similarities, Differences, Features, Use Cases, and More

11. Data visualization software

1. Power BI

Power BI is a business analytics tool that has revolutionized the way organizations analyze and utilize their data. Developed by Microsoft Corporation, this tool helps enterprises analyze data to gain critical insights that help in making data-driven decisions and solving complex business problems. Power BI can generate reports and dashboards that everyone can understand easily. The platform allows users to fetch data from a variety of sources, including Excel, SQL Server, and cloud-based data sources.

Key features:

  • Helps in creating user-friendly and customizable dashboards
  • Seamless integration with Microsoft and third-party data sources
  • Allows users with little technical knowledge to draw valuable insights
  • Enterprise-level security features for data protection
  • Allows real-time monitoring of business operations

Also, read: Power BI vs Tableau: Best Data Visualization Software for your Company 

12. Business management software

1. Zoho One 

Zoho One is an all-in-one business management software that helps businesses manage their operations from a single platform. Zoho One includes more than 40 tools covering everything including sales, marketing, accounting, and HR management, eliminating the need for investing in multiple standalone applications. The software suite automates tasks and streamlines operations, helping businesses improve efficiency and increase productivity. Its intelligent dashboard helps businesses get insights and data in one place.

Key features:

  • One system for managing almost every aspect of your business
  • Single-sign-on for all tools
  • Inbuilt AI assistant for providing business analytics
  • Strong security, data protection, and privacy controls
  • Customizable for your unique business needs

13. Online payment

1. Stripe

As businesses are going digital, the need for a secure, robust, and reliable online payment system has become indispensable. Stripe provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use payment system that allows businesses and individuals to accept payments online. It supports various online payment methods, including debit cards, credit cards, online banking, wallets like Apple Pay, and others. Furthermore, it has global coverage in more than 135 currencies.

Key features:

  • Supports a wide range of payment methods
  • Transparent and cost-efficient pay-per-use pricing
  • Advanced, AI-powered fraud detection technology
  • Provides insightful reports for business analytics
  • Developer-friendly with customizable AP


In the era of digital transformation, companies must adopt enterprise business software to maximize productivity, bring efficiency, reduce cost, and provide efficient customer service. These applications can also enable organizations to make data-driven decisions by providing real-time data and valuable insights. However, using the right software solutions is critical to business success since every company has unique requirements. In this blog, we discussed the top 20 enterprise software applications across various business functions, including project management, CRM, CMS, HR, and media solutions, among others.

However, out-of-the-shelf enterprise software solutions may not always cater to the unique needs and complexities of your organization. While the pre-build enterprise applications may capable to perform some tasks, they might lack the functionalities and features needed to meet the demands of your enterprise.

This could be due to varying needs across industries, or distinct business goals. In such cases, a more tailored approach could prove beneficial, and customized enterprise applications present a better option as they align with the specific requirements of your business.

Turing can help you build customized enterprise software applications tailored to your specific business needs. Our industry experts have built successful applications at the most prominent tech and IT service firms in the world. Join 900+ Fortune 500 companies and fast-growing startups that have trusted Turing for their engineering needs.

Subhasish Dutta

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