
Next JS vs React JS: Why you Must Transition from React to Next JS

Ankit Sahu
28 Feb 20244 mins read
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React JS and Next JS are popular JavaScript tools among front-end developers. They both help in building user interfaces (UI), but one of them overpowers the other. This post highlights the key points of the Next JS vs React JS battle and explains why you should transition to Next JS. 

Let’s dive in.

React JS

next js vs react js

React JS

Facebook built React JS, an open-source front-end JavaScript library, in 2012. Web pages and mobile applications commonly use React JS for development. 

However, React JS is only concerned with state management and rendering that information to the DOM. And so, building React apps usually requires extra libraries for routing and client-side functionality. 

Next JS

next js vs react js

Next JS

Next JS features include automatic building size optimization, faster developer compilation, a preview mode, static export, and pre-rendering.

Next JS vs React JS: A brief look

When combined with stream templating frameworks, React is a powerful tool. In addition, React JS is a solid alternative for creating dynamic web applications. However, developing appropriate documentation for React JS is tough due to frequent changes in technologies. Here are more reasons why Next JS wins in the Next JS vs React JS battle.

Next JS vs React JS: Ease of use

Creating web pages for a React JS project is pretty easy. You construct a component and then add it to the router to gain access. 

However, web page construction is even easier in Next JS. The process involves placing the page in the page folder and linking the relevant header component. Similarly, Next JS involves fewer codes. And thus, the project is easier to access and understand for developers.

Related post: React vs. Angular: Which JS Framework Should You Choose?

Next JS vs React JS: Speed

Image optimization, internationalization, and incremental static are characteristics of Next JS that help developers create quick and efficient applications. As a result, apps produced with Next JS are faster than React JS apps.

In addition, even though React JS provides client-side rendering, it is insufficient when working with several clients. 

Next JS vs React JS: Attributes

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

In Next JS, SSR pre-populates a page with custom content. It allows users to easily navigate a web page. Each data retrieval request is processed and supplied as HTML. This process reduces the time, making the product more accessible.

Static export (SSG)

Next JS combines SSR with SSG. It allows developers to create websites that render during development. Pre-rendering is not available in React JS. 

Search engine optimization

Next JS can boost the SEO ranking, thanks to both SSR and SSG functionalities.

Optimized bundling and code splitting

Next JS code is lightweight, and it’s simple to dismantle into smaller chunks. As a result, the code is uploaded in small, efficient bundles rather than in bulk. 

Next JS vs React JS: Documentation

Good documentation helps in understanding each software, its tools, and libraries. Fortunately, both React JS and Next JS have excellent documentation processes.

Next JS vs React JS: Development community

The development community for both Next JS and React JS is vast and resourceful. The insights shared within the community are helpful for developers to learn and clear their doubts. 

Next JS vs React JS: Development cost

Both Next JS and React JS are open-source development platforms, meaning they have cheap to no development costs. At the same time, it is not expensive to switch from React JS to Next JS. 

Related post: Vue vs React: Which Framework to Choose and When

What are the applications of Next JS?

Next JS is gaining popularity and recognition at an incredible rate. Apps built on this platform are fast and have server-side rendering, making them dependable and simple to use. There are many other applications of Next JS, including:

Create landing pages

Nowadays, Next JS is commonly used to create landing pages or other marketing-focused pages because of its high-speed and static site construction features.

Create online eCommerce stores

Next JS has an e-commerce starter kit that enables developers to create high-performing, SEO-friendly, user-friendly online storefronts.

Create fast websites

The load time for Next JS is less because it can display the program on the server. This feature is useful for all visitors. It is especially useful for people with slow gadgets because the pages load faster with Next JS. 

In sum

We have attempted to present a comprehensive comparison of Next JS vs React JS in this post. Both provide loads of features and support for developers, but choosing the right framework depends on your requirements. 

React JS offers better developer support, whereas Next JS offers better features. While React allows developers to construct things the way they want, the special tools and conventions with Next JS make it much more user-friendly. 

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Ankit Sahu

Ankit is a writer and editor who has contributed his expertise to Govt of India, Reebok, Abbott, TimesPro, Chitale Bandhu, InsideAIML, Kolte Patil Dev., etc.

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