
Turing Launches Deep Developer Profiles and Virtual Machines

Turing Staff
16 Jun 20224 mins read
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Turing pioneers deep developer profiles and virtual machines to speed-up hiring of remote developers, secure code, and ensure productivity.

Turing is delighted to debut several key new features for its automated talent-cloud platform; its new features include deep developer profiles and virtual machine capabilities. These exciting new capabilities will further enhance the company’s ability to match pre-vetted, highly-skilled software developers from around the world to startups and enterprise companies. Turing’s co-founder and CEO Jonathan Siddharth explained, “Our deep developer profiles help fast-scaling startups and enterprises that need to quickly hire high-caliber software engineers find their ideal matches through a rich profile that goes way beyond what can be gleaned from a resume and interview. Our new Turing Virtual Machines give our customers peace of mind by securing their code and ensuring developer productivity.”

Fast-tracking the matching process with deep developer profiles

Turing deep developer profile

Where Facebook and Uber build deep user profiles, Turing creates deep developer profiles. The new deep developer profiles are designed to bring forth maximum speed, efficiency, and accuracy in matching top engineers to the best Silicon Valley and US-based firms. Each profile comprises an exhaustive set of indicators and benchmarks, such as skill-level test scores, communication skills assessments, live coding sessions, and much more. 

Manually assembling candidate profiles at this scale and magnitude would require mammoth manpower. What makes Turing’s deep developer profiles possible is its AI-driven software, which automatically  — and seamlessly — compiles candidate profiles. Moreover, unlike conventional profiles, which remain static and require manual updates, Turing’s deep developer profiles are dynamic. For instance, each time a developer picks up a new skill or acquires more experience, their developer profile instantly reflects that. To make future matches all the more accurate, the profiles are also continually updated with on-the-job performance data. The dynamic and comprehensive nature of Turing’s deep developer profiles is a class apart in the industry. 

Enforcing code security and monitoring productivity with virtual machines

Turing Virtual Machines

Until now, code security has remained one of the prime concerns of employing software developers remotely. With Turing’s virtual machines, the risks become much more manageable. Turing’s virtual machines create a secure and powerful software development environment for its engineers. Here, software developers work on a platform over which the hiring company has complete control. Consequently, no piece of code can be copied or transferred to a different device without explicit permission from the hiring company. The platform also gives companies eagle-eyed visibility into their developers’ work and enables them to automatically and regularly track employee productivity. This way, hiring companies can effortlessly collaborate with Turing’s developers and keep tabs on their progress, without worrying about code security. 

Turing Virtual Machines

Until now, code security has remained one of the prime concerns of employing software developers remotely. With Turing’s virtual machines, the risks become much more manageable. Turing’s virtual machines create a secure and powerful software development environment for its engineers. Here, software developers work on a platform over which the hiring company has complete control. Consequently, no piece of code can be copied or transferred to a different device without explicit permission from the hiring company. The platform also gives companies eagle-eyed visibility into their developers’ work and enables them to automatically and regularly track employee productivity. This way, hiring companies can effortlessly collaborate with Turing’s developers and keep tabs on their progress, without worrying about code security. 

Lastly, Turing’s virtual machines create a powerful coding environment for developers who might be otherwise unable to procure one. Now, talented software developers from regions with limited access to resources need not be constrained by a lack of high-end hardware. 

And that’s not all. Turing’s platform update also boasts of new features like enhanced developer stand-up meeting capabilities, a more sophisticated time-tracker, and superior functionalities surrounding bi-weekly productivity check-ins and quarterly performance reviews.

Reinventing the IT service sector with software & data science

Turing has pioneered a new category of software solutions by enabling companies to merely push a button to hire and manage teams in the cloud. True to its core company value of ‘continuous improvement,’ the firm continues to innovate new and novel software solutions like deep developer profiles and virtual machines. With Turing, co-founders Jonathan and Vijay Krishnan are building a deep jobs platform that offers tools and resources for every step of the employment lifecycle, all the way from onboarding and timezone management to productivity tracking and performance mapping. 

If you’re a company looking to build a world-class team of software engineers, you can, with Turing, hire senior, pre-vetted remote developers from a talent pool of 200,000 engineers at the push of a button. If you’re an exceptionally talented software engineer who wants to take the global tech market by storm, you can apply to top remote Turing jobs now. 

About is an automated platform that lets companies “push a button” to hire and manage remote software developers. Turing uses data science to automatically source, vet, match, and manage remote developers worldwide. Turing has 200,000 developers on the platform from 10,000 cities in the world. Turing’s mission is to help every remote-first technology company build boundaryless teams and to democratize opportunity for software developers all over the world. Turing’s investors include WestBridge Capital, Foundation Capital, Adam D’Angelo, Facebook’s first CTO & CEO of Quora; Gokul Rajaram; Cyan Banister; Beerud Sheth, founder of Upwork; Jeff Morris Jr.; as well as executives from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and Amazon. TechCrunch, The Information, Entrepreneur, and other major publications have profiled Turing.

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