
5 Tips for Beginners to Improve Programming Logic

Ankit Sahu
20 Feb 20246 mins read
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What are the 5 steps in the programming method? How can I be good at programming logic? What are the basics of programming logic? How should a beginner start programming?

Looking for answers to such questions? Keep reading.

A collection of rules in computer systems, also known as programming logic, specifies the order in which certain components should be placed to enable the computer hardware to carry out particular tasks. In other words, programming logic is applying rules in a systematic way to produce a workable outcome.

Programming logic gets better with practice. However, practice is not the only way to ace the programming logic skill. Many junior developers struggle to grasp development skills at the beginning of their careers due to a lack of guidance. So, here are five solid ways to become an effective programmer and improve your programming skills. 

5 tips to improve your programming logic

Therefore, understanding and using logic in programming is a crucial requirement to become a good front-end or back-end developer. To do the same, follow these five tips diligently.

1. Hang on to the problem

Programming allows you to break large problems into smaller ones, which you can attempt to solve separately. To solve the issue at hand, all you have to do is write the program’s pseudo-codes. Start by resolving the simpler problems before moving on to the more challenging ones. But make sure to never give up. Your logical reasoning in programming will advance as you face more challenging problems. Also, this step will help you understand how to implement logical reasoning in programming.

2. Stimulate your mind with online video games

Games like Among Us, Lumosity, CogniFit, 2048, Limbo, Chess, checkers, and more demand a lot of reasoning skills. So, play video games often to sharpen your reasoning skills and concentration. You can use them to complete your mental workout or release your stress. 

3. Participate in coding challenges more often.

Working on coding problems is quite helpful because doing so will allow you to exercise your logical mind. Several websites host interesting coding challenges. These sites also let you view the solutions provided by other programmers. After review, you can compare your code with their code and become more rational in your thinking.

Seven popular coding challenge websites:

  1. TopCoder
  2. Coderbyte
  3. Project Euler
  4. CodeChef
  6. Codewars
  7. LeetCode

In addition, attempt some of the toughest coding tasks and bug bounty programs that Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and other big techs offer, to take your coding challenge to the next level. You can also attempt the coding interview question commonly asked by big tech companies. Read this post on ten tips to crack a software developer job interview for more information.

4. Read books and white papers to identify and solve problems

The programming books and white papers contain a ton of solved examples that can help you develop your programming logic. Most times, such study materials also mention their approach to solving programming problems, which come in handy when you wish to look at problems from a different perspective. Therefore, refer to examples given in books and white papers to co-relate the programming problem at hand and try to solve it with the underlying method. Five popular books to improve your programming skills:

  1. Programming Challenges by Steven Skiena
  2. Programming Logic and Design by Joyce Farrell
  3. Starting Out With Programming Logic and Design by Tony Gaddis
  4. Introduction to Logic Programming by Michael Genesereth and Vinay K. Chaudhri
  5. Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with Prolog by David Maier and David S. Warren

5. Look at other people’s code.

If nothing works out, use this step as your last resort.

Read, examine, and imitate other people’s code while practicing because doing so will help you improve your programming skills. One of the most well-known programming platforms is GitHub, where you can find many excellent projects and a large number of programmers that can quickly and efficiently tackle even the most challenging problems.

Related post: How to Simplify Code Complexity: Avoid These Complexity Pitfalls

Additional tips for improving your logic in programming

In addition to these five suggestions, you can strengthen your programming logic by learning more about data structures, algorithms, and programming paradigms. 

1. Data structures

Your understanding will improve if you study programming solutions, particularly those with outlined advantages and disadvantages. You can follow the underlying logic by examining existing algorithms and their related data structures. Following this practice will improve your programming reasoning.

2. Algorithms

A sorting algorithm is a good place to start understanding algorithms. Use a deck of cards, as a means to visualize the algorithm. A sorting algorithm’s random numbers are simulated by shuffling a deck of cards. Use the cards and programming logic until you fully comprehend the operation of the algorithm.

3. Programming paradigms

Programming paradigms are models that have distinct methods for solving problems. The four most common programming paradigms are:

  1. Procedural programming, often known as a top-down paradigm, is a programming style that makes use of procedure calls and divides instructions into subroutines. 
  2. A framework programming known as object-oriented programming considers objects to be instances of classes. The state and behavior of the class are included in the objects. 
  3. Pure function-based mathematical constructs are known as functional programming paradigms. A list of inputs is provided to pure functions, which then wait for a return value. 
  4. Logical programming paradigms use statements to convey rules that have mathematical roots.


Feeding the logic in your programs is not that difficult. There are numerous ways to develop your programming abilities. In this blog post, we’ve only covered the most common tips. Feel free to share more tips that helped you strengthen your programming skills in the comments. 

If you are a skilled software developer looking for a remote job, join Turing. With Turing,  you will get collaborate with the world’s best programmers and work on some of the most rewarding development jobs out there. Visit the Apply for Jobs page at 


1. What are the 5 steps in the programming method?

There are five main ingredients in the programming process:
1. Defining the problem
2. Planning the solution
3. Coding the program
4. Testing the program
5. Documenting the program

2. What are the basics of programming logic?

A collection of rules known as programming logic specifies the order in which certain components should be placed to enable a computer to carry out particular tasks. Programming logic or formal logic both involve applying rules in a systematic way to produce a workable outcome.

3. How should a beginner start programming?

Follow these steps to start programming: 
1. Figure out why you want to learn to code
2. Choose an in-demand programming language
3. Take online courses
4. Watch video tutorials
5. Read books and ebooks
6. Use tools to practice coding
7. Check out how other people code
8. Complete coding projects

Ankit Sahu

Ankit is a writer and editor who has contributed his expertise to Govt of India, Reebok, Abbott, TimesPro, Chitale Bandhu, InsideAIML, Kolte Patil Dev., etc.

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