Kedar Kanekar


About Kedar Kanekar

Kedar is a skilled technical content writer and a social media marketer. He has worked with Apollo Hospitals, upGrad, Lumina Datamatics, and other companies.

Software Comparisons

PHP vs ASP.NET: Which is Better?

PHP vs ASP.NET: PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development. ASP.NET is a framework developed by Microsoft for building dynamic web apps.

The PHP vs ASP.NET battle has intrigued developers for years. As you know, PHP and ASP.NET are popular technologies for building dynamic web apps. Each technology has its own strengths and caters to different types of software projects. While PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development, ASP.NET is a framework developed by Microsoft for building dynamic web apps.

This blog post compares PHP and ASP.NET across several parameters like performance, scalability, frameworks, libraries, cost, database integration, and ORM to help you make the best choice for your project. Keep reading to know more.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is PHP?
  2. What is ASP.NET?
  3. PHP vs ASP.NET: Performance and scalability 
  4. PHP vs ASP.NET: Frameworks and libraries
  5. PHP vs ASP.NET: Cost Comparison
  6. PHP vs ASP.NET: Database Integration and ORM
  7. PHP vs ASP.NET: Security and Vulnerability
  8. PHP vs ASP.NET: Language Syntax and Development Environment
  9. PHP pros and cons
  10. ASP.NET pros and cons
  11. Bottom Line
  12. PHP vs ASP.NET: Which is better for a job?
  13. FAQs

What is PHP?

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open-source scripting language that’s great for web development. PHP is generally used for building web servers. Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian programmer, built PHP in 1994. 

PHP stands out from other in-demand programming languages because it can be embedded into HTML code, which simplifies the creation of dynamic web pages.  But that’s not all. PHP is known for its simplicity and ease of use, and so, it is a popular choice for beginners. The language is also highly flexible and supports a wide range of databases. These features make it suitable for a range of web development projects. 

What’s more, PHP has a large community. In other words, there are plenty of resources, libraries, and frameworks out there to help you speed up your development process.

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side framework developed by Microsoft for building dynamic websites, web applications, and services. ASP stands for Active Server Pages Network Enabled Technologies. ASP.NET is built with the CLR (Common Language Runtime), as it allows programmers to write ASP code using any .NET language.

ASP.NET is known for its robustness and efficiency, and so, it is a great choice for enterprise-level applications. The framework offers several features that simplify web development, such as easy form submission, built-in security mechanisms, and state management. A notable feature of ASP.NET is that it can notify errors before compilation and has built-in caching features. 

As it is a Microsoft product, ASP.NET integrates well with other Microsoft technologies, and it’s backed by professional support. 

PHP vs ASP.NET: Performance and scalability comparison

PHP vs ASP.NET: Performance and scalability comparison

PHP vs ASP.NET: Performance and scalability comparison

To compare PHP vs ASP.NET on the basis of performance, we will have to factor in speed, memory usage, and response time. Both PHP and ASP.NET have their own runtime environments and optimizations that can affect performance.

  • PHP is known for its lightweight nature and fast execution speed, especially when coupled with opcode caching mechanisms.
  • ASP.NET offers performance optimization features such as just-in-time (JIT) compilation and server-side caching, which can enhance application performance.
  • Scalability refers to a system’s ability to handle increasing workloads and growing demands without performance degradation.
  • PHP and ASP.NET both have the capacity to scale, but ASP.NET’s scalability capabilities are often attributed to its integration with Microsoft technologies like Windows Server, IIS, and SQL Server.
  • Factors such as implementation, coding practices, and hardware infrastructure can impact the performance and scalability of both PHP and ASP.NET applications.
  • Conducting performance testing and optimization specific to your project’s requirements is crucial for achieving optimal performance and scalability.

Also, read: Popular SQL Certifications for Your Data Career in 2023 

PHP’s lightweight nature and fast execution, along with ASP.NET’s performance optimization features, contribute to their respective performance advantages. Both PHP and ASP.NET have scalability capabilities, with ASP.NET benefitting from its integration with Microsoft technologies. Careful consideration and testing are essential to ensure optimal performance and scalability in your web development projects using PHP or ASP.NET.

PHP vs ASP.NET: Frameworks and libraries

PHP vs ASP.NET: Frameworks and libraries

PHP vs ASP.NET: Frameworks and libraries

Frameworks and libraries play a crucial role in web development as they provide pre-built components, tools, and structures to expedite the development process and enhance code organization. 

  • PHP has frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, and Yii, offering features for web application development.
  • ASP.NET provides frameworks like ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core, following the MVC pattern.

Also, read: MVC vs. Flux vs. Redux: What Should You Pick?

  • PHP has a vibrant library ecosystem, including Guzzle for HTTP requests and PHPUnit for testing.
  • ASP.NET benefits from libraries like Entity Framework for ORM and SignalR for real-time communication.

Both PHP and ASP.NET benefit from a vast selection of libraries that can be integrated into projects to extend their functionality. PHP has a vibrant community-driven ecosystem with libraries like Guzzle for HTTP requests, Twig for templating, and PHPUnit for testing. Similarly, ASP.NET benefits from libraries like Entity Framework for object-relational mapping (ORM), SignalR for real-time communication, and AutoMapper for object-object mapping.

Consider factors like community support, documentation, and integration ease when choosing a framework or library. PHP’s lightweight nature and fast execution, along with frameworks like Laravel, provide performance advantages. ASP.NET’s features, like JIT compilation and caching, contribute to its performance. Both PHP and ASP.NET offer frameworks and libraries, with PHP having a diverse ecosystem and ASP.NET providing options like MVC and Core. Consider community support and integration ease when selecting a framework or library for your project.

PHP vs ASP.NET: Cost comparison

PHP vs ASP.NET: Cost Comparison

PHP vs ASP.NET: Cost comparison

When evaluating programming languages and frameworks for web development, cost considerations are an important factor to take into account. Let’s explore the cost implications associated with PHP and ASP.NET development.

  • PHP, being open-source, is cost-effective with no licensing fees.
  • PHP benefits from a large community and free resources.
  • PHP can be deployed on various free or low-cost web servers.
  • ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft, may involve licensing costs for Windows Server and Microsoft IIS.
  • ASP.NET offers enterprise-level features and integrations with Microsoft technologies.
  • ASP.NET development may require specialized knowledge and experienced developers, potentially increasing costs.
  • PHP has a larger talent pool, making it easier to find developers at various price points.
  • Hiring ASP.NET developers may involve higher costs due to the demand and expertise required.

Consider project requirements, budget, and long-term goals when evaluating cost-effectiveness.

PHP generally provides a more cost-effective solution, while ASP.NET offers added value within the Microsoft ecosystem.

PHP’s open-source nature, lack of licensing fees, and larger talent pool contribute to its cost-effectiveness. ASP.NET, with potential licensing costs and demand for specialized developers, offers enterprise-level features and integration possibilities within the Microsoft ecosystem. Evaluating specific project requirements and long-term goals will help determine the most suitable and cost-effective option between PHP and ASP.NET.

PHP vs ASP.NET: Database integration and ORM

PHP vs ASP.NET: Database integration and ORM

PHP vs ASP.NET: Database integration and ORM

Database integration and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) are crucial aspects of web development, as they facilitate the interaction between the application and the underlying database. 

  • PHP provides various options for database integration, including native extensions like MySQLi and PDO (PHP Data Objects).
  • PHP frameworks like Laravel offer built-in ORM functionality, such as Eloquent, allowing developers to work with databases using object-oriented techniques.
  • ASP.NET offers Entity Framework, a powerful ORM tool that simplifies database interactions by mapping database entities to object models.
  • Entity Framework supports multiple database providers, including Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and more.
  • ASP.NET also provides LINQ (Language-Integrated Query), a feature that allows developers to query databases using a familiar syntax within their code.

Both PHP and ASP.NET support standard SQL queries for direct database interaction when needed. Consider factors like database preference, ORM requirements, and available tooling when choosing between PHP and ASP.NET for database integration and ORM.

Also, read: Best VS Code Shortcuts and Productivity Hacks for 2023 

PHP provides database integration options like MySQLi and PDO, along with ORM capabilities offered by frameworks like Laravel. ASP.NET offers Entity Framework as a powerful ORM tool and supports multiple database providers. Consider your specific database needs and preferences when evaluating the database integration and ORM features of PHP and ASP.NET.

Also, read: CakePHP vs Laravel: Here’s What You Should Know about These Popular PHP Frameworks 

PHP vs ASP.NET: Security and vulnerability

PHP vs ASP.NET: Security and vulnerability

PHP vs ASP.NET: Security and vulnerability

Security is a critical aspect of web development, and understanding the security features and vulnerabilities of programming languages and frameworks is essential. 

  • PHP has a strong focus on security, with regular updates and patches addressing identified vulnerabilities.
  • PHP provides various built-in security features, such as input validation functions and output encoding mechanisms, to mitigate common security risks like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. However, PHP’s flexibility and ease of use can lead to vulnerabilities if not used correctly, making secure coding practices crucial.
  • ASP.NET, backed by Microsoft, emphasizes security and incorporates numerous security features.
  • ASP.NET provides protection against common vulnerabilities like XSS and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) through built-in request validation and anti-forgery token mechanisms.
  • Additionally, ASP.NET benefits from Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), ensuring regular security updates and adherence to best practices.
  • Both PHP and ASP.NET offer security guidelines and resources to assist developers in implementing secure coding practices.

It’s important for developers to stay updated on the latest security practices, follow secure coding guidelines, and conduct regular security audits to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. PHP and ASP.NET prioritize security and offer built-in features to mitigate common vulnerabilities. PHP’s flexibility requires developers to follow secure coding practices diligently. ASP.NET, backed by Microsoft, provides robust security features and benefits from regular updates and best practices. Adhering to secure coding practices and staying informed about the latest security measures is crucial for developing secure applications using PHP or ASP.NET.

PHP vs ASP.NET: Language syntax and development environment

PHP vs ASP.NET: Language syntax and development environment

PHP vs ASP.NET: Language syntax and development environment

The syntax of a programming language and the development environment can significantly impact the coding experience and productivity.

  • PHP uses a syntax similar to C and Perl, making it relatively easy for developers familiar with these languages to transition to PHP. It features simple and readable syntax, allowing developers to write code quickly and efficiently.
  • PHP is a server-side scripting language that is embedded within HTML. This integration enables developers to mix PHP code with HTML seamlessly, simplifying web development tasks.
  • PHP is primarily executed on web servers, and developers can run PHP code on various web servers like Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS.
  • ASP.NET, on the other hand, uses a syntax similar to C#, a modern, object-oriented programming language. It offers a strongly typed and expressive syntax, facilitating robust and maintainable code.
  • ASP.NET is a web application framework that allows developers to build dynamic websites and web applications. It provides a comprehensive development environment, including Visual Studio, a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with features like code debugging, IntelliSense, and project management tools.
  • Visual Studio offers seamless integration with other Microsoft tools and technologies, providing a cohesive development experience for ASP.NET developers.
  • PHP has a range of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) available, such as PhpStorm, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text, which offer features like code completion, debugging, and syntax highlighting.
  • Both PHP and ASP.NET benefit from a variety of development tools, extensions, and plugins that enhance the coding experience and productivity.

PHP’s syntax is simple and readable, with easy integration within HTML, while ASP.NET uses a syntax similar to C# and offers a comprehensive development environment with Visual Studio. Developers can choose from various IDEs and tools to work with both PHP and ASP.NET, ensuring an efficient and productive coding experience.

PHP Pros and cons

PHP Pros and Cons

PHP Pros and Cons

Pros of PHP

  • Easy to Learn and Use: PHP has a relatively gentle learning curve, making it accessible to beginners. It has a syntax similar to C and is widely documented, with numerous online resources and communities for support.
  • Large Developer Community: PHP has a vast and active developer community, which means there are extensive libraries, frameworks, and resources available. This community support can help developers solve problems and accelerate development.
  • Platform Independence: PHP is platform-independent, meaning it can run on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and Unix. It also supports multiple web servers, such as Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS.
  • Database Integration: PHP has built-in support for a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite. This makes it convenient for interacting with databases and developing database-driven applications.

Cons of PHP

  • Inconsistent Standard Library: PHP’s standard library can be inconsistent in terms of naming conventions, function parameters, and overall design. This inconsistency can make it challenging for developers to maintain code consistency and may require additional effort to ensure code quality.
  • Potential Security Vulnerabilities: PHP’s popularity has made it a target for security attacks. Writing secure PHP code requires strict adherence to security practices, such as input validation, output encoding, and proper handling of user data, to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Performance: While PHP has improved its performance over the years, it may not be as fast as some other programming languages. However, with proper optimization techniques, caching mechanisms, and efficient coding practices, performance concerns can be mitigated.
  • Scalability: PHP’s scalability can be a concern for handling large-scale applications with high traffic. While there are solutions like load balancing and caching mechanisms, scaling PHP applications may require additional architectural considerations and infrastructure resources.

ASP.NET Pros and cons

ASP.NET Pros and Cons

ASP.NET Pros and Cons

Pros of ASP.NET

  • Robust Framework: ASP.NET provides a robust and comprehensive framework for building web applications. It offers a wide range of features, tools, and libraries that aid in rapid development and makes it easier to create complex applications.
  • Seamless Integration with Microsoft Technologies: ASP.NET integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft technologies such as Windows servers, SQL Server, and Active Directory. This allows for smooth interoperability and leveraging of the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • High Performance: ASP.NET is known for its high performance and scalability. It is optimized for handling large-scale applications and can efficiently handle high traffic loads. It also offers features like caching and session management to further enhance performance.
  • Strong Security Features: ASP.NET has built-in security mechanisms and features to protect applications from common web vulnerabilities. It provides robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, input validation, and protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Cons of ASP.NET

  • Learning Curve: ASP.NET can have a steeper learning curve compared to some other web development frameworks. It requires a good understanding of the .NET framework and its concepts. However, with proper learning resources and guidance, developers can quickly grasp the fundamentals.
  • Windows Server Dependency: ASP.NET applications typically run on Windows servers, which can be a limitation if you prefer a different server environment. Although efforts have been made to make ASP.NET cross-platform with the introduction of .NET Core, it may still require additional configuration and setup.
  • Cost: Some versions of ASP.NET, such as the enterprise-level editions, can be costly. However, there are also free versions available, such as the open-source ASP.NET Core, which reduces licensing expenses.
  • Vendor Lock-In: Since ASP.NET is a Microsoft technology, it can lead to vendor lock-in. This means that migrating an application to a different platform or technology stack may require more effort and resources.

Bottom line

In summary, PHP and ASP.NET are popular because they offer powerful features for web development. PHP is appreciated for its simplicity and flexibility, making it a good choice for a wide range of web applications. As a scripting language, PHP is best suited for server-side programming.

ASP.NET, on the other hand, is known for its robustness and efficiency, making it suitable for building large-scale, enterprise-level applications. As a server-side web application framework, ASP.NET is ideal for creating web services, web resources, and APIs.

PHP vs ASP.NET: Which is better for a job?

Absolutely! Both PHP and ASP.NET developers are in good demand! Both PHP and ASP.NET are popular in the web development industry, and developers with skills in these languages can find excellent job opportunities in various organizations and sectors that rely on web application development.

Are you a software developer looking for remote PHP jobs

Or are you looking for remote ASP.NET jobs instead?  

We’ve got you covered. Top US companies are waiting to hire PHP and ASP.NET developers like you. Sign up on Turing today. For more information, visit the Apply for Jobs page.


  1. Which is the best, PHP or ASP.NET?
    PHP is perfect for small and medium-scale enterprises, while ASP.NET is ideal for large-scale companies.

  2. Which is faster, ASP.NET or PHP?
    ASP.NET performs comparatively faster than PHP; because compiled languages are usually faster than interpreted languages.

  3. Which is easier to learn: ASP.NET or PHP?
    ASP.NET has a steep learning curve and is, overall, difficult to master. On the other hand, PHP is simpler and easier to learn and apply. 

  4. When to use PHP?
    PHP is used for server-side programming, dynamic content generation, and database interaction, making it suitable for web development. ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft, is ideal for building robust, scalable web applications, especially when integrating with Microsoft technologies like Windows servers, SQL Server, and Active Directory. It offers features for enterprise-level applications, including built-in security, data access through Entity Framework, and support for multi-tier architecture.

  5. When to use ASP.NET?
    ASP.NET is a powerful framework for building secure and scalable web applications, particularly when integrating with Microsoft technologies like Windows servers, SQL Server, and Active Directory. It provides enterprise-level features such as built-in security, seamless data access through Entity Framework, and support for multi-tier architecture. ASP.NET offers options like Web Forms for rapid development and MVC for structured and testable applications, making it a versatile choice for various web development needs.

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By Jul 19, 2023
Svelte vs React Which JavaScript Framework Is Better
Software Comparisons

Svelte vs React: Which JavaScript Framework Is Better?

Svelte vs React: Svelte is a front-end JavaScript compiler, simple and easy to use. React is a front-end JavaScript library that uses 3rd-party components.

Svelte vs React: What is Svelte used for? Is Svelte better than React? Why is Svelte so good? What makes Svelte different? Find answers to these questions, and more information, in the article below.

Svelte is a free and open-source front-end compiler based on JavaScript language. React is a front-end JavaScript library that uses multiple third-party components to design UI elements. The article explains the differences between Svelte vs React in detail. 

Developers use JavaScript frameworks like Svelte and React to create, design, and code functional websites. Knowing the difference between Svelte and React would help web developers decide which frameworks to choose.

Table of Contents

Svelte vs React: What is Svelte?

Developed by Rich Harris in 2016, Svelte is a free, open-source front-end compiler. Svelte compiles HTML templates to create unique code that manipulates the Document Object Model directly. Unlike traditional JavaScript frameworks like React, Svelte avoids overheads associated with the virtual DOM. 

The way Svelte operates reduces the transferred file size and offers better client performance. The compiler processes the application code inserts calls to automatically update the data, and re-renders UI elements affected by that data. Svelte is written in the TypeScript language, a superset of JavaScript. 

When should you use Svelte?

Svelte is known for simplicity, as its code closely resembles Vanilla JavaScript. Svelte allows developers to complete their objectives with fewer lines of code. Developers should use Svelte if they are targeting a very small package size for their website.

Programs written in Svelte are useful for application in low-capacity or low-power devices. Svelte tools and frameworks provide enhanced control over state management, routing, and building customized infrastructure. Svelte is useful for DOM manipulation, reactive frameworks, and emerging markets. 

Which companies use Svelte?

Major companies such as Yahoo, Rakuten, Bloomberg, Meta, Apple, The New York Times, Square, ByteDance, Spotify, Reuters, Ikea, Brave, and others rely on Svelte for their websites. Companies prefer Svelte because it converts the application’s code to ideal JavaScript while coding. Thus, framework abstractions do not hamper the performance of apps written in Svelte.

Svelte vs React: What is React?

Developers use React as a front-end JavaScript library to build user interfaces. The Meta (Facebook) maintains the UI components, and a community of developers and organizations work together to release improved versions. React is used as a base for developing websites, mobile applications, and server-rendered apps. 

React is useful for state management and for rendering that state onto the DOM. The development of React applications requires the usage of additional libraries. The knowledge of routing, client-side coding, and design patterns is a prerequisite for developing React components.

Also, read: Top 25 ReactJS Questions and Answers for 2023

When should you use React?

React is a flexible component library that is perfect for state management. Thus, websites and apps that use React components can exchange data without reloading the page. React should be used for user interfaces that require a lot of user interaction. 

React corresponds to ‘view’ in the model-view-controller. Thus, managing lower-level algorithms with React is easy, and coding is required only for the interface’s view model. React’s Virtual DOM improves website performance and reduces lags to enhance loading times. 

Which companies use React?

Highly successful organizations like Meta, Instagram, Salesforce, Shopify, Discord, Skype, and Pinterest use React to develop user interfaces. Due to the availability of a large number of developers globally, companies prefer React to create the front-end part of their websites. 

React is fast, easy to implement, and scalable, making it a popular choice among developers and organizations. 

Also, read: Why You Should Use ReactJS for Your Projects.

Svelte vs. React: Which is better? 

React and Svelte are both popular choices for building modern web applications. While they have similarities, they differ in key areas such as learning curve, performance, bundle size, state management, tooling and ecosystem, developer experience, and debugging

Developers may choose one of these frameworks over the other based on multiple factors and preferences. Let us compare their differences to help you choose the right JavaScript framework for your projects.

Difference between Svelte and React

Difference between Svelte and React

Learning curve

Let’s start with the Svelte vs React syntax differences first. React has a steep learning curve, especially for developers who are new to the world of front-end development. It requires a good understanding of JavaScript and the ability to work with complex state management. However, once developers are familiar with React, they can build complex UIs quickly and efficiently.

Svelte, on the other hand, has a relatively low learning curve. Its template language is easy to learn, and developers can quickly get up to speed with the framework. Svelte also has a small API surface, which means that there are fewer concepts to learn.


Traditional Document Object Model (DOM) triggers an update with each code change, which slows down the app’s performance. Virtual DOM speeds up the process by acting as temporary memory storage for changes made to the user interface. A process known as diffusion or reconciliation delays updates until updating and rendering can be carried out effectively.

React uses Virtual DOM to break down the app’s code when the code is executed. VDOM helps React perform faster than traditional JavaScript languages. But Svelte takes performance a bit further by ignoring the VDOM diffing process.

Svelte acts as a compiler that carries out DOM rendering through reactive programming. Whenever an assignment triggers a change in the component stage, the DOM is updated. Thus, as a serverless-first framework, Svelte is considered more reactive than React.

Bundle Size

Svelte’s .gzip version has a size of 1.6 kilobytes. On the other hand, React.gzip, when combined with ReactDOM, comes to a total size of 42.2 kilobytes. Svelte’s smaller bundle size ensures better loading speeds, better responsiveness, and reduced bandwidth costs. 

State management

The next point of comparison in the React vs Svelte battle is state management. React’s state management is based on a unidirectional data flow, where the state is passed down from parent components to child components. Now this approach can lead to complex code, especially when dealing with large and complex applications.

Svelte, on the other hand, uses a reactive approach to state management. This approach means that the UI automatically updates when the data changes, which makes it easier to manage the state of the application.


Code written in React can be tested with ‘end-to-end’ tests. React code of an application is tested in a realistic browser environment. This reduces your app’s time to market (TTM) and boosts its value. 

Svelte offers its testing library for unit testing. The Svelte testing library is smaller in size than React and offers simple computations. Thus, Svelte can help developers maintain clean, functional, and compressed code.

Also, read: 10 Popular Software Testing Trends in 2023

Tooling and ecosystem

Tooling and ecosystem are important factors to consider in the Svelte vs React battle. React has a large ecosystem of third-party tools and libraries, while Svelte’s ecosystem is still growing. However, Svelte’s small API surface and efficient compiler make it easier to use without the need for additional tools and libraries.

Developer experience

As you know, developer experience is important for productivity and maintaining code quality. React’s component-based architecture makes it easy to reuse code and build complex UIs quickly. Svelte’s template language and reactive programming approach make it easy to build UIs quickly and efficiently.

Community Support

React has a huge community of developers, as it is one of the most widely used JavaScript platforms in the world. The community of React developers creates tutorials, guides, updates, components, and more to maintain the usability of the JavaScript library.

The fact that a large-scale organization like Meta (Facebook) maintains React keeps React developers in high demand. 

Related Post: How to Hire React JS Developers?

Svelte is rather uncommon, but developers report high levels of satisfaction while using Svelte. The enterprise-level support for Svelte is fairly new, as Sveltekit 1.0 is yet to be released. The Svelte community is small, with only 11k developers, compared to more than 287k active React developers.


Another important point when looking at the Svelte vs React battle is debugging. React’s debugging tools are well-developed and widely used by the community. 

Svelte’s debugging tools are less developed than React’s. However, this doesn’t mean that they are any less effective. Svelte’s compiler generates highly optimized code, which can make debugging more challenging. However, Svelte’s small API surface makes it easier to debug applications.


When it comes to maintenance, React wins over Svelte because it is maintained by Meta and a team of individual developers and companies. As a result, React has a dedicated team that works on the framework 24/7. But that’s not it! In the past few years, React saw quite a few big releases like functional components React Context, Hooks, etc., making it a favorite among many developers. 

But Svelte is no less. Svelte has an amazing maintenance team that works to keep the framework at the top of its game and in contention with React.

To conclude: when should you use Svelte and when should you use React?

When should you use Svelte and when should you use React

When should you use Svelte and when should you use React

Svelte and React have their own advantages and disadvantages. React is backed by Meta and hence quite reliable. Also, it’s a good choice for big projects that demand several features. React is also suitable for making complex user interfaces as it’s easy to create reusable components with the framework. Last but not least, React has a range of built-in features and tools. So if you need to develop large applications quickly, choose React. 

Svelte, on the other hand, is more suited for smaller projects that don’t demand a lot of features. Most importantly, Svelte is lightweight and uses less code. These features make it a wonderful option for projects with a focus on performance. What’s more, Svelte has a simpler learning curve, making it a good option for developers who are not too experienced with JavaScript. Furthermore, Svelte is perfect for building dynamic user interfaces as it compiles code into highly optimized JavaScript.

React vs Svelte: Who wins?

Consider your project requirements and the time you have first. The Svelte vs. React argument is straightforward when these two aspects are clearly defined. Use Svelte if performance and optimized code are your priorities. You can also go for Svelte for your projects to achieve a smaller bundle size, maintainable code, and exceptional performance without the VDOM. Due to the simplicity of the framework, Svelte enables developers to prepare a website faster. 

But if you need to build heavy, complex applications quickly, go for React. React makes it easy to maintain the stability of your application. An active community of React developers helps resolve doubts and bugs observed during development. 

If you’re an employer, using React for your projects will make it easier to hire software developers. Developing stable software products using React and Svelte requires companies to hire experienced software developers. Turing can help you hire brilliant, pre-vetted remote software developers for your projects at unbelievable prices. Visit the Hire page for more information.

If you’re a software developer looking for remote Svelte jobs or remote React jobs, try Turing. Work with top US companies and earn higher than your peers. Visit the Apply for Jobs page now. 


Is Svelte better than React?

Yes, Svelte is a better option for you if you’re working on smaller projects that don’t demand a lot of features. As Svelte is lightweight and uses less code, it’s a wonderful option for projects with a focus on performance. Svelte has a simpler learning curve, making it a great option for developers who are not too experienced with JavaScript. Furthermore, Svelte is perfect for building dynamic user interfaces as it compiles code into highly optimized JavaScript.

What is better Svelte or React in 2023?

React and Svelte are excellent choices if you’re looking to build user interfaces. While React is great for building larger applications efficiently, Svelte is better suited for smaller applications demanding high performance.

Should I switch from React to Svelte?

If your priority is performance and optimized code, then go for Svelte. But if you’re looking to build large and complex applications quickly, then React may be the better option. In addition, if you want to build dynamic user interfaces, then Svelte is the better choice.

Is Svelte smaller than React?

Yes, Svelte is smaller than React in terms of bundle size because Svelte compiles your code at build time, resulting in smaller and more efficient code. On the other hand, React uses a larger runtime library to manage the component state and update the DOM. However, the actual size difference will depend on the specific project and its dependencies.

Is Svelte worth learning?

Yes, Svelte is definitely worth learning in 2023 as it is a popular JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces in web applications. Its fast performance, small size, and easy-to-learn syntax make it an attractive option for developers. Additionally, Svelte’s growing popularity suggests that it will continue to be relevant in the web development industry.

Svelte is a better choice for small to medium-sized projects with simpler components, where fast performance and a small codebase are essential. 

React is more suitable for large-scale projects with complex components and state management requirements, where a larger ecosystem of tools and libraries is needed. 


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By , May 5, 2023
Top 10 React UI Frameworks for Developers in 2023 (1)
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

Top 16 React UI Frameworks to Build Applications in 2024

The top 10 React frameworks for developers are: 1. React Bootstrap 2. React Redux 3. Material UI 4. Ant Design 5. Chakra UI 6. Grommet 7. Semantic UI 8. Fluent UI

What is React? Which React UI framework is the best? Which React-based frameworks should you choose for your projects? In this blog post, we will look at the best React UI frameworks.  Designing interactive websites requires front-end coding, which controls how user interfaces appear. Front-end development requires JavaScript tools to manage the visual aspect of the web pages. As a front-end JavaScript library, React is one of the most popular tools for web development.


Table of Contents

  1. What is React?
  2. What are React UI frameworks?
  3. Top 16 React UI frameworks
  4. Benefits of React UI frameworks
  5. Selecting the best React UI frameworks for your projects
  6. Which frameworks should developers use to develop user interfaces for applications?
  7. How does React’s virtual DOM improve performance?
  8. How does React differ from other popular JavaScript libraries for building UIs such as Angular or Vue.js?
  9. FAQs


What is React?

React or ReactJS is a free and open-source JavaScript library. Front-end developers use React to build user interfaces (UI). The JavaScript library contains UI components that develop the visual elements of a website.

Developers use React to create a single page and native mobile applications. React code affects the state management of the web page. The React library uses a declarative programming paradigm. Due to this, the state of the web page changes when data changes occur. Check out this React JS guide to know more about the library.

As per a recent Stackoverflow survey, React is the second most used web framework with 42 percent of respondents opting for it. Similarly, when React JS landed in the sixth position when it came to the most-loved frameworks.

React is highly popular on GitHub too with a total of 205k stars. What’s more, major companies like Instagram, Netflix, Reddit, Salesforce, and others favor it over other frameworks.

Also, read: Top 25 React JS Interview Questions and Answers for 2023

React vs other frameworks

React vs other frameworks

What are React UI frameworks? 

React UI frameworks are libraries or collections of pre-built components that developers can use to quickly build user interfaces (UIs) for their React-based applications. These React-based frameworks typically provide a wide range of pre-built components such as buttons, forms, tables, and navigation menus that developers can use to quickly build UI for their applications. They also often provide design guidelines and a consistent look and feel to make it easier for developers to create visually pleasing UIs.

Let’s take a look at the best React frameworks now.

Here are the top 16 React UI frameworks for developers in 2023.

Top 16 React UI frameworks

Top 16 React UI frameworks

  1. Material Kit React – GitHub stars: 5.8k | Forks: 958

    When talking about the best UI framework for React, one cannot overlook Material Kit. Inspired by Google’s Material Design, Material Kit builds a group of elements that give consistency as the primary feature. This feature enables you to maintain a similarity of appearance and functions in your project throughout. The layout is like that of multiple sheets of paper, giving it depth and order. 

    The Kit also includes several basic elements like sliders and buttons, badges, pagination, bars for navigation, menu, pills, and tabs among others. With the help of this React component library, you can customize the style, size, and color of most elements.

    The JavaScript elements have modals, date-time pickers, tooltips, popovers, and carousels. You can not only use the Kit to start a new project but also restyle any old Bootstrap project. What’s more, the Material Kit React Pro version comes equipped with several other components, sections, and example pages.

    Features and benefits:

    • Grants access to the theme values from the component props
    • Open source, extremely fast, and high-quality
    • Less than KB gzipped
    • Developer-first product with a solid community
    • Supports several variables
    • Good UI consistency with an effortless and responsive layout
    • Follows code standards
    • MIT license
  2. Storybook – GitHub stars: 77.8k | Forks: 8.3k

    Another special mention on our React JS framework list is Storybook. Storybook has been popular among developers for a long time now. This is not a component library itself. It is more like an open-source tool that is used for building UI components in isolation for React and several other platforms and technologies.

    What’s unique about Storybook? It enables you to work on a single component at a given time, making the development process a lot faster.

    As one of the best UI frameworks for React, Storybook enables you to document components for reuse. It also allows you to automatically test your components visually in order to prevent bugs. Last but not least, an ecosystem of add-ons allows you to fine-tune responsive layouts, verify accessibility, and much more.

    Features and benefits:

    • Fast UI development
    • Easy and smooth integration with React apps
    • Comes with builtin TypeScript support
    • Default webpack configuration
    • Efficient development process
    • High compatibility with most front-end frameworks
    • CSS support
    • Hot module reloading
    • Deployment of a whole storybook as a static app
    • Isolated environment for components
    • Clean and efficient UI
  3. React Bootstrap – GitHub stars: 21.6k | Forks: 3.5k

    Next on the list of best React UI frameworks is React Bootstrap, one of the oldest React UI libraries. If you are looking for a front-end React UI framework, you can definitely pick React Bootstrap.

    This UI kit holds on to its Bootstrap core but switches Bootstrap’s JavaScript with React. This switch gives you more control over the function as well as the form of every component. Every component is accessible, important for building front-end frameworks.

    A significant feature of React Bootstrap CSS is compatibility, i.e., Bootstrap core compatibility and the world’s largest UI ecosystem compatibility. The framework has great compatibility with the hundreds of Bootstrap themes used by developers around the world.

    The React Bootstrap eliminates the need for Bootstrap.js and jQuery dependencies in the code. React developers can even import individual components from the library. This feature results in faster development, shorter time to code, less code, better stability, and efficient code management,

    This UI framework allows you to build your projects on the backend and then finally prototype them on the front end. And so, React Bootstrap can be a great pick for developers working on multiple aspects of apps. However, backend developers may not like the layout of the interface. This is because the use of reducers and actions replicates a front-end environment. And so, developers will need to alter their code or refer to the UI’s documentation to get used to it.

    Features and benefits:

  4. React Admin – GitHub stars: 21.8k | Forks: 4.8k

    React Admin is a notable mention on the React JS framework list. React Admin is great for creating business-to-business i.e., B2B admin applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs. This framework is customizable by design.

    This React UI framework is made up of several popular projects along with React: Material UI, Redux, React Router, as well as React Final Form. The latter is a well-known form of state management solution.

    React Admin also offers an enterprise solution apart from their free version and components. This solution offers pro support from Marmelab along with access to private modules. React Admin has an active community and is hence pretty well-maintained.

    Features and benefits:

    • Adapts to any backend
    • Optimistic rendering which leads to fast UI
    • Built-in support for internationalization
    • Allows customization of the appearance and behavior of its components using a flexible and extensible API.
    • Highly customizable interface with powerful Theming
    • Supports multiple authentication providers such as RestAPI, OAuth, Basic Auth, etc.
    • Multiple layout options such as simple, tabbed, etc.
  5. React Toolbox- GitHub stars: 8.7k | Forks: 1k

    React Toolbox is a React UI components library. This library can be used to implement Google’s Material Design principles in projects. React Toolbox uses CSS modules for this implementation. Although you can utilize any module bundler, React Toolbox integrates with webpack workflow seamlessly. What’s more, the React Toolbox team provides an in-browser editor where developers can play with components in real time.

    You can import components in raw components or bundles while working with this library. The main difference is that for the latter, the components come with all required dependencies and themes injected for you.

    In other words, the CSS for each dependency will be available in your final CSS automatically and raw components don’t include any CSS. This means that you will need to provide a theme via properties to the component for it to be properly styled.

    Features and benefits:

    • Supports responsive design
    • High-quality and well-tested components
    • Modular architecture
    • Provides a set of components that are pre-built and customizable
  6. React Virtualized – GitHub stars: 24.8k | Forks: 3.1k

    If you are working on an application that is data-heavy in the front end, React Virtualized should be your choice. Virtualized has a set of reusable, lightweight components that can render large datasets efficiently.

    One of the most useful features of React Virtualized is that it uses windowing and virtualization techniques to optimize the rendering of large lists, tables, and grids. It is great for the performance of your application as it only renders the elements that are visible on the screen instead of all the elements at once.

    Another benefit of React Virtualized is that it provides a set of helper functions and utilities to assist with common UI patterns, such as infinite scrolling, dynamic row and column sizing, and responsive design. It supports both fixed and variable row heights, and it provides a flexible API for customizing the behavior and appearance of its components.

    Features and benefits:

    • Uses windowing to render a small portion of a large data set
    • Provides flexible API
    • Supports responsive design
    • Virtualization allows it to only render elements that are on the screen
  7. React Router – GitHub stars: 50k | Forks: 10k

    React Router is a popular compact library for React. It allows developers to build single-page applications with dynamic, client-side routing. React Router is designed to work seamlessly with React, and it allows developers to declaratively define the routes of their applications using JSX. This makes it easy to create complex and hierarchical navigational structures within a single-page application.

    One of the key benefits of using React Router is its ability to perform code splitting, which allows developers to load only the necessary components for a given route, reducing the initial loading time of the application and improving performance.

    Another benefit of React Router is its support for managing the browser’s history, which enables users to navigate through the application using the browser’s back and forward buttons.

    Features and benefits:

    • Uses windowing to render a small portion of a large data set
    • Provides flexible API
    • Supports responsive design
    • Virtualization allows it to only render elements that are on the screen
  8. Semantic UI React – GitHub stars: 50.5k | Forks: 5.1k

    Semantic UI integrates with React to offer a customized library of user interface components. Semantic UI does not have the virtual DOM, as it is independent of jQuery methods. The Semantic UI React library offers several customizable elements for front-end development.

    Semantic UI is an open-source project on GitHub that is useful for designing CSS style sheets with React framework. The Semantic UI framework features augmentation for building responsive web pages with unique component functionalities. The subcomponents offer better control over accessing and editing markup, and an auto-controlled state enables better utilization of components.

    Features and benefits:

    • Easy accessibility for users with disabilities
    • Offers cross-browser compatibility
    • Has a powerful theming system
    • Focused on creating human-friendly user interfaces
    • 50+ UI elements to choose from
    • 3000+ CSS variables available
  9. Material UI – Github star: 85.6k | Fork: 29.5k

    Material UI (MUI) includes pre-built material components and themes for designing user interface elements with React. Material UI has tools for navigation, sliders and drop-down menus, and a lot more customizable components. The MUI elements adhere to the Google Material Design standards that improve the application speed.

    The Material UI offers many tools and APIs for assisting native mobile app development. MUI features automatic color changes and interoperability between styling components and CSS-based modules.

    Also, read: How to Successfully Find and Hire the Best React Native Developer in 2023

    A large community of active front-end developers prefers MUI over other frameworks. The framework aids software developers to deal with the documentation and clear out their concerns and doubts.

    Features and benefits:

    • Customizable and reusable components
    • Powerful theming system
    • Responsive components
    • A large and active community of developers
  10. React Redux – GitHub star: 22.7k | Fork: 3.3k

    React Redux is a predictable component library with a simple interface and solid code-testing capabilities. When developers enter the values for the components,  the interface fetches, updates, and apprises the values automatically. Redux has several DevTools to spot application state changes, maintain logs as well as send error reports.

    Redux is one of the most popular React libraries, with more than 21,000 GitHub stars. Redux works great with Angular, React, and many more JavaScript frameworks. Developers can connect React code to several components, write consistent code, and edit it while the app runs with Redux.

    Features and benefits:

  11. Blueprint UI – Github star: 19.7k | Fork: 2.1k

    Yet another popular mention in this list of best React frameworks is Blueprint UI. This is a well-known CSS-based React framework for the front-end development of computer apps.

    Blueprint UI is best suited for designing UIs for complex and data-intensive web pages. Blueprint UI has a CSS library of 30 components with options for minimal scripting and coding.

    Blueprint UI boasts of a multi-touch interface that’s easy to use, intuitive, and great for developing websites and applications efficiently. This React framework also includes core components with distinct components for selection, date-time, tables, icons, and more. Blueprint UI has dark and light-themed modes and customizable design elements like classes, typography, and color scheme.

    Features and benefits:

    • Offers a seamless user experience
    • Provides comprehensive and easy-to-follow documentation
    • Provides a comprehensive set of reusable components, such as buttons, forms, and navigation menus
    • Offers cross-browser compatibility
  12. Grommet – GitHub stars: 8.2k | Forks: 1k

    HPE developed Grommet as a CSS framework for React with component packages for building responsive and intuitive mobile websites. Grommet offers a dynamic and vibrant layout, great accessibility, catchy themes, modularity, as well as simplicity. Grommet can be integrated into existing projects or used to create new ones with advanced themes.

    Grommet has an icon component with a massive bank of SVG icons to aid front-end development. The Grommet library also offers components for customizing UIs with utilities, media options, input visualization, layouts, and colors, as well as controls.

    Features and benefits:

    • Out-of-the-box support for disabled users (W3C support)
    • Provides extensive theming
    • Flexible and modular design
    • Design-focused approach
    • Provides responsive components
  13. Ant Design – GitHub stars: 85.3k | Forks: 38.8k

    This list of the best React frameworks would be incomplete without Ant Design. Ant Design is a CSS framework for React that developers extensively use to create appealing UI components. Ant Design offers an expansive design library for front-end development and a GUI design for client development. The framework’s design elements are simple to integrate, and its components can be directly used with React.

    Ant Design has many customizable themes, design elements, and development tools.

    The Ant Design library has more than 50 components and helps design UIs for enterprise-grade applications. More than 100 companies use Ant Design for their projects, thanks to its flexible design and features.

    Features and benefits:

    • Multi-language support to ease building applications for a global audience
    • Provides developer-friendly API
    • Responsive components can automatically adjust their size, layout, and style based on the device and screen size of the user.
    • Offers TypeScript support
    • Powerful theming system
  14. Chakra UI – GitHub stars: 32k | Forks: 2.9k

    Next up on our React JS framework list is Chakra, a React component library that requires less time for writing code. The Chakra UI enables faster development and offers accessible, modular, and flexible UI components for building applications.

    Chakra UI enables React developers to create newer components efficiently. In Chakra UI, the components are customizable, reusable, and adhere to the WAI-ARIA standards.

    With dark and light UI options, themes, and 49+ components, Chakra UI includes various inputs, accordions, tips, and icons. Though the Chakra UI library is new, the community is active in resolving doubts.

    Features and benefits:

    • Offers accessibility for users with disabilities
    • A comprehensive set of reusable components
    • Light / Dark mode support
    • Uses CSS-in-JS
  15. Fluent UI – GitHub stars: 15.2k | Forks: 2.4k

    The Microsoft team developed the Fabric React UI library, and later it was renamed Fluent UI. The components and graphics resemble MS Office products and share compatibility with OneNote, Azure DevOps, Office 365, and more. The default settings of Fluent UI are suitable for most projects.

    Fluent UI contains pre-built components like inputs, notifications, menus, and more for developing applications.

    In Fluent UI, the components are customizable and offer a straightforward approach to web development. The Fluent UI library also offers cross-platform compatibility, supporting desktop, Android, and iOS devices.

    Features and benefits:

    • Fluent UI React library makes integration easy into your React applications.
    • Provides adaptive styling
    • Microsoft’s Fluent Design language provides a modern and immersive user experience
    • Offers cross-platform support
  16. Evergreen – GitHub stars: 12.1k | Forks: 845

    Segment developed the Evergreen React UI framework with 30+ components. The components are built on top of the primitive React UI, with commonly usable patterns. The default and classic themes combined with the Evergreen Figma library make it easy to create components in CSS.

    As a CSS library for React, Evergreen contains a collection of React modules with React Primitive. Also, Evergreen v6  hosts an updated theme API for better customization and accessibility. The Evergreen library is easy to edit, contributor-friendly, and offers flexibility for creating UIs.

    Features and benefits:

    • Server-side-rendering (SSR) offered out of the box
    • Provides dynamic form components
    • The smart algorithm automatically handles spacing and alignment between the components
    • Has a solid and active community support

Benefits of using React UI frameworks

Benefits of React UI

Benefits of React UI

Here are some benefits of using React UI frameworks:

  1. Fast and smooth development: React UI frameworks provide a set of pre-built and customizable components that can be easily integrated into your application, saving development time and effort.
  2. Consistent design across components: React UI frameworks provide a consistent design and user experience across all of its components, making it easy to create a cohesive and intuitive user interface.
  3. High-quality components: React UI frameworks provide a set of high-quality and well-tested components, ensuring that your application is reliable and free from bugs and issues.
  4. Great cross-platform compatibility: React UI frameworks are designed to work seamlessly across all modern browsers and devices, ensuring that your application works well for all users.
  5. High accessibility and ease of use: React UI frameworks are designed with accessibility in mind, providing a set of components that are easy to use and accessible to users with disabilities.
  6. Powerful theming system: Many React UI frameworks provide a powerful theming system that allows developers to customize the appearance and behavior of its components to match the design of their applications.
  7. Good community support: React frameworks are supported by a large and active community of developers, ensuring that they stay up-to-date with the latest developments in React and web development in general.

Overall, using React-based frameworks can help developers build modern, responsive, and accessible web applications more efficiently, with consistent design and high-quality components. This can lead to faster development times, better user experiences, and a more scalable and maintainable codebase.

Selecting the best React UI frameworks for your projects

It’s no doubt that React is one of the most preferred front-end libraries by web developers. Choosing the best UI framework for React is a crucial part of your development journey. Ensure that you clearly understand the client’s requirements, your team’s skillset, and the objectives and the architecture of the app you’re building before making a decision.

React is a popular choice for building UI for web apps because it allows developers to create reusable UI components, manage the state of the application in an efficient way, and improve performance through the use of a virtual DOM. Additionally, React has a large and active community with a wealth of resources and libraries available.

How does React’s virtual DOM improve performance?

React’s virtual DOM improves performance by reducing the amount of direct manipulation of the actual DOM. When the state of a React application changes, the virtual DOM will first update a virtual representation of the UI. Then, React will compare the virtual DOM with the actual DOM, and determine the minimal set of changes that need to be made to the actual DOM in order to bring it in line with the virtual DOM.

This approach is more efficient than manipulating the actual DOM directly because it allows React to minimize the number of changes that need to be made to the actual DOM. This minimization of changes results in fewer costly DOM operations, and as a result, improved overall performance. Additionally, React also batches multiple updates together to further enhance the performance, this means that React will wait until all state updates are done before it updates the real DOM, this will avoid unnecessary re-rendering and unnecessary computations.

How does React differ from other popular JavaScript libraries for building UIs such as Angular or Vue.js?

React, Angular, and Vue.js are all popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, but they have some key differences.

React: React focuses on building reusable UI components, and managing the state of the application in an efficient way. React’s virtual DOM improves performance by minimizing the amount of direct manipulation of the actual DOM. React does not provide a built-in solution for routing and other features that are common in single-page applications, instead relies on third-party libraries to provide those features.

Angular: Angular is a full-featured framework that provides a built-in solution for many features that are commonly needed in single-page applications, such as routing, dependency injection, and form handling. Angular uses a two-way data binding approach, which means that changes to the model are automatically reflected in the view and vice-versa. Angular follows a more opinionated approach to structuring the application and has a steeper learning curve compared to React.

Vue.js: Vue.js is similar to React in that it focuses on building reusable UI components and provides a virtual DOM for improved performance. Vue.js also provides a built-in solution for many common features, like routing, and it uses a similar two-way data binding approach as Angular. Vue.js is considered the easiest to learn and understand among the three, and it has a simpler API than React, but it is not as widely used as React and Angular.

In summary, React focuses on building reusable UI components and efficient state management, Angular is a full-featured framework with built-in solutions for many common features, and Vue.js is a lightweight framework that is easy to learn and understand.

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  1. What is a React framework?

    React is a JavaScript library created by Meta (formerly known as Facebook). A React UI framework contains components that can be added to UIs. React helps developers build user interfaces for web pages and native mobile applications.
  2. Why use React for the front end?

    As compared to other frameworks, React is very easy to maintain and is quite flexible because of its modular structure. This efficiency and flexibility enables businesses to save a huge amount of effort, cost, and time. 
  3. Which React UI framework is the fastest for web development?

    Material UI is one the fastest React UI frameworks for web development.
  4. Which CSS framework should you use with React?

    Bootstrap and Material UI are some great CSS frameworks that can be used with React.
  5. Can React be used with other frameworks?

    Yes, React can be integrated with other frameworks because it is only a view library. 
  6. Which framework do we use for React?

    Depending on your project requirements, you can choose one of the popular UI frameworks for React like Material UI, Ant Design for React, Storybook, Semantic UI React, React Bootstrap, React Redux, Blueprint UI, Grommet, Chakra UI, Fluent UI, and Evergreen. You can also try Material Kit React, React Toolbox, React Virtualized, and more.
  7. Which UI is best for ReactJS?

    UI frameworks like MUI (Material UI), React Bootstrap, React Redux, and Semantic UI are some of the best UIs for ReactJS. Ant Design, Chakra UI, Fluent UI, and Evergreen are also popular UIs.


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By Apr 18, 2023
Effective manager habits
For Employers

Develop These 25 Habits to Become An Effective Manager

How to be an effective manager? 1. Don’t avoid debates. 2. Think big and trust your team to perform big. 3. Don’t hesitate to open up 4. Build connections

How to be a great manager? What successful habits do high-impact managers follow? Delivering high performance, identifying and clearing blockers, streamlining processes, and setting up efficient feedback systems are just a few of a manager’s responsibilities. However, effective management goes beyond these tasks. Like an art form, effective management requires managers to focus on intricate details and optimize them to improve their team’s performance.

If you are a newly appointed manager, a veteran, or planning to accept a managerial role in the future, here is a list of daily habits that can help you become a highly effective manager.

  1. Don’t avoid debates

    Good managers allow their employees to own their decisions and explore ideas, even if they disagree with them initially. Heated debates may challenge existing assumptions but can often lead to better alternative outcomes. In fact, discussions that encourage team members to express their opinions enhance transparency and help them understand their roles better.

    So ask questions that allow employees to brainstorm and tackle problems with an open mindset. All successful managers offer their teammates a safe space to learn, grow, and fail.

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  2. Think big and trust your team to perform big

    Big ideas can transform productivity, performance, and process management in an organization. Great managers are often gifted with the ability to develop big ideas. And so, every manager must focus on the bigger picture, and how a specific change or improvement can affect other areas of the business.

    But that’s not all. The true strength of a manager lies in the way they communicate these ideas to their teams, and delegate tasks to implement them. To become a highly effective manager, you must show confidence in your team. In addition, you must guide them to shape your ideas into visible outcomes.

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  3. Be a part of your team

    The waterfall model of hierarchy takes a linear and sequential approach to the development process. This structure is often overrated. Good managers must see themselves as coordinators of talent, priorities, and resources.

    They must move beyond the conventional approach, and consider the team’s strengths when delegating tasks. All effective managers think of their role in the company as enablers of growth and avoid acting from a place of authority. They tap into the broader concept of teamwork, where each member is equally responsible for success. This way, each team member feels equally empowered and valued.

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  4. Prioritize your team over other managers

    On several occasions, managers from other teams will approach you to drive an initiative. Instead of responding immediately, managers should first discuss the initiative with their direct reporters. Even better if you can ask your team for suggestions.

    This practice displays that as a manager, you trust and prioritize the opinions of your team members during discussions. Collaborating with other departments and their managers might be necessary, but doing so should not disturb the harmony of your own team.

    Remember, great managers, allow their team members the freedom to operate as owners and shape their vision accordingly.

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  5. Share an onboarding guide with recruits

    Sharing an onboarding guide is a great way of showing new recruits that you care about their role in the organization as a manager. Ensure that this guide shares the team’s preferred working styles, day-to-day processes, and other vital information. The guide will help team members understand their daily tasks at an early stage and improve productivity.

    If you’re looking to scale your team, you can go a step further and share this onboarding user manual with the top candidates during the interview. Doing so will build psychological safety, trust, and transparency among candidates.
  6. Discuss failures, shortcomings, and declines

    Managers develop a habit of getting the team together to stand on a steady footing, even amidst stumbles. It is okay to show some vulnerability through personal challenges, work struggles, and professional expectations during these meetings. Similarly, it is okay to express burnout, exhaustion, or any other feelings you experience.

    Managers should also share their achievements and wins at these weekly meetings. This practice will build team spirit, encourage team members to talk about their experiences, and reflect upon the areas that need more attention.

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  7. Don’t hesitate to open up

    Managers should not hesitate to open up about the fun stuff, especially when during periods of stress. Sharing personal updates and anecdotes, big or small, helps team members feel associated with you on a personal level.

    This holds especially true for remote teams. Remote setups can make employees feel isolated and disconnected from each other. So if you’re a remote manager, ensure to open up to your team every once in a while. Build that warmth and rapport by encouraging your team to do the same.
  8. Don’t avoid 1:1 meetings 

    As responsibilities increase, targets shift, and monthly reflections allow managers to track progress, identify shortcomings, and devise strategies to overcome them.

    Set up monthly 1:1 meetings with each team member where the report reflects on three things that were successful last month, and three things that could be done differently next month. These meetings will drastically improve the team’s performance. To keep things light, you can end these conversations on an optimistic note. For example, ask them what they’re looking forward to in the next month.

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  9. Allocate time for out-of-the-box thinking

    Regular weekly meetings are crammed with basic status updates. This leaves no room for thinking big. So, effective managers must take out some time off their schedules to get creative. They must set up special meetings to promote innovation, evaluate and implement never-tried-before ideas, and improve the overall process.

    In other words, great managers must leverage every opportunity to brainstorm and build with their team. This practice helps bring non-urgent matters to light and start off new projects. Last but not least, this out-of-the-box thinking can improve your problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  10. Focus on building connections between people and teams

    As an organization starts to scale, it gets difficult for managers to keep their teams connected. A high-impact manager spots opportunities to build connections within their teams. When employees follow their leader to think beyond individual growth, they can excel at their tasks.

    Great managers emphasize offering context, and valuable insights through feedback. They brainstorm, collaborate, and conceptualize, to clear the doubts of their employees. Thus, great managers highlight how the individual contribution of their employees moves the needle for the team and the company as a whole.

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  11. Avoid multitasking

    Contrary to popular belief, multi-tasking kills productivity rather than improving it. Multitasking reduces the quality of work being done and increases the amount of time required to complete it.

    While delegating tasks, ensure that your employees are not juggling multiple things at the same time. For example, in a fast-scaling startup, regular 1:1 meetings may seem like rote rituals. However, the best managers approach such meetings with great care. They put emphasis on the most important task: listening. Most importantly, they ensure that they don’t sidetrack these 1:1 meetings by performing other tasks simultaneously.

    Successful managers stay present and attentive to respond to any doubts or concerns their employees have. Even if a question pops up at an inconvenient time, they take a couple of minutes to address it. These actions go a long way to show the employee that they are important to the team and their issues are a priority to the manager.

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  12. Give consistent feedback 

    Following through on deliverables is vital for succeeding in your role. However, as you move towards a managerial role and your schedule is filled with meetings, these good habits may start to slip.

    Following up and following through consistently, is a seemingly small habit that has a huge impact on the team. Managers should ask their employees how a certain task is progressing, and keep in touch to ensure that it’s completed smoothly.

    Feedbacks are critical, irrespective of the role you perform at the organization. And so, good managers offer regular feedback to the employees, on their quality of work, areas of improvement, and more.
  13. Treat your team members humanely

    Managers are tasked with improving and maintaining performance, with targets that must be met. However, through all of this, managers must remember that their employees are human beings, beyond numbers and performance metrics. Effective managers ensure that their team members are not overworked.

    Great managers look at the situations of their team members with compassion. They prioritize employees over deadlines and create an environment of growth and improvement, beyond the workplace pressure. This practice helps employees feel acknowledged as human beings and has a positive impact on their work.

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  14. Follow an employee-first approach

    Some employees are expressive about their problems, while others tend to be quiet. And so, managers should ask employees if they are struggling on any personal or professional front. As a solution, managers can offer some time off, financial aid, or any other form of help.

    This way managers can encourage employees to take some time off, by actively enquiring about their employee’s well-being. These actions help the employees feel cared for and supported. The employee-first approach of great managers also makes the employee feel valued and secure

    Related Post: Want to Hire the Best Talent? Built the Best Culture First
  15. Soften the hits

    Making mistakes is natural. If your team messes up, this only means that you are being ambitious enough to try new approaches.

    When your employees goof up, explain what went wrong, and work together to devise a plan to keep it from happening again. Ensure you do this as calmly as possible. Even something as small as praising a good quality of an employee before offering criticism can soften the hits. Telling your employees that you trust their decisions, and are willing to help them through potential failures is very impactful.

    Related Post: Top 6 Ways to Boost Your Hiring Process in 2023
  16. Work on monthly performance reviews 

    An effective performance review system can be very impactful when executed correctly. The ideal approach should be to follow up on the annual reviews with monthly touchpoints. After that, each feedback item should be turned into a tactical action-plan element that can be tracked and executed. This practice will help you track the progress of individual employees, and bring out the best in them.

    And so, to be a high-impact manager, you must check on your team from time to time and see how they are progressing. Ensure to share advice and guidance along the way to improve performance and boost the morale of the team.
  17. Reinforce positive habits

    When an employee seeks feedback, try to be transparent and thorough as possible. Listen to their expectations before sharing feedback. Understand what they want from you. This practice will streamline communication and prevent misunderstandings.

    To become a great manager, you must reinforce good habits like the clarity of thought, punctuality, and presence of mind. Observing and appreciating the positive habits of your team member encourages other employees to follow the same.

    Related Post: 3 Things Every Engineering Manager Must Focus On.
  18. Take a moment before giving feedback

    Managers may feel the urge to impart the feedback right away, but there is a risk that the employee may not be in the right mental space to hear it. So, to set the right tone, ask your employees how they prefer to receive feedback before getting started.

    High-impact managers first stop to ask if their teammates are open to hearing feedback and then proceed. Doing so helps employees process the feedback effectively, and be more receptive to it.

    Related Post: 6 Challenges to Remote Hiring and Ways to Overcome Them
  19. Try to praise at the moment

    A leader who recognizes and celebrates smaller milestones on the way to a larger goal helps to maintain their team’s momentum. Sharing milestones, accomplishments, small wins, questions, encouragement, and appreciation of team members have a positive impact on the team’s morale. An employee is motivated to excel at their job when they feel valued, appreciated, and acknowledged.

    For example, sending heartfelt messages of compliments, or using props to get your team fired up works wonders. Great managers who engage in such activities, enable their teams to have fun and take the work seriously, without taking themselves too seriously.

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  20. Try to celebrate up the chain

    If a team member performs exceptionally well at a job, ensure to compliment them and share this with your senior. You can send them an email giving kudos and cc it to your senior. Small gestures like these go a long way. The moments when a manager goes out of their way to give an employee credit for their achievements are always memorable for them.

    A small email or a mention of the amazing things that the team members have accomplished can significantly boost morale and help the team perform better.

    Related Post: 7 Ways to Build and Scale a Remote Engineering Team
  21. Try to celebrate outside the office

    It’s nice to send thoughtful gifts to your team members out of the blue, be it on holidays or important life events. These could even be unrelated to work. Such gestures are wonderful reminders that you as a manager, care enough to remember the important occasions in your teams’ lives.

    Moreover, these gestures will bring you closer to your employees and build meaningful connections. With that in mind, it is important to ensure that these gestures are professional, and do not violate any social/emotional boundaries.

    Related Post: 11 Ways to Celebrate Pride at Your Workplace
  22. Invest in the careers of your team members

    Great managers delegate new projects to the team members that fit their strengths and are in line with their personal goals.

    This step displays that the managers are attentive to the way their employees are looking to grow and offer opportunities accordingly. The best managers aren’t just cheerleaders, they help their employees shape their careers.

    Related Post: Here’s How Google’s Project Starline Is Connecting People Working Remotely
  23. Reach out to mentors and skip-level reports

    Mentoring your employees to achieve their career goals is a huge task. And so, asking professionals to do that on your behalf helps to share that responsibility. Simply put, high-impact managers connect employees with mentors to enhance their professional lives and work toward their ambitions.

    If you are a top-level manager, you should demonstrate trust in your skip-level reports. A skip-level report is a person who reports to your subordinate or vice versa. A great skip-level manager can depend on their skip-level reports for productive feedback, insights, and grassroots-level information.

    Skip-level reports can display exceptional caliber and capability if given the opportunity. As a skip-level manager, you should be in close contact with your skip-level report.
  24. Nurture a flexible environment for growth

    Great managers care about the well-being of their employees. They go beyond asking, “How are things going?”, and ask deeper, meaningful questions to understand their team’s goals and aspirations. They try to normalize and make space for change so that nobody feels stuck, or boxed in.

    Managers can achieve better growth when the personal and professional goals of their team members are well aligned. This is why managers must reserve time to discuss career opportunities with their team.

    Related Post: 4 Ways to Create the Best Workplace Culture for Women in Tech
  25. Help your team members improve their craft 

    High-impact managers frequently sharpen their arrows. To become one, be sure to regularly check in on the craft skills of your employees that help their profiles stand out from the crowd.

    Letting your subordinates take time to attend a conference, setting up team-wide coaching sessions, or scheduling personal development workshops is a great way to approach this. Great managers always prioritize up-skilling over outsourcing.

    Wish to read more about how you can improve yourself as a manager? Read this article about the micro habits of high-impact managers.

Bottom line

So, how can you be an effective manager? There’s no one-size-fits-all formula that catapults you from being an ordinary manager to an extraordinary one. But making small yet consistent tweaks to your managing style based on the suggestions shared above can help you build a stronger, faster, high-performing team. Remember, a manager is only as good as their team. And so, building a solid team is the first step to becoming a great manager. 

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What makes a really good manager?

To become a successful manager, you must be a good listener, set clear expectations for your team, and delegate tasks in a way that allows your team to grow. In addition, you must offer constructive criticism where necessary and consistently motivate your team to achieve organizational goals.

What are the 3 skills of a manager?

Technical skills, conceptual/theoretical skills, and interpersonal skills are the three main skills a manager must have. Technical skills improve productivity, theoretical skills improve understanding, and interpersonal skills improve communication.

What are the 5 management roles? 

The five management roles are planning, organizing, leading, controlling, and decision-making.

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By Feb 9, 2023
Machine learning algorithms for beginners
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms for Beginners

Top machine learning algorithms: 1. Linear regression 2. Logistic regression 3. Decision tree 4. Support vector machine 5. Naive Bayes 6. K-nearest neighbor

What are machine learning algorithms? How do machine learning algorithms work? What are examples of machine learning algorithms? Which algorithm is best for machine learning? Keep reading this blog post to find out.

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. ML imitates the human learning process and helps us automate tasks. In addition, ML assists in decision-making, pattern recognition, risk assessment, image classification, predictive analysis, data processing, and a lot more.

What are machine learning algorithms?

Machine learning algorithms are a set of instructions that guide a computing system to process historical data and produce the output within a given range. Prediction, classification, regression, forecasting, and data modeling are some of the major applications of machine learning algorithms. 

Types of machine learning algorithms

  1. Supervised learning
  2. Unsupervised learning
  3. Semi-supervised learning
  4. Reinforcement learning

List of popular machine learning algorithms:

  1. Linear regression (Supervised Learning/Regression)

    Linear regression is a simple and popular machine learning algorithm commonly used for predictive analysis. Logistic regression allows users to study the relationship between dependent and independent variables by defining a line and its equation. This line is the regression line, and its linear equation is y=mx+c.

    Here, y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, m is the slope of the line, and c is the intercept. The m and c are calculated by minimizing the sum of the squared distance between the two points and the regression line.

    This linear regression algorithm is commonly used to predict stock market movements.
  2. Logistic regression (Supervised learning – Classification)

    Logistic regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm that uses binary values (0 and 1) from a set of independent variables. Logistic regression predicts categorical and discrete values. This algorithm comes in handy to solve classification problems and predict the probability of an event.

    ML experts also use logistic regression for binary classification of data and fraud detection.

    Logistic regression uses a transformation function. The logistic function h(x) = 1 / (1 + ex) forms an S-shaped curve that lies between 1 and 0. Logistic regression is applied to predict the probability of a yes/no event, such as whether or not a patient has a heart attack, whether or not a debtor will default, and more.
  3. Decision tree (Supervised Learning – Classification/Regression)

    The decision tree is a machine learning algorithm that classifies both categorical and continuous dependent variables. The decision tree divides the data into two or more similar sets based on the attributes and variables.

    A decision tree starts with a root node and ends with a leaf node. The branches show the decision rules/conditions, the internal node represents the dataset features, and the leaf node represents the output.

    The decision tree algorithm has real-world applications like identifying cancerous and non-cancerous cells, suggesting products and services to potential buyers, and more.

    Related Post: What is Machine Learning Ops (MLOps)? How to get started?
  4. Support vector machine (Supervised Learning – Classification)

    Support vector machine is a classification algorithm that allows you to plot raw data as points in an n-dimensional space. N represents the number of features you have defined. The value of each feature is associated with specific coordinates.

    The SVM algorithm creates a hyperplane or a decision boundary that separates data sets into different classes. The support vectors are the data points that define the hyperplane. Classifiers split the data and plot those data points on a graph.

    Support vector machines have real-life applications, such as image classification, face detection and identification, drug discovery, and more.
  5. Naive Bayes (Supervised Learning – Classification)

    The Naive Bayes algorithm is based on the Bayes theorem – calculate the probability that an event may occur. The algorithm is naive because the variables are independent of each other. The Naive Bayes is a supervised machine learning algorithm that is based on conditional probability.

    Here is the equation…

    P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A)P(B)

    Here P(A|B) = posterior probability. Posterior probability calculates the probability of event A for data B is calculated.

    P(B|A) is the likelihood, i.e., the probability of data B if event A occurs.  P(A) is class prior probability, and P(B) is predictor prior probability.

    The Naive Bayes algorithm is ideal for large datasets, such as text classification.

    Related Post: Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: What’s the Difference?
  6. K-nearest neighbors (Supervised Learning)

    The K-nearest neighbors are a supervised learning algorithm for the classification and regression of data. This algorithm estimates the likelihood of a data point being a member of one or another group. To determine the group of data points, the overall points are analyzed with reference to a single data point.

    The K-nearest neighbors algorithm assumes similarities between new and available data points to classify them. The Euclidean distance between data points on a graph classifies them into separate categories. KNN is applied for text mining, agriculture, finance, medical, facial recognition, and more.

    KNN is also a lazy-learner algorithm, as it uses the entire dataset as its training set.
  7. K-means clustering (Unsupervised Learning – Clustering)

    The K-means is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that can solve clustering problems. Datasets are classified into K-number clusters based on their similarities and differences between other data points. The process is repeated continuously until data points are assigned to each cluster.

    Centroids are the center point of each cluster, and the distance from each data point to the centroids is calculated. The data point is assigned to a cluster that is nearest to the centroid. The algorithm then creates new centroids and repeats the process until centroids are not interchanged.

    The k-means clustering algorithm is applied for market segmentation, document clustering, image segmentation, image compression, and more.
  8. Random forest (Supervised Learning – Classification/Regression

    The random forest algorithm follows ensemble learning techniques to combine multiple algorithms and achieve better results. The random forest is a collection of decision trees that classifies new objects according to their attributes. The trees vote for a class, and the forest selects the classification that has the majority votes.

    The decision trees represent individual subsets of data and calculate the average to improve the accuracy of the prediction/classification model. The random forest ideally contains 64-128 trees. The input is entered at the top of the decision tree. Then, the input travels down to the subsets based on the attributes/variables.

    Random forest algorithm is applied for predicting customer behavior, consumer demand, market fluctuations, fraud identification, diagnosis, and more.
  9. Apriori algorithm (Unsupervised Learning)

    The apriori algorithm is an unsupervised learning algorithm that can solve association problems. The association problems are aimed at finding interesting associations and relationships among large sets of data items.

    The apriori algorithm uses frequent item sets to generate association rules that determine how strongly two objects are connected to each other. This algorithm works on databases, which contain transactions or similar forms of comparable information.

    R. Agrawal and Srikant wrote the apriori algorithm in 1994. The algorithm uses a breadth-first search process and a hash tree to calculate item sets. To find frequent item sets from the larger dataset, the process is repeated continuously.

    Some of the common applications Apriori algorithm include market basket analysis to find products that can be bundled together, drug reactions in patients, and more.
  10. Principal component analysis (Unsupervised Learning)

    Principal component analysis is an unsupervised learning technique for dimensionality reduction. This algorithm reduces dataset dimensionality, i.e., it reduces the number of correlated features. The PCA follows a statistical process to convert observations of correlated features into linearly uncorrelated features.

    PCA considers the variance of each attribute to check for low variance. A high variance displays better splits between the classes and reduces dimensionality.

    The principal component analysis comes in handy for exploratory data analysis and predictive modeling. The applications of PCA include a movie recommendation system, image processing, power allocation optimization for electrical grids, and more. 

Bottom line

A sound knowledge of machine learning algorithms can help you excel as an ML engineer. Knowing when to use a specific algorithm is very important for a machine learning engineer. Using the machine-learning algorithms mentioned above, ML engineers can start implementing ML systems for classification, regression, data analysis, modeling, and more.

Do you wish to work at a top US company as an ML engineer? Are you a machine learning enthusiast looking for high-paying remote jobs? Try Turing.

Turing offers high-paying remote machine learning jobs for developers across the globe. For more information, visit the Apply for Jobs page.


  1. How do machine learning algorithms work?

    Machine learning algorithms rely on computational techniques to gather information from the data instead of using a predetermined equation as a reference model. The ML algorithms adapt and improve their performance as the sample data increases. The algorithms consider the input variables during training and find the best solution to a given problem.
  2. What are examples of machine learning algorithms?

    Some of the common machine learning algorithms are linear regression, logistic regression, Naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbor, principal component analysis, random forest, support vector machine, and more.
  3. Which algorithm is best for machine learning?

    Selecting the best algorithm for machine learning depends on your exact requirements, your sample/learning dataset, your expected format of output, classification/regression calculations, and a few other factors. 

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By Jan 5, 2023
10 popular cybersecurity jobs
Skills, Interviews, and Jobs

Top 10 Cyber Security Jobs in 2024

Top 10 cyber security jobs for 2023: 1. IT Auditor, 2. Information Security Analyst, 3. Security Systems Administrator, 4. Security Architect

How to get a cyber security job? What qualifications do you need for cyber security jobs? Is it hard to get into the cyber security field? Keep reading this blog post to find answers to these questions, and learn more about the best cyber security jobs in 2024.

The demand for cyber security jobs has been rising over the past decade. In fact, from 2013 to 2021, the requirement for cybersecurity professionals increased by over 350 percent. The demand will only increase further as more and more companies hire cyber security experts to counter cyber attacks. 

A study by (ISC)² indicated that more than 3.1 million cybersecurity positions are unfilled across the globe. So, if you are a software engineer, developer, or IT professional, you should definitely consider a career in the cybersecurity domain. 

Cybersecurity jobs can enable you to work in a fast-paced environment with a lot of opportunities for growth, learning, and improvement. Usually, cyber security jobs are very demanding and challenging, but perks like job security, high compensation, and outstanding career growth make them appealing choices.

This blog post deep dives into cybersecurity jobs, their requirements, and some more details to get you started in the cybersecurity sector. 

Entry-Level Cyber-Security Jobs

    1. IT Auditor

      As an IT auditor, you will be conducting analyses, assessments, and reports that highlight the issues with your organization’s technologies and their security, compliance, and efficiency. Auditors are in charge of planning and performing audits, documentation, presentation, and more. IT auditors offer guidance for improving the security measures within the systems and processes.

      IT auditors design elaborate plans to fix all kinds of security risks and identify opportunities to improve efficiency.

      Certifications like CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) and CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) can help a lot if you are applying for the role of an internal IT auditor or a security auditor.

    2. Digital Forensic Examiner

      Do you enjoy solving puzzles and seeking clues? If yes, then the digital forensic investigator job is perfect for you. Digital forensic examiners can extract and retrieve information from computers, mobiles, and other electronic devices. They can also detect modes with which an unauthorized person may have accessed an encrypted system.

      Cyber forensic specialists work closely with law enforcement agencies for legal disputes, cases, or crimes that involve digital technologies. They collect, preserve, and analyze digital evidence, recover data from damaged/erased hard drives, and document the process.

      Certifications like GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst, EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), or AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) can help you boost your career as a digital forensic examiner.

    3. Information Security Analyst

      Information security analysts are experienced network or systems administrators who can help you protect your organization’s networks and IT systems. They monitor networks for security breaches. They are well-versed in the trends and developments in the IT security field.

      IT security analysts strategize to improve the organization’s security and help their colleagues with the company’s security measures and procedures.

      CompTIA A+, GIAC Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA), and GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH) are some of the popular cybersecurity certifications to help you get started at an information security analyst job.

      Related Post: DevSecOps: What Companies Need To Know?

    4. Information Security Specialist

      As an information security specialist, you will be in charge of maintaining data security best practices at your organization. Information Security Specialists collaborate with other teams to prevent unauthorized access, cyberattacks, data leaks, and other similar issues. People working in networking, IT support, systems engineering, and more can apply for information security specialist jobs.

      Your daily responsibilities as security specialists may include maintaining firewalls, antiviruses, anti-phishing software, anti-malware systems, and other cybersecurity software. Also, you may be required to design and implement cybersecurity training for your company and look for potential information security risks.

      The CompTIA Security+, Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP), and GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC) are some of the standard certifications required for cybersecurity specialist roles.

      Note: The U.S. employment sector reflects a global shortage of cybersecurity professionals. According to CyberSeek, there are approximately 90,000 CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professionals) in the U.S., but the job openings that require CISSP stand at more than 106,000.

      Hire cybersecurity specialists for your company within 3-5 days with Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud. Turing hosts a talent cloud of 2.5 million software professionals across the globe to help companies hire remote cybersecurity specialists.

      Advanced-Level Cyber Security Jobs

    5. Security Systems Administrator

      As a security systems administrator, you will be in charge of the daily operations of your organization’s cybersecurity systems. You would review the security systems, maintain documentation, and run regular backups.

      SS Administrators manage individual user accounts and collaborate with security teams to eliminate breaches or intrusions. Cybersecurity administrators also play a huge role in security audits. They maintain the log of security procedures for the company to follow.

      Aspirants can get cybersecurity certifications like Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) or Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) to apply for security administrator jobs.

    6. Penetration Tester

      A penetration tester helps organizations identify their security weaknesses. As ethical hackers, their efforts enable the organization to secure its systems against non-ethical hackers.

      Here’s how the testing works – A penetration tester attempts to breach a company’s computer networks with prior permission, to plan, design, and conduct penetration tests. The vulnerability assessor creates reports based on the tests and offers recommendations to the systems administrators. Lastly, system admins develop scripts to automate the penetration tests and offer technical support during incident handling.

      If you wish to apply for ethical hacker jobs, work for certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CompTIA PenTest+, GIAC Certified Penetration Tester (GPEN), or more.

      Related Post: The Basics of Web Application Penetration Testing

    7. Cybersecurity Engineer

      As a cybersecurity engineer, you would design cybersecurity systems that protect the data from cyber attacks, breaches, leaks, or other external threats. Security engineers develop and maintain network firewalls and intrusion detection systems. They also maintain compliance with their security systems and ensure that systems are installed and configured accurately.

      In addition, cybersecurity engineers recommend enhancements, tweaks, and updates to the implemented network security systems. They create incident response teams and maintain a detailed incident log of any potential threats or vulnerabilities.

      To apply for cybersecurity engineer jobs, apply for cybersecurity certification programs like Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), Google Cloud Security Certifications, and more.

    8. Security Architect

      A security architect sets the vision for their organization’s cybersecurity systems. Cybersecurity architects combine programming, threat analysis, and policy development to help the organization from cyber-attacks. They build and maintain security systems, prepare budgets for security expenses, and coordinate security operations.

      In other words, Security architects improve the IT systems in response to external vulnerabilities or threats.

      The CISSP, CISM, and CSA Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) are some of the common certifications developers choose to complete before applying for security architect jobs.

    9. Cryptography Engineer

      Cryptography involves securing and encrypting data for information exchange or communications. Cryptography engineers create sophisticated encryption algorithms, ciphers, codes, and other security protocols to protect the data.

      They can encrypt and decrypt critical/classified information and transfer it via secure channels or systems. Also, cryptologists analyze existing encryption protocols for system issues, develop cryptographic algorithms, and implement them with newer tools and techniques.

      The EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) is a great certification to get started with cryptography jobs.

    10. Cybersecurity Manager

      Cybersecurity managers lead the teams that manage the IT security infrastructure of an organization. They manage the technological and human resources involved in the cybersecurity teams.

      Also, cybersecurity managers track changes to internal and external security policies and regularly ensure compliance.

      In addition, cyber security managers source and provide the right cybersecurity tools and procedures for the company. They lead risk mitigation drives and keep track of all the changes and updates made to the security systems.

      The Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Information Security Professional (CISSP) are great certifications to upskill yourself and apply for managerial cybersecurity jobs near you.

In sum 

The cybersecurity domain is a very attractive field for IT professionals, software developers, and engineers to enhance their careers. There is an immense demand for cybersecurity specialists, as it is estimated that by 2025, there will be 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs.

More than 1.7 million searches were recorded for the keyword “cybersecurity jobs $100,000”. More than 45 percent of cybersecurity professionals reported that recruiters contacted them weekly, regardless of whether they were actively seeking employment. Such statistics indicate that cybersecurity experts will be in high demand in the coming years.

Are you a software developer looking for cybersecurity jobs? Are you excited to work at a high-paying cyber security job with a top US company from the comfort of your home? Try Turing. For more information, visit the Apply for Jobs page.

If you’re a company looking to hire experienced cybersecurity professionals, we’ve got you covered. Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud has 3M+ developers from across the globe. You get a two-week risk-free trial before our developers. Head over to the Hire Developers page to know more. 


  1. How to get a cybersecurity job?

    The first step to getting a cybersecurity job would be to familiarize yourself with concepts related to programming and coding. Network with other cybersecurity professionals to learn more about working in the field. Practicing your cyber security skills on CTF (capture the flag) games, and experimenting with a second computer will also help.

  2. What qualifications do you need for cyber security?

    A graduate or a postgraduate degree in computer science, cyber security, mathematics, IT, networking and security, or computer/IT engineering would be a good starting point. You can apply for cyber security certifications like CISSP, CISM, and others, to start your career as a cyber security specialist.

  3. Is it hard to get into cyber security?

    No. It is very easy to get into cyber security. You need to have a graduate/post-graduate degree or a cyber security certification to apply for the jobs. There is a very high demand for cyber security professionals across the world, and the field will grow by more than 30 percent over the next decade. 


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By Nov 16, 2022
Kotlin backend development
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

Why Should You Use Kotlin for Backend Development?

Features like static typing, coroutines, and Ktor, streamline the Kotlin backend development process. Also, Kotlin is concise, interoperable, and safe.

Is Kotlin good for backend? Is Kotlin better than Java for backend? Is Kotlin better than Python? What is Kotlin backend development? Keep reading this post to find out. 

Kotlin is a phenomenal programming language for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and Android devices. Native Android developers prefer Kotlin since Google announced it as its official language for Android Development at the May 2017 I/O event.

You can imagine Kotlin’s popularity by considering that more than 60 percent of top-grossing apps and 71 percent of newly launched apps are based on Kotlin. Most Android developers prefer Kotlin as it resolves a lot of issues with Java coding. Due to its perfect sync with Java, a lot of Android developers use Kotlin to rewrite applications.

Kotlin undoubtedly performs well with front-end development. However, the following blog post is a deep dive into Kotlin and its applications for backend development. Android developers can refer to this blog post to learn about fast and reliable asynchronous Kotlin backend development, and its uses for server-side apps or REST APIs.

Related Post: A Complete Guide to APIs: What are APIs and Their Types

A great choice for backend development

JavaScript is a popular programming language. The dynamic typing feature of JavaScript works effectively for front-end development. But developers prefer statically typed code for backend development.
Static typing helps developers feel secure about their server’s performance at runtime by preventing mismatches. Node.js offers the ability to easily write asynchronous code and services. Let us dive deep into how Kotlin offers features like Ktor and Coroutines that are best-suited for backend development.

Related Post: Kotlin vs Java: Which Programming Language Should You Choose?

Kotlin: A Brief Overview

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that supports functional and object-oriented programming. The syntax and concepts of Kotlin are similar to C#, Scala, and Java. Though the Kotlin language is targeted at JVM (Java Virtual Machine), it also offers variants that target JavaScript or Native code. 

Kotlin has a few similarities to Java, as it compiles down to Java bytecode. So, backend engineers with a JVM background find Kotlin easy to grasp. 

The three main advantages of using Kotlin for backend development are:

  1. Kotlin code is concise. Using Kotlin drastically reduces boilerplate code. 
  2. Kotlin is a safe programming language. It prevents null pointer exceptions.
  3. Kotlin is interoperable. Android, JVM, and browser libraries can be used for Kotlin development. 

Coroutines in Kotlin

Having a multi-threaded application can help you unlock the maximum capacity of your server. However, Java makes it difficult to create multi-threaded applications. To create multi-threaded applications in Java, developers can follow either of the two methods: 1. To extend the Thread class or 2. Implement Runnable interface.

But junior developers may find it difficult to tell the difference between these two methods. It can be confusing to decide whether to start a thread with the run method, or start method, and should you start a thread manually, or use a thread pool.

Kotlin offers a better solution to this problem with a feature called ‘Coroutines’. Coroutines help developers write asynchronous, non-blocking code. With coroutines, functions (computation) can be paused at some point and resumed later on.

The programming model does not change while writing non-blocking code. So, writing non-blocking code is nearly the same as writing blocking code. Here is an example…

fun sendRequest(): Int {

   /* perform some heavy work */

   return 1;


This example displays a blocking function. The thread executing this code won’t perform any other tasks until the function returns. In case of an API or a database call, this action could cause a few seconds of delay. Turning this function into a non-blocking function can resolve this issue. Here is an example…

suspend fun sendRequest(): Int {

   /* do some heavy work */

   return 1;


This is how developers can turn their functions into non-blocking functions that can be suspended. If the ‘heavy work’ is a simple delay() function call of 20 seconds, the thread will execute other tasks for 20 seconds. Then it will resume the execution of sendRequest() function. Thus, non-blocking code can be achieved with a single keyword in Kotlin. 

Asynchronous services with Ktor

While coding REST APIs, developers must also perform a few subordinate tasks like starting an embedded server, parsing the request, and more. However, manually completing these tasks is a hassle, and features like Spring Boot for Java make it very easy to do so. 

Kotlin’s ‘Ktor’ is a web framework that can be used for creating easy-to-use asynchronous servers. Here is an example…

fun main() {

embeddedServer(Tomcat, 8080) {

     routing {

         get {

             call.respond(“Have a great day!”)



}.start(wait = true)


The above code presents a fully functional Kotlin Ktor server running on an embedded Tomcat server, listens on port 8080, and responds asynchronously with “Have a great day!” to get requests. The best part about this code is – it can be performed with less than 9 lines of code. 

Ktor has wider applications beyond this example. Ktor simplifies and streamlines the login and authentication process. 

Why should you use Kotlin for backend development?

Android developers heavily rely on Java and Spring for writing backend systems and REST APIs. However, the verbosity of these two programming languages is a huge disadvantage. Though the latest releases have reduced this problem to some extent, developers still need to deal with a lot of boilerplate code while working with Java and Spring. 

Here is the code comparison of Java and Kotlin respectively. 

Code for creating a class with two read-only fields in Java.

public class Employee {

private final String name;

private final int age;

public Employee(String name, int age) { = name;

     this.age = age;


public String getName() {

     return name;


public int getAge() {

     return age;



The Java code written above is too long to perform. Even the auto-generated constructor and methods are of no use. When reviewing the pull request, developers need to revisit this code to check if it is as per the requirement or not. 

Code for creating a class with two read-only fields in Java.

class Employee(

val name: String,

val age: Int


The Kotlin code is a lot shorter and simpler than the Java code. The val keyword is used to finalize the variables. The constructor and getters are not auto-generated. They are generated at compile time. If developers do not want an immutable employee object, they can use the var keyword instead. 

The POJO classes in Java have auto generated overridden equals() and hashcode(). As a developer, you might feel the need to review them to ensure correctness. On the other hand, Kotlin simplifies the process by offering equals() and hashcode() when you change your class to a data class

Code for converting class to a data class.

data class Employee(

val name: String,

val age: Int

Benefits of using Kotlin for backend development

The ability to use Java libraries in Kotlin is a lifesaver, with hundreds of amazing third-party Java libraries available on the market. Developers do not need to write their implementations when there are open-source, ready-to-use libraries that do the job perfectly. The Java, JVM, and Android libraries work flawlessly with Kotlin. 

Kotlin and Ktor offer extensive testing libraries and frameworks for development. The Junit framework works seamlessly with Kotlin, and Ktor hosts itstesting library for quickly writing end-to-end tests and integration tests. Using Kotlin and Ktor, developers can use a custom test engine to run their entire application, and handle requests just like the live application would.

Related Post: Unit Testing vs Integration Testing: 4 Key Differences Explained


There is no single best language or framework that is perfect for any job. The best approach for software development is to familiarize yourself with as many tools as you can. So, when problems and errors arise, you can choose the best tool to resolve them.

Kotlin’s website states that its aim of Kotlin is not to be unique; instead, it draws inspiration and best practices from decades of software development. Kotlin, coroutines, and Ktor make an amazing trio for backend development. 

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  1. Is Kotlin good for backend?

    Kotlin has features like static typing, coroutines, Ktor, and null-pointer exceptions, which make it ideal for backend development. Also, many Android developers prefer Kotlin for back-end development, due to Google’s official support.

  2. Is Kotlin better than Java for backend?

    Kotlin is better than Java for backend development. If Android development is considered, Kotlin has multiple advantages over Java while developing small applications. However, developers prefer Java over Kotlin when it comes to larger and complex applications.

  3. Is Kotlin better than Python?

    Developers favor Kotlin over Python, as Kotlin covers all the shortcomings of Python. Learning Kotlin can allow devs to target more solutions efficiently and easily. Python is better equipped with the tools for developing sophisticated software, automation systems, and data-related tasks.


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By Nov 5, 2022
R vs Python programming language
Software Comparisons

R vs Python: Which Is Better?

R is a statistical programming language used for data analysis and visualization. Python is a general-purpose programming language used for deployment and production.

Is R better than Python? Is R easier than Python? Why is Python more popular than R? Do most companies use R or Python? Who is the winner in the R vs Python battle? 

Keep reading this blog post to find out.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python focuses on code readability with a decluttered visual layout and simple syntax. Python primarily emphasizes syntactic sugar – a simple, consistent syntax design focusing on keywords instead of punctuations. Dutch programmer Guido Van Rossum released the first version of Python, Python 0.9.0, on 20th February 1991.

Python is flexible, easy to learn, free, and accessible. Python hosts many open-source libraries for data wrangling, processing, and analysis. Programmers prefer Python for its versatility, code efficiency, debugging capabilities, embeddable code, and other sophisticated functionalities.

Related Post: Python for Data Scraping and Data Wrangling

What is R?

R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is primarily used for statistical computing, data analysis, visualization, and more. Data miners, statisticians, data scientists, and researchers rely on R and its packages for a wide range of applications. R, its libraries, and its user-developed packages host robust features that are very useful for data scientists. 

Statisticians Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman developed ‘R’, an open-source programming language, in 1993.

R programming language includes data structures like vectors, arrays, lists, and data frames that define the method of data processing. R also supports an array of arithmetics, graphs, computationally intensive tasks, and a wide range of statistical techniques.

Both R and Python have some unique features, advantages, disadvantages, and individual use cases. They produce different forms of outputs and solve data analysis problems with different methodologies. 

R vs Python for Data Science 

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that applies information from data across a wide range of applications by using scientific methods, procedures, algorithms, and systems to infer knowledge and insights from noisy, structured, and unstructured data. According to some estimates, the market share of data science platforms will surpass $320 billion by 2026. 

People rely on data science to obtain insights from a given data set. The insights help them drive important decisions, devise strategies, plan budgets, and more. Data scientists use programming languages like Python, SQL, C++, Java, R, and Perl for data mining, analysis, cleaning, processing, visualizing, indexing, and organizing.

Python is the most widely used programming language for data science. More than two-thirds of data scientists globally rely on Python. However, R has also surfaced as a popular choice among data experts recently, as it can perform many complicated mathematical and statistical operations seamlessly.

Here is a detailed comparison of R and Python.

R vs Python

R vs Python: Key Differences

R vs Python: Which programming language should you choose?

Choosing the right programming language depends on many factors. Most junior developers prefer Python due to its syntactic sugar. Data scientists prefer R due to its analytical efficiency and progressive functionalities.

Similarly, software developers, web developers, systems administrators, and software engineers prefer Python due to its popularity and expansive range of libraries. Academicians, researchers, scientists, and data engineers prefer the R programming language, as it offers beautiful graphics for data visualization and the capability to process large data sets.

Both of these programming languages are unique in their way and have different applications and use cases. So, consider their popularity, functionality, and modularity to choose one.

Are you a skilled R or Python developer looking for a remote job? Try Turing!

Turing offers long-term, high-paying IS remote software jobs to software developers around the globe. Visit the Apply for Jobs page to learn more.


  1. Is R better than Python?
    Data analysts who need to process large data sets and visualize them with attractive graphics would prefer R over Python. Junior developers who require basic web scraping, data processing, and scalability prefer Python.

  2. Is R easier than Python? 
    Both R and Python programming languages are easy to learn. However, Python has a better learning curve due to syntactic sugar, i.e., simple keyword-based syntax.

  3. Why is Python more popular than R?
    Python’s simplicity, large repository of libraries and packages, scalability, massive community support, and multi-functional features make Python more popular than R.

  4. Do most companies use R or Python?
    Most big techs, especially MAANG companies, use R and Python in combination for various tasks ranging from data processing and presentation to setting up web servers and web scraping.

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By Sep 21, 2022
C++ vs Java
Software Comparisons

C++ vs Java: What Programming Language Should You Choose?

Java is user-friendly, easy to learn and implement. Contrarily, C++ is more advanced, performs faster, and needs experienced software engineers.

Which is better C++ vs Java? Which is more powerful C++ or Java? Should I learn C++ or Java in 2022? Keep reading this blog post to find out.

The choice of the programming language depends on multiple factors, such as its type, complexity, TTM (time to market), scalability, security, and more. Applications written in complex programming languages can be feature-packed, modular, and scalable. However, they require a long time to code. 

Knowing the technical differences between C++ and Java would help developers choose the right programming language for their projects. Let us explore the situations where C++ or Java could be an ideal choice for developers.

What is C++?

Danish scientist Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ as an extension of C, or ‘C with Classes’ in 1985. C++ is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Developers use C++ to develop full-fledged software applications and operating systems.

C++ is a multi-paradigm, object-oriented language with low-level memory management. Large-scale organizations like Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, NASA, Google, Amazon, and more heavily rely on C++.

In addition, C++ is a platform-independent programming language, so C++ programs can seamlessly run on many operating systems and interfaces.

What is Java? 

James Gosling, a Canadian computer scientist from Sun Microsystems, developed Java in 1995. Java is an open-source, high-level, general-purpose programming language that is designed to have minimum implementation coupling. Java is a WORA (write once, run anywhere) language that makes Java code compilation easy on all platforms.

Java is simple, reliable, secure, affordable, and portable. Developers use Java to develop applications for gaming consoles, general computers, smartphones, data centers, scientific computers, smartwatches, and more. Google, Airbnb, eBay, Spotify, Slack, Intel, and many other companies use Java for developing web applications.

What is the difference between C++ and Java?

C++ and Java resemble the syntax of C programming language. However, the ecosystems of Java and C++ are very different. C++ code can be called into C, C++ libraries, or API of operating systems. On the other hand, Java code is only ideal for Java-based libraries.

In addition, C++ interacts with hardware more effectively than Java due to its low-level nature and lack of automatic memory management. 

Here are the differences between C++ and Java in detail: 

  • Multiple inheritance

    In Object-oriented programming, multiple inheritance is when a child class inherits attributes and methods from a parent class. Java does not support multiple inheritance. However, C++ supports multiple inheritance features.

    Multiple inheritance helps create a DSL (domain-specific language), perform advanced calculations during compilation, and improve project type safety.
  • Code reusability

    For reusing code, both programming languages have generic versions of classes. Java offers generics and C++ hosts templates that work with any data type. C++ templates are more flexible and easy to implement for advanced programming purposes.

    C++ compilers can create customized functions or classes whenever different data types come in use. C++ also hosts template specialization, wherein templates can call custom functions. Depending on the type of parameters of top-level functions, particular data types are allowed to have specialized code.

    Java does not have template specialization and instead follows ‘type erasure.’ In the type erasure process, Java compilers create generic objects without data types. Type-checking is performed during compilation, but the behavior of a generic class cannot be modified based on its type parameters.

    Related Post: Kotlin vs. Java: What Should You Choose for Your Next Project?
  • Runtime reflection

    Java developers can view structural details of the Java code during runtime. This feature is ‘reflection,’ and it lets developers view the availability of members in a class/class type.

    C++ does not have a full-fledged reflection feature; instead, it offers RTTI or runtime type information. With RTTI, developers can detect specific object types, but they cannot view the object’s members and other similar information.
  • Memory management

    There are two main approaches to memory management: manual and automatic. For manual memory management, developers must keep track of code, objects, and elements to manually release unused memory.

    Java has an automatic memory management system called ‘garbage collection. Java’s garbage collection enables easier memory management and reduces errors caused by releasing memory, thereby reducing security vulnerabilities.

    On the other hand, C++ has ‘smart pointers’ that use reference counting for memory management. Destructors in C++ release the allocated memory when an object is removed.

    In addition, C++ supports heap allocation and stack allocation, while Java only supports heap allocation. Stack allocation can be faster, safer, and simpler due to the linear data structures of C++. The stack allocation of C++ also supports a programming technique known as RAII (Resource Allocation Is Initialization).
  • Runtime performance

    C++ outperforms Java, as C++’s manual memory management is faster than Java’s automatic garbage collection. However, Java can also perform better than C++ in some cases with the help of the JIT (Just In Time) compilation.

    In addition, the reduced usage of heap allocations in C++ requires less memory and performs better than the garbage collector of Java’s standard memory library. Nevertheless, Java is generally fast and an ideal choice for developing applications unless latency is a top priority.
  • Build and package management

    Build and package management is how developers build projects and connect external dependencies to the application.

    Build and package management affects developer efficiency, project timelines, update management, component tracking, and much more. Maven, a specialized Java tool, can transpose Java code to Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like IntelliJ IDEA.

    Related Post: 7 Best Java IDEs and Editors in 2022

    C++ does not have a standard build and package management repository or tool. A few commercial C++ libraries are binary-formatted, which adds to the complexity of the coding process. 




Learning curve

Java is a beginner-friendly programming language

C++ has a steep learning curve and a complicated syntax.

Runtime performance

Java has a slower runtime performance

C++ has a faster runtime performance

Smart pointers

Java lacks the smart pointers feature

C++ has a feature for reference counting smart pointers


Java applications have unpredictable latencies

The latency of C++ applications is predictable

Garbage collection

Global mark-and-sweep garbage collection can be performed in Java

C++ does not have the garbage collection feature

Memory allocation

Java has automatic memory allocation

Stack memory allocation can be defined in C++ apps

API interaction

Java applications require code written in C to interact with APIs

C++ programs can directly interact with low-level operating system APIs

Interaction with C libraries

Java applications require code written in C to interact with C libraries

C++ can directly interact with C libraries

Interaction with Java libraries

Java apps can directly interact with Java libraries

C++ requires JNI (Java Native Interface) to interact with Java libraries

Build and package management

Java features Maven for standardized build and package management

C++ needs third-party alternatives like Conan


Your choice of programming language between C++ and Java will depend on the specific requirements of your projects. C++ and Java both have their individual use cases and have certain advantages over each other. Therefore, there is no universal answer to the question of what programming language should be your primary choice between Java and C++.

Java is ideal for software developers who are not well-versed with low-level programming concepts. C++, however, is ideal for software developers who wish to create games, operating systems, desktop applications, embedded systems, and more.

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Turing offers better stability, career growth, and higher compensation for software developers. If you have more than 3 years of experience as a software developer, you should try Turing Jobs. For more information, visit the Apply for Jobs page now.


  1. Which is better C++ or Java?
    Java is highly modular and performs great on all kinds of platforms. Java is faster with short code execution However, C++ outperforms Java in long code execution.

  2. Which is more powerful C++ or Java?
    C++ is closer to hardware and has better object management, performance, and speed. Thus, C++ is more powerful than Java, especially for compiling and running large applications.

  3. Should I learn C++ or Java in 2022?
    Java is a beginner-friendly language that is ideal for junior developers. C++ has a steeper learning curve than Java.

    C++ is the 4th most popular programming language in 2022, with millions of jobs for remote developers. Java is used across various industries like big data, IoT, AI, ML, and more, as major companies are always looking for experienced Java developers. 

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By Sep 15, 2022
Adonis JS vs Express JS: Key Differences
Software Comparisons

Adonis JS Vs Express JS: Which is the Best MVC framework?

Adonis JS vs Express JS: Adonis JS is a full-fledged MVC framework. Express JS is a minimalistic framework. Adonis has its own ORM – Lucid, while Express doesn’t have a built-in ORM.

What is Node JS? What is the advantage of Adonis? Which is better, NodeJS or ExpressJS? Which is the best JS framework between Adonis and Express? Who wins the Adonis JS vs Express JS battle? 

Keep reading this post to find out.

One of the biggest innovations of the world wide web is the ability to create applications with scalable web servers. However, almost a decade ago, creating web servers was tedious. The most popular web server software – Apache HTTP server, had a lot of limitations.

The Apache HTTP server could not handle 10,000 or more concurrent connections. The sequential programming method for creating Apache code blocked the entire process or required multiple execution stacks. Ryan Dahl solved this bottleneck by creating Node.js – a low-level I/O API, an event loop, and Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine.

What is Node.js? 

Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime system that runs on Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine. Node.js executes JavaScript code external to a browser and lets developers write command line tools with JavaScript. Node.js features server-side scripting that produces dynamic web page content before the page loads in the browser. 

Node.js unifies web app development with a single programming language – JavaScript for server-side and client-side scripts. Node.js features an event-driven architecture with asynchronous input/output. Companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, LinkedIn, IBM, Yahoo!, Walmart, PayPal, Netflix, SAP, GoDaddy, and Rakuten use Node.js.

Node.js frameworks

Node.js frameworks are workspace platforms that support web development with Node.js and use JavaScript for front-end and back-end development. Node.js frameworks can build functions and create unique capabilities for Node.js applications. There are three types of Node.js frameworks: 1) MVC frameworks, 2) Full-stack MVC frameworks, and 3) REST API frameworks.

Related Post: Why and When to Use Node.js? A Brief Guide.

What is an MVC framework?

Model-View-Controller frameworks feature an important design pattern that separates application logic into three parts: models, views, and controllers. The separation makes web development an easy, efficient, and scalable process. 

Express JS and Adonis JS are two of the most popular MVC frameworks based on Node.js.

What is Adonis JS?

Adonis JS is a fully featured back-end framework for Node.js. It creates dynamic data-driven web apps or API servers. Adonis JS can handle HTTP requests, database queries, data validation, user authentication protocols, file transfers, email handling, and a lot more.

Adonis JS is an MVC framework that is based on the Laravel architecture. The concepts of dependency injection are employed with Inversion of Control (IOC). Adonis JS is ideal for developing fast web applications and web-based services that must return JSON responses from a controller.

What is Express JS?

Express JS is a minimalistic Node.js framework with a simple learning curve. A basic understanding of Node.js functionalities is enough to work with Express JS. Companies like Uber, Accenture, IBM, Twitter, Trustpilot, and Stack use Express JS to develop and deploy web applications. 

Express JS features rapid server-side programming packages, template engines, and process managers. The asynchronous programming of Express JS results in better performance, as multiple operations can be executed simultaneously and independently. The simplicity, flexibility, and scalability of Express JS make it a popular choice among other Node.js frameworks.

Adonis JS vs Express JS: What is the difference?

Both of these Node.js frameworks have quite a few differences, unique features, and factors that separate them from each other. Let us learn in-depth about the differences between Adonis JS vs Express JS.

  1. Architecture

    Adonis JS is a Node.js MVC framework useful for creating scalable web applications. Every Adonis JS project is deployed with a well-defined set of folders and files. So, developers must understand the underlying structure of folders before they start developing with Adonis JS.

    Express JS, on the other hand, is very minimalistic and flexible. It can be used with any database, object-relational mapping (ORM), or folder structure. Even junior developers can set up the back-end side of web applications easily and quickly with Express JS.
  2. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

    Object-Relational Mapping, or ORM, is a programming technique that uses the object-oriented programming language to create a ‘virtual database’ within the framework. Every framework has its ORM, and the ORM of Adonis JS is ‘Lucid.’ Lucid can quickly build queries, run seeds and factories, create and manage migrations, and hosts data modeling capabilities.

    Express JS does not ship with its ORM. Express JS supports many 3rd-party Node.js ORMs like Sequelize, Bookshelf, and Waterline. Developers can also choose to write plain SQL queries or use query builders like knex.js, instead of using a dedicated ORM.
  3. Routing 

    A routing system defines how the application endpoints (URLs) respond to the web client’s requests. The Express Router hosts basic HTTP routing functionalities like app.get( ), ), and so on. The app.use( ) method route specifies middleware as the callback function.|

    Adonis JS hosts robust routing functionalities and allows the developers to bind routes to controllers. The method enables developers to group multiple routes and configure them instead of re-defining the same properties for every route. Using the Route module, routes are generally defined in the start/routes.ts file.

    Related Post: 12 Best Node js Frameworks for 2024
  4. Authentication

    Adonis 5 features an authentication system that greatly reduces the time required for its development. The system supports three types of authentication: basic HTTP authentication, web sessions, and API-based tokens. The support for authentication relies on the @adonisjs/auth package, which relies on the Lucid package.

    Express JS does not have its own authentication system. Developers use third-party tools like Okta and integrate them with Express JS to handle user authentication. 
  5. Performance

    The Adonis JS version 5 adds a few micro-optimizations and performance tweaks to the backend framework. Consistent updates of Adonis JS have led to great results with the HTTP server and the validator. Now, the HTTP server is almost on par with the benchmarks of Fastify.js.

    Express JS also performs great. However, it does not run as fast as Fastify. Express JS is more popular and stable than Fastify and does not compromise the I/O performance of Node.js.
  6. Emails

    For Adonis JS, the official adonisjs/mail package can send emails from the web application. The package relies internally on the Nodemailer module for transferring emails. The package also supports AWS SES, Mailgun, Sparkpost and SMTP.

    The Nodemailer module can also be used with Express JS, but the drivers must be set up manually before the emails deploy. 
  7. Templates

    Adonis JS hosts a templating engine – Edge. Edge can be used to create loops, layouts, components, add conditions, and a few more tasks. Edge can also inspect templates and debug them with a built-in tool. 

    Express JS does not have any templating engine. Developers can create their own templating engine with the app.engine(ext, callback) method. Since creating templating engine is very time-consuming, Express supports many external third-party templating engines. 

Adonis JS vs Express JS: Bottomline

Express is essentially a microframework that can be used to quickly build applications with Node.js. Adonis JS, on the other hand, Adonis JS is a full-featured Node.js framework that is Typescript-first. 

Both are exceptional Node.js frameworks and offer great benefits to web developers.   Depending on the requirements, developers can choose either of the two for their web applications. 

Are you a Node.js developer? Do you have 3+ years of experience as a software developer? Are you looking for high-paying remote software developer jobs? Try Turing.

Turing offers long-term, remote software jobs for developers. More than 3 million developers have signed up for Turing jobs. Turing guarantees steady career growth with an opportunity to work for the biggest companies in the U.S.


  1. What is the advantage of Adonis?
    Adonis is a complete MVC framework in itself. Adonis has many advantages like powerful analytical tools, easy migration, and offers an efficient collaborative environment. It hosts smart BPMN, modeling, and personalized views. AdonisJS is easy to set up and configure with high transparency.

  2. Which is better, NodeJS or ExpressJS?
    ExpressJS is based on NodeJS, so it offers more features. ExpressJS makes it very easy to set up web servers with minimum configurations and has faster setup timelines. ExpressJS can perform the same tasks that NodeJS can; in a faster, efficient, and effortless manner.

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By Sep 8, 2022
Power BI vs Tableau Best Data Visualization Software for your Company
For Employers

Power BI vs Tableau: Best Data Visualization Software for your Company

Power BI vs Tableau: Tableau is ideal for the visualization of vast amounts of data on the cloud. Power BI performs faster for limited data sets.

Is Power BI or Tableau easier? What is the difference between Power BI and Tableau? What are the advantages of Power BI over Tableau? Which is in more demand: Power BI vs Tableau?

To find answers to these questions, keep reading this post.

Innovations in data science play a huge role in modern computing. However, to leverage any data, we need to comprehend it, and that’s where data visualization comes into play.

What is Data Visualization? 

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information, often in the form of a chart, picture, table, or diagram. The primary purpose of data visualization is to identify trends, monotonous patterns, and anomalies in the data. The four main stages of data visualization are: 

  1. Exploration
  2. Analysis 
  3. Synthesis 
  4. Presentation

Data analysts and scientists analyze, understand, and visualize information effectively. Data visualization tools help them convey their observations through pictures, graphs, and charts. Data visualization tools also convert data into a visually appealing format that is easy to understand for any layman.

Companies use data visualization and analysis tools like charts, widgets, pivot tables, and tabular view components to create insightful reports and dashboards. Data visualization helps business owners and stakeholders gain insights from many metrics and vast amounts of data. 

Recognizing patterns and errors helps improve productivity, detect red flags, and manage business analytics. This feature helps to make critical business decisions, plan business strategies, and define business goals.

Companies use Tableau, QlikView, Grafana, Plotly, Chartist.js, Power BI, Datawrapper, Sisense, FusionCharts, and D3.js for their data visualization requirements. However, Power BI and Tableau are the two most popular data visualization software globally. 

Here are the differences between Power BI and Tableau.

What is Power BI?

Microsoft developed Power BI (Business Intelligence) as a data visualization tool in July 2011. Power BI is a business analytics service that analyzes, visualizes, and extracts data for further use.

Power BI hosts pre-built dashboards and reports for SaaS solutions with real-time dashboard updates. Businesses use Power BI for predictive analytics, self-service analytics, and reporting. Power BI is a central repository for business intelligence data and integrates well with other SaaS products like Google Analytics, Azure, Office 365, and more.

What is Tableau?

Tableau is a business intelligence and data visualization tool for creating reports and analyzing large datasets. Users can create customized charts, maps, graphs, dashboards, stories, and other indicators with Tableau.

Salesforce acquired Tableau in August 2019. Tableau is flexible and supports many types of data connectors for databases. In addition, Tableau is fairly easy to learn and requires no technical skills.

Tableau also offers excellent connectivity with several data sources like Excel files, JSON files, text files, and servers like Tableau and Microsoft SQL server. 

What are the differences between Power BI and Tableau?

  1. Cost

    Power BI is affordable compared to Tableau. Power BI’s professional version costs $10 per person per month. On the other hand, Tableau Pro costs more than $35 per person per month.
  2. Speed and efficiency

    Power BI performs faster with smaller data sets but slows down when dealing with large volumes of data. Whereas, Tableau can process large quantities of data quickly and offers customization tools capable of representing a wide range of data points.
  3. Customer support

    Power BI offers limited customer support with a free account. However, the paid version of Power BI provides comparably faster customer support. Tableau, on the other hand, provides exceptional customer support and hosts a vast community forum for resolving doubts.
  4. Programming language support

    Power BI only supports R-based visualizations. However, Tableau provides fully integrated support for R programming language and Python.
    Related Post: How to Use Python for Data Scraping and Data Wrangling?
  5. Scaling

    Power BI is ideal for small-scale and medium-sized organizations. Tableau is perfect for medium and large-scale organizations due to its ability to handle larger data chunks.
  6. Embedding reports

    Power BI hosts a convenient feature to embed reports with its ‘Embed’ option. This feature allows users to embed and display reports across internal web portals. In Tableau, embedding reports for a different environment than itself is a challenging task.
  7. Query editor

    The query editor in Power BI allows users to edit the data before feeding it onto the data visualization software. The option to edit the data helps to segregate unwanted parts, erroneous sections, and unstructured data. Tableau lacks this feature. Users need to edit the data manually before loading it into Tableau.
  8. Operating systems support

    Microsoft owns the Power BI data visualization software, so it only runs on Windows devices. However, Tableau runs on both Mac and Windows operating systems.
  9. Ease of use

    Due to its simplicity, beginners with a basic knowledge of MS Excel can start using Power BI. Tableau, on the other hand, is a bit tricky to use, so only professional business analysts and experienced users prefer to work with it.
  10. Data analysis integrations

    For data analysis and pattern recognition of cloud operations, Power BI can be integrated with Microsoft Azure. Tableau hosts in-built machine learning capabilities which can be incorporated for data analysis.

Related Post: Azure vs. AWS: Which is Better?

Bottom line

Both Power BI and Tableau are powerful data visualization tools that offer unique features. Depending on your requirements, scale, data size, and available resources, you should choose either of the two.

The current technological trends indicate that professionals with data visualization expertise are in demand. However, looking at the demand and supply gap of such data professionals, it would be wise to hire them now. 

Do you wish to hire remote software developers with data visualization expertise for your company? Try Turing!

Turing can help you hire skilled and experienced Power BI and Tableau developers within 3-5 days. Turing hosts a talent pool of more than 3 million developers around the world. Scale up your software development team by hiring remote software developers with Turing.

For more information, visit the Hire developers page.


  1. Is Power BI or Tableau easier?
    Power BI is generally easier for inexperienced users and professionals. Power BI has a simpler learning curve than Tableau. Only experienced business analysts and veteran data visualizers prefer Tableau over Power BI.

  2. What are the advantages of Power BI over Tableau?
    Power BI hosts multiple advantages over Tableau, such as auto-refreshing capabilities, AI/ML support, Power Query for data wrangling, efficient dashboard visualization, and more. Power BI also offers embedding reports features, quick deployment, and hybrid configuration.

  3. Which is in more demand: Power BI vs Tableau?
    As of 2021, Tableau had a market share of 13 percent, with more than 31,500 companies using it as data visualization software. On the other hand, Power BI had a market share of 5.4 percent with more than 13,000 companies using it for data visualization.

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By Sep 5, 2022
Greatest inventions in programming
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

National Inventors Month: The Greatest Inventions in Computer Programming

This National Inventors Month, learn about the greatest inventions in computer programming: the first working computer, the first programming language, and more

What are the greatest inventions in programming ? Who first invented programming? What was the first computer? What were the first programming languages? Keep reading to find out.

Since August 1998, the United Inventors Association of USA (UIA-USA), Inventors Digest, and the Academy of Applied Sciences have celebrated August as National Inventors Month. 

To commemorate National Inventors Month, we have curated a list of the most remarkable inventions in computer programming. Find the ten most crucial computer programming inventions, their inventors, and their significance in this post. 

Greatest inventions in computer programming

Far ahead of their times, these inventions paved the way for modern computing. Our modern computers, software, and devices would not exist without them. We rely on these technologies, often unaware of their rich history and the inventors that created them.

  • Konrad Zuse: First working programmable computer – Z3 (1941)

    Konrad Zuse, a German engineer and computer scientist, developed the mechanical computer Z1 in 1936. Perfecting the design further with Z2, Zuse created the first working programmable computer, Z3, in 1941.

    Z3 was the world’s first fully-automatic digital computer. The Z3 was built with 2600 relays and had a clock frequency of 5 to 10 Hertz. The initial values were entered manually, and the program was stored on a punched celluloid tape.

    The original Z3 was never put to use and was destroyed on 21 December 1943 by the Allied Bombing in Berlin. The Z3 could perform addition in 0.8 seconds, multiplication in 3 seconds, and had a weight of around 1 tonne.

    Related Post: 5 Things Alan Turing Taught Us About Problem Solving

  • John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry: First electronic computer – Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC) (1942)

    John Vincent Atanasoff, an Iowa State College professor, teamed up with Clifford Berry, a graduate student, to invent the first automatic electronic digital computer, ABC. The Atanasoff Berry computer was neither programmable nor Turing-complete. But the ABC was the first ever ALU (arithmetic logic unit) that is an integral part of modern processors. 

    As the first computer to use vacuum tubes for calculations, ABC made computing faster than electro-mechanical computers. The ABC was designed to solve problems of linear equations. The computer had some of the main elements of modern computing, such as binary arithmetic and electronic switching elements.

  • Tommy Flowers: First programmable electronic computer – Colossus (1943)

    Thomas Harold Flowers, a British engineer, created the Colossus in 1943. As the first programmable electronic computer, Colossus decrypted German messages of the Lorenz cipher. The Colossus offered a strategic advantage to British intelligence during World War 2.

    Colossus used thermionic valves (vacuum tubes) to perform Boolean counting operations. The Colossus was programmed with electronic switches and plugs. Colossus reduced the time required for decrypting messages from weeks to hours.

  • John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert: First general-purpose programmable electronic computer – ENIAC (1945)

    American physicist John Mauchly and electrical engineer J. Presper Eckert developed the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer in 1945. The United States Army funded the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC) to calculate artillery firing tables for the Ballistic Research Facility.

    ENIAC was a large modular computer with branching capabilities and memory for 10-digit decimal numbers. ENIAC was 101000 times faster than electro-mechanical machines then, with programmability as an added advantage. ENIAC calculated ballistic trajectories within 30 seconds, which required 20 hours for a human.

  • Frederic C. Williams and Tom Kilburn: First stored-program computer – Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) (1948)

    British engineer Sir Frederic C. Williams, English mathematician Tom Kilburn and electrical engineer Geoff Tootil developed SSEM, the first computer featuring a stored program, in 1948. The Small Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM) overcame the shortcomings of delay-line memory, using the first random-access digital storage device: the Williams tube. Binary programs were fed into SSEM that used 32 switches as input.

    The SSEM was called Manchester Baby, as it was built at the University of Manchester. It used a standard Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) as the analog display output. The Manchester Baby had a word length of 32 bits and a total memory of 32 words or 1 kilobit (1024 bits).

  • Edmund Berkeley: First personal computer – Simon (1950)

    American computer scientist Edmund Callis Berkeley, with help from two grad students at Columbia University, built the first personal computer Simon. The Simon used punched paper or five keys on the front panel as input and five lights as output. Simon could perform four operations: addition, negation, greater than, and selection, with only two bits of memory.

    The punched paper also served as memory storage. Simon’s program used relay logic architecture and operated on paper tape. This computer was useful as an educational demonstration of digital computers. 

The invention of programming languages

  • John Backus: First high-level programming language – FORTRAN (1954)
    American computer scientist John Backus invented FORTRAN, the first general-purpose, high-level programming language. FORTRAN is a compiled, multi-paradigm imperative programming language ideal for scientific computing and numerical computation. FORTRAN was originally developed by IBM.

    The name FORTRAN stands for Formula Translating System. This programming system simplified the process of writing programs. FORTRAN greatly reduced the number of programming statements required to run a machine.

    Related Post: 8 In-Demand Programming Languages to Learn in 2022

  • Ole-Johan Dahl: First object-oriented programming language – Simula (1967)

    Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard updated Simula 1 to create Simula 67. Simula 67 became the first programming language to have a system of objects, classes, and subclasses. Simula 67 introduced inheritance, virtual procedures, coroutines, garbage collection, discrete event simulation, and subtyping. 

    Simula 1 was designed for performing simulations and Simula 67 was a general-purpose programming language. Simula has been a major influence on almost all modern programming languages. Simula is used even today for simulating VLSI designs, communication protocols, process modeling, algorithms, and other applications. 

    Related Post: Top Object-Oriented Programming Languages to Learn in 2022?

  • Bjarne Stroustrup: High-level multi-paradigm OOP – C++ (1985)
    The Danish computer scientist, Bjarne Stroustrup, invented C++ as a high-level, multi-paradigm, object-oriented programming language. C++ was developed for embedded systems and system programming, focusing on efficiency, flexibility, and performance.

    Even today, C++ is a very popular coding language with many applications. C++ is used for desktop applications, servers, video games, space probes, and more.

    C++ features four types of memory management, polymorphism, encapsulation, operators, operator overloading, and more.

Invention of microprocessors

  •  Fredrico Faggin: First microprocessor – Intel 4004 (1971)
    Italian engineer Fredrico Faggin and his team developed the first microprocessor Intel 4004, in 1971. The Intel 4004 had 2300 transistors with 10 microns spacing into a 12 square millimeter chip. This microprocessor had a maximum clock speed of 740 kHz.

    The Intel 4004 could perform more than 60,000 operations per second. The Busicom 141-PF calculator was the first device to use this microprocessor. Intel 4004 was the first noteworthy example of large-scale integration (LSI) and featured MOS silicon gate technology (SGT). 

How have inventions in computer programming paved the way for modern computing?

Through innovation and research, computer scientists improved the performance, efficiency, and computing power of these devices. The majority of modern computer-like devices have roots in the inventions mentioned above. The programming languages we use nowadays are derived from these first programming languages.

The improvements made it possible to create modern computers, mobiles, and even the supercomputers we use today. The rich history and science of these technological marvels inspires researchers, hardware and software developers. This National Inventors Month, Turing hopes to inspire software developers to pioneer, excel, and innovate in their field.

Are you a software developer looking for a job? Try Turing offers high-paying remote software development jobs for developers with 3+ years of experience. Visit the Apply for Jobs page to learn more. 


  1. What was the first computer?
    Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace developed the first computer: The ENIAC, the Colossus, the SSEM, the ABC, and the Z3 were the first computers in their unique ways. 

  2. What was the first programming language?
    Konrad Zuse’s ‘Plankalkül’ was the first high-level programming language. However, it did not become famous in the mainstream computer industry. FORTRAN was the first commercially available programming language with many practical applications.

  3. When were computers invented?
    Even though Charles Babbage conceived the world’s first computer in 1822, it was not completely built until 1991. Some of the earliest computers were ENIAC (1945), Colossus (1943), Manchester Baby (1948), and Micral N (1973). 

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By Aug 27, 2022
Kubernetes for DevOps
For Employers

7 Reasons Kubernetes Is Important for DevOps

Kubernetes for DevOps allows automation in orchestration, along with multiple use-cases for building, deploying, scaling, and testing DevOps pipelines

What is DevOps? How does it work? What is Kubernetes? What is Kubernetes used for? How does Kubernetes help with DevOps? Why Kubernetes for DevOps is Important? Keep reading this article to find out.

DevOps is a set of practices and guidelines that improve the productivity of software development. DevOps shortens the SDLC (software development life cycle) to produce high-quality software with a steady and consistent code delivery. DevOps stands for ‘development’ and ‘operations,’ aiming to enhance the speed of developing software applications.

With the enhanced speed, DevOps enables organizations to serve their customers and meet their targets effectively. It also improves the quality of the software products, reduces bugs, and improves overall performance. The main benefits of DevOps are speed, security, reliability, CI/CD, scalability, and improved collaboration. 

The DevOps practices include the following phases:

  1. Planning: Workspace/productivity tools like Confluence and Jira enable DevOps teams to improve project management and ensure on-time delivery of software products.

  2. Build and Delivery: For rapid development, deployment, and testing, developers rely on tools like Kubernetes for DevOps. Docker, Chef, Terraform, Puppet, and Ansible are some of the tools for DevOps.

  3. Testing: Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, and GitLab CI minimize the time, effort, and errors while testing the code. DevOps improve the testing capabilities of organizations without compromising the quality of code and user experience. 

  4. Software monitoring and logging: Performance monitoring, analysis, logging, processing feedback, and a few other tasks are included in this stage. Prometheus, Elastic (ELK) Stack, Grafana, Sumo Logic, and Splunk are some of the popular tools for monitoring. 

Kubernetes for DevOps: DevOps

What is Containerization? How does it help with DevOps?

DevOps implementation relies on a process called ‘containerization.’ In this process, the software component, its environment, and its dependencies are placed in an isolated container. Containerization improves the speed of deployment, patching, and scaling.

These days, virtual machines and cloud computing have greatly reduced downtime and broken programs. But running guest operating systems on them requires a lot of computational resources. Containers use ‘runtime engines’ that share the host operating system of machines that they are deployed onto.

Runtime engines offer faster start-up times, improved server efficiencies, and smaller storage sizes. Most runtime engines are a few megabytes, while virtual machines need 4-8 gigabytes of storage space. Thus, containers are portable, highly scalable, secure, support multiple cloud platforms, and are DevOps-friendly.


Kubernetes for DevOps: Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes? Why do developers use Kubernetes for DevOps? 

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for managing, scaling, and automating software deployment. Kubernetes helps organizations with DevOps, as it combines the development and maintenance phase of software systems to improve agility. Through the Kubernetes user interface, developers can view, access, deploy, update, and optimize container ecosystems. 

Essentially, containerization is an efficient and effective way to implement DevOps than a monolithic application. Kubernetes creates and manages containers on the cloud-based server systems. Kubernetes helps DevOps teams to reduce the burden of infrastructure by letting containers operate on different machines/environments without breakdowns.

Related Post: Four Reasons to Learn DevOps in 2022

What are the components of Kubernetes?

Some of the main components of Kubernetes are:

  1. Master: The master runs the API for the entire cluster of the cloud application.
  2. Nodes: Nodes are physical or virtual machines within the cluster that host the application.
  3. Pods: Pods are the basic building blocks of Kubernetes that can run a set of containers simultaneously.
  4. Replication controller: The replication controller ensures that the expected number of pods are running all the time.
  5. Services: Services host a dynamic load balancer for a given number of pods

Why is Kubernetes important for DevOps?

Kubernetes offers the following benefits for DevOps:

  1. No downtime for deployment

    Kubernetes allows developers to deploy updates to their cloud-based applications without experiencing any downtime. The rolling updates and automated rollback features serve as a fail-safe for deploying updates. Kubernetes can be used to transfer traffic to the remaining available services, as it updates one cluster at a time. 
  2. Scalability

    As an autonomous and continuous ecosystem for containerization, Kubernetes allows for effortless scaling of applications. Depending on the demand, burden, and resources, Kubernetes can scale an application up and down. The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automates this process to ensure proper utilization and save resources.
  3. Infrastructure and configuration as Code

    Kubernetes helps developers build the ‘infrastructure as code’ and also helps them manage coding environment configurations as code. Thus, when deploying a new environment, scripts need not be executed continuously. Developers can link the source repository with its configuration files to Kubernetes.
  4. Cross-functional collaboration

    With role-based access controls, Kubernetes makes collaboration easy while ensuring that resources and configurations remain steady. For eg. Kubernetes can restrict testers to access only the builds and pending approvals. On the other hand, customers can be restricted to reviewing processes and deployment. 

Related Post: Top 7 Programming and Scripting Languages DevOps Engineers Should Learn

Why is Kubernetes so popular among developers?

Kubernetes is popular due to its scalability, agility, streamlined approach, and its open-source nature. Some of the other reasons for the popularity of Kubernetes are:

  1. Flexibility and portability

    Kubernetes can work effectively in all scenarios, regardless of the type of container runtime or underlying infrastructure. Kubernetes runs perfectly on the on-site servers, private cloud, and public cloud infrastructure. Additionally, it is highly portable, as Kubernetes can be deployed on various infrastructures and environment configurations.
  2. Infrastructure abstraction

    Kubernetes, also known as K8s, can handle the storage, networking, and computational aspects of cloud applications on its own. So, once Kubernetes is installed, developers do not need to worry about the environment and can focus on the application development.
  3. Automated operations

    Kubernetes hosts a lot of built-in commands for automating many daily operations. Thus, it streamlines the application management process by automating a majority of the heavy-duty operations.


As the demand for cloud systems, DevOps, and virtual machines continues to grow, the demand for Kubernetes developers will be on the rise. Hiring experienced and capable Kubernetes developers will ensure that your cloud-based applications perform well under any circumstances. 

So if you wish to hire Kubernetes developers, who are experienced and pre-vetted, visit 

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  1. How can developers prepare when applying for a Kubernetes job?
    Developers should learn about Kubernetes in detail, with the official Kubernetes documentation. They should practice locally using Minikube or Kind. Trying to set up multiple services with API servers will also help developers prepare for Kubernetes jobs. 

  2. How is Kubernetes different from Docker?
    Both Docker and Kubernetes are open-source cloud-native technologies. The main difference between the two is that Docker is useful for packaging containerized applications on a single node. Kubernetes is used to run applications in containers across a cluster.

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By Aug 22, 2022
VueJS frameworks for web development
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

10 Best VueJS Frameworks for Web Development

The top 10 VueJS frameworks: 1. Bootstrap Vue 2. Vuetify 3. Vue Material 4. Quasar framework 5. Vue Press 6. Gridsome 7. Vue Native 8. Vux 9. Mint UI 10. NuxtJS

What is Vue framework? Is VueJS a library or a framework? What is the best VueJS framework? Keep reading this post for answers to these questions and detailed insights about VueJS frameworks.

What is Vue.js?

Evan You created an open-source front-end JavaScript framework in February 2014 and named it Vue.js. Vue is a model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) JavaScript framework that is used to build user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue is very easy to code, easy to learn, and features an incrementally adaptable architecture. Are you new to this framework? This post will help you understand the basics of the Vue.js framework and its applications.

VueJS focuses on declarative rendering and component composition. Vue is simple, user-friendly, and highly customizable. Vue enables developers to build lightweight web applications and easily integrate existing projects into Vue. 

The core VueJS library focuses on the user interface only. Thus, developers need Vue frameworks to implement advanced features and develop complex applications.

Here are the top 10 VueJS frameworks for web development in 2022.

Vue frameworks for UI components:

  1. Bootstrap Vue

    Bootstrap Vue offers an all-inclusive implementation of Bootstrap 4 UI components and the grid system. Bootstrap Vue supports more than 45 plugins and offers nearly 85 UI components. The framework also provides multiple starter packs and ready-to-use themes for efficient web development.

    Bootstrap Vue offers automated WAI-ARIA markup to build mobile-first ARIA-supported websites and hybrid mobile applications. 
  2. Vuetify

    Vuetify is a Material Component framework of UI components for Vue.js 2. Vuetify offers more than 80 UI components with customizable options and events. It supports server-side rendering applications, allows code scaffolding, and hosts three Vue CLI templates for beginners.

    Related Post: Vue vs React: Which Framework Should You Choose?
  3. Vue Material

    Vue Material is a VueJS framework that contains UI components that meet Google’s ‘Material Design’ specifications. Vue Material offers an easy-to-use API with multiple themes to improve the developers’ experience. The framework contains scalable Vue UI components for effective front-end web development.

    Vue Material is a lightweight Vue.js framework that helps developers create well-designed web applications. Marcos Moura developed Vue Material as a modular tool for web development. Vue Material supports all modern browsers, hosts a great array of components, and offers extensive documentation for implementation.
  4. Quasar Framework

    Quasar is a multi-platform framework used for developing progressive web applications, responsive websites, hybrid apps, and desktop applications. Quasar framework hosts more than 120 UI components for integrating simple and advanced features like data tables, calendars, WYSIWYGs, and more. 

Static website generators based on Vue.js framework

Vue-based static website generator relies on templates and input data to create HTML websites. Some of the static Vue.js frameworks are:

  1. Vue Press

    Evan You and his team created VuePress, a static website generator. VuePress helps developers build user interfaces for simple web pages and single-page applications (SPAs). Though VuePress framework is a part of Nuxt.js, it also works as a standalone framework.

    VuePress generates pre-rendered HTML webpage, which is fed into a SPA. VuePress offers markdown file compilation, multiple customizable themes, and supports many languages.
  2. Gridsome

    Gridsome generates static websites and SEO-friendly progressive web apps with Vue.js. As an open-source framework, Gridsome enhances the website deployment process. Gridsome supports the Push, Render, Lazy-load, Pre-cache (PRLP) pattern.

    Gridsome supports code-splitting, GraphQL for queries, and automatic image compression. This VueJS framework allows developers to build PWAs quickly for any source of data. Gridsome can be effectively connected to APIs, headless CMSs, or local files.

Mobile frameworks for Vue.js

  1. Vue Native

    Vue Native hosts mobile UI elements for developing cross-platform native mobile apps with Vue.js. Vue Native uses the Vue CLI, watchers, virtual DOMs, and live synchronization. It uses HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to develop a lightweight user interface for mobile applications.
  2. Vux

    Vux is a mobile UI component library that was originally designed for WeChat messaging app. The library contains many components of the WeUI, and all of its documentation is written in Chinese. Vux is very popular as a component library that supports Vue.js.
  3. Mint UI

    Mint UI is a Vue-based lightweight framework of mobile UI components. It hosts CSS and JavaScript components that can be used for designing interactive mobile apps. Mint UI offers customizable and easy-to-use UI components for web developers and mobile/iOS app developers.

Server-side rendering

  1. Nuxt.js

    Nuxt.js is an intuitive and versatile open-source Vue.js framework used for faster and easier web development. Nuxt.js can be used for SPAs, Vue-based mobile apps, static websites, and PWAs. Nuxt helps to develop server-side rendered apps with Vue, which works on the client-server.

    Nuxt features SEO improvement, meta-tag handling, preset configurations, and compatibility checks. 

Selecting the best VueJS framework for your projects

Vue.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that lacks higher levels of customizability. With such Vue.js frameworks, creating UI becomes easy for front-end developers. Developers can improve their front-end development workflow with these Vue frameworks.

According to a 2021 survey, more than 44 percent of web developers prefer using Vue.js over React, Angular, or other JavaScript frameworks. In addition, the overall demand for VueJS developers has increased steadily over the past years.

Are you a software developer looking for high-paying, remote Vue.js jobs? Try Turing!

Turing helps software developers secure the best remote jobs in top US companies. Turing offers long-term career growth as a remote software developer with unmatched compensation. Visit the Apply for Jobs page to know more.


  1. What is Vue framework?
    Vue frameworks are used with Vue.js JavaScript framework to create user interfaces for websites and web apps. Vue frameworks expand the capabilities of Vue.js to run complex processes. Vue frameworks are also used to implement advanced features in simple single-page applications (SPAs). 

  2. Is VueJS a library or a framework?
    VueJS is a JavaScript framework used to develop simple SPAs and progressive web apps efficiently. VueJS is customizable, user-friendly, has two-way binding, and offers a range of other features. VueJS is highly preferred among front-end developers due to its simplicity and easier learning curve.

  3. What is the best VueJS framework?
    The best Vue frameworks are Bootstrap Vue, Vuetify, Vue Material, Quasar framework, Vue Press, Gridsome, Vue Native, Vux, Mint UI, and NuxtJS.

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By Aug 12, 2022
Joomla vs WordPress
For Employers

Joomla vs WordPress: Which CMS Should You Choose?

Between Joomla vs WordPress, Joomla offers flexibility, and customizability at the cost of a steeper learning curve. WordPress is easy and user-friendly.

What is Joomla? What is a CMS? Which is the better CMS, when comparing Joomla vs WordPress? How to choose a CMS for your website?

Find answers to these questions, and more insights about WordPress and Joomla, in this post.

Content is one of the most important elements of a website. The content informs the readers of the information they seek. Content also serves an important purpose from an SEO or Search Engine Optimization perspective.

Most websites host a large amount of content across multiple domains, pages, and sections. Managing the content without a streamlined approach is very difficult. Poorly managed content can hamper the performance, transparency, and user experience. Thus, most websites use a CMS or Content Management System to manage their content.

What is a CMS?

A Content Management System or CMS helps to create, update, manage, and modify the content published on the website. Web developers use various content management systems, depending on their requirements, complexity, and use cases. WordPress and Joomla are two of the most popular content management platforms on the market.

Developers would find uploading content to their website difficult without a CMS. They would also have to add the content at specific locations in a static HTML file if there is no CMS. These steps are time-consuming, overly complex, and difficult to maintain. 

What is Joomla?

Joomla is a free and open-source CMS to build content and publish it across websites and online applications. Joomla is widely applicable, easy to use, stable, customizable, and secure. Joomla serves as a content management system and a website development platform that includes plugins, modules, and extensions.

Open Source Matters Inc. developed Joomla in 2005. Joomla offers responsive templates for customization and adaptation for mobile platforms. Joomla provides over 6000 extensions, and unique site modules to create websites.

Joomla hosts a secure permission level controller that controls user access for better security, and efficient site administration. Joomla supports website analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), link management, polls, and other features.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a very simple, convenient, and modular platform for creating websites. Currently, WordPress holds a market share of over 43.3 percent. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system with a massive ecosystem of tools, plugins, and themes. 

Automattic created the foundation and Though WordPress began as a platform for creating simple, basic blogs, today it can create corporate websites, eCommerce platforms, social networking sites, online forums, and much more. 

Related post: WordPress Development: Here’s What You Should Know.

Joomla vs WordPress: Which is better?

WordPress and Joomla are the top-ranking content management systems, with their unique characteristics. Here are a few major differences between them.

    1. Ease of use and accessibility

      Joomla is more complex than WordPress and has a steep learning curve. Joomla is difficult to install and access. WordPress is very user-friendly and well-suited for beginners. WordPress is accessible and very easy to install.
    2. Blogging support

      Joomla is not ideal for blogging. WordPress, on the other hand, is perfect for blogging.  WordPress hosts multiple themes and tools that are aimed at optimizing blogging websites.
    3. Security

      Joomla development team and community ensure early resolution of the security threats. They release patches to counter security attacks.

      WordPress has a secure source code, and it responds quickly to cyberattacks. The auto-update feature permits automatic website updates with newly released security patches.
    4. Multi-lingual support

      Joomla supports multiple languages. WordPress lacks multi-lingual support, but users can use third-party plugins like WPML, Polylang, Weglot, and others to integrate and enable multi-language support.
    5. Database and supported programming languages

      Joomla is written in PHP and uses object-oriented programming or OOP techniques with software design patterns. Joomla supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and more. WordPress is based on PHP and only supports MySQL for its database.
    6. Themes and plugins

      The official Joomla website lists around 8000+ Joomla plugins. There are also a few premium Joomla templates that can be used for web page customization.

      WordPress websites can be improved with more than 60,000 free and paid plugins. With more than 5500 free themes, WordPress websites can be fully customized.
    7. Search engine optimization (SEO)

      Developers must be technically sound to implement SEO for Joomla web pages and applications. However, search engine-friendly URLs and URL rewriting are some of the many SEO features of Joomla. EFSEO is a useful SEO plugin for Joomla.

      WordPress is SEO friendly. Many WordPress themes contain useful SEO features. Yoast SEO is a powerful SEO plugin for WordPress websites. WordPress also hosts analytics and tracking features that are easy to set up.
    8. eCommerce and payment gateways

      Joomla hosts 54 free and paid extensions for payment gateways. Web developers can integrate them to enable payment solutions for eCommerce websites.

      WooCommerce is a customizable, open-source eCommerce platform built on WordPress. It offers more than 100 payment gateways that provide flexibility with online payments.
    9. Pricing

      Joomla is free, but the charges for the domain, security (SSL), maintenance, web development, and other peripherals. All services can amount to up to $7000.

      Although WordPress is free, the cost of developing a customized website with WordPress ranges from $100 to $3500. When high-end plugins, tools, and features are implemented, the total costs can surpass $25000.

Joomla vs WordPress: Choosing the right CMS for your website

Both Joomla and WordPress are highly modular content management systems with some pros and cons. Where WordPress is easy to learn, easier to implement, and offers a great web development experience for non-developers, Joomla is highly customizable, feature-intensive, and does not rely heavily on extensions.

WordPress is the best option if your website is simple, needs a standard level of customization, with tools and themes that are easily available on the internet. Joomla is ideal for tech-savvy web developers who need to customize the code and create a CMS that fits their requirements.

Due to a high volume of websites being created, developers with experience in WordPress, Joomla, and other CMS will continue to be in demand. 

Due to the high demand, companies prefer hiring remote software developers to create websites. Turing offers a unique platform that provides remote software developers and web developers to companies.

Related post: 7 Reasons Your Software Team Should Switch to Remote Work in 2022.

Are you looking for remote web developers? Turing can help you build a team of pre-vetted, Silicon Valley-caliber web developers at unmatched prices within 3-5 days. Visit the Hire Developers page to learn more.


  1. Is WordPress better than Joomla?

    WordPress is simpler than Joomla, easier to customize, and hosts a lot of free/premium templates and plugins for designing a website. From the developers’ perspective, beginners are more comfortable with WordPress due to its user-friendly interface and intuitive customization tools.
  2. Is Joomla good for websites?

    Joomla is an exceptional content management system for creating, publishing, and updating content across web pages. When used correctly, Joomla produces outstanding SEO results and offers a unique user interface. Developers can customize their websites to the fullest extent with Joomla.
  3. Does anyone still use Joomla?

    Joomla is a very popular CMS, ranking 2nd next to WordPress in 2022. More than three percent of all websites on the internet are made with Joomla. Joomla holds almost 5.5 percent of the market share of the CMS market.

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By Aug 2, 2022
Top 10 AngularJS frameworks for developers in 2022
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

Top 10 AngularJS Frameworks for Developers

The top 10 AngularJS frameworks for developers are 1. Mobile Angular UI 2. Ionic 3. Angular Material 4. Angular UI Bootstrap 5. UI Grid 6. LumX 7. Supersonic

What is AngularJS framework? Which framework do we use for AngularJS? Which framework is best for Angular? For answers to these questions and some insights on AngularJS frameworks, keep reading this post.

AngularJS is a structural framework that uses JavaScript programming language. AngularJS is an open-source front-end development tool, created and maintained by Google. AngularJS is useful for testing and developing client-side applications.

Front-end developers use attractive designs and unique graphics to develop engaging websites. Developers use front-end frameworks like AngularJS to design functional, appealing, and interactive user interfaces.

AngularJS helps developers create single-page applications and dynamic, progressive web applications. With AngularJS, developers can quickly design expressive and readable web pages.

Here are the top 10 AngularJS frameworks used by developers:

  1. Mobile Angular UI

    The Mobile Angular UI helps developers build HTML5 mobile apps using Bootstrap and AngularJS. It offers essential mobile components and robust libraries as a mobile UI framework. Mobile Angular UI contains switches, sidebars, overlays, scrollable areas, and positioned top/bottom navigation bars.

    With simple AngularJS directives, the Mobile Angular UI makes it easy to build a mobile application. The UI follows the Bootstrap 3 syntax that simplifies converting a desktop web application into a mobile one. A small CSS file is included in the bundle, for a fully responsive touch-enabled UI for mobile applications.
  2. Ionic

    Ionic is an adaptive open-source software development kit that uses web technologies to build native-like mobile applications. Ionic is a cross-platform front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps. Ionic needs AngularJS to work at its full potential for simplifying the front-end development process.

    Ionic is created to help developers convert powerful HTML5 applications to mobile platforms. Ionic supports technologies like Cordova, Phonegap,, and ElectronJS. Ionic uses AngularJS components, directives, and extensions to create progressive native and hybrid applications. 
  3. Angular Material

    Angular Material is a UI component library developed by Google for Angular projects. Angular Material helps Angular developers speed up the development of clear, consistent, and interactive user interfaces. As an Angular CSS framework, it consists of templates, admin dashboards, and more than 30 UI components.

    AngularJS Material contains tools to customize CSS components with typography, buttons, checkboxes, themes, and more. The AngularJS material library enables developers to create web apps that follow conventional design practices, device independence, and browser portability.
  4. Angular UI Bootstrap

    Bootstrap is a free and open source front-end framework that includes components, layouts, and JS tools. The Angular UI Bootstrap is an AngularJS framework that is developed using Bootstrap.

    Bootstrap requires jQuery to function. Using Bootstrap directly with AngularJS conflicts with some of Angular’s functions. Using Angular UI Bootstrap eliminates the dependence on jQuery, which makes it possible to use Bootstrap functions within AngularJS code.

    The Angular UI Bootstrap framework relies on some of the built-in AngularJS directives based on CSS and includes some of the Bootstrap markup elements.

    Related post: Bootstrap vs Angular Material: Which Fronted Library Should You Choose?
  5. UI Grid

    UI Grid was previously known as ‘ng-grid’. The Angular UI Grid has zero jQuery dependence, as it is fully written in AngularJS. UI Grid has a central grid module, and all its traits define the Angular modules and directives.

    The Angular UI Grid has a component based on the Angular UI Suite and Angular UI Bootstrap. The component exhibits data elements inside grids that are designed with AngularJS.

    Using UI Grid makes it easy to perform actions like group, sort, virtualize, filter, export, edit in grid, and more. Developers can manage vast data sets with Angular UI Grid. It also helps for row expanding virtualization, column pinning, and internationalization.
  6. LumX

    LumX is a front-end framework designed with Google’s material design. It follows Google’s guidelines and enables developers to create UIs that fit Google’s guiding principles. LumX makes managing Google metrics easy while designing the UI.

    LumX uses AngularJS to build websites with the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern. LumX relies on jQuery to improve the performance of the web application. LumX functions as a Sass preprocessor and uses technologies like Bourbon and Gulp to enhance customization and performance.  

    Related post: Angular 13 Features and Updates
  7. Supersonic

    Supersonic is a hybrid UI framework that is forked from Ionic. Supersonic combines web components with JavaScript and CSS to create native user interfaces based on AngularJS and HTML5.

    Supersonic has mobile-first CSS components and Native UI components with CSS-based styling. The declarative UI makes it easy to integrate APIs within the components of web applications. Using Supersonic improves the speed of development and designing, as UI changes do not require recompilation.
  8. Radian

    Radian is a scalable, dynamic, powerful, and robust AngularJS framework. Radian makes it possible for designers and developers to embed plots directly onto HTML-based web pages. Radian customizes HTML elements to develop plots and graphs based on the parameters.

    Radian uses AngularJS framework to implement the HTML elements. Radian binds the HTML and JavaScript attributes by using D3.js plotting library. Browsers render the SVG elements to display plots within the web page.
  9. Suave UI

    Suave UI is a simple and easy-to-use framework that uses AngularJS to develop user interfaces for web applications. The CSS definitions like colorful buttons, layered elements, grids, forms, and more are included in Suave UI.

    Suave UI provides the component library for designing the UI as bundled files. This reduces the developer’s efforts to include individual components. A single command using Bower can be used to include all the components at once.
  10. Angular Foundation

    Angular Foundation is one of the most advanced front-end frameworks. Angular Foundation is a combination of multiple frameworks that are used for designing websites, applications, and emails for all platforms.

    Angular Foundation is practical for designing websites that include semantic HTML components. The Angular Foundation framework is flexible, customizable, and highly readable.

Which AngularJS framework is the best for you?

AngularJS continues to be one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that are currently used by major companies across the globe. Though Angular is an upgrade from AngularJS, many organizations continue to use AngularJS even today. AngularJS developers continue to be in demand for developing applications on the AngularJS legacy systems.

Deciding which AngularJS framework is the best for you, depends on your project requirements. Your choice of AngularJS framework will improve the speed, accuracy, and quality of the user interface.

Designing intuitive, responsive, and beautiful user interfaces is possible, with experienced frontend developers and designers. Turing helps companies hire pre-vetted, experienced AngularJS developers for their projects at unbeatable rates in just 3-5 days. For more information, visit

Are you an AngularJS developer seeking AngularJS jobs? Do you want a high-growth, high-paying remote software job with a US-based company? Try Turing! Turing can help you supercharge your career as a remote AngularJS developer. For more information, click on the ‘Apply for Jobs’ button below.


  1. What is AngularJS framework?

    AngularJS framework is a free and open-source JavaScript framework. It is used for building web apps that follow the AJAX-style web development process. The web pages developed with AngularJS are capable of performing the CRUD operations.

  2. Which framework do we use for AngularJS?

    Mobile Angular UI, Ionic, Angular Material, Angular UI Bootstrap, UI Grid, LumX, Supersonic, Radian, SuaveUI, and Angular Foundation are some of the popular AngularJS frameworks.

  3. Which framework is best for AngularJS?

    Depending on the exact requirements, Angular Foundation, Angular UI Bootstrap, Angular Material, Ionic, and Mobile Angular UI are some of the best frameworks for AngularJS. 

Join a network of the world's best developers and get long-term remote software jobs with better compensation and career growth.

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By Jul 15, 2022
Workers' Battle over Return-To-Office
Skills, Interviews, and Jobs

What a Recession Means for Workers’ Battle over Return-To-Office

Employers aim to reduce remote work and hiring in the recession, while employees fight for their right to remote. Learn how Turing can help to turn the tide.

What are the effects of the recession on the employment market? What is the future of remote work? Why are companies pushing for their demand for hybrid work? 

Find out answers to these questions in this post.

In recent years, employers have faced many problems, such as the talent crunch, lagging employee retention, volatile markets, high inflation, revenue shortages, and recession. 

Employees held better leverage over the market for the past couple of years. But the job employment market, which initially favored employees, is now undergoing changes. 

Companies to slow down hiring and push for hybrid work 

Companies are slowing down their hiring drives and even introducing lay-offs. Meta, Twitter, and Uber are some of the many companies that have paused their hiring plans for 2022. Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi expressed that hiring is a privilege now, and hiring managers are hiring employees only when absolutely necessary. Similarly, a Meta spokesperson cited budget restrictions for slowing down hiring and growth. 

On June 23, 2022, where Netflix laid off 150 workers, a total of 450 this year; Coinbase, Peloton, PayPal, Substack, Loom, Unity, and Better also laid off hundreds of employees. 

A slowdown in hiring and layoffs have shifted the employer-employee dynamic to some extent. This shift indicates that these companies have taken a firm stand against the full-time WFH that many employees demanded. More employers are urging workers to return to the office, at least for a few days a week. 

President and CEO of SHRM, Johnny C. Taylor Jr. said that the hybrid workforce is here to stay, but the employees’ demands for fully remote work may not get fulfilled. He further mentions that work location flexibility will differ for every organization. Employers will demand a mid-way solution to hybrid work, as some days of work in the office will be obligatory. 

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, only 10 percent of the U.S. workforce had fully remote jobs. However, the number will likely rise to 20 percent by the end of 2024.

2x vacancies for each employee but the option to WFH permanently still unavailable

This time, the job vacancies are 2x more than they were in the previous recessions. Despite these factors, the post-pandemic percentage of remote workers stands at 7.7 percent.

The number of remote workers is currently half of what it was a year ago, and it is estimated to decline further. The numbers are declining due to the fact that a lot of manufacturing industry employers are persistent on work-from-office, at least two to three days a week.

The following statistical data from New York City highlights the resilience of the hybrid work. Firms like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase have made work-from-office obligatory for their employees. However, other companies, such as Airbnb and Twitter, have been lenient and followed an employee-centric approach by allowing workers to choose. 

Related post: Are Future Workforces Ready for the Remote Work Revolution?

According to recent news, the number of fully remote employees in Manhattan dropped to 28 percent in April. In addition, less than 40 percent are working from the office, of which only 8 percent of people work five days a week. 

David Solomon, CEO of Goldman Sachs, expressed that the bank’s in-office attendance is now between 50 to 60 percent. He has urged his employees to return to the office as he seeks to achieve the pre-pandemic attendance of 80 percent.

But employees still have a say in where and when they want to work

Contradicting all reports, some experts believe that the current market is an employee’s market due to the talent crunch, high availability of jobs, and a narrative that supports employees’ sentiments. Therefore, major companies like Spotify, DoorDash, Clorox, Amgen, TIAA, and Splunk are supporting hybrid and remote work.

Companies are maintaining a balancing act to ensure flexibility in work modes. Although a few companies have made it mandatory to work in the office for at least three days a week, they aren’t imposing any strict actions on those who only show up twice a week.

Employers are worried about the talent crunch. 

Employers are even more careful now since more than 47 million workers resigned from their jobs in 2021. Gartner estimates that another 37.5 million people will quit their jobs in 2022. 

This data seems daunting, as the gap between job openings and the talent pool of available workers is widening. As of March 2022, there are 5.6 million more vacancies than the workforce can provide for. This gap will exacerbate the talent crunch as organizations struggle to find the right talent.

Companies like Apple have already felt the heat of this situation. That’s why Apple’s recalled the policy to work from the office at least three days a week, and introduced two days a week in the office policy instead. 

In addition, Spotify, DoorDash, Clorox, Amgen, TIAA, Splunk, and many other companies have introduced hybrid and full-time remote work options for their employees. 

Related post: The Great Remote Work Standoff Between Employers and Employees

The tug of war between employees and employers

What a Recession Means for Workers' Battle over Return-To-Office

The tug of war between employees and employers

Even though a recession has brought on challenges for the job market, job seekers have significant leverage to choose career opportunities that fit their expectations.

Most companies were facing a talent crunch even before the pandemic triggered a recession. Now, the talent shortage has affected base pay, signing bonuses, remote work status, and many other factors. However, skilled professionals continue to be in demand even as the recession approaches. 

Turing is helping companies and developers build their engineering dream teams and careers, respectively.

As companies struggle to hire the right talent for their teams, Turing is working hard to streamline the remote hiring process through its Intelligent Talent Cloud. Turing enables companies to hire Silicon Valley-caliber remote software developers across the globe at unbeatable prices in just 3-5 days. The best part? You get a two-week trial with zero risk! For more information, visit the Hire page.

Turing helps software developers secure long-term, high-paying, high-growth remote software jobs in the U.S. Thus, Turing is on a mission to help employees in their quest for remote work. Check out the Apply for Jobs page to know more. Turing empowers workers to stay remote while helping employers set up remote teams efficiently.

Join a network of the world's best developers and get long-term remote software jobs with better compensation and career growth.

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By Jul 12, 2022
Hire Java Developers This Year
For Employers

Hire Java Developers in 2024 with These Steps

Hire Java developers at unbeatable prices and zero risk with Turing. Build your engineering dream team with pre-vetted Java developers in just 3-5 days.

How much does it cost to hire a Java developer? How do I hire Java developers? How much do freelance Java developers make? Is it hard to find Java developers? 

Find answers to these questions in the post below.

Java is one of the top five programming languages, with more than 10 million dedicated Java developers globally. Java is also versatile, with many platforms supporting Java applications. In addition, Java is simultaneously a compiled and interpreted programming language.

Java applications run on laptops, desktops, smartphones, TVs, audio players, Blu-ray players, and many other electronic devices. The versatility, multi-platform support, and wide range of applications create a huge demand for Java developers. 

Companies from various sectors recruit Java developers to develop applications, devices, and technologies. However, due to the competition, hiring managers must fully understand what Java is, the advantages of Java, the types of Java developers, and the recruitment steps to hire Java developers. 

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language with minimum implementation dependencies. Java is also a class-based, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Java uses a Java Development Kit (JDK) to write codes and runs on a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in a Java Runtime Environment.

James Gosling developed Java at Sun Microsystems in 1995. Even though Java is 26 years old, it is still a popular choice among software developers and testers.

Related post: Golang vs Java: Which language is the best?

What are the advantages of Java?

Hire Java developers for these benefits

Advantages of hiring Java developers.

Java programs are compiled as bytecode. Bytecode allows Java programs to run on any device. Thus, Java applications do not need a recompiler, making Java a compiled and interpreted programming language. Some of the primary advantages of Java are as follows: 

  1. Intuitive, simple, and has an easier learning curve
  2. Secure, robust, and multi-threaded
  3. Object-oriented, economical, and platform-independent
  4. Efficient memory allocation with separate Heap area and Stack area
  5. Remote Method Invocation for distributed processing

Related post: Kotlin vs Java: What should you choose?

What are the types of Java developers?

A junior Java developer has around 0-3 years of experience in coding with Java programming language. Most junior Java developers can comprehend and implement simple code snippets written in Java, and create basic Java-based functions.

On the other hand, senior Java developers hold three or more years of experience in coding with Java programming language. Most senior Java developers can write clean, readable Java code, while using the complex features of Java. 

What are the skills of a junior Java developer?

A junior Java developer must be well-versed in applying Servlets, Servlet methods, and Servlet parameters within their codes. Junior Java developers should also possess a fair bit of knowledge about Extensible Markup Language (XML), X query, and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). 

As a recruiter, evaluate developers’ basics of Java programming. Check their proficiency in Java-2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and data types, structures, algorithms, and design patterns. Also, test junior java developers for Java-based web services, relational databases, Object Relational Mapping (ORM), and Structured Query Language (SQL). 

What are the skills of a senior Java developer?

Most senior Java developers are skilled at deploying Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and performing effective memory management. Beyond their expertise at J2EE, senior Java developers are also proficient with Enterprise Java Beans, Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) Containers, Dependency Injection, and Multi-threading and Synchronization within Java applications. 

Senior Java developers are capable of managing a team of Java developers and possess leadership skills, team-building skills, version control, and collaboration skills. 

Senior Java developers are highly skilled at OOP, with a good knowledge of abstract classes, serialization, and Java application containers like Jetty and JBoss. Java developers are well-versed in testing Java Server Pages (JSP) with tools like Selenium, TestNG, etc. 

Hiring managers must test senior Java developers for code optimization, error handling, and debugging skills. Also, look for experience in Java web frameworks, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Development Kit (JDK).

What is the salary of a Java developer?

Hire Java developers

Java developers earn a handsome salary.

A senior Java developer in the US can earn a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per week, depending on the seniority, experience, and portfolio. Java developers are some of the highest-paid developers due to Java’s high demand.

As the cost of hiring Java developers in the US is very high, a lot of recruiters prefer to outsource their Java development teams from developing countries. Outsourcing Java developers provides companies with a larger talent pool of Java developers. Organizations within the U.S. can build a workforce of skilled developers across the globe, with enables companies to hire Silicon-valley caliber Java developers. Turing offers senior Java developers with 3+ years of experience to companies across the U.S.

How to hire Java developers?

Where to find Java developers? How to interview developers for soft skills? How to onboard Java developers? Find answers to these questions below. 

Employers must follow certain hiring steps when they are looking for Java developers. The main stages include screening, telephonic interviews, assessments, one-on-one interviews, reference cross-checks, and onboarding. 

Hiring managers can explore multiple platforms and services to hire dedicated Java developers. Some common places to look for  Java developers are as follows:

  1. GitHub

    GitHub is a code repository, a service where software developers can store the source code of their programs. GitHub also allows developers to store multiple versions and updates of these codes. GitHub serves as an online portfolio that showcases a programmer’s coding skills.

    Hiring managers can identify suitable software developers via GitHub and browse their portfolios. Although these portfolios offer plenty of information, GitHub is not a recruitment platform. Essentially, hiring managers cannot recruit developers from GitHub.
  2. LinkedIn

    Professional social networking sites, such as LinkedIn and AngelList, are great alternatives for identifying and reaching out to potential candidates.

    However, due to the popularity of Java, a single job posting might receive thousands of applications. Sorting through all these unvetted applications to find ideal candidates can be tedious for hiring managers.
  3. Turing

    You can avoid all the hiring challenges mentioned above with Turing.

    Turing is a great platform for hiring Java programmers. Turing helps managers to hire pre-vetted software developers through its Intelligent Talent Cloud.

    The company conducts automated coding challenges and live coding tests to verify the proficiency of software developers and ensure they have excellent technical and soft-skills.

    With Turing, companies can build their dream team of remote Java developers within three to five days. The best part? There’s zero risk. If you decide to stop working with Turing developers within two weeks, you pay nothing.

How to assess Java developers’ skills?

  1. Coding challenges

    Coding challenges are a great way of assessing the technical knowledge of Java developers. Recruiters can present pre-filled Java codes with certain bugs and ask the developers to debug them.

    Interviewers can also design Java coding challenges by providing a few conditions or write a Java code that will produce pre-specified output. Coding challenges allow hiring managers to assess the problem-solving skills and proficiency of Java developers.
  2. Technical interview questions

    Depending on the seniority, some of the technical interview questions of Java development can be as follows:

Interview questions for junior Java developers in 2024

  1. What loops are used in Java?

    A loop is an instructional code executed multiple times when the code is compiled. There are three types of loops in a Java coding environment.

    For loop: A ‘for’ loop is repeatedly executed for a specified number of cycles. For example,

    for (initialization : condition : updation)
    //loop code instruction
    //statements to be executed inside the loop
    //statements to be executed outside the loop

    The ‘for’ loop is executed when the condition is true, and the loop is terminated when the condition
    becomes false.

    While loop: While loops are useful to repeat the execution of code statements, until the condition is met. While loops check the condition before executing the statements inside the loop. For example,

    while (condition)
    //statements inside the loop
    //statements outside the loop

    The loop is initiated after checking the conditions. The updation moves the code forward until the variable meets the condition. The while loop ends when the condition is not fulfilled. The condition is checked before the statements inside the loop are executed.

    Do While loop: The ‘do while’ loop executes the code statements till conditions are fulfilled. But unlike the while loop, ‘do while’ loop checks the condition after executing the statement inside the loop. For example,

    //statements inside the loop
    }while (condition);
    //statements outside the loop

    The condition is checked after the code lines inside the loop are executed. The loop is then repeated until the conditions are fulfilled. The code outside the loop is executed only after the loop completes its iterations.

  2. What is a Classloader in Java?

    The classloader sources classes into the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). A classloader also loads Java classes into a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) dynamically. Classes can be loaded from files within the hard drive, or from the internet. The files are usually stored in a .jar (Java ARchive) format. There are three types of classloaders in Java, they are as follows:

    Bootstrap classloader

    The location rt.jar is accessed by the Bootstrap classloader to load classes into the JVM. Bootstrap is the most basic form of classloader.

    Extension classloader

    The Extension classloader loads classes from JDK extension library, i.e., the jre/lib/ext directory. The Extension classloader is derived from the bootstrap classloader.

    System classloader

    As a child class of extension classloader, system classloader is also known as application classloader. System classloader loads classes from the path specified by ‘classpath’ and ‘cp command line’.

  3. What are the uses of Java?

    Java helps developers create the following types of applications:

  • Mobile apps
    Spotify, Twitter, Wikipedia Search, and other mobile applications.

  • Desktop-based Graphical User Interface apps
    Industrial applications that use a GUI are made with Java. Apps such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Netbeans, and others were developed with Java.

  • Scientific apps
    Java is useful for creating applications that require complex mathematical calculations and robust security features. MATLAB and Simulink by MathWorks are some of the most famous scientific apps created with Java.

  • Gaming apps
    Java was very popular as a programming language for game development. Minecraft, the most popular video game of all time, is based on Java. Beyond server-side coding of game development, Java is particularly popular for developing android and arcade-style games.

  • Web apps
    Amazon, Broadleaf, Wayfair, and other web applications are developed with Java. The features and elements of Java ensure that safe, robust, and secure applications can be developed using Java.

  • Enterprise/business apps
    The Java EE (Enterprise Edition) includes all the features needed to create scalable applications for enterprises and large-scale businesses. Companies like TCS, Infosys, Google, Naukri, Flipkart, Goibibo, Uber, eBay, Pinterest, Trivago, HCL, and others use Java. 

  • Cloud and Big Data apps
    The Oracle Java Cloud Service can create and configure Oracle WebLogic servers for your cloud computing requirements.

    Hire Java developers for big data apps

    Java developers can create Cloud and Big Data applications.

Interview questions for senior Java developers in 2024

  1. What is a method? What is the difference between wait() and sleep() method in Java?

    A method is a function/code that is only executed when it is called upon. It groups a piece of code together. This makes it easy to call the function and repeat its execution.

    wait() method halts or pauses the thread without engaging/holding the ‘lock’ or ‘monitor’ structure of the shared object. For certain specified milliseconds, the thread is paused. In other cases, the thread is paused until another thread fulfills the desired condition.

    The wait() method is called in multi-threaded operations to avoid race conditions. The wait() method halts the execution of the current thread until notify() and notifyAll() methods are invoked by another thread for this object. The notify() and notifyAll() methods are used with wait() for synchronization.

    sleep() stops operations while keeping a hold on the lock/monitor structures of the shared object. The thread is stopped for a few milliseconds, or until certain conditions are met. The sleep() method verifies expected results/outcomes, and checks the status of various thread properties repeatedly (polling).

  2. To store sensitive data in Java applications, should you use a character array or a string?

    A character array is more secure for storing sensitive data like passwords, IDs, banking details, etc. In Java applications, strings cannot be muted. Strings are stored in string pools until the garbage collectors remove them.

    The data in the string – ‘string value’ is stored in the memory even after the string is processed by the compiler. Anyone having access to the memory dump, can extract the data and compromise the security of the Java application.

    However, character arrays can be muted by the Java programmer, and the stored value can be set to blank after usage. Sensitive data like passwords can be removed from memory easily, thus making character arrays more secure than strings.

  3. What is a Java framework? What are the benefits of using the Spring framework for Java applications?

    A Java framework is a platform that hosts pre-written Java code that can develop Java apps and web apps. Java frameworks contain classes, functions and other elements of Java code that can be easily compiled on a Java Virtual Machine in a Java Runtime Environment.

    Spring is one of the most popular Java frameworks. Some of the benefits of using Spring framework are as follows:
  • Spring framework requires around 2 MBs of storage for its basic version, making it a lightweight framework.
  • Spring provides a robust mechanism to handle exceptions.
  • Spring offers an easy method to develop Java-based web applications.
  • Spring is a great Model-View-Controller framework for web apps.
  • Spring enables cohesive development, which helps Java developers declare classes that serve their purpose without requiring multiple changes and updates.
  • With Spring, Java programmers can perform AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) tasks. AOP helps separate system services from the business logic of the Java applications.
  • Spring hosts a transaction management interface to simultaneously control local and global transactions.

How to hire Java developers for your company amid the global talent shortage?

Many companies are struggling to find the right talent for their software development teams. The current global talent crisis is affecting recruitment across the IT sector. 

As companies struggle to cope with the rising demand for experienced software developers, Turing is bridging the gap between demand and supply. Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud consists of more than 3 million software developers across the globe. 

Turing helps you hire pre-vetted, experienced, Silicon Valley-caliber remote software developers for your company. Visit our Hire Developers page to hire Java developers for your company.


  1. How much does it cost to hire Java developers?

    The cost of hiring dedicated Java developers in the U.S. may go up to a few hundred thousand dollars per week. The following factors: experience, expertise, portfolio of Java applications, academics, soft skills, etc., impacts the developer salaries.

  2. How do I hire a Java developer? Is it hard to find Java developers?

    Despite the large number of Java developers across the globe, it can be difficult to find skilled Java developers. The toughest part is finding Java developers who can exactly fulfill your set of requirements for the job.

    To hire skilled Java developers at unbeatable rates, visit Turing hosts an Intelligent Talent Cloud and lets you hire the top 1% of more than 3 million developers to choose from. 

Tell us the skills you need and we'll find the best developer for you in days, not weeks.

Hire Developers

By Jul 10, 2022
Hire Ruby on Rails Developers
For Employers

Hire Ruby on Rails (RoR) Developers with These Steps!

Want to hire Ruby on Rails developers? With Turing, you can hire the best Ruby on Rails developers at unbeatable prices in just 3-5 days!

How do I hire a Ruby on Rails developer? Keep reading to find out! 

Ruby on Rails is a popular, open-source, client-side web application framework. The framework offers an expansive list of code libraries to build websites and web applications. It also provides robust default data structures for configuring databases, web services, and web pages. Ruby on Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework that supports software development paradigms such as Convention over Configuration (CoC), don’t repeat yourself (DRY), etc. 

Ruby on Rails was developed in 2004, using a programming language from 1995. The framework also allows active record patterns to store data across relational databases. RoR also allows faster web development through seamless data migrations, speedy table creations for databases, and ‘View Scaffolding’ options.

The framework’s popularity has created a large community of Ruby on Rails developers across the globe. More than a hundred thousand companies across the US use Ruby on Rails for their website development. 

What is Ruby?

‘Ruby’ is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Ruby is a dynamically typed, interpreted, multi-paradigm language that uses garbage collection. Ruby supports object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming and just-in-time (JIT) compilation. 

Related Post: Ruby vs Python: What Is The Difference?

Ruby On Rails framework is based on the object-oriented programming language, ‘Ruby.’ A sound understanding of Ruby programming helps develop the RoR projects. Many programmers prefer Ruby due to its speed, flexibility, versatility, ease of learning, and high demand.

What are the advantages of Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is an in-demand web development framework with multiple advantages for companies and developers. Some of the main benefits of Ruby on Rails are as follows:

Advantages of Ruby on Rails for employers:

  1. Reliability

    Developers using Ruby on Rails can choose from multiple coding styles. Test codes in Ruby on Rails allow faster elimination of bugs. Thus, error-free websites made with RoR are reliable and easy to maintain. 
  2. Affordability

    Ruby on Rails is an open-source framework that eliminates licensing costs, making it a cost-effective option for businesses. RoR helps companies meet their timelines and maintain their budgets with faster code deployment. Ruby on Rails has features like DRY and Scaffolding that reduce developer efforts and overall development costs.
  3. Security

    Ruby on Rails offers multiple in-built security features and tools within its code libraries. Ruby on Rails plug-ins, Authlogic and Devise, protect the data against cyber attacks. In addition, companies can implement Access Control through Ruby on Rails authorization libraries CanCanCan and Pundit.
  4. Higher productivity

    Ruby on Rails framework is a versatile tool that ensures lesser code with minimum repetitions. Rails is highly readable and supports Rapid Application Development, making implementing changes easier. The framework supports testing automation, making deployment and development easier and faster.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails for developers:

  1. Availability of resources

    Ruby on Rails developers have access to more than 1.7 million ready-to-code RoR packages called ‘gems.’ The simple syntax of Ruby and self-documentation of Ruby on Rails make web development easy to learn and deploy code. 
  2. Large community

    A large community of Ruby on Rails developers is active across software development forums. The dev community is supportive and helps other RoR developers solve common programming and testing problems. Ruby on Rails developer community also helps integrate services and applications for Ruby-based websites.
  3. High demand

    Ruby on Rails developers are in high demand among big companies and startups that use the RoR framework. More than four million websites use the Ruby on Rails framework, and around 800,000 websites in the United States run on Ruby on Rails. It is estimated that the demand for Ruby on Rails developers will increase by around 13 percent YoY, until 2028.
  4. Automated testing

    The automated testing features of Ruby on Rails work well for developers. The features speed up the deployment and implementation of Ruby on Rails projects. Better testing enables developers to improve the debugging process and ensure accurate coding.

Related Post: 15 Best Front-End Frameworks for 2022

What are the requirements and responsibilities of Ruby on Rails Developers?

Hiring managers seek expert Ruby on Rails developers to work on back-end web development projects. Senior Ruby on Rails developers possess a versatile web development skillset, with expertise in performing front-end and back-end tasks. Junior Ruby on Rails developers understand the rudimentary concepts of Ruby, MVC, client-side database development, etc. Here are some of the main differences between junior and senior Ruby on Rails developers:

Junior Ruby on Rails Developers

Junior Ruby on Rails developers have a basic understanding of web development languages, platforms, and SDLCs. Most junior RoR developers are proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and other web development technologies.

Junior Ruby on Rails developers know the syntax, features, and semantics of the Ruby programming language. To code with the Ruby on Rails framework, developers use different elements of Ruby such as loops, modules, gems, conditional statements, classes, etc. Junior Ruby on Rails developers need to know multiple aspects of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).

In addition, junior Ruby on Rails developers must also possess good soft skills to collaborate with team members seamlessly. And so, hiring managers prefer recruiting junior RoR developers who possess an adequate blend of tech skills and soft skills.

Senior Ruby on Rails Developers

Most senior Ruby on Rails developers have 5+ years of experience. Senior RoR developers know how to use code management tools (Git), deployment tools (Heroku), and productivity tools.

Senior Ruby on Rails developers can structure the application and website using the Model-View-Controller (MVC). In addition, senior RoR developers can use ERB (Embedded Ruby) and HAML (HTML Abstraction Markup Language) for viewing systems. They can use ActiveRecord commands for data modeling, data migration, data association, and data validation. 

In addition, senior Ruby on Rails developers have hands-on experience with RSpec, a modular testing tool. And senior RoR developers can use  JSON format within Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). 

Expertise in REST apps, HTTP statuses, and other web development tools is a prerequisite for senior Ruby on Rails developers. Moreover, most senior RoR developers have excellent soft skills, and are great team leaders. 

Where can you hire Ruby on Rails developers?

Hiring managers can explore multiple options for hiring Ruby on Rails developers. 

Some of the primary methods to hire RoR developers are as follows: 

Job posting websites

Hiring managers can post the requirements for Ruby on Rails developers on job portals like Monster, Indeed, etc. But common job posting websites do not offer sophisticated vetting methods to gauge a candidate’s experience, soft skills, and expertise. In addition, job posting websites have many limitations, such as a long and slow hiring pipeline, a lack of automatic screening methods, and a lack of consistency. 

Professional social networking platforms

Professional social media websites LinkedIn, Meetup, AngelList, etc., are alternative platforms to hire Ruby on Rails developers. But these platforms are often inefficient due to a high level of fluff, false endorsements and recommendations, and a lack of adequate assessment methods. 

Hire Ruby on Rails developers with

Turing is an Intelligent Talent Cloud that uses AI to vet, source, and match remote Ruby on Rails developers. And thus, Turing helps companies save 50+ hours of time required by engineering teams for hiring Ruby on Rails developers. In addition, Turing enables companies to hire the best Ruby on Rails developers from a planetary pool of over 1.5 million developers.  

How to hire Ruby on Rails developers: A step-by-step guide

Step 1: Define your project requirements and budget

Hiring managers should coordinate with the software project heads to hire suitable Ruby on Rails developers. In addition, employers must carefully consider hiring timelines, deadlines, budgets, and the number of vacancies before making any decision.

Step 2: Evaluate portfolios to hire Ruby on Rails developers

Previous work experience reflects the software development proficiency of RoR developers. Thoroughly scan through the contribution level, project responsibilities, and turnaround times for hiring great Ruby on Rails developers.

Step 3: Technical skill assessment

Hiring managers can conduct technical assessments by asking applicants to complete Ruby on Rails coding challenges. Recruiters can also ask the following Ruby On Rails interview questions to assess the technical knowledge of applicants.

Interview questions to hire Ruby on Rails developers

Junior-level interview questions

  1. What are the advantages of Ruby on Rails?

    Some of the main advantages of Ruby on Rails are scalability, consistency, efficiency, security, and cross-platform support. RoR offers a bug-free web development platform with excellent testing capabilities.
    Asking this question would help you understand why a candidate prefers Ruby on Rails over other web development frameworks.
  2. What are the disadvantages of Ruby on Rails?

    The disadvantages of Ruby On Rails are rigidity, performance bottlenecks, and constraints. Due to the framework’s rigidity, any issues with data architecture that are detected late in the web development life cycle can lead to heavy costs of coding. Knowing these disadvantages would allow web developers to plan the feasibility of using Ruby on Rails early on.
  3. Mention a few features of Ruby.

    Some of the features of the Ruby programming language are as follows:
    1. Dynamic and duck typing
    2. Short and flexible syntax
    3. Object-oriented programming
    4. Metaprogramming
    5. Garbage collection
  4. What is the application of the garbage collection feature in Ruby on Rails?

    The garbage collection feature of Ruby on Rails ensures that the programmer does not need to manually relocate dereferenced memory. Garbage collection in RoR performs automatic memory management of data objects. Garbage collection eliminates coding errors such as wild pointers, double-free bugs, and memory leaks.

Senior-level Ruby on Rails interview questions

  1. How does Ruby on Rails trigger AJAX Operation?

    AJAX allows web pages to refresh automatically when the server reflects changes. Ruby on Rails can trigger AJAX operation when:
    1. A change on the server level is initiated when trigger fires are launched with a button/link click.
    2. The web client calls upon the server while executing an XMLHttpRequest.
    3. The server sends an HTML fragment when triggered by a server-side action handler.
    4. Ruby on Rails generates client-side JavaScript, which receives and updates an HTML fragment within the page.
  2. What are the uses of Ruby on Rails migration?

    Ruby on Rails migration can rename a table, add a column, change or edit a column, drop a table, remove a column, and perform other similar operations. Ruby on Rails migration is used to change and update database schema over time. Using Rails migration makes your application database-independent, making it easier to switch platforms if required.
  3. What is CSRF? How does Ruby on Rails work against CSRF?

    Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a form of cyber attack used by hackers to damage or reveal confidential information. The protect_from_forgery command in Ruby on Rails Application Controller is helpful against CSRF attacks. This command generates CSRF tokens, verifying any post, put, or delete requests within your web application.
  4. What does the Rails controller do in Ruby on Rails?

    Ruby on Rails controller handles the interaction between the model, views, and users. As a logic center, the controller routes external requests and performs corresponding internal actions. The controller regulates helper modules to operate view templates without unnecessary lines of code. Rails controller also regulates live sessions to inform users about their interaction with the system.

Step 5: Onboarding RoR developers

To ensure a smooth onboarding process, hiring managers must follow certain protocols. Some of the major steps involved in onboarding new Ruby on Rails developers are as follows:

  1. Hand over the paperwork and complete the documentation process.
  2. Share the access to productivity tools, software, and the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  3. Send a welcome email, and possibly a welcome package consisting of company-branded goodies.
  4. Introduce the candidate to the team members and team leader.
  5. Assign a teammate as their point of contact to clear doubts about their tasks, and help them understand the company culture.

How to hire Ruby on Rails developers for your company?

Companies must follow a clear and definitive hiring strategy to hire Ruby on Rails developers. Hiring managers must take into account multiple factors while selecting prospective employees. Employers consider factors such as experience, expertise, portfolio of RoR projects, GitHub repositories, and proficiency in Ruby to hire Ruby On Rails developers.

The complexity of the hiring process can be overwhelming. Turing makes hiring remote Ruby on Rails developers easy, fast, and cost-effective. 


  1. How do I hire Ruby developers?

    Hire Ruby developers with Turing’s Intelligent Talent Cloud. With Turing, you can hire pre-vetted, Silicon Valley-caliber developers at unbeatable prices in just 3-5 days! 
  2. What is the cost of hiring a Ruby On Rails developer?

    The cost of hiring Ruby On Rails developers can vary depending on their seniority, experience, and geographic location. A Ruby On Rails developer in the USA or Europe may cost up to a few hundred dollars per hour. In contrast, a Ruby On Rails developer in an Asian or Latin American country may cost somewhat lesser than that.
    Hiring a remote Ruby on Rails developer can be a cost-effective solution. Turing can help you hire the best Ruby On Rails developers on a tight budget.
  3. Where can I find Ruby On Rails developers?

    Finding Ruby On Rails developers on job listing websites and professional networking sites is a hit-or-miss approach. Find pre-vetted Ruby On Rails developers for your company with With Turing, you can hire the top Ruby on Rails developers from a talent pool of over 1.5 million developers across 150 countries in just 3-5 days. 

Tell us the skills you need and we'll find the best developer for you in days, not weeks.

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By Jun 25, 2022
Android 13
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

What’s New in Android 13? Major Updates Explained

Android 13 Tiramisu Updates: 1. Developer productivity 2. Privacy updates 3. Security updates 4. Programmable graphics 5. Audio upgrades and more

What is Android 13? Android 13 is the thirteenth and upcoming major release of the Android mobile operating system, developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google. Google is all set to release the Android 13 version, codenamed ‘Tiramisu,’ in September 2022. 

Timeline of release dates

Four months after the release of Android 12’s stable version, Google announced the launch of Android 13 on the Android blog. Google released the first developer preview, soon after the announcement on February 10. In the following month, Google released the Developer Preview 2. Google released the Beta 1 version of Android 13 in April.

During the Google I/O event dated May 11, the search engine giant revealed the Beta 2 version. Google will release the upcoming beta versions by June and July, as platform stability is expected with Beta 3. The Beta 3.1 release adds a feedback app for developers.

Developer Productivity features of Android 13

Android 13 Beta versions released many new features. Some of the new updates in Android 13 are as follows: 

  1. An exclusive user interface for copy-paste tasks

    A new UI will appear whenever a piece of content is added to the clipboard. The UI offers a preview of the content and provides visual confirmation of successful copying. The UI also has buttons to share the content directly or across connected devices like PC, tablets, screens, and more. 

  2. A predictive back gesture

    With the predictive back gesture, pressing the back button in an app will display an intermediate window. The window will display a pop-up of the app running in the background and on the home screen. The feature will allow users to choose whether to stay on the existing app view or press the ‘back’ action.

    Users can toggle the feature on and off. The predictive back gesture also allows individual apps to design customized back navigation and functionality.

  3. Customized theme app icons 

    The latest Android 13 users will be able to view theme-based app icons. Through this feature, apps will have the ability to display their icons in three different ways. Beyond the standard icons, apps running on Android 13 will have adaptive icons and monochromatic icons. 

    Application developers must develop themed icons to support this feature. Icons will match the color as per the user’s selection. When toggled, the theme launcher will adapt icons to the theme’s colors or the wallpaper’s shades.

  4. Quick settings tile placement API

    Quick settings have been a convenient method to access simple toggle-based tasks and settings within the notification bar. Apps that have developed the custom tile service can use a new tile placement API with Android 13. A one-step system will allow users to add a custom tile with a dialog box without switching from the app.

  5. Improved support for multilingual users

    Android 13 will allow users to change their language preferences for individual applications. Users can change the language of their mobile applications through system settings and custom in-app language selection. The feature will also display better text wrapping for the Japanese language.

    Android 13 will also enhance the line heights for non-Latin scripts such as Hindi, Tamil, and other languages. Android 13 adds significant updates to the Unicode library. The Japanese and Chinese text conversion API is improved to require fewer steps for completing tasks like searching for users.

  6. Rendering support for color vector font

    Android 13 will support the COLR version 1 fonts rendering. The COLRv1 font format renders very fast, without compromising the quality, sharpness, and resolution. The COLRv1 format will also update the system emojis.

  7. Bluetooth Low Energy audio

    The Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) audio allows users to receive Hi-Fi audio, without compromising battery life. Android 13 will provide in-built support for LE audio to compatible devices. 

    Bluetooth LE audio is a significant update from the Bluetooth classic, with multiple use cases for sharing, broadcasting, accessibility, and more.

  8. MIDI 2.0 support

    Android 13 supports the MIDI 2.0 devices. Users can connect MIDI hardware through the USB port. Enhanced resolution for MIDI controllers, better non-western intonation, and per-note controllers are some new features that will accompany Android 13.

Android 13 Beta 2 Update

Privacy and Security updates in Android 13

Android 13 eliminates multiple vulnerabilities within the applications. Some of the privacy and security features in Android 13 are as follows:

  1. Secure exports within context-registered runtime receivers

    Android 13 will prevent apps from sending unprotected broadcasts to dynamically-registered receivers of other apps. This feature enhances safety by reducing app vulnerabilities. Developers can configure each app’s receivers and select only the broadcasts that are allowed.

    The feature offers developers better control over the background data that is sent and received by applications. Additionally, the data exchanged between applications is further secured to prevent harmful applications from extracting sensitive data. 

    The context-registered runtime receivers can share broadcasted data across secure data channels. The data cannot be accessed by other apps, users, and hackers unless explicitly defined within the runtime code.

  2. Photo Picker for apps and their images

    The Photo Picker in Android 13 will provide a standardized UI for individual apps and their pictures. Instead of permitting access to the entire media library, users can define which applications get access to which photos or images.

  3. Revoke developer permissions

    Users can revoke previously-granted permissions for apps in Android 13. The API allows users to revoke unused permissions and allow ‘best privacy practices’ permissions for applications. 

  4. New runtime permission for nearby Wi-Fi devices

    Android 13 updates the NEARBY_DEVICES runtime permissions for apps managing Wi-Fi access points surrounding the device. The apps must declare the NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES permission while running the Wi-Fi APIs. Additionally, unless apps don’t request physical location from the Wi-Fi API, the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission doesn’t need to be declared.

  5. Better error reporting in Keystore and Keymint

    Keystore and Keymint provide detailed and accurate error indications for Android 13 applications that generate keys. An exception class is added under ‘’. Retriable error codes and Android-specific exceptions, including error codes for Keystore and Keymint are added. Key generation, signing, and encryption methods can be modified.

    Google has updated the API Signature scheme with version 3.1 released for Android 13. With an expansive list of security updates, Android 13 will be more secure and reliable than the previous versions.

    Check out this post to learn more about Android 12: Snow Cone updates, and compare them with Android 13: Tiramisu’s new features. 

Other updates of Android 13

  1. Programmable graphics: Android 13 offers Android Graphics Shading Language (AGSL) to control programmable shaders. AGSL creates ripple effects, animated shaders, blur, stretch overscroll, and other visual effects for android applications. The RuntimeShader enables developers to use the Android rendering engine to customize painting with Android Canvas.
  2. Preferential audio routing: An AudioManager class within the audio routing API will help media applications identify audio routes. The API will allow users to exercise better control over which devices can play audio, and choose to play the audio streams directly.
  3. System-wide audio description: With the Android 13 update, users can enable the audio description feature for all apps on their devices. The feature will ensure better accessibility of android devices for blind and visually impaired users. Developers will be able to access the code to implement this feature within their apps.
    The Kotlin and Java code for implementing these features is available on Android 13’s official website. Developers can implement the code snippet depending on the coding language their application is written in.

    Refer to this post for a comprehensive comparison of Kotlin vs Java .

  4. OpenJDK 11: Android 13 will add core functionalities within its code, to adhere to the recent Open Java Development Kit 11 update.

Implementing Android 13 updates for your platform

A lot of coding, deployment, and testing will be necessary to implement these features across third-party applications. Companies will need to hire expert android developers to include these features in their applications. 

With Turing, companies can pick android developers from the top 1 percent in a talent pool of 1.5 million developers.  

Visit the Hire page to learn more about hiring the best android developers for your company. 


  1. Is there an Android 13?
    Yes, the recent update to the Android versions, Android 13: Tiramisu, will be officially launched around September 2022. The Beta 2 version has been already launched in the Google I/O meet on 11 May 2022. Android 13 will include a lot of new and exciting features. 

  2. What is Android 13 called?
    Android Tiramisu is the internal codename of Android 13. The upcoming and unreleased phones like Google Pixel 7 and Google Pixel 7 Pro will be equipped with the Android 13 update. The rest of the android phones will receive this update towards the end of 2022 and early 2023.

Which is the most interesting feature of Android 13?

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By Jun 13, 2022