Ritvik Gupta


About Ritvik Gupta

Ankit is a writer and editor who has contributed his expertise to Govt of India, Reebok, Abbott, TimesPro, Chitale Bandhu, InsideAIML, Kolte Patil Dev., etc.

15 Types of Software Architecture Patterns
For Employers

Software Architecture Patterns: What Are the Types and Which Is the Best One for Your Project

Types of Software Architecture Patterns: 1. Layered Pattern 2. Client-Server Pattern 3. Event-Driven Pattern 4. Microkernel Pattern 5. Microservices Pattern

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what is a software architectural pattern? What are the different types of architectural patterns? What is the best software architecture pattern? And some use cases of popular software architecture patterns.

Let’s dive in. 

The architecture of software is its cornerstone, as it affects many factors during the software development life cycle, including maintainability, scalability, stability, and security. 

After the primary four phases of software architecture development – architectural requirements analysis, architectural design, architectural documentation, and architectural evaluation, architects lay out a system architecture diagram. 

The system architecture diagram is the initial step in implementing new software. Software architecture diagrams assist architects in planning and implementing network modifications, visualizing strategic efforts, and anticipating the company’s requirements.

Nowadays, system architectural diagrams are essential for communicating with other developers and stakeholders as software systems and online applications have become complicated. 

What is software architecture?

Software architecture explains a system’s core ideas and characteristics with respect to its relationships, environment, and other design principles. Software architecture includes a software system’s organizational structure, behavioral components, and composition of those components into more complex subsystems.

The foundation for how you will handle performance, fault tolerance, scalability, and dependability in the future is laid by having great architecture. As you scale up, choosing the appropriate architecture for your software will result in more reliable performance under challenging circumstances.

Even if you don’t foresee a rise in users, considering the broad picture of your software and how to convey that vision to others will assist you and your team in making strategic decisions. 

Software Architecture Pattern vs. Design Pattern

Software Architecture Pattern vs. Design Pattern

Software Architecture Pattern vs. Design Pattern

While the terms “software architecture pattern” and “design pattern” are related, they refer to different aspects of software development.

Software Architecture Pattern:

A software architecture pattern defines the high-level structure and organization of a software system. It outlines the fundamental components, their interactions, and the overall layout of the system. Architectural patterns guide decisions about the system’s scalability, performance, and maintainability. They focus on the system’s macro-level aspects and establish a framework for the design and implementation of the entire application.

Design Pattern:

On the other hand, a design pattern is a smaller-scale solution to a recurring design problem within a software component or module. Design patterns address specific design challenges, providing standardized solutions that enhance code reusability, readability, and maintainability. Design patterns are concerned with micro-level design decisions within a single module or class, and they contribute to the overall structure defined by the architecture pattern.

15 Architectural Patterns, Their Use Cases, and Drawbacks

Analysis of Architectural Patterns in Software Development (2)

Analysis of Architectural Patterns in Software Development

  1. Layered Pattern

    It is one of the most common types of architecture in software engineering. Organizes software into horizontal layers, each responsible for distinct functionalities like presentation, business logic, and data storage. Enables modular development and maintenance, commonly used in web applications.

    Use cases:
    • E-commerce Platform: Separates user interface, business logic, and data storage for efficient management and updates.
    • Banking Application: Ensures clear separation between customer interactions, transaction processing, and data storage.
    • Content Management System: Segregates content presentation, management, and storage for easier content updates.

    • Communication overhead between layers can impact performance.
    • Tight coupling risks if layer boundaries aren’t well-defined.
    • May become overly complex with numerous layers.
  2. Client-Server Pattern

    Separates application into clients (user interfaces) and servers (data processing) to manage data sharing and user interactions. Ideal for distributed systems like web-based services.

    Use cases:
    • Email System: Allows clients to send requests for retrieving or sending emails to a central server.
    • Online Gaming: Clients interact with a central server for real-time game updates and multiplayer interactions.
    • Remote File Storage: Clients access a server to store and retrieve files securely from a remote location.

    • Server scalability challenges during heavy traffic periods.
    • Complex communication management between clients and server.
    • Potential single point of failure if the server goes down.
  3. Event-Driven Pattern

    Emphasizes communication between components through asynchronous events, triggered by user actions or data changes. Used in real-time systems and graphical user interfaces.

    Use Cases:
    • Social Media Platform: Users’ actions like posting, liking, or commenting trigger event-driven updates across the platform.
    • Stock Trading Platform: Rapid response to real-time market changes, executing buy/sell orders in reaction to market events.
    • Smart Home System: Devices react to user inputs like turning lights on/off based on sensor-triggered events.

    • Debugging can be complex due to non-linear event flows.
    • Event order and timing can introduce unexpected behavior.
    • Overuse of events can lead to convoluted architectures.
  4. Microkernel Pattern

    Divides core functionality from optional features, allowing extensible applications through plugins. Suited for software requiring easy feature expansion.

    Use Cases:
    • Text Editor with Plugins: Core functionality for text editing, with plugins adding specialized features like code highlighting or spell checking.
    • Web Browser with Extensions: Core browser functionality complemented by extensions for ad-blocking or password management.
    • Music Player with Skins: Core music playback capabilities extended by skins that change the player’s visual appearance.

    • Communication between core and plugins can introduce overhead.
    • Plugins may have dependencies on specific core versions.
    • Managing interactions between core and plugins can become complex.
  5. Microservices Pattern

    Structures applications as a collection of small, independently deployable services, enabling scalability and rapid development. Common in cloud-based systems.

    Use Cases: 
    • E-commerce Marketplace: Different microservices handle user management, product catalog, payments, and order processing.
    • Ride-Sharing Application: Separate services manage user authentication, ride requests, driver tracking, and payments.
    • Streaming Platform: Microservices for content delivery, user profiles, recommendations, and billing.

    • Complexity in managing distributed architecture.
    • Challenges in ensuring data consistency across services.
    • Communication overhead between services can impact performance.
  6. Broker Pattern

    Introduces a central broker that handles communication between distributed components, enhancing decoupling and efficiency. Commonly used in messaging systems.

    Use Cases:
    • Financial Market Data: Brokers distribute real-time stock market data to various clients for analysis and trading decisions.
    • Message Queues: Brokers manage message distribution between multiple components, aiding asynchronous communication.
    • Internet of Things (IoT) Hub: Broker facilitates communication between IoT devices and cloud services.

    • Central broker becomes single point of failure.
    • Message routing introduces potential latency.
    • Broker’s capacity may limit scalability.
  7. Event-Bus Pattern

    Components communicate through an event bus by publishing and subscribing to events. Facilitates loose coupling and is prevalent in modular applications.

    Use Cases:
    • Modular Video Game: Different game systems interact through events, such as player actions affecting the game world or triggering animations.
    • E-commerce Checkout Process: Events signal each step of the checkout process, from adding items to the cart to confirming the order.
    • Workflow Automation: Events drive the progression of tasks in a business process, like document approvals or task completion.

    • Debugging can be complex due to decentralized event propagation.
    • Overuse of events can lead to convoluted interactions.
    • Ensuring correct event order and managing subscriptions can be challenging.
  8. Pipe-Filter Pattern

    Data flows through a series of filters arranged in a pipeline to achieve data transformation or processing. Common in data processing systems.

    Use Cases: 
    • Image Processing: Filters in a pipeline transform images step by step, applying effects like blurring or color adjustments.
    • Data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Filters process and transform data as it flows through a pipeline, preparing it for analysis.
    • Audio Signal Processing: Filters modify audio signals in sequence, such as noise reduction or equalization.

    • Overemphasis on filters can lead to rigid architecture.
    • Managing filter order and interactions can become complex.
    • Complex pipelines can be challenging to manage and troubleshoot.
  9. Blackboard Pattern

    Specialized agents contribute to a shared knowledge repository (blackboard), collaborating to solve complex problems, commonly found in AI systems.

    Use Cases: 
    • Medical Diagnosis: Various agents contribute knowledge to a blackboard, collaborating to diagnose complex medical conditions.
    • Scientific Data Analysis: Researchers share findings through a blackboard, combining data from different sources for insights.
    • Natural Language Processing: Agents contribute linguistic knowledge to a blackboard, collaborating to understand and generate language.
  10. Component-Based Pattern
    Breaks down software into reusable components with well-defined interfaces, enhancing code reusability and maintainability. Often used in GUI frameworks and SDKs.

    Use Cases: 
    • Graphic Design Software: Components handle tools like drawing, text editing, and filters, contributing to a comprehensive design suite.
    • GUI Library: Reusable components provide buttons, text fields, and other UI elements for building user interfaces.
    • Financial Software Suite: Different components manage tasks like accounting, payroll, and invoicing within a comprehensive suite.

    • Over-fragmentation can lead to challenges in managing dependencies.
    • Determining appropriate component boundaries may require careful design.
    • Interactions between components need to be carefully managed.
  11. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    A style where applications are composed of services that communicate over a network. Each service is a self-contained unit with a well-defined interface, and they work together to provide higher-level functionality.

    Use Cases:
    • Enterprise Systems: Large organizations use SOA to integrate various departments’ systems, like HR, finance, and sales.
    • E-commerce Integration: Services from different vendors can be combined to create a unified online shopping experience.
    • Legacy System Integration: SOA enables integrating older systems with new ones without a full rewrite.

    • Complex to design and manage services.
    • Overhead due to network communication.
    • Service versioning can be challenging.
  12. Monolithic Architecture:

    An older approach where all components of an application are tightly integrated into a single codebase and are deployed together. While less common now, it’s still seen in some legacy systems.

    Use Cases:

    • Small to Medium Web Applications: Simplicity can be an advantage for projects with limited complexity.

    • Rapid Prototyping: Quick development and deployment for initial versions of software.

    • Legacy Systems: Existing monolithic applications that have been in use for years.


    • Limited scalability, as the entire application must be scaled.
    • Difficulty in maintaining and updating due to tight coupling.
    • Deployment of updates can be riskier.
  13. Space-Based Architecture

    A distributed approach where data and processing are spread across multiple nodes in a space-like grid, often used for applications with high scalability requirements.

    Use Cases:

    • High-Performance Computing: Space-based architecture efficiently distributes computational tasks across a cluster.

    • Real-Time Analytics: Distributed processing of data streams for immediate insights.

    • Multiplayer Online Games: Scalable architecture for handling massive numbers of concurrent players.


    • Complex to implement and manage.
    • Distributed data management and synchronization challenges.
    • Network latency can impact performance.
  14. Peer-to-Peer Architecture

    Nodes in the network act both as clients and servers, sharing resources directly without a centralized server. Often used in decentralized file-sharing systems.

    Use Cases:

    • Decentralized File Sharing: Users share files directly with each other without a central repository.

    • Blockchain Networks: Distributed ledgers where each node maintains a copy of the entire blockchain.

    • Collaborative Tools: Peer-to-peer architecture allows direct sharing of resources in collaborative applications.


    • Security concerns due to direct connections between nodes.
    • Scalability challenges in very large networks.
    • Lack of central control can lead to coordination issues.
  15. Hybrid Architecture

    Combines multiple architectural patterns to address specific application requirements. For example, combining microservices with event-driven patterns.

    Use Cases:

    • Complex Enterprise Systems: Hybrid architectures can balance the strengths of different patterns to meet diverse needs.

    • Scalable Web Applications: Combining microservices with event-driven patterns to ensure responsiveness and modularity.

    • Real-Time Analytics: Using a combination of event-driven and space-based patterns for efficient data processing.


    • Complexity in managing hybrid architectures.
    • Integration challenges between different patterns.
    • Requires careful design and planning to ensure cohesiveness.

Bottom line

Other architecture patterns, such as the broker pattern, event-bus pattern, pipe-filter pattern, and blackboard design, are also helpful in many software development contexts. However, the idea is the same for all architecture patterns: defining the fundamental features of your application, improving the product’s usefulness, and boosting the effectiveness and productivity of the app-building process. 

Make sure to read the function of all architecture patterns before finalizing one. The incorrect architecture pattern can cause delays in your project and possibly result in software failure. 

So, to select the architecture pattern that best suits your software requirements, have a solid understanding of architecture patterns and the applications for which they are most appropriate. In addition, hire talented software architects who know about each pattern. 

Visit Turing.com to hire experienced software architects and engineers to help you discover the gaps in team composition, ensure effective training, and facilitate growth for the company. Visit the Hire Developers page for more information.


  1. What is software architecture patterns?

    Software architecture patterns are predefined solutions to common design challenges encountered during software development. They provide a structured approach for organizing components, defining interactions, and establishing a system’s fundamental layout. These patterns guide decisions related to scalability, performance, and maintainability, ensuring that software systems are well-structured and effectively meet their requirements.
  2. What are the types of architectural pattern?

    There are various types of architectural patterns in software engineering, each offering a distinct approach to software design. Common types include Layered, Client-Server, Event-Driven, Microkernel, Microservices, Broker, Event-Bus, Pipe-Filter, Blackboard, and Component-Based patterns. These patterns provide templates for structuring components, handling communication, and addressing design challenges, catering to diverse application requirements and promoting efficient development practices.
  3. What is layer pattern in software architecture?

    The Layered Pattern is one of the types of software architectures that organizes a system’s components into horizontal layers, each responsible for a specific aspect of functionality. These layers interact vertically, with each layer utilizing the services of the layer below it. The presentation, business logic, and data storage are typically separated into distinct layers. This pattern enhances modularity, allowing changes within one layer without affecting others. It is widely used in applications where clear separation of concerns and maintainability are crucial, promoting a structured and scalable design approach.
  4. What is the best software architecture pattern?

    The layered architecture pattern also referred to as the n-tier architecture pattern, is the most used architecture design pattern. Since most Java EE applications use this pattern as their de facto standard, most architects, designers, and developers are familiar with it.

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By , Oct 15, 2023
Go vs C# Which One to choose
Software Comparisons

C# vs Golang: Which Is the Best Web Development Language?

Go is an open-source, compiled, and statically written programming language by Google while C# is an object-oriented programming language by Microsoft

Golang and C# are two of the most popular languages among software developers across the world. Golang by Google and C# by Microsoft has been a topic of hot debate. As a developer, you may have several questions about the programming languages. Is C# faster than Golang? Will Golang replace C#? Is Go the best programming language? Should I learn C# or Go? Which is better in Go vs C#? This blog post will answer all your questions, compare the similarities and differences between the two, and help you choose the best one for your project. 

What is C#?

What is C#?

What is C#?

C# is a contemporary, object-oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. C#, pronounced as C-sharp is general-purpose and multi-paradigm. It encompasses static typing, lexically scoped, imperative, strong typing, functional, generic, declarative, object-oriented, and component-oriented programming disciplines.

What is Go?

What is Go?

What is Go?

Golang, also known as Go, is an open-source, statically typed, and compiled programming language designed at Google by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, and Ken Thompson. Golang or Go is syntactically similar to C, but only with garbage collection, structural typing, memory safety, and CSP-style concurrency.

Similarities between Go and C#

Go (Golang) and C# are two distinct programming languages, but they share some similarities, particularly in terms of capabilities and features. Here are some of the key similarities between Go and C#:

  1. Strong Typing

    Both Go and C# are statically typed languages, meaning variable types are determined at compile-time. This helps catch type-related errors early in the development process and can lead to more robust code.
  2. Garbage Collection

    Both languages incorporate automatic garbage collection, relieving developers from manual memory management tasks. This makes it easier to write code without worrying about memory leaks or deallocation issues.
  3. Concurrency Support

    Both Go and C# provide built-in support for concurrent programming. Go is known for its goroutines and channels, while C# offers features like the Task Parallel Library (TPL) and asynchronous programming (async/await). These features simplify the development of multithreaded and concurrent applications.
  4. Standard Libraries

    Both languages come with extensive standard libraries that cover a wide range of functionality. These libraries make it easier for developers to perform common tasks without relying heavily on third-party packages or libraries.
  5. Cross-Platform Compatibility

    While Go is particularly praised for its cross-platform compatibility, C# has expanded its cross-platform capabilities with .NET Core and .NET 5+. This means that both languages can be used to develop applications that run on multiple operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  6. Language Simplicity

    Both Go and C# prioritize simplicity and readability in their syntax. While C# offers a broader feature set due to its longer history and ties to C/C++, it still maintains a relatively clean and understandable syntax. Go, with its minimalist design, is especially lauded for its simplicity and ease of reading and writing code.
  7. Concurrency and Parallelism

    Both languages offer features for concurrent and parallel programming. While the specifics differ, they share the goal of simplifying the development of scalable, high-performance applications that can take advantage of modern multicore processors.
  8. Community and Documentation

    Both Go and C# have active and supportive developer communities. They offer comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and resources, making it easier for developers to learn and work with these languages.
  9. Unit Testing

    Both languages emphasize the importance of unit testing. Go has a built-in testing package, and C# has popular unit testing frameworks like NUnit, xUnit, and MSTest. This shared emphasis on testing helps ensure code quality and maintainability.
  10. Performance

    While the specific performance characteristics vary depending on the use case and implementation, both Go and C# are designed to provide good runtime performance. Go’s efficient compilation and C#’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation contribute to their respective performance strengths.

While there are some similarities, the Golang vs C# comparison is yet to unfold. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two languages.

Related post: Top Golang Interview Questions with Answers to Prepare for Your Next Interview

Go vs C#: What are the differences between the two programming languages?

Go vs C# Comparison

Go vs C# Comparison

  1. Code Compilation

    Go compiles its code into operating system-specific native binaries, resulting in efficient, standalone executables that require no external runtimes. This characteristic makes Go applications highly portable and easy to distribute.

    On the other hand, C# code can be compiled into cross-platform binaries, but it typically necessitates the presence of the .NET Core or .NET 5+ runtime on the target system. Depending on the target operating system, the compilation process may generate platform-specific binaries.

    This means C# applications can be more dependent on external runtimes compared to Go, potentially affecting portability.
  2. Error Handling

    Go takes a straightforward and explicit approach to error handling. Functions commonly return errors as a second value, encouraging developers to diligently check and handle errors in their code. While this promotes robust error handling practices, it can lead to code verbosity.

    In contrast, C# employs a traditional try-catch exception handling mechanism, relying on keywords like try, catch, finally, and throw. This approach allows for fine-grained exception handling but often results in more complex code due to the need for try-catch blocks.
  3. Go vs C#: Performance

    Go stands out for its remarkable runtime performance. Its native code compilation ensures speedy execution, making it perfect for applications that require quick responses. Go’s minimalistic design and strong typing contribute to efficient code execution with minimal overhead. Moreover, Go’s built-in support for concurrency via goroutines and channels simplifies the development of highly responsive and parallel applications.

    On the other hand, although C# uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, which may slightly affect startup times, optimized C# code demonstrates robust performance during extended operations. The extensive .NET ecosystem empowers developers with specialized libraries and frameworks. On Windows, C# leverages platform-specific optimizations, making it a solid choice for desktop applications and enterprise-level software. Additionally, C# offers features for parallel programming, enabling efficient code parallelization.
  4. Code Syntax

    Go’s syntax is minimalist, emphasizing readability and simplicity, often likened to Python. Its strong typing and concise constructs contribute to clean and straightforward code.

    In contrast, C# boasts a more feature-rich syntax, drawing inspiration from C/C++. While this richness grants developers a broader range of capabilities, it can require more time to master due to its extensive feature set and complexity.
  5. Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    Go lacks a native Graphical User Interface (GUI) library, making it less suitable for GUI-intensive applications. Developing GUI applications in Go often entails the use of third-party libraries. Go shines in backend development and command-line tools.

    On the other hand, C# excels in GUI development, particularly for Windows-based applications. It offers extensive support for creating native GUI interfaces using frameworks like Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms, making it a strong choice for desktop applications requiring a rich, native GUI.
  6. Golang vs C#: Unit Testing

    Go has built-in support for unit testing via its testing package, simplifying the writing and execution of tests. The “go test” command streamlines test execution and report generation, promoting a seamless testing process.

    C# also supports unit testing through frameworks like NUnit, xUnit, and MSTest. These frameworks offer advanced features for unit testing but often require more involved setup and configuration compared to Go’s native testing support.
  7. Documentation

    Go features a built-in documentation generator known as “Godoc,” which automates the creation of documentation by parsing Go source code and accompanying comments. Godoc generates plain text and HTML documentation, facilitating documentation maintenance and sharing.

    In contrast, C# relies on XML comments to document code. Developers annotate their code with comments, and the C# compiler generates XML documentation files at compile time. While documentation is available in C#, setting up and generating documentation can be more complex compared to Go’s straightforward Godoc tool.
  8. Ecosystem and Libraries

    Go boasts a growing ecosystem of open-source libraries and packages accessible through the Go module system. Its extensive standard library covers various programming aspects, reducing external dependencies. Popular packages like “gorilla/mux” for web routing and “gorm” for database access enhance the development experience.

    Conversely, C# leverages the extensive .NET ecosystem, offering libraries and packages through NuGet. The .NET Core and .NET 5+ ecosystems have seen significant growth, providing a broad range of tools, including ASP.NET Core for web development and Entity Framework Core for data access. Widely-used libraries like Newtonsoft.Json for JSON serialization and NUnit for unit testing contribute to C#’s rich ecosystem.
  9. Golang vs C#: Deployment and DevOps

    Go compiles into native, standalone binaries, simplifying deployment without the need for additional runtimes. Tools like Docker and Kubernetes are popular choices for containerization and orchestration of Go applications, aligning well with DevOps principles.

    C# applications can be deployed as standalone binaries or web applications, often requiring the .NET runtime. Docker is a common choice for containerizing .NET applications, and platforms like Azure DevOps facilitate DevOps pipelines. C# applications can be hosted on various cloud platforms like Azure and AWS, offering flexibility in deployment options.
  10. Platform and Operating System Support

    Go is renowned for its cross-platform compatibility, supporting major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. This versatility makes it suitable for developing applications across different platforms seamlessly.

    C# traditionally had strong ties to Windows but expanded its cross-platform support with .NET Core and .NET 5+. These versions run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, broadening the range of platforms where C# applications can be deployed.
  11. Security Features

    Go places a strong emphasis on security through its simplicity and memory safety. Its memory safety features help prevent common security vulnerabilities like buffer overflows. Additionally, the static code analysis tool, “go vet,” can identify potential security issues in Go code.

    In contrast, C# benefits from security features provided by the .NET runtime, including type safety and code access security. The newer .NET Core and .NET 5+ versions continue to enhance security with improved cryptography support and security protocols.
  12. Go vs C#: IDE and Development Environment

    Go developers often favor lightweight and efficient code editors like Visual Studio Code or GoLand. These editors offer Go-specific plugins and extensions, streamlining the development experience. The Go toolchain, including “go fmt” for code formatting and “go test” for unit testing, simplifies development tasks.

    On the other hand, C# developers frequently rely on integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio provides extensive features for C# development, including debugging, profiling, and GUI design tools for Windows applications. Visual Studio Code offers a lighter alternative with a robust extension ecosystem, including support for C# language features.

Related post: Top 21 C# Interview Questions and Answers for 2022

Go vs C#: Which one should you choose?

Given the similarities between C# and Golang, your final pick should be based on your project specifications. So, ensure you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each before deciding between the two languages.

C# excels with Windows desktop applications and is frequently utilized in monolithic back-end web development. On the other hand, Golang is ideal for creating massive back-end systems and cross-platform solutions.

Go excels in scenarios where simplicity, portability, and rapid runtime performance are essential. It’s ideal for backend services, microservices, and applications requiring low-latency responses, thanks to its minimalist syntax and robust concurrency support.

On the other hand, C# stands out in Windows desktop application development and offers extensive GUI support through Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms. It also has an upper hand in web development, especially with the cross-platform capabilities of .NET Core and .NET 5+.

Go and C# both have the bandwidth necessary to be used in web development. However, your choice will ultimately depend on your solution architecture, the operating environment, and the resources you have to construct your application.

If you wish to work on exciting development projects and boost your engineering career, try Turing.com. Turing provides fantastic remote job opportunities in top US companies. Visit the Jobs page for more details.

FAQs on Go vs C#

  1. Is Go faster than C#?

    The raw CPU speed of Golang is relatively similar to C#. However, Go code’s straightforward design and native compilation use far less memory and compiles much faster than C#’s code.
  2. Is Go the best programming language?

    Go is the ideal option for all types of developers due to its speed, simplicity, and dependability in a complicated design.
  3. Should I learn C# or Go?

    The coding syntax of Go and C# comes from C. However, Go is far easier to read and write than C# code, and many developers compare it to Python. 
  4. Is C# better than Golang?

    It depends on your requirements. C# excels in Windows-based applications and has a rich ecosystem. Go, on the other hand, is known for its simplicity, performance, and suitability for backend services. Choose C# for Windows development and Go for cross-platform or performance-critical tasks. 
  5. Does C# have a future?

    Yes, C# has a promising future. With continuous updates and the evolution of .NET Core into .NET 5+ for cross-platform development, C# remains a relevant choice for various applications, including desktop, web, and cloud-based.
  6. Does Golang have a future?

    Golang (Go) has a bright future as well. Its simplicity, strong performance, and suitability for cloud-native and microservices architecture make it increasingly popular. With growing support and adoption, Go is well-positioned for the future.

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By , Sep 14, 2023
Websites to Test your Code Online
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

16 Great Websites to Test Code Online in 2024

If you’re a developer, you know how important it is to test code online. Here’s a list of the most popular websites to check your code online in 2024.

If you’re a developer, you know how important it is to test code online. All developers and programmers have a local server or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) installed on their computers to test and execute programming codes. But what if you get a coding idea, and your computer isn’t nearby – What do you do then? Well, you find a web-based tool that can execute any code without downloading anything. Here is a list of 16 websites to check code online.  

Note: All of these tools require an internet connection. 

Top 16 tools to test code online

16 websites to test your code online

16 websites to test code online

  1. Best tools to test code online – JS Bin

    The first website on our list is JS Bin. JS Bin is a simple JavaScript debugging tool. Its key selling point is the ability to collaborate with other developers.
    The tool allows you to share a private link with developers and write clean code alongside them in real time. Its user interface may seem a little strange at first, but it gets easier once you start working with the tool.


    • Live output preview which updates as you type.
    • Allows for anonymous bins, which don’t require an account.
    • Provides a console for JavaScript debugging.
    • Supports pre-processors like Markdown, Jade, and SCSS.


    • No built-in collaboration feature for real-time code sharing.
    • Limited to web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

    Pricing: Free, Pro version available at $12/month

  2. jsFiddle

    Loved by many developers worldwide, jsFiddle is a popular tool for testing codes for programmers and by many developers around the world. Compared to other web tools, it has a very dynamic interface and even supports complicated functions.
    With jsFiddle, you can sign up for a free account and begin creating code right immediately, with no hassle. The website also provides a short URL that you can share with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media platforms.


    • Supports a wide range of JavaScript libraries and frameworks.
    • Provides an option to include external resources.
    • Allows for code tidying and JSHint validation.
    • Collaboration feature for real-time code sharing.


    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.
    • Limited to web technologies.

    Pricing: Free

  3. Best tools to test code online – CSSDesk

    CSSDesk has a similar layout to the other apps on our list, with the source code on the left and the final render on the right. This software is ideal for building small web page models and testing lengthy CSS3 codes.
    CSSDesk program also allows you to save the source code to your computer or generate a short, shareable link that allows other developers to contribute to your code.


    • Allows users to create collections of related code snippets.
    • Provides an option to make code snippets private.
    • Community voting system for popular code snippets.
    • Supports embedding of code snippets on other websites.


    • Limited language support (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
    • No collaboration feature for real-time code sharing.

    Pricing: Free
  4. WriteCodeOnline

    WriteCodeOnline has a beautiful UI that is lighter than other options. With WriteCodeOnline, users can test codes written in JavaScript, PHP, and more. The tool displays the output results just beneath the text box.
    As a result, when users hit execute code, the tool parses everything and shows the results. The website is not ideal for large files, but it’s an excellent way to put your fresh ideas to the test.


    • Simple and straightforward interface.
    • Real-time output for JavaScript and PHP.
    • Provides a console for debugging.
    • No sign-up required to use.


    • Very limited language support (JavaScript and PHP).
    • No collaboration or sharing feature.

    Pricing: Free
  5. Best tools to test code online – Tinkerbin

    Tinkerbin is a web application that allows you to experiment with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS without creating files or submitting them to a server. The application also supports CoffeeScript, Sass (with Compass), Less, HAML, and other languages. Its dashboard is pretty advanced and supports many of the same web design ideas that you’d expect to see in the future.


    • Real-time output for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Supports pre-processors like HAML, LESS, and CoffeeScript.
    • Provides a console for JavaScript debugging.
    • No sign-up required to use.


    • Limited language support.
    • No longer maintained, which may lead to outdated features.

    Pricing: Free

  6. IDEOne

    IDEone is an online compiler and debugger that allows users to compile and run code in over 40 programming languages, including Objective-C, Java, C#, VB.NET, SQL, and many others.
    You can also share this source code by storing it in a unique URL. However, the tool’s layout is packed with adverts and other materials, making it impossible to use their website freely. Aside from that, it’s a fun website to play on.


    • Supports over 60 programming languages.
    • Allows for saving and sharing of code.
    • Provides a console for debugging.
    • Offers an API for integration with other services.


    • No real-time output.
    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.

    Pricing: Free
  7. Best tools to test code online – Dabblet

    Dabblet is an interactive app for quickly testing CSS and HTML code. Dabblet uses a prefix-free template so that users don’t have to add any prefixes to their CSS code. With Dabblet, users can save their work in GitHub gists, embed it in other websites, and share it with other users/customers.


    • Real-time output for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Supports pre-processors like HAML, LESS, and SCSS.
    • Allows for saving snippets on GitHub Gists.
    • Provides a color picker for CSS.


    • Limited language support.
    • No longer maintained, which may lead to outdated features.

    Pricing: Free

  8. CodeSandBox

    CodeSandBox is a web-based code editor and prototyping tool that makes creating and sharing web apps easy. It’s a JavaScript editor with a lot of bells and whistles.
    CodeSandBox supports all React.js, Vue.js, Svelte, and Node.js. NPM dependencies will be downloaded automatically by CodeSandbox. Another use for CodeSandBox is web-based terminal access. Also, read: 30 Most Popular NPM Packages for Node JS Developers


    • Supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.
    • Provides a full-featured online IDE, not just a code editor.
    • Allows for importing projects from GitHub.
    • Collaboration feature for real-time code sharing.


    • The interface might be overwhelming for beginners.
    • Some features are locked behind the Pro version.

    Pricing: Free, Pro version available at $9/month
  9. Best tools to test code online – ESLint Demo

    You can use ESLint to create writing rules for your code. It’s an excellent option if you’re working on a team project and want to make sure that everyone writes code in the same style and follows the same guidelines.
    ESLint offers so many options for governing your code styles that picking one may be intimidating, especially if you’re just getting started with the tool.


    • Useful for checking JavaScript code quality.
    • Allows for customization of linting rules.
    • Provides detailed explanations for linting errors.
    • No sign-up required to use.


    • Limited to JavaScript
    • No collaboration or sharing feature

    Pricing: Free
  10. PHPStan

    PHPStan is a PHP code static analysis tool that checks for faults and potential flaws without running the code. For example, the tool will notify you if you send a string value to a method that accepts an integer or if you try to access a property on a class that doesn’t exist.
    Use the online editor on the PHPStan website to see how it works. You’ll be surprised to see how many existing PHP codes may be improved and fixed to eliminate potential issues.


    • Useful for checking PHP code quality.
    • Supports many PHP versions.
    • Allows for customization of linting rules.
    • Provides detailed explanations for linting errors.


    • Limited to PHP It is limited to PHP, and doesn’t support other languages.
    • No real-time output.

    Pricing: Free
  11. Best tools to test code online – OneCompiler

    OneCompiler is a free online compiler tool. It helps you write, run and share code online in more than 60 programming languages, including in-demand programming languages such as Java, Python, MySQL, C, C++, NodeJS, Jshell & HTML. This tool is ideal for fast testing your code for a demo or running a short test.


    • Supports over 50 programming languages.
    • Allows for saving and sharing of code.
    • Provides a console for debugging.
    • Offers an API for integration with other services.


    • No real-time output.
    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.

    Pricing: Free

  12. Online GDB

    OnlineGDB is a free online compiler and debugger tool that supports several programming languages including C, C++, Java, Python, and PHP. It enables online code writing, compilation, and execution without the requirement for setup or installation. With features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging tools like breakpoints and watchpoints, OnlineGDB offers a user-friendly interface. Additionally, it offers a console to show the code’s output, making it simple to test and debug code in real time. Developers may easily and effectively test their code online with OnlineGDB as a whole.


    • Supports many programming languages.
    • Provides a full-featured online IDE, not just a code editor.
    • Allows for debugging with breakpoints.
    • Offers an API for integration with other services.


    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.
    • No collaboration feature for real-time code sharing.

    Pricing: Free

  13. JDoodle

    Programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, and more, can be compiled and edited online using JDoodle. Without any setup or installation, it enables users to write, compile, and run code online. With features like code completion, syntax highlighting, and the option to share code, JDoodle offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface. It also offers a console to show the code’s output, making it simple to test and debug code in real-time. JDoodle is, all things considered, a helpful and effective solution for developers to quickly test and run code online.


    • Supports over 70 programming languages.
    • Allows for saving and sharing of code.
    • Provides a console for debugging.
    • Offers an API for integration with other services.


    • No real-time output
    • Limited collaboration feature

    Pricing: Free, Premium version available at $5/month

  14. CodeScreener

    You may test, exchange, and assess code using CodeScreener. It is compatible with a wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, and more. In addition to syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging features like breakpoints and watchpoints, the website offers a code editor. Through the console, it is simple to execute your code and check for functionality. CodeScreener also makes it possible for you to distribute your code to others by creating a special URL that anyone may view.

    What’s more, CodeScreener enables you to assess code by creating online exams with time constraints, specific input/output values, and multiple-choice questions. In conclusion, CodeScreener is a thorough online platform that streamlines the testing, sharing, and evaluation of code.


    • Supports many programming languages.
    • Useful for conducting coding interviews.
    • Allows for recording of coding sessions.
    • Provides detailed reports of coding sessions.


    • No real-time output
    • Pricing information not readily available

    Pricing: Contact for pricing
  15. Codeply

    Developers may write, test, and share front-end web development code using a user-friendly interface on Codeply, an online playground for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has features like live preview, code completion, and syntax highlighting and supports a number of frameworks, including Bootstrap and Foundation. Codeply makes it simple to cooperate with others by enabling developers to share their code via a specific URL. Teams working on web development projects can benefit from using it because it also has a Pro edition with advanced capabilities.


    • Supports many web technologies and frameworks.
    • Real-time output.
    • Allows for saving and sharing of code.
    • Provides a responsive viewer to test different screen sizes.


    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.
    • Some features are locked behind the Pro version.

    Pricing: Free
  16. Coding Ground by TutorialsPoint

    The online development environment Coding Ground by TutorialsPoint enables you to write code, generate programs, and run them online. It provides a range of domains, including C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, and others. The integrated editor allows you to test your code and has debugging tools like breakpoints and watchpoints, as well as syntax highlighting and code completion. A range of lessons and tools are also accessible on the internet, which you can utilize to advance your programming skills. In conclusion, Coding Ground by TutorialsPoint is a great tool for programmers of all experience levels who wish to sharpen their coding skills and experiment with different languages.


    • Supports many programming languages.
    • Allows for saving and sharing of code.
    • Provides a console for debugging.
    • Offers an API for integration with other services.


    • No real-time output.
    • The interface might be confusing for beginners.

    Pricing: Free

Final thoughts

These code testing websites make it simple to work, run code online, and collaborate with other developers. But remember, though these tools can help you along the path to building your final product, they are not your actual, heavy-duty programming and testing tools. And thus, one should use these when they want to test their code’s capability on the go. 

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  1. Where can I test JavaScript code online?
    You can test JavaScript code on a number of websites, including CodePen, JSFiddle, JS Bin, Repl.it, and PlayCode. These platforms offer an easy-to-use code editor for creating and testing JavaScript code, as well as a console to show the results. It is simple to test front-end web development code because they also support HTML and CSS. These websites are helpful for cooperation and exhibiting your work because they also let you store and share your code with others. Developers may quickly test and play with JavaScript code using these online tools without the need for a cumbersome setup or local development environments.

  2. How can I test my code online?
    Testing your code online is an efficient way to debug issues and experiment with new ideas without the need for a local development environment. Find a web-based code editor or development environment, like CodePen or JSFiddle, that supports your programming language to accomplish this. Run your code in the online environment using the built-in debugging and testing tools, or import it from a file. Till it performs as anticipated, make necessary adjustments and retest. Finally, save and distribute your code so that others can work with you or see your best work.

  3. Where can I test my HTML code?
    In a web browser like Safari, Firefox, or Chrome, you can test your HTML code. To see how it appears and works, simply create an HTML file and open it in a browser. You can also utilize online tools like CodePen, JSFiddle, and JS Bin, which let you write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in an easy-to-use editor and test it while viewing the results in real time. Repl.it and Coding Ground are two other online code editors that offer a web-based development environment for testing HTML code and other programming languages.

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By , Jul 21, 2023
7 Best Java IDEs and Editors in 2023
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

10 Best Java IDEs and Editors in 2024

A Java IDE is an app that provides comprehensive facilities to developers for software development in Java. Looking for the best Java IDEs? Here are our top 10

The market has several Java IDE options. However, the best Java IDEs are highly integrated and provide developers with all the tools they need in one consolidated environment. This integration can streamline the development process, making writing, debugging, and compiling Java code easier. 

This blog post shares a comprehensive Java IDE comparison to help you make the best choice. Keep reading.

Table of Contents

  1. What are Java IDEs?
  2. Ten best Java IDEs in 2024
  3. What types of IDEs are available?
  4. What are the benefits of using Java IDE?
  5. So, which Java IDEs are best for you?
  6. FAQs

What are Java IDEs?

A Java integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development in the Java programming language. An IDE typically includes a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger.

Integrated Development Environments or IDEs are among the most crucial pieces required to construct a software project. They make development easy and efficient. 

IDEs increase developers’ productivity by shortening setup times, accelerating development tasks, keeping developers informed of the most recent dangers and best practices, and standardizing the development process.

IDEs can also assist in restructuring the development process. They enable programmers to view their operations as part of the full software development life cycle (SDLC) as opposed to a collection of discrete tasks.

One of the key benefits of an IDE is to carry out all coding work in one program. An IDE act as a central interface with all the tools a developer needs, such as:

  • Code editor: These editors are not text editors. They are designed for writing and editing source code. This feature makes it easier for developers to write and edit the code and saves considerable time.

  • Integrated debugger: Developers can use these integrated debugging tools to test and debug the code of their applications.

  • Compiler: The main task of the compiler is to convert the human-readable/writable source code to a form that computers can understand and execute.

  • Build automatic tools: These tools save a lot of time for the developers as they can be used to automate basic development tasks.

Using a Java IDE can help developers to improve productivity, write clean code, and make it easier to maintain and improve their code over time. 

In addition, Java developers can create software applications, drivers, and utilities using the right IDEs, as IDEs allow efficient language syntax. 

However, choosing the right IDE is difficult because there are so many to choose from. So, here is the list of the top 10 Java IDEs. 

10 best Java IDEs in 2024

Top 10 Java IDEs

Top 10 Java IDEs

  1. IntelliJ IDEA

    IntelliJ Idea: Top 10 Java IDEs

    IntelliJ Idea

    First on our list of the best Java IDEs is IntelliJ IDEA. With over 33 percent of the market share, IntelliJ IDEA was the most used Java IDE in 2022. It also has a stellar user rating of 4.3 and a whopping 89 percent user satisfaction.

    IntelliJ IDEA has unique resources like a version control system, frameworks, and multi-language support.

    IntelliJ IDEA Pros
    • IntelliJ IDEA is packed with features designed to boost productivity, including smart code completion, on-the-fly error detection, and powerful refactoring tools.
    • The IDE has a clean, intuitive interface that’s customizable to suit individual preferences.
      IntelliJ IDEA integrates seamlessly with many popular tools and frameworks, including Maven, Gradle, Spring, and Git.
    • The IDE provides intelligent suggestions and quick fixes, making coding faster and more efficient.
    • IntelliJ IDEA supports a wide range of plugins, allowing developers to extend the functionality of the IDE.
    • It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
    • It supports multiple languages.
    • In its commercial edition, IntelliJ IDEA provides some incredible tools, such as Perforce integration, duplicate detection, database tools, and more.

      IntelliJ IDEA Cons
    • Can be heavy-weight and resource-intensive, leading to slower performance on less powerful machines.
    • The learning curve can be steep for beginners
    • Occasionally, developers might face issues with plugin compatibility, especially when using the latest or less common plugins.
    • While there is a free Community edition, the Ultimate edition, which includes more features, is paid.

    • IntelliJ is free for the community edition. The commercial version costs $399 for the second year, and $299 for the third year onwards.
  2. Eclipse

    Eclipse: Top 10 Java IDEs


    Up next on our list of the best Java IDEs is Eclipse. Eclipse is a well-liked, free Java IDE that accounts for about 48 percent of the market share. It is a remarkable IDE with a 4.8 user rating and 92 percent user satisfaction.
    Eclipse has a solid plugin system that enables developers to create unique features. Eclipse supports Apache Groovy, JavaScript, C++, Python, and many other programming languages.

    Also, read 35+ Eclipse Shortcuts and Productivity Tips for Java Developers!

    Eclipse Pros
    • Eclipse is cross-platform and works with Windows, Linux, and macOS.
    • The features offered by Eclipse include editing, browsing, debugging, and refactoring.
    • Eclipse provides a wide range of debugging tools that let you debug locally and remotely.
    • It is highly customizable and supports a wide range of plugins.
    • It also has strong community support.

      Eclipse Cons
    • Some developers report that updates and bug fixes for Eclipse are not as frequent or as prompt as they would like.
    • Eclipse is resource-intensive, leading to slower performance and crashes, especially on older and less powerful systems. It can also be slower to start up compared to some other IDEs
    • Eclipse is known to consume a significant amount of memory, affecting system performance, particularly if you’re working on large projects.
    • The interface is not as intuitive as some other IDEs.

    • Free
  3. NetBeans

    Top 10 Java IDEs: NetBeans


    Next on our list of the best Java IDEs is NetBeans. NetBeans is an integrated development environment for Java. It is a fantastic IDE with 82 percent user satisfaction as reported by a recent study.

    NetBeans functions on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Solaris. From product concept to deployment, this IDE has built-in tools that add value throughout the software development lifecycle.

    NetBeans Pros
    • NetBeans is easy to use. It finds problems and offers you features for intelligent code compilation. 
    • You can directly create, debug, deploy, and test applications from NetBeans. 
    • It has excellent project management features.  
    • You can write similar code simultaneously, thanks to its fantastic code comparison tools.
    • Supports full Java EE applications

      NetBeans Cons
    • NetBeans is resource-intensive and hence can be slower than other IDEs.
    • It has a limited number of plugins. This restricts the ability to customize and extend the IDE. 
    • While NetBeans is user-friendly, it can still be overwhelming for beginners due to the wide range of features and tools it offers.

    • Free.
  4. BlueJ

    BlueJ: Top 10 Java IDEs


    This free Java IDE was founded in 1999 by John Rosenberg and Michael Kolling and is one of the best Java IDEs for web development in 2024.

    According to one of the most recent polls, BlueJ has an exceptional user satisfaction rating of 80 percent. Fun fact: BlueJ was initially created for instructional and training purposes.

    BlueJ Pros
    • BlueJ offers strong debugging capabilities. 
    • It is straightforward, convenient, and easy to work on. 
    • It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. 
    • It has various cutting-edge features, like an object bench, a code pad, and scope coloring.
    • Specifically designed for teaching, making it great for beginners
    • It has a simple and clean interface.

      BlueJ Cons
    • BlueJ is intentionally designed to be simple, which means it lacks many advanced features found in other IDEs. 
    • BlueJ is not designed for large-scale software development. Developers may find that BlueJ lacks the tools and features to manage projects effectively as they grow in complexity.
    • Students who learn on BlueJ may face a steep learning curve when transitioning to more professional development environments.
    • BlueJ supports Java and Stride, but unlike many other IDEs, it does not support multiple programming languages.

    • Free.
  5. JDeveloper

    JDeveloper: Top 10 Java IDEs


    Oracle Corporation built and manages JDeveloper, which is a free integrated development environment. This incredible IDE has an 80 percent user satisfaction rate and a user rating of 4 out of 5.

    JDeveloper provides unique capabilities for XML, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, HTML, BPEL, and PHP development.

    JDeveloper Pros
    • JDeveloper offers robust debugging features that let users easily examine audit rules and immediately fix problems.
    • JDeveloper is compatible with operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS. 
    • JDeveloper includes a fantastic web development environment with drag-and-drop capability that makes designing applications simple.
    • Provides comprehensive features for Java development, and supports visual & declarative editing.

      JDeveloper Cons
    • JDeveloper can be resource-intensive, leading to slower performance on older systems. 
    • JDeveloper has a wide range of features, which can make it complex and overwhelming for beginners. 
    • JDeveloper has a smaller user community. This can mean fewer resources for troubleshooting, fewer third-party plugins, and less community support.
    • JDeveloper is known to consume a significant amount of memory, which can affect system performance, particularly if you’re working on large projects.
    • Some users have reported slower release cycles and less frequent updates compared to other IDEs.

    • Free.
  6. JCreator

    JCreator: Top 10 Java IDEs


    Next on the list of Java IDE comparisons is a Xinox Software created by Java IDE JCreator just a few years ago. However, even in a short span, it has gained a lot of popularity among front-end developers.

    JCreator’s user interface resembles Microsoft Visual Studio quite a bit. Since it is written in C++, JCreator is more effective and swifter than other Java IDEs.

    JCreator Pros
    • Pro Edition (Pro), Lite Edition (LE), and Lite-Pro Edition are the three available versions of JCreator.
    • JCreator offers advanced functions including code completion, project management for debugging, a separate debugger, syntax highlighting, and more.
    • JCreator has a smaller size and faster speed than other IDEs, so it is ideal for all kinds of developers.
    • It has a user-friendly interface.

      JCreator Cons
    • Compared to more comprehensive IDEs, JCreator lacks some advanced features. For instance, it doesn’t offer built-in version control or a wide range of plugins.
    • JCreator is a Windows-only application, which can be a significant drawback for developers using macOS or Linux.
    • JCreator has a smaller user community compared to other IDEs. This can mean fewer troubleshooting resources, troubleshooting resources, third-party plugins, and community support.
    • While there is a free version of JCreator, it has limited features. The Pro version, which includes more features, is not free.
    • JCreator is a dedicated Java IDE and does not support other programming languages.

    • Free for the lite version. The Pro version costs $89.
  7. DrJava

    DrJava: Top 10 Java IDEs


    Next on our list of the best Java IDEs is DrJava. The JavaPLT group at Rice University created, developed, and maintains DrJava.
    DrJava features a built-in debugger and has unit-testing capabilities. Also, it provides commenting, automated completion, automatic indentation, and seamless integration with Eclipse via the plugin.

    DrJava Pros
    • DrJava is an extremely lightweight Java IDE, which results in quicker execution of codes.
    • Because of its incredible interactivity feature, which enables each class to be used independently, troubleshooting is immaculate.
    • DrJava features an interactive console (the Interactions Pane) for interactively evaluating Java expressions and statements. This is an excellent feature for learning and testing small pieces of code.
    • DrJava is great for beginners.

      DrJava Cons
    • DrJava is designed to be simple and easy to use, which means it lacks many of the advanced features found in more comprehensive. For example, it doesn’t have advanced debugging tools and built-in version control.
    • DrJava is not designed for large-scale software development.
    • Because DrJava is so different from other Java IDEs, students who learn on DrJava may face a steep learning curve when they transition to more professional development environments.
    • DrJava supports Java, but unlike many other IDEs, it does not support multiple programming languages.

    • Free.
  8. JGrasp

    JGrasp: Top 10 Java IDEs


    JGrasp is a simple Java IDE that’s excellent for learning and teaching. It offers syntax highlighting, code navigation, and UML visualization capabilities and has a user-friendly interface.

    JGrasp has favorable evaluations despite being a relatively new player on the market. With numerous customers complimenting its simplicity and usability, it has a high user satisfaction rating.

    JGrasp Pros
    • JGrasp provides a special visual debugger that makes debugging simple and understandable.
    • A built-in compiler provided by JGrasp also makes creating and running Java programs simple.
    • The JGrasp UML visualization tool makes it simple for users to see the organization of their code.
    • JGrasp is adaptable since it supports various languages, including Java and C++. 
    • Provides automatic generation of software visualizations, improving code readability.

      JGrasp Cons
    • The interface is not as polished as other IDEs, and it lacks some advanced features.
    • JGrasp is not as feature-rich as some other IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans.
    • JGrasp may not integrate as seamlessly with other development tools and systems as some other IDEs.
    • Some users have reported slower release cycles and less frequent updates compared to other IDEs.

    • Free.
  9. CodeMix

    CodeMix: Top 10 Java IDEs


    A well-liked Eclipse plugin called CodeMix offers extra functionality for developing websites and mobile apps. It comes with a user-friendly UI and capabilities like code completion, debugging, and integration with popular web frameworks like React and Angular.

    CodeMix has a high user satisfaction percentage, and many users commend it for its easy integration with Eclipse and its extensive feature set.

    CodeMix Pros
    • CodeMix provides a robust code completion tool that supports numerous programming languages and frameworks, facilitating speedy and accurate code writing.
    • With the help of CodeMix’s sophisticated debugging tools, developers can quickly find and resolve bugs in their code.
    • Building cutting-edge web and mobile applications is simple with CodeMix because of its integration with well-known web frameworks like React and Angular.
    • CodeMix is a complete solution for developing websites and mobile apps thanks to a number of additional helpful features including a file explorer, terminal, and Git integration.
    • Enhances Eclipse with support for a wide range of languages, and it has a modern and intuitive interface.

      CodeMix Cons
    • As CodeMix is a plugin, it requires Eclipse to run. This means developers are subject to any limitations or issues inherent in Eclipse.
    • The addition of CodeMix to Eclipse can increase the complexity of the development environment, potentially making it more challenging for beginners to navigate and use effectively.
    • There can be compatibility issues between CodeMix, Eclipse, and other plugins or extensions.
    • While CodeMix offers a free trial, continued use requires a subscription.
    • As CodeMix brings in features and extensions from VS Code, developers unfamiliar with VS Code may face a learning curve to fully utilize its capabilities.

    • Starts at $29/year.
  10. Sublime

    Sublime: Top 10 Java IDEs


    Last but not least on our list of the best Java IDEs is the popular code editor Sublime is well-known for its quickness, ease of use, and robust capabilities. It has an intuitive user interface and includes tools like syntax highlighting auto-completion, and multiple cursors.

    With a high user satisfaction rate, many users praise Sublime Text for its quick and responsive performance and wide range of customization options.

    Sublime Text Pros
    • A robust search and replace tool that makes it simple to locate and alter text in numerous files.
    • Users of Sublime Text can edit numerous lines of code at once thanks to the multiple cursors feature, which makes it simple to finish routine jobs rapidly.
    • Users can fully personalize Sublime Text to suit their requirements and preferences thanks to the editor’s many customization features.
    • Extremely fast and lightweight Java IDE
    • Supports multiple languages, and has a powerful plugin ecosystem.

      Sublime Text Cons
    • As a text editor, Sublime Text lacks many of the advanced features found in full-fledged IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans.
    • To use Sublime Text for Java development, you’ll likely need to install several plugins. Managing these plugins and ensuring compatibility can sometimes be challenging.
    • Sublime Text doesn’t have built-in support for Java. This means you’ll need to configure it manually for Java development, which can be a complex process, especially for beginners.
    • While Sublime Text offers an unlimited free trial, a license must be purchased for continued use.
    • Sublime can have a steep learning curve, especially for those who want to fully utilize its features and customizability.
    • Sublime Text doesn’t have a dedicated customer support team.

    • $80 for a single license.

What types of IDEs are available?

6 types of Java IDEs

6 types of Java IDEs

There are several types of integrated development environments (IDEs) available, including

  1. General-purpose IDEs: These IDEs are designed to support a wide range of programming languages and are typically used by developers working on a variety of projects. Examples of general-purpose IDEs include Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio.

  2. Language-specific IDEs: These IDEs are designed to support a specific programming language and often include a set of tools and features that are tailored to that language. Examples of language-specific IDEs include PyCharm for Python, RubyMine for Ruby, and Xcode for Swift and Objective-C.

  3. Web-based IDEs: These IDEs are accessed through a web browser and can be used from any device with an internet connection. Examples of web-based IDEs Java include Cloud9, Codeanywhere, and Replit.

  4. Mobile IDEs: These IDEs are designed specifically for mobile app development and often include a set of tools and features that are tailored to the mobile platform. Examples of mobile IDEs include Android Studio and Xcode.

  5. Embedded IDEs: These IDEs are designed to support embedded systems programming. They often include a set of tools and features that are tailored to the specific needs of embedded systems development. Examples of embedded IDEs include Atmel Studio and IAR Embedded Workbench.

  6. Scripting IDEs: These IDEs are designed to support scripting languages and often include a set of tools and features that are tailored to the specific needs of scripting development. Examples of scripting IDEs include PowerShell ISE and Python IDLE.

Each type of IDE has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of IDE will depend on the specific needs of the developer or the development team.

What are the benefits of using Java IDE?

There are several benefits to using a Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java development, including

  1. Code completion and error detection: IDEs provide intelligent code completion and error detection capabilities that can save a lot of time and improve code quality. This feature helps developers write clean code.

  2. Debugging: IDEs provide a wide range of debugging tools, such as breakpoints, watchpoints, and step-through debugging, that can help developers quickly identify and fix errors in their code.

  3. Refactoring: IDEs provide tools to help developers refactor their code, such as renaming variables and methods, moving classes and methods, and extracting methods. This can make it easier to maintain and improve the quality of code over time.

  4. Version control integration: Many IDEs integrate with popular version control systems such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial, making it easy for developers to manage and collaborate on code.

  5. Build and deployment: IDEs typically provide built-in support for building and deploying Java applications, which can save a lot of time and effort compared to manually building and deploying applications.

  6. Framework support: IDEs provide support for a wide range of Java frameworks and technologies, such as Spring, Hibernate, and Maven, which can make it easier for developers to build applications using these frameworks.

  7. Plugins and add-ons: IDEs have a wide range of plugins and add-ons available, which can be used to extend the functionality of the IDE and improve the productivity of the developer.

  8. Community and support: Many IDEs have large communities of developers that contribute to their development and provide support to other developers. This can make it easier for developers to find help and resources when they need it.

So, which Java IDEs are best for you? 

The kind of projects or apps being produced, the method the development team uses, the level and talents of individual programmers, and the role in the organization are all important considerations when choosing an IDE or editor. 

However, IDEs play only a part in the development. The developer carries the weight to deliver the best results. 

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  1. What is the best Java IDE for beginners?
    Here is a list of the top three IDEs for beginners:
    • Eclipse
    • IntelliJ Idea
    • BlueJ

  2. What is the best free Java IDE?
    Here is a list of the best free Java IDEs:
    • Eclipse
    • NetBeans
    • BlueJ
    • JDevelopers
    • IntelliJ Idea
  3. What are 3 examples of IDE for Java?
    Here are three IDEs for Java as examples:

    • IntelliJ IDEA: This popular Java IDE offers functions like intelligent code completion and potent refactoring.
    • Eclipse: Popular features like code restructuring and interaction with well-liked web frameworks are available in Eclipse, which is extensively utilized.
    • Netbeans: An open-source Java IDE that provides code creation and version control integration.

  4. Which Java IDE is faster?
    It can be difficult to compare IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse head-to-head to determine which Java IDE is quicker because each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of performance. Due to its optimized code and memory usage, IntelliJ IDEA is generally thought to be faster and more responsive than Eclipse. Developers may work more quickly and precisely because of IntelliJ IDEA’s robust code completion and refactoring tools, which are also well-known for being swift and efficient.

  5. Which is the lightest IDE for Java?
    It’s frequently said that NetBeans, a free open-source IDE for Java programming, is the lightest one on the market. NetBeans, a Java development tool built on the JavaFX platform, offers several features like code highlighting, code completion, and code generation. What sets NetBeans apart from other popular Java IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse is its lightweight design, which uses fewer system resources. Because of this, NetBeans is a fantastic option for developers who are working on smaller projects or have limited computer resources.

  6. What is the simplest IDE for Java?
    BlueJ is the most basic IDE for Java development and is made to be simple to use, making it perfect for new Java developers. BlueJ offers an interactive object inspector and a basic code editor with a clear and uncomplicated user interface for creating, testing and debugging Java programs. Its open-source status and lightweight architecture make it a wonderful option for beginners who might find more complex IDEs intimidating.

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By , Jul 12, 2023
Top 10 NPM Packages for Node JS Developers
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

30 Most Popular NPM Packages for Node JS Developers

30 most popular NPM packages for Node js developers: Express, AsyncJS, Lodash, Cloudinary, Axios, Karma, Molecular, Grunt, PM2, Mocha, Moment, Bluebird…….

What are the best and most popular NPM packages? What package does Node js use? What is the most used NPM package? What are the most downloaded NPM packages? Looking for answers to these questions? Keep reading.

Node js can handle huge traffic while maintaining seamless performance. As a result, some major tech companies and new-age startups have adopted Node js to scale their businesses. Node is the market leader in asynchronous frameworks due to its popular demand. What’s more, Node isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Starting with Node js is pretty straightforward. Clear guidelines exist and hundreds of projects are available on GitHub for developers to read, review and analyze. 

Also, Node js has the most popular package manager – NPM. NPM is the default package manager for the JS runtime environment Node js. Thanks to the modules and libraries available through the NPM package manager, creating a website takes only a few minutes. 

Table of Contents:

  1. Why should developers use NPM packages for node.js projects?
  2. Is it safe to use NPM packages for Node.js?
  3. 30 Most Popular NPM Packages
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Why should developers use NPM packages for Node.js projects?

Why use NPM packages for Node.js projects

Why use NPM packages for Node.js projects

Using NPM packages for Node.js allows developers to easily include and manage external modules in their projects. These packages, which are published on the NPM registry, can provide additional functionality or utilities that would be time-consuming or difficult to implement from scratch. Additionally, using packages from the NPM registry allows developers to benefit from the work of other developers and easily share and collaborate on their own code.

Using NPM packages in a Node.js project can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Reusability: NPM packages allow developers to use pre-existing code, which can save time and effort in development.
  2. Community support: Many popular NPM packages have a large and active community of developers who contribute to and maintain the package, providing bug fixes, new features, and overall improvements.
  3. Dependency management: NPM automatically manages dependencies between packages, ensuring that the correct versions of dependencies are installed and updated.
  4. Good shareability: NPM packages can be easily shared and installed across different projects, making collaboration and code sharing more efficient.
  5. Large selection: NPM has a large selection of packages available, covering a wide range of functionality, including libraries for server-side rendering, data validation, and more.

Is it safe to use NPM packages for Node.js?

Best practices to follow while using NPM packages

Best practices to follow while using NPM packages

In general, it is safe to use NPM packages for Node.js, as long as you take certain precautions. Here are some best practices to follow when using NPM packages:

  1. Use packages from reputable sources: Make sure you are using packages from reputable sources, such as well-established and widely-used packages, or packages that have been recommended by trusted developers.

  2. Keep packages up-to-date: Regularly update your packages to ensure that they are using the latest version, which may include security fixes.

  3. Check for known vulnerabilities: Use a tool like NPM audit to check for known vulnerabilities in your packages, and take steps to address any issues that are found.

  4. Be mindful of package permissions: Be aware of the permissions that a package is requesting, and only install packages that have the minimum permissions required for your application.

  5. Read the documentation: Before installing a package, read the documentation to understand what it does and whether it is suitable for your project.

It’s worth noting that, as with any open-source software, it’s always a good idea to check the code of the package you’re using and see if it contains any suspicious or malicious code.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your use of NPM packages is as safe as possible.

30 most popular NPM packages

Developers love NPM packages and use them extensively in web development. However, they also get overwhelmed because there are thousands of packages available in the market. So, what should you pick? We’re here to help you make the best choice.

Here is a list of the 30 most popular NPM packages for Node js developers.

Top 15 NPM packages for Node JS developers

Top 15 most popular NPM packages for Node JS developers

  1. Express

    Express.js is one of the simplest and fastest Node.js web frameworks. This framework was designed to be flexible enough to produce single-page apps, multi-page apps, and hybrid apps for desktop and mobile devices.

    Express’s architecture is compact and provides great performance. Express is the most popular Node js framework for developing online apps and APIs, and solid tooling for HTTP servers. Other popular Node js frameworks Sails, Hapi, and Nest js are based on Express.

    Features of Express js

    • Robust routing
    • Focus on high-quality performance
    • Super high test coverage
    • HTTP helpers (such as redirection and caching)
    • Content negation
    • Executable for developing apps and APIs
  2. Async

    You cannot miss out on Async when talking about the most popular NPM packages. Async or Asynchronous is widely used in Node js to ensure that development actions do not stall. Other processes can proceed even before the first action is completed thanks to asynchronous I/O.

    Also, Async monitors workflow via queues, allowing developers to add extra tasks, extra callbacks, and manage failures with callbacks. As a result, Async is more versatile and reliable for managing complicated dependencies.

    Async js provides functions like ‘map’, ‘filter’, ‘reduce’, ‘parallel’, ‘series’, ‘waterfall’, and ‘each’.

    Features of Async

    • Async supports inline functions and text strings.
    • Error handling from the dependency queue.
    • The use of AsyncLocalStorge within Async js creates asynchronous states within callbacks and promise chains.
    • A collection of Async functions controls the flow through the script.
    • Async helps developers avoid memory leaks.
    • Async helps developers integrate AsyncResource with EvenEmitter.
    • Async supports asynchronous functions.
  3. Lodash

    Next on our list of top NPM packages is Lodash. Lodash is a modern JavaScript library with many useful features. The popular Underscore.js utility library influenced Lodash. Built-in functions in Lodash make app development more efficient.

    With Lodash, developers can utilize a single line of code instead of writing a common function multiple times.

    Also, Lodash makes Node js coding easier by taking the hassle out of working with common programming functions such as arrays, objects, numbers, strings, dates, etc.

    Features of Lodash

    • Keep the Node js code minimal and neat.
    • Developers only need to remember Lodash functions. This action makes coding easier.
    • New developers can understand Lodash quickly.
  4. Cloudinary

    If you’re looking for a way to manage the photos in your web application, Cloudinary is a great place to start. Cloudinary is a full-fledged cloud service with many valuable features.

    From uploading visual content to resizing photographs and cropping options, Cloudinary has it all. Cloudinary is user-friendly enough so both new developers and experts can benefit from it.

    API allows developers to seamlessly incorporate Cloudinary into any project or application. However, they will need to sign up for a free account to try Cloudinary.

    Cloudinary’s official website has all of the additional information about its use, setup, configuration, embedding, and more.

    Features of Cloudinary

    • Remote fetch, auto-backup, and revision tracking.
    • Image and video transformations.
    • Video transcoding and adaptive streaming.
    • High-performance delivery through a CDN.
    • Support for forums, tickets, and email.
    • Access to free add-ons.
  5. Axios

    Next on our NPM package list is Axios. Axios is an HTTP client API framework that allows developers to make promises while making a request. Requests communicate with the server, and Axios responds with a promise as to whether your request was fulfilled or refused.

    Among many developers, Axios is gaining a lot of traction, thanks to Axios-fetch, Axios-debug-log, Axios-mock-adapter, Axios-API-versioning, Axios-VCR, and other powerful third-party additions.

    Axios can handle GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT requests.

    Features of Axios

    • Allows developers to make simultaneous requests.
    • Axios supports promised base requests.
    • Transforms responses and requests to JSON data.
    • Requests and responses to interceptions.
    • Support HTTP requests for Node js apps
    • Supports HTTP requests from browsers.
  6. Karma

    Node js developers must test their applications to ensure they are stable, dependable, and perform well. This job requires a Karma package. Karma’s primary goal is to provide a productive testing environment to developers.

    Features of Karma

    • Tests code in real browsers.
    • Tests code in multiple browsers (mobile phones, tablets, and desktops).
    • Controls the whole testing workflow from command or IDE.
    • Executes tests after every save.
    • Executes tests locally during development.
    • Executes tests on a continuous integration server.
  7. Molecular

    Molecular is a Node js microservices library that is fast, modern, and powerful. Molecular helps Node js developers in creating efficient, dependable, and scalable applications.

    Features of Molecular

    • Molecular uses promise-based solutions.
    • Molecular supports event-driven architecture with balancing.
    • Molecular supports versioned services.
    • Molecular has built-in caching solutions such as memory and Reds.
    • Molecular has built-in metrics features with reporters, such as Console, CSV, Datagod, and StatsD.
    • Molecular has a built-in service registry and dynamic service discovery.
    • Molecular employs a request-reply concept.
    • Molecular has fault tolerance features such as Fallback, Timeout, Retry, Bullhead, and Circuit Breaker.
  8. Grunt

    Another popular name on this list of most popular NPM packages is Grunt. With a task runner, Grunt developers can reduce the number of tasks required to maintain a project, automate minifications, compile jobs, testing, code linting, and other duties.

    Features of Grunt

    • Grunt has a plethora of plugins that can automate even the most monotonous jobs.
    • Grunt allows developers to publish Grunt-specific plugins through NPM.
  9. PM2

    For most Node js users, process management is a top concern. So you cannot overlook PM2 when talking about the most popular NPM packages.

    PM2 includes process management for production applications and a load balancer to assist with performance adjustments.

    PM2 allows developers to keep their applications online indefinitely. This step enables developers to reload applications without experiencing any downtime.

    Features of PM2

    • Behavior Configuration
    • Container Integration
    • Watch & Reload
    • Log management
    • Monitoring
    • Max memory reload
  10. Mocha

    Mocha is a feature-rich JS test framework that runs on Node js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and enjoyable.

    Mocha tests are executed sequentially, allowing flexible and precise reporting while mapping uncaught exceptions to the appropriate test cases.

    Features of Mocha
    • Multiple browser support.
    • Simple async support, including promises.
    • Test coverage reporting.
    • String diff support.
    • JavaScript API for running tests.
    • Auto-detects and disables coloring for non-TTYs.
    • Async test timeout support.
  11. Moment

    Next on our list of the most popular NPM packages is Moment. Moment is an easy-to-use JavaScript library for manipulating, formatting and validating dates. It supports both Node.js and web browsers and offers a simple-to-use JavaScript API for working with dates.

    Moment offers a lot of customization and flexibility. With functions like add, subtract, startOf, endOf, and others, dates can be easily manipulated while supporting a wide range of date and time formats as well as timezones.

    Key features of Moment:

    • Portable and simple to use

    • Various date and time formats that are supported

    • Comprehensive timezone support

    • Powerful formatting and manipulation tools

    • Compatible with web browsers and Node.js.

  12. Babel

    Popular JavaScript compiler Babel converts the most recent JavaScript code into code that is backward-compatible. It is a tool for programmers who wish to leverage features of newer languages but still have to support outdated platforms and browsers.

    Babel has many configuration options and may be set up to accommodate a variety of plugins and presets. It is a potent tool for contemporary web development because it also has capabilities for debugging and code optimization.

    Key features of Babel:

    • Creates code that is backward compatible with contemporary JavaScript.

    • Utilizing presets and plugins to customize

    • Supports code optimization and debugging

    • Popular in today’s web development.

  13. Socket.io

    A JavaScript library called Socket.io is next on the list of our most popular NPM packages. Socket.io enables real-time, bidirectional communication between clients and servers. It enables the development of interactive and dynamic web applications, including chat programs and multiplayer games.

    Since Socket.io supports a variety of protocols and fallback options, clients and servers can communicate without interruption even when there are problems with the network. With a wide range of setup options and support for different events kinds, it is also quite flexible.

    Key features of Socket.io:

    • Bidirectional, real-time interaction between clients and servers

    • Includes fallback options and supports several protocols

    • Highly adaptable and accommodating of different event types

    • Widely used, especially for real-time applications, in web development.

  14. Mongoose

    For MongoDB databases, Mongoose is a JavaScript package that offers an object data modeling (ODM) layer. By offering a higher-level API with features like validation, middleware, and query creation, it makes it easier for Node.js applications to communicate with MongoDB databases.

    Mongoose is perfect for complicated data models since it allows a wide variety of data types and connections between them. With support for plugins that add new features, it is also quite extensible.

    Key features of Mongoose:

    • Offers a layer for object data modeling for MongoDB databases.

    • Makes it easier for Node.js apps to interface with MongoDB databases

    • Enables a variety of data kinds and associations

    • Highly extensible and plug-in compatible.

  15. Bluebird

    Last but not least on our list of the most popular NPM packages is Bluebird. A sophisticated and effective implementation of Promises, a well-liked asynchronous programming style in Node.js, is offered by the JavaScript package Bluebird. Numerous features and performance improvements are available, such as quick promise implementation, error handling, cancellation, and more.

    Bluebird can function easily alongside other JavaScript libraries and frameworks since it is so compatible with them. Large-scale Node.js applications are frequently powered by it in production situations.

    Key features of Bluebird:

    • Provides a powerful and efficient implementation of Promises

    • Provides a variety of features and performance improvements.

    • Extremely compatible with other JavaScript frameworks and libraries
      Widely used in production environments.

  16. React

    You cannot miss out on React when talking about the most popular NPM packages. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications.

    Features of React
    • Component-based architecture for building reusable UI elements.
    • Virtual DOM for efficient rendering and performance optimization.
    • The declarative syntax for describing UI state and handling UI updates.
    • A large ecosystem with extensive community support and third-party libraries.
  17. Redux

    Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications, commonly used with React.

    Features of Redux
    • Centralized state management for predictable application behavior.
    • Immutable state updates for easier debugging and time-travel debugging.
    • Middleware support for intercepting and extending functionality.
    • Compatibility with different UI frameworks.
  18. Jest

    Jest is a JavaScript testing framework by Meta. It provides a comprehensive set of testing utilities and an easy-to-use API.

    Features of Jest
    • Support for both synchronous and asynchronous testing.

    • Snapshot testing for detecting unintended changes in UI components.

    • Mocking and spying capabilities for isolating dependencies.

    • Built-in code coverage reporting.

      Also, read: 10 Popular Software Testing Trends in 2024 

  19. Webpack

    Webpack is a module bundler that is widely used in modern JavaScript development to bundle and manage project dependencies.

    Features of Webpack
    • Bundling of JavaScript, CSS, and other assets for efficient delivery.
    • Support for module-based development using import/export syntax.
    • Code splitting for optimized loading and lazy loading of resources.
    • Extensive plugin system for customizing the build process.
  20. GraphQL

    Another hot pick on the list of most popular NPM packages is GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It is also a runtime for fulfilling the said queries with existing data. 

    Features of GraphQL
    • Declarative data fetching, enabling clients to request only the specific data they need.

    • Strong typing and schema definition for robust and self-documented APIs.

    • Efficient and performant data retrieval through batched requests.

    • Support for real-time updates and subscriptions.

  21. Redux-Saga

    Redux-Saga is a library for managing side effects, such as asynchronous or impure actions, in Redux applications.

    Features of Redux-Saga
    • A declarative approach to handling complex asynchronous flows.
    • Generator-based functions for expressing async logic in a sequential and testable manner.
    • Fine-grained control over the handling of async actions and their effects.
    • Integration with Redux DevTools for debugging and time-travel debugging.
  22. Nodemailer

    Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications that enables you to send emails easily. 

    Features of Nodemailer
    • Support for various email delivery methods, including SMTP, Sendmail, and Amazon SES.
    • Comprehensive email composition capabilities, including HTML content and attachments.
    • Templating support for dynamic email generation.
    • Error handling and event-based notifications.
  23. React-Router

    React-Router is a popular routing library for single-page applications built with React.

    Features of React-Router
    • Declarative routing with dynamic matching and rendering of components.
    • Support for nested routes and route parameters.
    • Browser history management for navigation and URL synchronization.
    • Code-splitting and lazy loading of route components.
  24. React Native

    React Native is a JavaScript framework for building native mobile applications for iOS as well as Android platforms.

    Features of React Native
    • Cross-platform development with reusable components and codebase.
    • Access to native device APIs and functionalities.
    • Hot reloading for fast development and instant UI updates.
    • Performance is comparable to native apps.
  25. Cheerio

    Cheerio is a fast and flexible HTML parsing and manipulation library that mimics jQuery’s syntax.

    Features of Cheeerio
    • Has jQuery-like syntax for traversing and manipulating HTML as well as XML documents.
    • Lightweight and efficient, designed for server-side rendering and scraping tasks.
    • Support for CSS selectors for easy element selection.
    • Integration with other libraries for data extraction and manipulation.
  26. dotenv

    In simple words, dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.

    Features of dontev

    • Simplifies configuration management by storing sensitive information in a .env file.
    • Seamless integration with Node.js applications.
    • Support for different environments (development, production, etc.) with separate .env files.
    • Variable expansion and interpolation for complex configurations.
  27. Passport.js

    Last but not least on our list of the most popular NPM packages is Passport.js. Passport.js is an authentication middleware for Node.js that provides a simple, modular, and flexible approach to handling user authentication.

    Features of Passport.js
    • Support for multiple authentication strategies, including local, OAuth, OpenID, and more.
    • Easy integration with Express and other Node.js frameworks.
    • Session management and persistent login sessions.
    • Customizable and extensible to fit different authentication requirements.
  28. Winston

    Winston is a versatile logging library for Node.js applications, offering multiple transports and customizable log levels.

    Features of Winston

    • Support for multiple log transports, including console, file, database, and more.
    • Configurable log levels and formatting options.
    • Integration with popular frameworks and libraries.
    • Asynchronous logging for performance optimization.
  29. Sharp

    Sharp is a high-performance image processing library that enables resizing, cropping, and manipulating images in Node.js.

    Features of Sharp
    • Efficient image resizing and transformation operations.
    • Support for various image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and WebP.
    • Advanced image manipulation, such as overlaying, watermarking, and applying filters.
    • Optimized for speed and memory usage.
  30. Puppeteer

    Puppeteer is a Node.js library providing a high-level API for automating headless Chrome as well as Chromium browsers.

    Features of Puppeteer
    • Automated web scraping and crawling.
    • Web testing and UI interaction automation.
    • PDF generation and screenshot capturing.
    • Performance monitoring and analysis.


Open-source frameworks help developers improve their skills in delivering professional applications that are lightweight and reliable. They make the overall development process smooth and efficient. Therefore, knowing these packages is absolutely necessary for developers.

We hope you found this list of the most popular NPM packages useful.

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With Turing, you can apply to remote US software jobs from the comfort of your home. Also, you can join a network of the world’s best developers and get full-time, long-term remote software jobs with solid compensation and career growth.

Best NPM packages


  1. What are the best NPM packages?
    Here is the list of the most popular NPM Packages:

    1. Express
    2. AsyncJS
    3. Lodash
    4. Cloudinary
    5. Axios
    6. Karma
    7. Molecular
    8. Grunt
    9. PM2
    10. Mocha

  2. How many packages are there in NPM?
    Over 1.3 million packages are available in the main NPM registry.

  3. What is the NPM package in Node JS?
    NPM Inc. maintains NPM, a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. For the JS runtime environment Node js, NPM is the default package manager.

  4. How do NPM packages work?
    NPM install is a command that downloads a package. NPM install can be used with or without parameters. NPM install downloads dependencies defined in a package.json file and creates a node module folder with the installed modules when called without parameters.

  5. What are the most popular NPM packages?
    The largest software registry in the world, NPM has more than 1.5 million packages. Express, React, Lodash, Async, and Request are some of the NPM packages that are most frequently used. With the help of these packages, Node.js and JavaScript programmers may create apps more quickly and effectively.

  6. How to find the best NPM packages?
    It’s critical to take into account unique project requirements, package popularity and usage, update frequency, community support, and documentation quality while looking for the finest NPM packages. Check the package’s GitHub repository and issue tracker for bugs and security issues. Research and contrast related packages. Analyze the overall stability and dependability of the package. Follow new trends and experiment with various packages.

  7. Is NPM package an API?
    No, an NPM package is not an API. A group of JavaScript files and assets known as an “NPM package” offer a particular feature, such as libraries or tools. On the other hand, APIs are collections of rules and guidelines that let various software programs talk to one another. NPM packages themselves are not APIs, even though some of them may contain APIs or offer interfaces for interacting with external APIs.

  8. What are the three components of NPM?
    The registry, command-line interface (CLI), and package.json file are the three parts of NPM (short for Node Package Manager). Over a million packages of open-source code for Node.js are housed in the registry, a public database. The CLI is a tool that enables developers to interact with the registry and install, publish, and manage packages. The package.json file is a metadata file used to automate operations like installation and build procedures. It contains facts about the project, including its dependencies, scripts, and other configuration information.


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By , May 4, 2023
Golang vs. Java What Should You Pick
Software Comparisons

Golang vs. Java: What Should You Pick?

Golang vs Java: Go is a statically typed, multi-paradigm, compiled, & general-purpose programming language by Google. Java is Sun Microsystem’s class-based, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.

The Golang vs Java comparison pitches two notoriously fast backend programming languages. Is Golang better than Java? Is Golang harder than Java? Will Golang replace Java? This blog post will highlight the various related to Golang and provide you with enough information to decide what’s best for you.

Java has been around for a long time, curating its position as a powerhouse in the software industry for backend development. Golang, on the other hand, is relatively new. Developers use Golang and Java worldwide. Both languages compete directly for control of server-side web applications.

However, they also compete in other areas, such as learning time, web development, performance, developer payout, and more. 

This post highlights the similarities, differences, and business applications of each language. 

Let’s get started.

Table of content

  1. Golang
  2. Java
  3. Golang vs Java: Comparison
    • Golang vs Java: Features
    • Golang vs Java: Performance
    • Golang vs Java: Community
    • Golang vs Java: Usage
    • Golang vs Java: Application
    • Golang vs Java: Popularity
  4. Which is best for web development – Golang or Java?
  5. Summary


Launched in 2011, Go or Golang is an open-source language from Google. Similar to Java, Golang is a statically typed, multi-paradigm, compiled, and general-purpose programming language. 

Go’s syntax is close to ‘C’ as the language’s compiler was built in C. But it is now written in Golang, allowing the language to remain self-hosted. 

Golang is a concurrent programming language built for modern multicore processors, meaning it can perform several tasks at once. It also features deferred garbage collection, which manages memory to run programs quickly.


Java is a statically typed general-purpose programming language released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. 

Initially, Java used to be the preferred language for server-side applications. However, that is no longer the case now. Despite this, hundreds of applications around the world use Java. Various platforms, ranging from old software on servers to modern data science and ML applications, are built on Java. 

There are ample pre-built modules and codes available because Java is famous among developers. These modules and developer availability make coding in Java easy.

Java is versatile. Meaning, the language runs anywhere there’s a processor. It’s similar to a compiled language where the virtual machine breaks down the code into bytecode before compiling it. 

Golang vs Java: Comparison 

Golang vs Java

Golang vs Java

Golang and Java are high-performing server-side languages that have some relationship to ‘C.’ But which language wins the Golang vs Java battle? Here is a side-by-side comparison. 

  1. Golang vs Java: Features

    Golang and Java provide ample features. However, Java is better suited for complex tasks because it is object-oriented. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) drives code reuse thereby creating a better developer experience. In addition, Java enables the code to self-reflect during runtime to spot errors. 

    Golang is not an object-oriented language, and it does not support inheritance or reflection, making it less flexible than Java.

    Garbage collection is one of Golang’s most important features. Garbage collection is also available in Java, but it isn’t as powerful. Garbage collection helps in handling huge codebases.

    In addition, the concurrency of Golang is also an essential characteristic. ‘Goroutines’ enables functions or procedures to run parallelly to each other. Java has multithreading capabilities that provide a similar effect, although significantly less powerful than Golang’s.
  2. Golang vs Java: Performance

    Even though Java is quick, Golang outperforms Java in most metrics.

    Java’s lack of performance is partly due to its virtual machine for Java compilation. Though it allows Java to run on any platform, this virtual machine reduces its speed.

    Golang has the upper hand. In Golang, testing is easy, and the user experience is better. Golang is quick because it is similar to ‘C’.

    Also, the memory management in Golang contributes to its speed. When it comes to unnecessary object references, automatic garbage collection eliminates the need for pausing.

    Related post: C++ vs Java: What Programming Language Should You Choose?
  3. Golang vs Java: Community

    Java is older and more popular than Golang.

    Some years ago, Java was the most extensively used server-side programming language. Today, Java competes with Python for that title, but Java still has a larger community than Golang.

    Recruiters can easily find Java developers. Also, Java developers easily get guidance from the Java community, as it is large and widespread. 
  4. Golang vs Java: Usage

    Golang is a breeze to use.

    Golang’s syntax is unique. For English speakers, the language is simple to read and write. Golang has a total of 25 keywords to define predetermined actions as well as internal operations. Also, Golang’s library is small, which makes skimming easy.

    And, unlike most programming languages, Golang’s syntax eliminates brackets, parentheses, and the colons that programmers frequently use at the end of lines.

    Java is complex. The use of Java necessitates a developer’s undivided attention. However, working with Java’s sophisticated syntax offers flexibility and loose coupling.

    Related post: ​​What Are the Best Programming Languages for AI Development?
  5. Golang vs Java: Application

    Although Java and Golang are both server-side languages, their applications are different.

    JVM enables Java to run across platforms with little to no difficulty, making Java a great cross-platform programming language.

    Golang is limited in its reach. For example, Golang converts code into a binary file to run on any platform. Meaning, building a binary file for individual platforms will take you more time than needed.

    Related post: Node.js vs. Golang: Which One’s Best for You?

    It is time-consuming to compile the various binary files for each platform. So if you want portability, Java is the best option.

    While Golang may not be your first choice for building a mobile app, it can still have a place in your tech stack if you want to optimize your backend. Golang’s parallelism makes it an excellent choice for machine learning, but only when Python or Java isn’t available.
  6. Golang vs Java: Popularity

    Even today, Java is the most used server-side language. And so, you will see Java racing with Python, Go, and many other popular languages. In other words, Java is a veteran in comparison to Go. And so, when it comes to popularity, Java easily beats Go.

    These days, the new coding community primarily opts for Go as their server-side language. Java has massive open-source data online. In addition, the community is super active with round-the-clock feedback.

    But Go is no less. You will find several open-source libraries, code examples, and other seasoned Go coders guiding new adopters and delivering consistent feedback.

Which is best for web development – Golang or Java?

Golang vs. Java What is best for web development (1)

Golang vs. Java What is best for web development (1)

Both Java and Golang excel at back-end web development.

Java is extremely platform-agnostic. The JVM allows developers to build web applications on Linux, Windows, and OSX without compiling them into binary every time. It also has a strong community that provides assistance, tools, and tech stacks to create complex servers quickly. 

However, Java’s major use has shifted from backend web development to backend mobile development, to the point that Google now uses Java virtually exclusively for Android apps.

On the other hand, large-scale network servers use Golang for their operations. Golang features built-in support for HTTP/2 and provides web development flexibility, scalability, and simplicity in a way that Java cannot. 

Also, developers don’t have to worry about utilizing third-party web servers or libraries because there are enough existing tools to construct web servers.


Java and Golang are powerful, popular, and useful. But still, they have significant differences. Go is better suited for microservices whereas Java is better for large systems and projects with good timelines. Java is older, object-oriented, and has a larger library and community. Golang is a multi-paradigm and better supports concurrency. While Golang runs faster than Java, Java has more features and better support. Go has a leaner learning curve as compared to Java. If simplicity and memory management are your priority, then Go is a good option.

Deciding which language is best for professional use depends on what kind of websites or applications you’re developing. If you are a software developer looking for remote Java jobs or remote Golang jobs, try Turing. With Turing, you can land high-paying, long term jobs with top US companies, right from the comfort of your home. Want to know more? Click on the Apply for Jobs button.


  1. Is Golang faster than Java?

    Golang is generally faster than Java for certain types of applications, particularly those that require a lot of concurrencies. However, Java has better memory management, which can make it more suitable for applications such as financial systems, healthcare applications, e-commerce platforms, etc.

  2. Can Golang replace Java?

    Golang and Java have different strengths. While Golang is popular for applications requiring high concurrency and microservices architecture, Java is great for enterprise-scale applications with a large and mature ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements and the development team’s skillset. It’s not a matter of one language completely replacing the other.

  3. Is Golang in demand in 2023?

    Golang is expected to continue to be in demand in 2023 and beyond. Golang’s popularity has been growing steadily over the past few years, particularly for building microservices and cloud-native applications, and it is likely to continue to be a popular choice for these types of applications. Additionally, Golang’s strong performance and concurrency features make it an attractive option for certain industries, such as finance and healthcare, where speed and reliability are crucial.

  4. Should I learn Go or Java?

    The choice between learning Go and Java depends on your goals and project requirements. Java is commonly used for large-scale enterprise applications, while Go is often used for microservices and cloud-native applications. Consider the specific context and learning curve of each language before making a decision. Java has a larger standard library and a more complex syntax which makes it a bit challenging to learn. On the other hand, Golang has a simpler syntax, with fewer language features and a smaller standard library, which can make it easier to learn.

  5. Are Golang developers in demand?

    Yes, Golang developers are in demand in organizations building microservices, cloud-native applications, or apps with a need for high performance and concurrency. Golang’s popularity has been growing steadily over the past few years, but the demand for Golang developers may vary based on region, industry, and job market trends.

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By Apr 25, 2023
Twelve Full Stack Project Ideas for 2023
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

Twelve Full Stack Project Ideas for 2024

12 full stack project ideas to try out in 2024: 1. Reward-based online crowdfunding platform 2. E-commerce website 3. Food delivery app 4. Social media app

Looking for full stack project ideas? You’ve come to the right place. As you know, a full stack developer designs and constructs an end-to-end program by independently handling codes, databases, servers, and platforms. That’s why full stack developers are crucial to the success of any company’s project. Naturally, full stack developer jobs are in great demand. 

If you want to learn full-stack efficiently and showcase your skills, you need add some great full-stack projects to your portfolio. In this post, you will find twelve interesting full stack project development ideas for developers. But before that, let us cover the basics of full-stack development.

Table of Contents

  1. What is full stack project development?
  2. Full stack development project ideas
  3. Why is full stack development important in 2023?
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

What is full stack project development?

Full stack project development is the process of creating a web application’s front end (client-side) and back end (server-side). Full-stack projects can be web, mobile, or native application projects depending on the solution stack.

The process of full stack project development typically involves several stages, including project planning, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. Full stack developers must have a broad range of technical skills and expertise in various technologies, as well as the ability to collaborate with other developers and stakeholders throughout the development process.

Some of the key responsibilities of a full stack developer in a full stack project development include:

Key responsibilities of a full stack developer

Key responsibilities of a full stack developer

  • Designing and developing the user interface and user experience of the application
  • Building and maintaining the server-side logic of the application
  • Managing the database and data storage of the application
  • Writing and testing code for the application
  • Integrating third-party APIs and services as needed
  • Ensuring the security and scalability of the application
  • Collaborating with other developers and stakeholders throughout the development process.

Skills to test in full stack projects:

Skills to test in full stack projects

Skills to test in full stack projects

  • Front-end programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
  • Front-end programming frameworks: AngularJS, ReactJS, Materialize, Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, Semantic-UI, ExpressJS, BackboneJS, etc.
  • Back-end programming languages: PHP, C++, Java, Python, etc. 
  • Back-end programming frameworks: NodeJS, Django, Express, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Spring, etc.
  • Database: Oracle, MongoDB, MySQL, etc. 

Also, read: 8 Front-End Tools for 2024

Full stack project ideas for 2024

12 full stack project ideas in 2023

12 full stack project ideas in 2024


Full stack projects can range from beginner to advanced levels. Some of the beginner-level full stack projects can be to-do list applications, blogging platforms, weather apps, etc. Some of the advanced full stack projects can be e-commerce platforms, real-time collaborative editing tools, AR applications, etc. 

Let’s take a look at the best full stack project ideas that can be made in 2024.

  1. Reward-based online crowdfunding platform

    If you’re looking for full stack project ideas, a crowdfunding platform that allows people to invest in technology, creative works, and community-driven projects can be a great option. People put money into a system to support projects in exchange for benefits or rewards, such as discounts, coupons, and more.

    For example, a jewelry designer might provide an original handmade bracelet to everyone who donates $100.

    Simply put, a crowdfunding platform helps entrepreneurs outline their project or business idea and fundraising objective.

    With the front-end development, developers ensure that crowdfunding platforms have an appealing dashboard, friendly interface, and responsive chatbox. Similarly, they manage user information and website data with back-end development. This can be one of the great advanced full stack development projects.

    Popular crowdfunding platforms: Compassion, Canada Helps, Indiegogo, FundRazr, etc.
  2. E-commerce website

    E-commerce websites full stack development projects require significant backend programming. This makes them one of the most sought-after advanced full stack projects.

    For example, managing shopping carts requires a volume of data manipulation throughout a visitor’s visit. APIs connect e-commerce sites to banking systems like PayPal and RazorPay, allowing consumers to link their payment information and transact securely.

    On the other hand, developers use front-end development to present products and services to attract customers and ensure that the site is easily navigable.

    Popular e-commerce platforms: Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, Craigslist, etc.
  3. Food delivery app

    Next on the list of project ideas for full stack development are food delivery apps. Food delivery applications have grown in popularity in recent years. These apps offer a range of features, such as grocery shopping, meal planning, recipes, and food deliveries.

    With the help of front-end development, food delivery applications ensure that restaurants and food orders look appetizing with fine-tuned visuals. Similarly, food delivery apps maintain user data and app responsiveness with back-end development.

    Popular food delivery apps: Grubhub, Doordash, Postmates, Uber Eats, etc.
  4. Social media app

    Another great full stack project example is a social media app. These apps allow people to communicate online and can be one of the best project ideas for full stack development. Using both front-end and back-end, developers can build an app to upload, view, and share content.

    Allowing users to scroll through different media and text blocks requires significant front-end coding. Similarly, storing interactive data of millions necessitates detailed backend coding. Social media app idea is one of the advanced full stack projects that developers can work on in 2024.

    Popular social media apps: Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc.
  5. Tutorial app or website

    We cannot miss out on tutorial apps when talking about projects for full stack developers. The past few years have seen a growth in online classes in the form of recorded resources, and other online sessions.

    You can create a tutorial app using full stack development. For this, you’ll require front end technologies such as React, Redux, HTML/CSS, and back end technologies such as Node.js, Express, or MongoDB. You can create an authentication module in your tutorial app using JWT.

    For creating a discussion forum, you can use Socket.io. You can create a tutorial app that can contain content ranging from school-level to specialized professional domains. You have the option to keep the content paid or free.

    Overall, creating a tutorial app is a great way to explore your full stack development projects’ potential and create something that can add value to people’s lives.

    Some popular tutorial apps are Udemy, Codeacademy, Coursera, Pluralsight, etc.
  6. Chat messaging app

    Being a popular full stack developer project, a chat messaging software enables the exchange of messages among individuals or in a group. Chat messaging apps aren’t very complicated. However, sending and receiving messages and saving them for future reference necessitates both frontend and backend development work. You will have to add the following features to your chat messaging app:
    • User registration and login 
    • Private messaging option between the users of your app
    • Allow users to create a group to enable multiple users chat together in real time
    • Ability to send and receive media such as photos, videos or documents
    • End-to-end encryption to ensure that the messaging is secured
    • Indicators such as read receipts, received receipts to know the status of the message
    • Push notification alerts for messages

      Popular chat messaging apps: Whatsapp, Snapchat, Viber, Telegram, Line, WeChat, etc.
  7. Gaming app

    If you’re looking for advanced full stack projects, you can always build a gaming app. You will have to ensure some general features in a gaming app such as the use of registration and login process, Multiplayer functionality to allow users to play with others in real-time, In-game chat functionality to enable players to communicate with each other during gameplay, leaderboards, virtual currency, etc. The stack that you will be required to have is:

    Front end: React, Redux, HTML/CSS
    Back end: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
    Authentication: JWT
    Virtual currency: Payment gateway integration

    You will have to plan out the flow of your game and start building using the back end technologies mentioned above. A gaming app is a fun way to engage users and bring them together to form a community. It will also be a great way to polish your skills as a full stack developer.

    Popular gaming apps: Fortnite, Minecraft, League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Among Us, etc.
  8. Content management system

    Next on the list of full stack project ideas, we have CMS. A content management system (CMS) is a handy tool for managing and strategizing information for corporate customers. Creating and modifying content, reporting and analyzing content performance, maintaining security standards, and role-based administration are the essential aspects of a CMS.

    This software is more challenging to develop than a regular messaging app. And so if you’re a beginner, you can avoid starting off with this advanced full stack project. A senior developer will be more suitable for this test instead. Look for a developer who can ensure that the CMS’s user interface is accessible and well-organized and that the data used in content management is secure and viable.
    Popular content management systems: WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, etc.
  9. Data analytics app or website

    Data analytics jobs are in great demand today. In a data-driven world, a data analytics app can be one of the great advanced full stack projects, to begin with. It becomes really difficult to keep a track of tons of data and you can create an application that can be used to store and track data.

    You can start by building the back end using technologies like Node.js, MongoDB, or PostgreSQL. For the front end, you can use React, Redux, or HTML/CSS. For data visualization, you will have to use D3.js or Chart.js.

    You app should have the following features and abilities in order to be useful:

    • Ability to visualize data in various formats such as charts, graphs, and tables
    • Ability to save or share reports and dashboards with other app users
    • Integration with third-party services such as Google Analytics or Facebook Ads
    • Ability to connect to various data sources such as CSV files or databases.

      Popular Data Analytics apps: Tableau, Power BI, Mixpanel, etc.
  10. Workout tracker

    Another great full stack developer project is a workout tracker. These days, workout monitors are much more than just a pedometer. These monitors store heart rates, sleep cycles, and several other activities. They also provide performance analysis of these activities over time.

    In this full-stack project, the backend development takes care of functionalities and data management, and front end development is responsible for app UI and data representation. You should include features like progress tracking, workout training, exercise library, workout plans, social features, notifications, etc in your workout tracker app to make it more usable for the users.

    Popular workout tracker apps: Strava, FitBit track, Freeletics, Seven, JEFIT, Openfit, etc.
  11. Project management app

    One of the most popular full stack project examples is a project management app. As the name suggests, this allows teams to manage projects of different scales effectively. Teams can avoid wasting time on repetitive tasks with a project management app. They can focus on strategic project needs.

    Project management tools use both frontend and backend programming extensively. Frontend creates an attractive dashboard, responsive pages, and user-friendly reports. On the other hand,  the backend takes care of API integrations, data management, connectivity, geo-map tagging, and more.

    Popular project management apps: Trello, Jira, Asana, ClickUp, Wrike, Airtable, GoodDay, etc.
  12. Video Conferencing app or website

    Due to the hybrid or remote work being adopted on a large scale, video conferencing apps and websites such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. have become a major part of our lives.

    If you are looking for an advanced full-stack development project, a video conferencing app can be a great project to start in 2024. It is a challenging project that will require a wide range of technologies and features to create a comprehensive and user-friendly platform.

    For front end, you can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap or Material UI. For back end, you can use Node.js or Express. For the database, you can use MongoDB or PostgreSQL. And for deployment, you can use AWS. You app or website should be able to support the following features:

    • Video and audio conferencing with multiple participants
    • Screen sharing and file sharing capabilities
    • Secure user authentication and data encryption
    • Recording and playback capabilities

      Popular video conferencing apps or website: Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc.

Why is full stack development important in 2024?

You should definitely learn full stack development in 2024 as the demand for full stack developers in increasing across the globe. Here are the reasons why full stack development is important in 2024: 

  • Increased efficiency: Full stack development increases the efficiency of the development process. It allows developers to work on both the front-end and back-end of a project. Developers can easily switch between different parts of the project, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and make updates.
  • Better communication: Full stack development promotes better communication and collaboration between the front end and back end developers as the full stack developers have the understanding for both. This can lead to better collaboration and a more cohesive development team.
  • Better flexibility and adaptability: Full stack developers are versatile and can adapt to changing requirements or technologies. They can easily switch between different programming languages and frameworks, which makes them more flexible and adaptable in the ever-changing tech industry.
  • Increased cost-effectiveness: To hire a software developer who can handle the entire development process can be more cost-effective for companies than hiring multiple developers for different areas. This can save companies time and money, especially for smaller projects.


Full-stack project development is an great choice for today’s ever-changing and competitive environment. Remember, the full stack project ideas mentioned above is not exhaustive. These projects are popular as their source codes are available out there. There are a lot more full stack projects you can work on. Keep trying out new ideas to hone your full stack development skills.


  1. Can I learn full stack in three months?

    Learning full stack development in just three months can be a challenging task and will require dedication and hard work. You will have to learn front end and back end technologies including programming languages, frameworks, and libraries.
  2. Which full stack is the best?

    There is no one “best” full stack for software development. Different stacks are suited for different types of projects, teams, and development environments.

    Some popular full stacks include the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js), the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js), the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), and the Django stack (Python, Django, SQLite, JavaScript). Each of these stacks has its pros and cons. The best full stack for you depends on the specific requirements of your project, the preferences and skillsets of your development team, and other factors such as performance, scalability, and ease of maintenance.
  3. Which language is the best for full stack developer?

    You should learn languages such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Rust, Java, etc. to be a good ful stack developer.
  4. What skills are required for full stack development?

    Full stack development requires knowledge of front-end development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks, as well as back-end development technologies such as databases, server-side programming languages, and back-end frameworks. Knowledge of DevOps, version control, and project management tools may also be necessary.
  5. What is an example of full stack development project?

    A good example of a full stack development project is a chat messaging app. Other examples can be project management app, video conferencing app, gaming app, etc. 
  6. What can I build as a full stack developer?

    As a full stack developer, you have a wide range of project ideas that you can work on. You can choose from an e-commerce website, social media platform, blogging platform, food ordering app, grocery ordering app, and much more as your next full-stack development project.
  7. What are some good project ideas for full stack development?

    Some good project ideas for full stack development include building a social media platform, an e-commerce website, a task management application, a blogging platform, a real-time chat application, a music streaming service, a job board, a food ordering and delivery service, and a travel booking platform.
  8. What are some popular full stack development frameworks?

    Some popular full stack development frameworks include Node.js, AngularJS, ReactJS, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel.

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By , Apr 24, 2023
7 Common Product Strategy Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them
Custom Engineering

Common Product Strategy Mistakes and Ways to Avoid Them

Product strategy mistakes: 1. Planning for too long 2. Not keeping up with change 3. Obsessing over details instead of value 4. Not conducting enough tests

Every successful product is a robust, well-planned product strategy driven by an efficient product team. 

In this blog post, we will cover: 

What is product strategy?

A product strategy is a high-level plan explaining what a business wants to accomplish through its product and how it plans on doing so. The strategy also answers questions like who the product will serve, i.e., personas, how the product will benefit those personas, and the company’s overall goals for the product through its life cycle. 

In other words, product strategy answers the eternal question, “How do I get someone to buy what I am selling?”. A great product strategy can help you develop a great product. But what makes a great product strategy? Keep reading to find out. 

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What are the key components of a product strategy?

Product strategy is a combination of seven key components. They are as follows:

  1. Product vision

    Product vision is the long-term mission of your product. This mission is typically a concise, aspirational statement that shares what the company wants the product to achieve. Therefore, a product vision must remain static. To build and release a great product, you need a strong product vision. A good vision encompasses who your customers are, what they need, and your go-to-market plan. In addition, it highlights the opportunities and threats in your way.
  2. Product goals

    A product vision should ideally lead to strategic product goals with measurable results that you can achieve within specific timeframes. These goals will determine what the team prioritizes on the product roadmap. Your product goals should be trackable, so you know how your team performs against them. You can use the SMART approach when setting goals for your product strategy. This approach helps you set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

    Here are a few examples of product goals:

    • Increase free-trial downloads by 50 percent in the next six months
    • Improve average customer rating by one star on major product-review sites
    • Generate $5M in revenue within 12 months
    • Expand business to three new countries within 24 months
  3. Initiatives

    Initiatives are critical, complex objectives you must break down into actionable tasks. Initiatives enable you to identify key tasks you must complete to achieve your product’s goals. Think of initiatives as projects that you should accomplish within a fixed timeframe. In other words, initiatives are strategic themes you derive from your product goals and add to your roadmap. Remember, your product initiatives should always align with your company’s strategy.

    Examples of product initiatives include:

    • Improve customer satisfaction
    • Increase lifetime customer value
    • Enhance UI
    • Reduce churn rate 
    • Sustain product features
    • Prioritize language localization
  4. Customers

    The foundation of every product strategy is customers. Your product is designed to satisfy them. And without customers, your product may be rendered useless.

    So be sure to create different customer profiles for different products while building product strategy. To create a customer profile, you must gather all the data of customers who purchased similar products and the channels they frequently visit.

    Leave out no details when defining your target customers. Dig deep and acquire as many insights as possible. Collecting these insights under a single customer profile enables you to clearly understand who you’re selling to. By creating in-depth customer profiles, you can build products that meet their needs and use marketing channels that increase your chances of sales.
  5. Competitors

    Now that you’ve identified your customers, it’s time to look at the competitors targeting them. You may have direct competitors (for example, Coke and Pepsi) or indirect competitors (for example, Airbnb and Hilton) for your product. You must identify these competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Try to understand their product strategy as best as your can. Examine their product positioning, packaging, market share, etc.

    By conducting a detailed analysis of your competitor’s products, you can create a product strategy that leverages market opportunities your competitor could not capitalize on.
  6. Business goal

    Every business has a fundamental goal: earn profit. Naturally, your company’s shareholders expect you to earn profit and provide a return on investment. The higher, the better. So your product strategy must align with the business goal of shareholders and top management executives. Simply put, your strategy should ensure that the product you’re developing will get them a return on investment.

    You must also think about how the customers will consume the product. Is it only a one-time purchase? Or will consumers want to buy it repeatedly? Or is it something you subscribe to? Basically, your product strategy must explain how you will sell the product and how customers will consume it.
  7. Macro environment

    Macro environment refers to the current state of economics, politics, culture, and technology that affects customers’ buying and selling habits. Therefore, product managers must carefully analyze the macro environment before creating a product strategy.

    By analyzing buying and selling trends, you can take advantage of existing opportunities and extend the product life cycle. Your product strategy should account for the following factors:
    • Emerging markets where your product may have demand
    • Emerging technologies that may impact your customers
    • Economic forces that may impact your customers’ budgets or needs
    • Evolving customer needs and behaviors

Common product strategy mistakes

7 Common Product Strategy Mistakes to Avoid

7 Common Product Strategy Mistakes to Avoid

Now that we’ve covered the crucial components of product strategy, let’s take a look at the most common product strategy mistakes companies. 

  1. Planning for too long and not keeping up with change

    One of the most common yet grave mistakes companies make is planning for too long before implementing a product strategy. Sure, planning is a critical part of product development. Diving into development prematurely, before defining the product, is a serious product strategy pitfall. But if you take too long to get started, your idea may never turn into a product. Furthermore, the market conditions may have already changed till you implement your strategy.

    Similarly, if you view the product strategy as a one-time, static plan instead of a constantly evolving one, you will be left scrambling to keep up with trends. Not keeping the product strategy up-to-date can cost you significantly.

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    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Waiting for the ‘right time’ may not always be the best idea for your product. The longer you sit with your idea, the more difficult it becomes to define a functional framework and make a compelling business case. Rapid prototyping, releasing a decent minimum viable product, and building and iterating off of your learnings are great ways to ensure your product moves out of the development phase.

    Don’t view your product strategy as a fixed plan that needs one-time execution. You must tweak and adapt the strategy as the product grows and markets evolve. Review it once every three months to ensure the strategy says relevant. You must constantly upgrade your product with the changing market conditions. Adopting a work-as-you-go approach allows you to change your strategy with changing market conditions and create a solid product.
  2. Obsessing over innovation instead of value

    As a product leader or manager, you will want your product to deliver high functionality. But don’t let that hyperfocus on functionality come at a high price. While you’re obsessing over building a seamless product, your user is looking at its benefits. They’re thinking about how the product will help them.

    And so your product must offer a clear value to that market. It must solve a problem. Just because you can include certain features in your product doesn’t mean you should.

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    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Don’t let your drive for innovation overshadow your value proposition. Observe, analyze, and understand the target market first. What do your customers want? Work toward creating that value at every step of the product development process. Everything you do should enhance the value of the product. If it’s not adding value, don’t do it. When you drive decisions through this value-added framework, your product succeeds, and end users benefit.

    Remember, it’s not about what you want customers to have. It’s about what customers want.
  3. Not prioritizing must-haves and nice-to-haves

    Here’s the thing: you cannot implement every feature on the roadmap in the initial version of your product. To get to the market quickly, you must prioritize your features. The vital features of your product — the ones that you must implement before it goes to market — must be built out first.

    But this is easier said than done. Product teams are often confused over which features are must-haves and which are nice-to-haves.

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    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Build a classification system for prioritizing features. Coordinate with your project team to determine which features are critical to include versus features your product can succeed without.

    As product requirements become clearer, prioritize releasing a minimum viable product (MVP) and building and iterating based on your learnings. A core benefit of developing an MVP is that it enables you to test your business concepts. This ensures your project doesn’t get stuck in development.

    Ensure you release an MVP that has enough value for early users, demonstrates future benefits, and contains a feedback loop for future development. This process lets you understand what users want and improve the next version of your product based on real data.
  4. Creating product requirements in a vacuum

    One of the most common product strategy mistakes is crafting requirements in a vacuum. When building a product strategy, gathering the right input from everyone involved is critical. By not involving necessary people in product development, product managers miss out on new perspectives and opinions vital for creating good products. They also overlook the needs of certain stakeholders.

    Moreover, if the team does not have an expert for each product function, managers are forced to rely on a few individuals to bring expertise in all the areas relevant to product strategy.

    Related Post: 6 Tips to Scale A Design Team: A Guide for Product Managers

    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Thankfully, this mistake is easy to fix. Take an integrated approach to product strategy by involving product owners, UI/UX designers, developers, engineers, and architects, in the product strategy.

    By keeping the team diverse, you can get valuable input and cover all bases to help you create a successful product. Embracing an inclusive process at this stage ensures that you consider user experience from all angles before your product launch.

    Related Post: 6 Challenges to Remote Hiring and How to Overcome Them
  5. Ignoring competitive threats

    Some companies want to build a product simply because their competitor has one, whereas some are completely unaware of what the competition is doing. Both approaches can lead to severe consequences. Not monitoring competition and emerging trends can be a grave mistake while building a product strategy.

    Your competitors may launch products that rival your own with features that are a little too similar. Keep a close watch on such developments.

    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Have a clear understanding of your product’s positioning and place in your niche. Ensure you know who your key competitors are. With the right competitive research, you can define your product’s unique value proposition and optimize user lifetime value over time. Think of how you can differentiate your product in the market. Just because your competitor does something doesn’t mean you should.

    Ask yourself these questions:
    • What makes your product different?
    • Why do customers want your product?
    • What problems does your product solve?
    • How does your product help you meet your company’s goals?

      Failing to address these questions can make your product redundant or irrelevant. Therefore, conduct a thorough competitor analysis to set your product apart.
  6. Choosing the wrong technology

    If you choose the wrong tech stack for your product, chances are that you will have to build your product again. Choosing the wrong technology for your product can cost you money, time, and resources.

    For example, you create a product for a small user base. However, when the product enters the market, the user base increases. If the tech stack does not support the growing user base, the product is likely to fail.

    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Ensure the technology you choose is suitable for your project and your business needs. Consider what you want to achieve and how the technology corresponds to your business objectives.

    Ascertain that the technology you want to use is showing an upward trend because technologies with a downward trend may hamper the development process and the maintenance of your product.

    While building a digital product, you must research different tech stacks suitable and choose the one that meets all your existing and future requirements. Key factors in choosing the right tech stack include product functions, system load requirements, scalability, and security, among others.
  7. Experimenting with the budget excessively

    Going overboard with the budget is a common but often ignored product strategy mistake. Businesses require stability to grow consistently. Therefore, constantly experimenting with the budget may not be a good idea. After working on a strong go-to-market product strategy, product managers must ensure they utilize the budget efficiently.

    Ways to avoid this mistake

    Use your budget for hiring the right resources and decide how many beta versions of the product you can afford to make and release.

    Calculate the cost of incorporating different functions for your product and the current market rate of professionals with different skills. After that, you can decide the upper and lower limit of how much you can spare for different resources without spending more than the allocated budget. 


While a solid product strategy does not guarantee market success, it eases the process of getting there. By avoiding common product strategy mistakes, you can create robust products that are ready for the market. 

Are you struggling with product strategy? Try Turing. Turing specializes in delivering end-to-end product development services to aid businesses achieve operational excellence. Visit the page to know more!


What are the three types of product strategies?

The three types of product strategies include comparative positioning strategy, differentiation, and segmentation. In the comparative positioning strategy, brands place their products right next to the competitor products to show better pricing. Differentiation strategy highlights the differences in the product when compared to another brand, whereas segmentation diversifies product packaging into different forms like small packets, bottles, and cans. 

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By , Jan 2, 2023
Why hire from Turing developers?
For Employers

Client Diaries: Here’s Why Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping Chose Turing to Hire Developers

“Hiring developers with Turing is as easy as doing a Google search. Turing takes care of everything for you,” says Anderson, Business Manager at Cleer Tax &…

In this blog post, Lindsey Anderson, Business Manager at Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping, talks about her experience with Turing’s services and Turing developers. She also shares insights on remote hiring and the most rewarding experience of working with Turing.  

What does Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping do?

Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping is a tech-forward, cloud accounting firm for startups with operations in the US. With a vision to make the taxation and bookkeeping process easier, smoother, and streamlined, the company helps businesses by guiding them through their accounting and tax compliances.

Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping offers myriad services that help startup owners prepare, review, and audit their financial transactions. Packed with years of domain expertise and experience, the company provides streamlined and comprehensible accounting of finances and assists businesses in building robust tax mitigation strategies. 

What challenges were Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping facing before Turing?

The accounting firm struggled to find the right talent for its complex business needs. “We were having a real issue with Salesforce. We took it onboard as our CRM partner, but we needed it to do something more,” says Anderson, Business Manager of Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping. 

“However, we soon discovered that our needs were too complex. And so, the developer team we had then was unable to deliver on the objectives we wanted to achieve,” she adds.

Major challenges at a glance

  • Complex needs and issues with Salesforce customization
  • The existing developer team failed to deliver the requirements
  • Unable to find proactive developers who understood the big picture

“When we were looking for developers, we wanted someone who would understand our business. We wanted someone who wouldn’t just take orders but look at the big picture as a whole. In other words, we wanted a developer who understood our system instead of just doing ‘fix-it tickets’ or ‘tech help tickets.’ We weren’t getting what we wanted until we found Turing,” explains Aderson. 

How did Turing help Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping overcome its challenges?

Here are the three steps Turing took to help Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping overcome its challenges…

The firm found perfect, long-term matches for their requirements. 

With a global pool of 3M+ skilled and vetted developers, Turing’s Intelligent Talent enabled Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping to find a perfect match for their job. 

Anderson, the business manager of Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping, says, “Once we listed our requirements, such as the type of developer, skillset, experience level, and budget, we were surprised about how many candidates there were for those specific requirements.”

In addition to the Salesforce project, the firm also wanted to hire developers to work on their long-term projects. Anderson explains: “Even though we were hiring someone for a specific project, we were looking for someone who could work on long-term projects as well. When we were going to be finished with our Salesforce task and getting that where we wanted to be, we wanted to retain somebody who could help us with everything else we wanted to achieve in terms of our tech stack.”

“And Turing helped them achieve just that. Clever Tax & Bookkeeping hired two developers from two different countries with two different levels of experience. Not only did these developers help them reach their goals, but they also exceeded expectations,” says Lindsey.

Related post: How Turing Is Leveraging AI for Matching and Evaluating Developers?

Turing handles hiring, onboarding, training, managing, and payroll. 

Cleer Tax & Bookkeeping wanted to bring their development in-house but needed help figuring out how to proceed. And so Turing provided them with 360° support throughout the entire process. 

“I was amazed at how easy and quick the whole thing was. After we contacted Turing, we had one week of solid interviews. We chose our candidates almost immediately. I like that Turing was a part of the interview process. We had a second set of eyes, and we discussed feedback right after the interview rather than having to do these lengthy write-ups or fill out forms. Once we selected the developers, Turing quickly set up interviews and assisted us in further steps. The entire process was super efficient,” adds Anderson. 

“Once we hired the developers, Turing was a part of all the onboarding calls. The onboarding process was great,” she continues. Next was training. Throughout the training segment, Turing solicited daily feedback from the company. This feedback highlighted how the developers were progressing day after day and week after week. 

“With Turing, finding the right candidates is as easy as doing a Google search. Turing takes care of the hiring, matching, managing, scheduling, billing, payroll, and all other time-consuming tasks. Turing handles all that paperwork and payments. So, I think these are the primary benefits beyond finding amazingly talented developers,” continues Anderson.

Related post: 5 Best Ways Tech Companies Can Hire the Best International Talent

A two-week risk-free trial that makes hiring easier than ever before

Unlike other talent providers, Turing provides a two-week risk-free trial to all companies. If you don’t like the developer you’ve hired, you pay nothing. 

“We were fascinated by the two-week risk-free trial Turing offered. This trial really showed that Turing was committed to helping us find the right person for the right role. And that’s part of our management philosophy in the entrepreneurial operating system. We focus on finding the right person for the right role. And so, we loved that commitment from Turing,” Anderson says.

“At the end of 2 weeks, there was no doubt that we were hiring these candidates for good. We really had chosen the right people, and I think that’s due to Turing’s process.,” she adds.

Bottom line

Turing is also much faster than traditional hiring methods. From sourcing and matching to vetting and onboarding, Turing.com has helped 400+ Fortune 500 companies and fast-scaling startups in their remote hiring journey. Wish to join the list of 400+ fast-scaling startups and Fortune 500 companies that have trusted Turing developers? 

Visit the Hire Developers page now.

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By Nov 29, 2022
what are microservices?
Application Engineering Services

What are Microservices? Understanding Architecture, Examples, and Best Practices for 2024

The microservices architecture divides an application into unique services. Each service controls its database, produces warnings, manages authentication, interacts with user interfaces, and logs data.

What are microservices? How do microservices work? How is microservices architecture different from monolithic architecture? What are the key characteristics of microservices architecture? What are some real-life examples of microservices?

This blog post will help you answer all these questions. 

What are microservices?

Microservices is an architectural approach to software development that uses small components and modules to create large applications. The small components and modules have a specific business goal. Also, each module uses APIs to communicate with the server of other modules. 

Note: Microservices started when software development took a service-oriented approach from the more rigid traditional approach. 

How do microservices work?

The microservices architecture divides an application into several unique services. Each service manages its database, generates alerts, handles user authentications, communicates with user interfaces, and logs data, among other tasks.

Users can isolate, rebuild, redeploy, and manage each service without affecting the overall applications.

How is microservices architecture different from monolithic architecture?

Applications are large, interconnected units that you cannot change easily in a monolithic architecture. Also, rewriting the code requires creating and deploying a new version of the software. All the processes rely on each other in the monolithic architecture. Therefore, the entire architecture requires scaling during an increase in bandwidth demand.

On the other hand, the microservices architecture allows large applications to split into small components that operate independently. Also, modifications are easy as you can update and redeploy specific services without impacting the entire application.  

Microservices architecture offers greater flexibility and easy-to-scale software applications.

Related post: Serverless Architecture vs Microservice Architecture: 3 Key Differences

What are the key characteristics of microservices architecture?

The key characteristics of a microservices architecture are as follows:

  • Numerous components
    Microservices can be split into numerous components wherein each component can be updated, deployed, and tested independently. Developers can work on specific components without compromising the entire application.
  • Resilience
    Microservices applications are resilient as they can divert traffic to other components when a component fails unexpectedly. Also, it is quite easy to monitor microservices for failure and identify what went wrong to fix the issues immediately.
  • Decentralized operations
    The microservices architecture offers decentralized data management wherein developers can create tools for specific components that other components can also use. Decentralization also allows users to use the code of other components to bootstrap applications without writing the code from scratch.
  • Easy routing
    Microservices applications use dumb wires to transmit information from one component to another. Microservices components receive requests, process them, and give an appropriate output to the requesting components. Microservices facilitate efficient routing by receiving requests and applying logic to give the correct response.

Related post: 8 Microservices Data Management Patterns

Examples of microservices

Major tech companies use microservices to increase the speed of operations and create resilient applications that are easy to update. Here are a few real-life examples of microservices in business operations…

  • Amazon

    Amazon built its website using monolithic architecture, creating tight-knit connections between multi-tiered services. Services like customer profiles, order management systems and inventory management in monolithic architecture existed in a single database.

    However, with growing demand, Amazon expanded its codebase and hired more developers. Soon upgrading the software application and website became more time-consuming, service interdependencies increased, and the software development life cycle slowed down.

    To counter these issues, Amazon shifted to microservices architecture, dividing software applications and websites into small independent components that would interact with each other using APIs.

    After shifting to the microservices architecture, developers analyzed the source code and isolated units of code easily. Also, developers wrapped the isolated units in a web interface and created separate functions for specific components without impacting the entire website.

    Amazon followed two fundamental rules for microservices applications, including the ‘two-pizza team’ rule and the ‘you built it, you run it’ rule. The two-pizza team rule ensured that no team was big enough to need more than two pizzas for lunch, whereas the ‘you build it, you run it’ rule ensured that the developers were responsible for the services they created.

    By using the microservices architecture, Amazon automated operational tasks, and scaled services for business needs and incoming traffic.

    Related post: Former Amazon VP on Conducting Effective Technical Interviews
  • Netflix

    Like Amazon, Netflix migrated to microservices architecture after the malfunction of its primary database. Netflix replaced relational databases in its data centers supporting vertical scaling with cloud-based distributed systems with horizontal scaling.

    With the help of microservices, Netflix divided the application architecture into different services, including one that stores all watched shows, a service responsible for payments, and a service that recommends similar shows, among others.

    In addition, with Netflix garnering a huge number of subscribers daily, it was not possible to build data centers immediately. By moving to AWS and using a microservices architecture, Netflix engineers scaled the capacity of servers immediately.

    Also, microservices applications increased the speed and agility of development, allowing developers to work in small teams.

    Related Post: Netflix, GitHub, and Honeycomb.io Use These Metrics for Continuous Improvement
  • Uber

    Initially, Uber used monolithic architecture for its ride-sharing application. At first, uber catered only to the city of San Francisco, so it was possible to meet business requirements, offer a clean codebase, and implement core business functionality.

    Uber started expanding to different cities around the world, which required many changes to the system. Uber faced a lot of challenges due to the limitations of the monolithic architecture, including bug fixes, the launch of new features, and integration with global operations, among others.

    By using the microservices architecture, Uber divided the ride-sharing application into small, easy-to-integrate components with a separate database. 

    In addition, by streamlining the development process, Uber achieved continuous delivery to all its locations and achieved high business growth.

Microservices best practices for 2024

Here are the microservices best practices for 2024…

  • Analyze your business requirement
    Organizations must analyze business requirements, core operations, and feature integration, among other things, before opting for microservices. Also, you must review your engineering team’s capability to check if they can migrate to the microservices architecture.
  • Secure design
    Microservices have a broader attack surface which is why you must adopt microservices with an API gateway. An API gateway will help you handle service requests, authentication, and throttling.

    Microservices must have a domain-specific design and should contain internal information to fulfill a specialized function. Also, microservice design should have high cohesion and minimal dependencies on other components.
  • Use virtual machines
    By using virtual machines, you can use a consistent development environment to adapt the framework and speed up the delivery of components in the microservices architecture.

    Also, you must have a specialized repository for each service to maintain clean control logs and ensure that all service endpoints include backward compatibility to prevent the application from breaking during service requests.
  • Hosting and deployment
    Separate hosting and deployment are one of the best practices for microservices as it helps save time and resources. Also, it enhances fault tolerance, reduces the chance of a complete outage, and isolates components from any error in other services.
    Organizations can use containers for microservices to enable platform interoperability and automate the deployment process using separate builds.

  • Choose the right database solutions
    While opting for microservices, it is essential to choose a database that can cater to the specific requirements of a microservice. By combining the right database with infrastructure and storage, you can create a robust framework and manage different services using a service mesh.

Related Post: 8 Microservices Data Management Patterns


Most organizations are embracing microservices architecture for software development to keep the application running while updating different components and causing zero inconveniences to users. However, organizations must acknowledge business needs and requirements to choose the right microservices architecture.

Are you looking for software developers to migrate to microservices?

Try Turing.

Turing helps you hire the top 1 percent of developers in 3-5 days. Companies can choose from a pool of 3 million developers to find the best candidate.


  1. What are the components of microservices?
    The components of microservices are as follows:
    • Containers: Containers are packages of software that help isolate each service in a different environment.
    • Service Mesh: Service Mesh offers a security layer and dynamic messaging for smooth communication.
    • Service Discovery: Service Discovery helps manage microservices deployment and load distribution.
    • API Gateway: API gateway handles administrative tasks and performs load balancing when necessary.

  2. How many types of microservices exist?
    There are two types of microservices, stateless and stateful microservices. Stateless microservices respond to a request by processing it without maintaining any state information. On the other hand, stateful microservices maintain some form of state and utilize it while responding to service requests. 

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By Nov 25, 2022
Strengths and Weaknesses for Interviews
Software Comparisons

10 Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews

Strengths and weaknesses for job interviews: 1. Leadership skills 2. Communication skills 3. Dedication 4. Positive attitude 5. Hard skills 6. Obsession with tiny details

How do you answer the question: what are your strengths and weaknesses? Why do interviewers ask about strengths and weaknesses in a job interview? What are common employee strengths? What are common employee weaknesses?

This blog post will help you answer all of the above questions. 

Why do interviewers ask about strengths and weaknesses?

Every interviewer asks questions to learn about the value you will bring to the organization. So, by asking about your strengths and weaknesses, they try to figure out the following…

  • Whether you are conscious of your best qualities and how you apply them at work. 
  • Whether you can discuss your shortcomings and how you try to overcome them. 
  • Whether your qualities and skills will complement existing team members.

And so, bragging about your strengths while hiding weaknesses can make you appear arrogant. On the other hand, answering such questions correctly gives you a great opportunity to show the interviewer that you’re a self-aware individual. 

Remember, interviewers love honest, humble candidates who know their strengths and are willing to admit their weaknesses. 

How do you talk about your strengths during an interview?

Most applicants wonder how to answer the question: what are your strengths? So don’t worry. You’re not alone. To begin with, ensure you answer the question in a professional manner without boasting or coming off as egocentric. You can even share an engaging story that highlights your strong suits rather than just giving a one-lined, bland answer like: I’m detail-oriented and hard-working. 

Make a list of your personal strengths, or ask a friend to assist you in this process. If you are not aware of your strengths, you can take free online assessments or follow the below-mentioned steps. 

Here are six steps to identify your strengths…

  1. Brainstorm: Sit down and list your strengths. Think really hard and aim for at least 10. Take notes of every strength you can think of. You can always make changes to the list later. 
  2. Prepare examples: Instead of just mentioning the strength in one word, share an example based on your work experience where you displayed your strength. Scroll down for some examples if you’re unsure how to do this.
  3. Be accurate: Make sure to pick the skills you actually have. Refrain from sounding too general. Choose “relationship building” or “persuasive communication” instead of “people skills” or “good communicator.” The latter are often overused.
  4. Don’t be too modest: This is not the time to be self-conscious. You need to use this question to show what value you can bring to the company. And so, it is important to practice your answers. If you plan ahead, you will be able to answer the question in a way that feels natural and genuine. 
  5. Look for hints in your performance reviews: Go through past performance assessments. Look for the compliments you received from your peers and manager. Go through old emails that praised your work. 
  6. Get technical: Several online tools can help you identify your strengths. All you need to do is answer a series of questions to obtain a report that lists your key strengths.

Here are five common strengths and examples of each…

  • Leadership skills
    A great example of strength for a job interview is leadership skills. Demonstrating this skill can help you land a key managerial role. You can list instances in your previous company where you guided your peers to do better or spearheaded a project to achieve a goal.

    Sample answer: I managed a large marketing team and helped new recruits crack their first assignment by guiding them throughout the project. With the same ad budget allocated to our team as the previous quarter, I was able to increase sales by 30 percent. 

  • Communication skills
    Candidates with good communication skills leave a lasting impression on recruiters. They come across as strong, confident individuals. There are four main types of communication: Verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written. In a job interview, you should be well-prepared to leverage all four. 

    Sample answer: As a part of my last role, I communicated with a variety of clients on a day-to-day basis. I made sure to understand their requirements clearly before working on them. I also crosschecked all information before conveying it ahead. In addition, I ensured there were no communication silos in the team by promoting transparency. 

  • Dedication
    Dedication and commitment are important traits that can help candidates impress recruiters. Candidates who can convince recruiters that they have the hunger for success and give their 110 percent do well in the hiring process.

    Sample answer: I am a passionate and disciplined individual who works with dedication and commitment on assigned projects. I take care of every little detail to ensure that the objective we have set out to achieve gets accomplished at all costs.
  • Positive attitude  
    Candidates with a positive attitude always look at the bright side and face challenges in a stride. They work toward finding a solution instead of getting stumped. Naturally, such individuals are a great asset to any company. Their optimism keeps the team’s morale high and drives them to do better.

    Sample answer: My greatest source of strength is a positive attitude that helps me approach things with a forward-thinking mindset. I look to fix problems instead of crying over their outcome. My seniors in the previous company always praised my optimism and said that it served as motivation for them. 

  • Hard skills
    Along with soft skills, it is equally important to share a few hard skills relevant to the job role as strengths for job interviews. Hard skills are objective, quantifiable skills gained through education, training, or work experiences. Hard skills can often be taught or learned. And so, hard skills can be easily proven — you either know how to write code, or you don’t. 

    Sample answer: I am a software developer with 10 years of experience with programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Kotlin, C#, Go, and PHP, among others. I am also well-versed in front-end and back-end frameworks, cloud computing, big data analytics, and microservices architecture. 

Here are a few more examples to answer – What are your greatest strengths?

  1. I’ve always picked things quickly. My hunger to keep learning and evolving as a person is one of my key strengths. I work hard to become a better version of myself every day.
  2. I am great at interacting with others, working in a variety of teams, and collaborating on a wide range of projects. As the head boy of my school, I encouraged my batch mates to participate in school events to ensure representation. In college, I participated in extracurricular activities with the drama and debate community, volunteered for NGOs, and was also nominated as a campus ambassador for several internships.
  3. My ability to relate to people and comprehend their needs is my greatest strength. For example, during one summer internship, I got a call from an angry customer who had been terminated from our service. The company was unable to help her. However, I helped her consider other options and she got really happy with the solution. 

Related post: Ten Tips to Crack a Software Developer Job Interview

How do you talk about your weaknesses?

One of the most dreaded interview questions is: what are your weaknesses? 

Here’s the thing: it’s okay to talk about your weaknesses. All you need to do is find the right balance while doing so. Claiming you have no flaws can make you sound arrogant in the interview. On the other hand, listing down too many can harm your chances of landing a job. 

You must project an air of humility while talking about your weaknesses. At the same time, you must also show a strong willingness to overcome them. For this, you need to identify shortcomings that you’re already working on. Ask a friend or close coworker to help you with this. If you’re still struggling…

Here are three steps to identify your weaknesses…

  1. Self-evaluate: Look at your past performance and make a list of the instances where you fell short of expectations. Examine this list to identify patterns. These patterns are can be your weak points.
  2. Solicit feedback: Asking for feedback from coworkers or supervisors is one of the best strategies to recognize your professional inadequacies. Your colleagues certainly know your working style better than anybody else and can provide good insights.
  3. Review performance metrics: You can examine this qualitative data from your previous performance evaluations to get a better understanding of any weaknesses. 

If the above-mentioned steps do not help, pick some weaknesses and examples from the list below that are most relatable to your personality.

Here are five common weaknesses and examples of each…

  • Obsession with small details
    A major weakness for job interviews is the inability to submit projects on time till everything is perfect. Candidates who obsess over the tiniest of details and worry over things not being perfect often miss the big picture. Recruiters want candidates who do not compromise the project in terms of both time and work quality.

    Sample answer: My weakness is that I overanalyze my projects and redo them without getting initial client feedback. I am working on this area by sharing my project progress with my colleagues and seniors so that I do not compromise my team’s productivity and project deadlines. 

  • Difficulty saying no
    Candidates who find it difficult to say no can find themselves taking on more work than they can do. Candidates who overwork comprise not only their own but also their team’s work quality. And so recruiters prefer hiring candidates who’re aware of the fine line between dedication and overworking. 

    Sample answer: I want to tell you that I find it difficult to say no to my seniors and colleagues. I think I will upset them, and it will negatively affect our professional relationship. However, I am working on this trait as I understand that if I keep doing it, I will suffer from constant burnout and eventually hamper my team’s performance. 

  • Lack of self-awareness
    Self-awareness is essential in giving an honest assessment of one’s skills. Candidates who lack self-awareness can find it difficult to talk about their strengths and weaknesses in job interviews. In contrast, self-aware candidates know their strong suits and shortcomings well.

    Sample answer: I did not know that I was bad at integrating code until my previous manager revealed it to me. After that, I took some code integration workshops and attended coding boot camps where they taught code integrations. I am slowly improving and am open to such feedback from my colleagues. 

  • Delegation
    Lack of delegation skills can prove to be a major challenge for employees irrespective of their job position. Candidates who cannot delegate in a timely organized manner need to trust their colleagues more and offer them a chance to learn and grow.

    Sample answer: I find it difficult to delegate as I think I am not in control of the project anymore. I have worked hard to get over this mindset and constantly tell myself that it is my duty to help other team members learn from me. Now I am delegating more and more tasks to my colleagues. However, I make sure to go over everything once before sending it ahead.

  • Striking a good work-life balance
    Candidates who fail to strike a good work-life balance start hating their job eventually. After spending all the time at work, candidates can feel depressed and lonely. Such candidates need to organize their tasks and plan their time. So, they can turn one of their weaknesses for job interviews into their strengths.

    Sample answer: It was quite difficult to strike a balance between work and my personal life. I used to neglect my family for work and often miss out on important days. After a while, I discussed this with my HR and now I have a new timetable for work which tells me to get out of the office early on specific days.

Here are a few more examples to answer – What are your biggest weaknesses?

  1. My tendency to be overly critical of myself is my biggest weakness. Early in my career, I always concentrated on what I wasn’t particularly good at rather than appreciating how far I had gone and how I could improve. I’ve discovered that deliberately seeking out opportunities to reflect and put more of an emphasis on accomplishments while also continuously bettering myself is the greatest method to break this behavior.
  2. I strive for perfection. I always look for ways to make things better until I’m satisfied with them, sometimes even going above and beyond. My friends always expressed concern about this habit of mine. I didn’t realize it myself until a college assignment a few years ago. My drive to strive for perfection nearly cost my team the course’s credits. I took that as a lesson and have since made it a point to complete tasks on time, with my best effort, and with a sense of satisfaction.
  3. My biggest flaw is that sometimes I deprioritize simple tasks and only work on challenging jobs. However, I’m currently working on this issue. I am learning to prioritize tasks according to submission deadlines. I have also started asking my colleagues and managers to put specific timelines or priority levels for all tasks. 

Related post: Six Common Interview Mistakes Remote Developers Make

List of common strengths and weaknesses









Fast Learner




Extremely Introverted

Extremely Extroverted

Too detail-oriented

Too sensitive


Difficulty delegating tasks


To answer questions related to strengths and weaknesses for job interviews, it is important that you are honest with yourself and the interviewer. In addition, you must narrate your personal experiences and tie them with the question that interviewers ask to give a compelling answer that can increase your chance of getting a job. 

Are you looking for software development jobs?

Try Turing. Turing offers remote software developer jobs with unmatched compensation and long-term career growth in top US companies. Visit our jobs page to know more.


  1. How do you answer what are your strengths and weaknesses for job interviews?
    While discussing your strengths and weaknesses in a job interview, ensure that you narrate personal or professional incidents that made you aware of your strong suits and shortcomings. 
  1. What are common employee strengths?
    Some common employee strengths include leadership skills, communication skills, self-motivation, empathy, initiative, and patience, among others. 
  1. What are common employee weaknesses?
    Some common employee weaknesses include lack of delegation, insecurity, no self-awareness, lack of confidence, and no knowledge of particular skills, among others. 

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By Nov 24, 2022
Tips for product managers to scale a design team
Custom Engineering

6 Tips to Scale a Design Team: A Guide for Product Managers

Tips for Product Managers to Scale a Design Team: 1. Understand the project requirements 2. Make a long-term plan 3. Prioritize the deliverables 4. Don’t settle for less. Find specialists.

What is scaling? How do you scale a product design team? How do you structure a design team? How can product managers scale a design team? Looking for answers to such questions? Let’s figure them out in this blog post.

What is scaling? 

Scaling is setting the stage to enable growth in a company. Scaling requires planning, funding, and the right systems, staff, processes, technology, and partners.

How do you scale a design team?

Companies that prioritize design have more devoted customers, better stock performance, higher sales, and higher valuations, according to recent research from Forrester, McKinsey & Company, and the UK Design Council. 

But how can product managers scale the design team to accommodate the increased demand for design?

Here are the action steps to follow…

  1. Understand the project requirements.

    Without guidance and analysis, a design becomes aimless. So, it is best to first comprehend the project’s requirements and goals before starting.

    It is your responsibility as a team leader to see the end goal and use the appropriate resources and team members to get there.

    Most times, every single one of your team members yearns for a sense of direction. Once they have the direction they require to continue going forward, they become a lot more productive and efficient.
  2. Make a long-term plan.

    The scaling strategy addresses all work-related tasks, including technical requirements, team structure, and resource management.

    So, when hiring people to begin scaling the project, it is crucial to take care of the planning. A plan that worked for the old team may not work for the new team. And so, as a product manager, you must continually develop the plan as your team expands.

    You can also employ a consultant to structure the process from scratch, assess the project’s existing state, and create a transition plan if you have other higher-priority tasks at hand.
  3. Prioritize the deliverables.

    Ensure you prioritize tasks appropriately and drive activities in line with the plan.

    For instance, involving experts knowledgeable about the key principles of a successful e-commerce web-based product is a wise move if the project’s objective is to stay current with e-commerce web design trends. This step will shorten iteration times and streamline regular checks.
  4. Don’t settle for less. Find specialists.

    A team’s caliber heavily influences the success of a product or service. Therefore, it’s critical to choose a product designer with the right mix of abilities early on in the project.

    If you solely rely on local expertise, you can have a shortage of specialists. This challenge can arise especially in areas that require deep technical expertise, such as software prototyping and 3D design. So go above and beyond your generic hiring process and look for talent with the right skill set and experience. Don’t hesitate to hire international talent
  5. Design an efficient onboarding process

    All newly appointed professionals must have access to essential information, the team’s contact details, and a mentor. A newcomer must also be familiar with technical information about the company’s code standards, the project’s history, organizational structure, and other team members’ skills. So, it is crucial to appoint an internal team member to help the new members.

    As the product manager, you can take a few more steps to make their onboarding process a delight. Here’s how.

    • Welcome letter: Include warm greetings and an overview of the team and the project the new member will be working on. Here, the intention is to set the right tone and establish expectations for the onboarding process. 
    • Non-technical rally: Provide a general description of the project’s organizational structure and fundamental procedures and standards. In addition, communicate the project’s current status and short-term goals. 
    • Technical rally: Go over the project’s design standards, methods, component architecture, AND codebase. Highlight the principles and trends in UX/UI design that the organization follows. 
    • Necessary materials: Hand them a special purpose folder, including information on active communication channels, Figma sections, meeting schedules, essential stakeholder contacts, and a project glossary. This folder can also connect to current organizational charts and other helpful data.
  6. Set proper KPIs

    Clear KPIs motivate team members, establish expectations, and enable structured performance analyses. Work closely with your team members while setting the objectives you want them to work on. This practice helps employees understand the project and company goals and promotes their professional growth.

    The following six steps will help you set effective KPIs for your team:
    • Examine every team member’s job description and make any required adjustments. 
    • Write them a solid job description if they don’t already have one. 
    • Identify 5 to 7 important responsibilities. 
    • Set specific parameters to measure the newly assigned work. For example, speed, rate of delivery, continuous improvement, and more. 
    • Give weightage to each parameter, depending on its value to the project goal.
    • Analyze and compare the sum of parameters of similar job positions. `

Bottom line

The intense competition in the IT industry is pushing businesses to grow and scale their design teams quickly. Remember, a solid design team can help you set your product or service a class apart from the rest. We hope that the above steps help you scale and make the best of your design team. 

If you’re looking to hire developers with strong technical and communication skills at unbeatable prices, ready to work in your timezone, Try Turing. Turing has a global talent pool of developers with developers across 100+ skills. 


  1. How do you scale a product design team?
    Here are six steps to scale a product design team:
    • Understand the project requirements 
    • Make a long-term plan 
    • Prioritize the deliverables 
    • Don’t settle for less. Find specialists
    • Design an efficient onboarding process
    • Set proper KPIs

  2. How do you scale your team?
    Here are four steps to scale your team:
    • Be aware of your team’s growth 
    • Start early
    • Find out the positions to be filled
    • Identify suitable candidates

  3. How do you structure a design team?
    There are three common design team structures you can follow: Centralized, cross-functional, and flexible. Think of it like a design team organization chart that helps to map out where designers sit within a given team and what the design team’s responsibilities are.

  4. How do you scale a design?
    Here are five steps to scale a design:
    • Look beyond the digital space for inspiration.
    • Make a redesign an excuse to align messaging.
    • Get the whole company involved in user testing.
    • Don’t just focus on the data.
    • Embrace the fact that you were wrong in the first place.

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By Nov 4, 2022
Serverless Architecture vs Microservice Architecture
Application Engineering Services

Serverless Architecture vs Microservice Architecture: 3 Key Differences

Serverless architecture is a way to build and run applications and services without managing infrastructure, whereas a microservice architecture is a type of application architecture…

What is microservice architecture? What is serverless architecture? Is serverless good for microservices? Is lambda a microservice? What is the difference between microservices and lambda? Is a serverless framework better for hosting microservices?

Looking for answers to such questions? Keep reading. 

What is microservice architecture?

Microservice architecture is an architectural pattern that arranges an application as a collection of loosely-coupled, fine-grained services communicating through lightweight protocols.

Microservices divide an application into a number of autonomous functions, which collaborate and interact with one another via APIs. 

Every microservice is independently tested and has its own database, libraries, and templates. Also, it’s frequently contrasted with a monolithic construction. 

Every component of microservices is independent of one another, so you don’t need to run a full program to use a single feature. 

For example, creating profiles, searching for music, creating playlists, and playing music are all distinct operations in a music streaming service that can be divided into a number of microservices. You only need to develop a new microservice and connect it to the rest of the system if you require a new feature.

How does microservice architecture work?

Microservices are autonomous parts that manage a certain functionality. Each service manages a certain process and operates independently. 

Practically, this idea is put into practice using containers. Developers frequently create microservices in containers using templates and code libraries. Each container contains everything a component needs to operate and offers a running environment for the service. The most widely used option for container development is Docker.

The development team goes through the following stages to implement a microservice architecture:

  • Decomposition: Divide the app’s features into smaller sections.
  • Design: Determine the connections between each service once you know which ones you will be working with. The hierarchy must also be established; which microservices will be dependent upon whom? 
  • Development: Create services as soon as the team has a map of the microservices and is clear on how the various parts of the system will work together. 
  • Deployment: Set microservices as FaaS in a serverless environment, distinct VMs, or containers.

What are the benefits of microservice architecture?

  • Capacity to build, test, and deploy services separately without negatively affecting other services or the parent application. 
  • Increased agility through quicker development and problem-solving without depending on the application’s full release. 
  • Performance can be scaled easily when traffic surges.
  • Flexibility to employ a variety of technologies and adjust business logic. 
  • Can be modified and used again in a variety of procedures or circumstances.

What are the challenges of microservice architecture?

  • When an application is divided into independent components, complexity rises. 
  • Increased effort is required to oversee numerous databases, guarantee data consistency, and watch each microservice. 
  • APIs for microservices are four times more prone to security breaches. 
  • For smaller businesses that need to quickly implement and iterate, microservices can be too slow and complex.
  • Higher test coverage and more stringent interface constraints are required in a distributed system.
  • The higher cost is involved.

What is serverless architecture?

Serverless architecture is a way to build and run web applications and services without managing their infrastructure. 

In a serverless architecture, the third-party cloud provider manages the server. The only thing that developers need to worry about is the code. The service provider handles everything, including security fixes, capacity management, scalability, logging, load balancing, and monitoring.

Serverless architecture can execute the complete program or just a portion of it. The server is only used when the application is in use; it allocates resources to the app as soon as its code is executed and releases them when the app is no longer in use. The app owner is charged only for the period when the app is running.

Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) and function-as-a-service (FaaS) are two options that cloud providers can give. BaaS provides pre-built functionalities, allowing the developer to focus solely on the front end. Due to its limited customization and control, it is rarely used. 

Contrarily, FaaS is more adaptable. You can create an application as a collection of functions with FaaS. Each function has a trigger that causes activation. The function can never run continually; it is often temporary and is shut off as soon as it is no longer needed.

How does serverless architecture work?

In a serverless architecture, businesses host their application functions using the resources of outside vendors. The application’s logic and features are separated into functions, which are compact units that carry out discrete tasks in a limited time. As a reaction to a trigger, every function has a recursive activation option. 

Building responsive applications that swiftly handle user requests and utilize little RAM is possible with serverless architecture. 

Serverless architecture is affordable, quick, and lightweight. Also, serverless architecture is a preferred solution for real-time apps, virtual assistants, MVPs, etc..

To implement a serverless architecture, the development team goes through the following stages:

  • Functions: Code is created by programmers to carry out specific tasks for the application. Usually, it’s a quick and easy process. 
  • Event: Events are assigned by programmers to each function. Later, they enable functions if the predetermined conditions are satisfied. An HTTP request is an example of an event. 
  • Trigger: The function is triggered when a user pushes a specific key, taps a screen at a specific location, or clicks a button.
  • Execution: Runtime for the function begins. 
  • Output: Users receive updates via a specific output on the client side of the application.

What are the benefits of serverless architecture?

  • Increased emphasis on producing high-quality applications for faster deployment. 
  • Uses fewer resources to create, maintain, and improve the underlying infrastructure. 
  • Best suited for quick, real-time procedures. 
  • Less expensive to hire database and server specialists. 
  • Availability of various subscription-based pricing models for effective budget prediction.
  • Rapid scaling without degrading performance. 
  • The vendor holds responsibility for the management of computing resources.

What are the challenges of serverless architecture?

  • Changes in business logic or technology can make switching to a different vendor difficult.
  • If/when a neighboring tenant releases complex code, multi-tenant serverless platforms can cause performance difficulties.
  • When an application or function is started after being inactive for a long time, it may need a ‘cold start,’ which requires more time and effort.

What are the key differences between microservice architecture and serverless architecture? 

Here are a few key considerations while deciding whether to use microservices or serverless architectures.

  1. Approach

    Team resources are necessary for microservices because an internal or external team carries the tasks of monitoring, deployment, support, and maintenance. These teams also support the architecture, handle its computing, and ensure its safety. 

    Contrarily, serverless architecture depends on a third-party vendor. The business is not required to create, protect, and manage its server space. The cloud provider handles all internal functions. With this strategy, the project costs less.

    Related post: Multi-Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud: 3 Key Differences
  2. Cost

    Microservices’ creation and upkeep are more expensive because they rely on internal resources and team support. However, there are many benefits to this strategy. For example, the business does not rely on outsiders and does not run the risk of vendor lock-in.

    On the other hand, the ability to cut expenses is the primary competitive advantage of serverless architecture. Businesses that employ serverless architecture gain from pooling resources. They receive competitive pricing from vendors and save HR and admin costs. 
  3. Runtime

    The runtime of serverless functions is constrained. Every provider has a cap on how long a certain function can run. For instance, a function on AWS Lambda can run for 15 minutes. This is because functions are intended to be quick activities that don’t use a lot of RAM. 

    On the other hand, vendor requirements for runtime, storage space, and RAM do not apply to microservices. They are, therefore, more suited for intricate, long-term activities that need the storage and manipulation of massive volumes of data.

    Related post: Software Architecture Patterns: What Are the Types and Which Is the Best One for Your Project

Bottom line

Both serverless systems and microservices have benefits and drawbacks. Therefore, it all boils down to evaluating the business objectives and product scope of your organization before choosing an architecture. 

Serverless is a smart option if cost and speed to deploy-to-market are priorities. However, microservices are a more realistic choice if your company plans to create a huge, sophisticated application.

Alternatively, it is also possible to merge both of these technologies into a single cloud-native instance with the correct team and effort.

To hire the world’s best software development teams, try Turing. Turing’s AI-backed Intelligent Talent Cloud helps big and small businesses source, vet, match, and manage the world’s best software developers remotely.


  1. Is lambda a microservice?
    With the help of AWS Lambda, you can run serverless functions in the cloud.

  2. Is a serverless framework better for hosting microservices?
    Microservices are the greatest option to choose if a large and complicated application needs to be built, while serverless is the ideal option if cost-effectiveness and rapid deployment are crucial.


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By Oct 25, 2022
For Employers

DevSecOps: What Companies Need to Know

DevSecOps is the integration of additional security into emerging agile IT and DevOps development as flawlessly and transparently as possible.

What is DevSecOps how does it work? How does it differ from DevOps? How can adopting DevSecOps have a significant impact on your firm?

Looking for answers to such questions? Keep Reading. 

What is DevSecOps?

DevSecOps is a seamless and transparent integration of additional security into rapidly evolving DevOps development. In an ideal scenario, this action is accomplished without impairing developers’ agility or speed or causing them to leave their development toolchain environment.

Core functional teams must alter their culture, procedures, and toolkits to implement DevSecOps, which makes security a shared responsibility.

How is DevOps different from DevSecOps?

DevSecOps augments speed with security as rapidly as possible, while DevOps concentrates on the pace of software delivery. 

What are the benefits of DevSecOps?

DevSecOps aims to safely distribute security decisions at speed and scale to people who hold the highest level of context without compromising the necessary safety. It builds on the idea that everyone is accountable for security.

Here are a few more benefits of DevSecOps:

  • Cost-effective software delivery
    Security issues can cause significant time delays when software is built in a non-DevSecOps environment. Therefore, by limiting the need to repeat a procedure to resolve security vulnerabilities, DevSecOps’ quick, secure delivery saves time and lowers costs. 


  • Improved security
    Cybersecurity operations are incorporated into the development cycle at the outset, thanks to DevSecOps. The code is reviewed, audited, scanned, and tested for security flaws throughout the development cycle. As soon as developers discover these problems, they resolve them. In addition, they fix security issues prior to adding new dependencies. 

    In addition, by ensuring and streamlining compliance, these procedures spare application development projects from the need for security retrofits.


  • Accelerated security vulnerability patching
    The speed with which DevSecOps handles newly discovered security vulnerabilities is a crucial advantage. The capacity to recognize and fix common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) decreases as DevSecOps incorporates vulnerability screening and patching into the release cycle. This action reduces the window of opportunity for threat actors to exploit flaws in production systems that are visible to the general public. 


  • Automation compatible
    If a company employs a continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline to deploy its product, cybersecurity testing can be incorporated into an automated test suite for operations teams. 

    Security check automation is highly influenced by organizational and project objectives. Automated testing can verify that incorporated software dependencies are at the proper patch levels and that security unit testing was successful. Additionally, it can use static and dynamic analysis to validate and secure code before the final update is promoted to production.


  • Adaptive process
    As the market changes and adapts to new requirements, DevSecOps guarantees that security is implemented consistently throughout. The automation, configuration management, orchestration, containers, immutable infrastructure, and even serverless computing environments of a mature DevSecOps implementation are strong.

Related post: You Must Know These 6 DevOps Best Practices in 2022

Which application security tools are used in DevSecOps?

Organizations can integrate many application security testing (AST) solutions into different stages of their CI/CD process to achieve DevSecOps. Typical AST tools include…

  • Static application security testing (SAST)
    SAST tools examine proprietary or customized code for coding mistakes and design defects that could result in vulnerabilities. SAST tools like Coverity® are generally utilized during the SDLC’s code, build, and development phases. 

  • Software composition analysis (SCA)
    To find known vulnerabilities in open-source and third-party components, SCA tools like Black Duck® analyze source code and binaries. To expedite the prioritization and remediation processes, SCA tools also offer insight into the security and license risks. They can also be effortlessly incorporated into a CI/CD process, from build integration to pre-production release, to continuously detect new open-source vulnerabilities.

  • Interactive application security testing (IAST)
    IAST tools investigate the behavior of web applications during runtime in the background of manual or automated functional tests. 

    For instance, the Seeker® IAST tool uses instrumentation to watch application activity, data flow, and request/response exchanges. The tool finds runtime flaws and automatically replays and tests the results, giving developers in-depth explanations right down to the line of code where they are found. This action makes it possible for developers to concentrate their time and energy on serious flaws. 

  • Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
    Using automated opaque box testing (DAST), you can test your web application or API in a way that simulates a hacker’s actions. DAST examines the client-side rendering of the application and evaluates programs over a network connection, much like a pen tester might. 

    DAST tools interact with your website and detect vulnerabilities with a low percentage of false positives; they do not need access to source code or customization. 

Related post: 7 Reasons Kubernetes Is Important for DevOps

How to implement DevSecOps?

Step 1: Planning and development.

Planning is the key to everything. For successful implementation, the plan must be strategic and short. Simple feature-based summaries won’t do. The experts can build threat models, user designs, and acceptance test requirements in the planning phase. 

The next step is development.  Here, the teams should begin by assessing the maturity of their current procedures. It makes sense to compile information from several sources to offer direction. The team should also establish a  code review system should also be established at this point since it promotes uniformity, a unique feature of DevSecOps.

Step 2: Building and testing

The building process follows planning, where automated tools are effective. The source code is combined into machine code in such tools via a build script. Tools for building automation include several potent capabilities. They have numerous available UIs in addition to a huge library of plugins. 

The pipeline is then put through testing, where a solid automated testing framework instills sound testing procedures.

Step 3: Deployment and operation

IaC tools are typically used for deployment since they automate the procedure and quicken the distribution of software. 

Another critical phase is operation, and operations personnel routinely do periodic maintenance. Zero-day vulnerabilities are terrible. Operation teams should therefore monitor them. DevSecOps can use IaC tools to swiftly and effectively safeguard the organization’s infrastructure while preventing human error from slipping in.

Step 4: Monitoring and scaling

Utilizing the latest monitoring technologies is a crucial component of this step. Such technologies guarantee that your security systems are operating according to plan and are up to date. 

Scaling also has a significant impact on cloud infrastructure. With the introduction of virtualization, businesses don’t need to squander money on maintaining massive data centers. Instead, they can simply extend the IT infrastructure to handle any dangers that arise. 

Related post: SRE vs DevOps: What Is the Difference?

What are the DevSecOps challenges?

  • Cultural challenges
    Few people will be happy to modify something they’ve been doing the old-fashioned way. However, most people will not be happy about these modifications.

    DevSecOps brings together developers and security experts, fostering a collaborative atmosphere. However, there has always been some tension between these two squads. Both teams occasionally believe that what the other side does causes problems for their squad. This viewpoint defeats the core tenet of DevSecOps, causing both teams to operate in silos. Thus, this cultural mentality needs to be altered.

    The idea that heightened security slows down progress and acts as a barrier to innovation is another frequent problem. Developers aspire to provide their code quickly to satisfy the needs of companies. Meanwhile, security teams are primarily concerned with ensuring the code is secure. These two teams find collaborating difficult because their goals are so different.

Related post: DevOps Engineer Turnover: How to Prevent It?

  • Other challenges
    There is a shortage of qualified cybersecurity engineers because of increased security breaches and attacks. Low-level and mid-level companies are severely affected by the lack of security personnel because expert cybersecurity specialists are rare to find. 

    If you are also struggling to get top DevOps engineers for your company, try Turing. Turing’s AI-backed Intelligent Talent Cloud helps businesses source, vet, match, and manage the world’s best software developers remotely.

    Why do businesses prefer Turing?
  • Speed: 3-5 days to fill most roles, sometimes same day.
  • Time Saved: 50+ hours of engineering team time saved per hire on interviewing.
  • Retention: 97% engagement success rate.

Bottom line

Modern software teams must constantly evolve because cyber attacks are evolving faster than ever before. DevSecOps can make the evolution easy because with DevSecOps, teams can produce better, higher-performing, and more secure software faster and with less effort. Also, with DevSecOps team can build real-time security intelligence across pre-production and production environments.

So, hire the best DevOps engineers for your company now with Turing and build a secure infrastructure for generations. 

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By Oct 25, 2022
Popular front-end tools for web development
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

8 Front-End Tools for Web Development

8 front-end tools for web development: 1. Vue.js 2. Visual Studio Code 3. Sass 4. CodePen 5. Sublime Text 6. Atom 7. JQuery 8. Angular.js

Which tool is best for web development? Is Python a tool for web development? Which are the best front-end tools for web development? 

Looking for answers to such questions? Keep reading. 

Developing new software has become easy due to technological advancement and the availability of cutting-edge tools on the market. From plug-ins and add-ons to processors that optimize code, developers have everything at their disposal these days.  

However, choosing the finest ones becomes difficult because new development tools pop up every day. Here is a list of front-end development tools for web development.

Top best 10 Front-end development tools for web development

  1. Vue.js

    Vue.js is an open-source, JavaScript framework that uses the Model-View-View-Model (MVVM) architecture. Vue.js extends simple HTML codes further to create reusable codes and is generally used for creating user interfaces and SPAs or Single Page Applications.

    Vue.js supports third-party integration and employs a variety of CSS transitions and animations. A Vue program can be created with only 5 to 6 lines of code, and it supports component-based architecture, an automatic data connection to the DOM, and careful configuration management.

    Vue.js also improves code readability and makes testing and maintenance easier. Vue.js is one of the quickest and lightest frameworks and only takes up roughly 20 KB of space.
  2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) 

    Microsoft created VS Code, a source code editor that runs on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Using intelli-sense techniques, VS Code aids in syntax highlighting, debugging, and code completion.

    Multiple programming languages are supported natively by VS Code, which can recognize cross-platform language sources. Also, VS Code offers an intuitive hierarchy structure that promotes code development and permits interaction with Git for a powerful repository.

    Additionally, Vue is a well-liked front-end development tool that is lightweight and has a solid architecture, high familiarity, flexible extensions, and simple designs.
  3. Sass 

    Sass or Systematically Awesome Stylesheets enhance basic CSS languages. Sass is a preprocessor that can be used with variables, mixins, inline imports, and nested syntax and rules. Additionally, Sass provides compact, quick, and organized stylesheets.

    Ruby code is used to create the superset of CSS, which is based on the JavaScript programming language. Fewer codes and less CSS are permitted in programming constructs. Additional nesting features include math calculations and color manipulation. Overall, Sass produces output that is well-formatted and customizable.

    Most developers prefer this robust, dependable, safe, and stable framework.
  4. CodePen

    CodePen is a social development environment for creating front-end websites. You can develop concise codes and syntax thanks to CodePen.

    Also, CodePen is a practical, flexible, and free code editor. On the CodePen platform, you can discover artistic and creative inspirations in addition to learning how to create your website.

    For developers, CodePen offers SAAS solutions that are browser-based. It is a superbly user-friendly platform that offers an engaging and instructive environment for producing intuitive work. In addition to JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, any additional front-end framework or library can be used on CodePen.
  5. Sublime Text 

    Sublime Text, a cross-platform source code editor, supports various coding and markup languages. Plugins are made easier via Python API. Adaptive matching makes it possible to quickly invoke a keyboard in the case of random commands, making it simple to use and encouraging the generation of commands without mistakes.

    With the use of JSON settings files, Sublime Text also offers a variety of customization choices. Sublime Text is interoperable with numerous languages and is supported by Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is a fantastic tool for front-end website creation because it allows for project-specific customizations and simultaneous editing.

    Sublime Text is one of the most widely used frameworks among programmers since it is lightweight, reliable, and quick and supports features like code folding, syntax highlighting, and auto-completion.
  6. Atom

    Atom, a desktop application created by GitHub, is a free, open-source, and community-built text and source code editor. Atom supports programming languages like Less, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, and HTML, which runs on Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    Related Post: GitHub vs GitLab: 11 Key Differences

    With built-in Git Control and multi-cursor JavaScript plugins, Atom is highly versatile and customizable. Also, Atom is built on the Electron framework, which enables cross-platform desktop apps.

    With Atom, key combination looks and mapping are quite simple. Atom’s bonus feature is its excellent syntax highlighting support, which is combined with a number of interactive features.

    Most developers find Atom is very friendly and simple to use due to its adjustable and modular architecture.
  7. jQuery

    jQuery, a JavaScript library,  has an MIT license. jQuery was created to make manipulating and traversing the HTML DOM tree simpler. Additionally, jQuery is utilized for Ajax, CSS animation, and event management.

    jQuery is also one of the most widely used front-end web development tools. jQuery is preferred by 48.7 percent of developers worldwide. Due to its simple navigation, spectacular animations, and development of abstractions for low-level interactions, jQuery’s library is used at least three to four times more frequently than any other comparable product on the market.

    Friendly features of jQuery include being readable and reusable, having fewer, clearer scripts, having API documentation, supporting multiple browsers, and being unobtrusive.
  8. Angular.js

    Angular.js is a structural front-end development framework based on JavaScript. Its main objective involves quick and simple development and testing of applications. Also, Angular.js offers client-side MVC and MVVM architectures (model-view-view-model).

    The highlights of how Angular.js works include two-way data binding, dependency injections, a variety of templates, directives, and testing tools.

    In addition, Angular.js supports quicker app creation and offers a sophisticated capacity to design tidy and manageable single-page applications.


Choosing the best tool or set of tools for your project may be difficult given the popularity of front-end development tools. Ensure to keep your project requirements, timeline, and budget in mind before making a decision.

If you’re a skilled front-end developer looking for remote US software jobs, visit our Apply for Jobs page. Work with top US companies from the comfort of your home.


  1. What is the best tool for front-end development?

    No particular tool can be regarded as the best front-end development tool. Each programmer has a personal favorite. However, in a recent survey, 48.7%, 31.3%, and 30.7% of respondents, respectively, chose jQuery, React.js, and Angular.js as their preferred front-end development tools.

  2. Is there a future for front-end developers?

    Front-end developers are moving to the front of the top career prospects due to the growing need for digital transformation, online marketing, and social media networking.

Join a network of the world's best developers and get long-term remote software jobs with better compensation and career growth.

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By Oct 18, 2022
Web hosting providers
For Employers

How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Provider?

Top 5 Best Web Hosting Services in the USA: 1. Ionos 2. GreenGeeks 3. A2 Hosting 4. HostGator 5. Accu Web Hosting

Every website needs web hosting. However, almost every website owner struggles to answer these questions – Which is the best web hosting for a website? What is the most used web host? Which is the safest web hosting? 

So, here are four simple steps to help you find the right web host.

  1. Figure out your website needs

    The ideal web host will support the platforms or website-building applications you require and give your site the proper amount of storage, speed, and dependability.

    So, make a list of such questions before taking your pick: what are your plans for your website? Do you have to handle online payments? Are you making a visual gallery or a blog?

    Make sure to choose a web host that truly suits your unique demands because one that works for someone else might not be the best fit for you.

    Related Post: 10 Best Web Development Trends for 2022
  2. Consider your website-building options.

    You need to figure out – if you wish to use a DIY website builder or if you wish to build your website from scratch. Several website builders, such as Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, Shopify, and Blogger, provide web hosting services.

    On the other hand, if you’re creating a completely unique website or utilizing a particular website builder that doesn’t include hosting, like WordPress, you can choose a web host that doesn’t include website building. In this case, you can utilize their own hosting provider, Bluehost, or the WordPress tool to publish your site to your own server.

    Related Post: WordPress Development: Here’s What You Should You Know
  3. Compare key factors of all services.

    Depending on your demands, there are different qualities to look for in a web server and website builder. Use the list below to choose the criteria that are most important to you.
  • Pricing: Make sure to look at the renewal rates and additional costs or obligations aside from the signup fees.
  • Customer support: Do you feel at ease using chat, phone, or email support at a given time, or do you feel the requirement for 24*7 customer support? 
  • Customization: Will you be able to create, customize and update the site as you’d like?
  • Cancellation policy: Find out if there is any fine if you cancel the services midway.
  • Requirements: Check for features you might desire or need in the future, such as payments, OTP verification, a dynamic contact page, and more.
  • Ease of use: Consider if you or a web specialist will handle most of the site management, such as changing the site’s content. 
  • Ease of setup: Know how fast you can get your new site online.

Top five best web hosting services in the USA

  1. Ionos

    Ionos provides managed and unmanaged WordPress hosting and shared, VPS, and dedicated plans. To better assist customers in determining which hosting plan is suitable for them, the company also offers customized plans for smaller and larger businesses. International clients will find Ionos a fantastic option because it provides customer care lines for 14 different nations.

  • Extensive security features, including backups
  • Unlimited traffic, so no need to scale up plans to handle additional traffic
  • 99.99 percent uptime guarantee

  • Website builder costs extra
  • Plan prices increase, sometimes by huge margins

    Security features

    Ionos provides good security. Malware scans, DDoS safeguards, and SSL certificates are all included in Ionos’ security plans. Some plans also assist in fixing any harm that malware may have done to your website.

    Each subscription also includes a regular backup schedule of at least once every 24 hours, with a 20-day retention period for all backups. Therefore, customers will always have access to their data even if one data center is down by a cyberattack.


    Ionos offers a better uptime guarantee than the majority of other web hosting services. Ionos’ uptime clocks at 99.99 percent. Your website and services will continue to function even if Ionos’ data center loses power, thanks to the battery-operated power supply and backup generators.

    Customer support

    Ionos’ customer support is always available by phone or chat. Additionally, Ionos provides a personal consultant who will serve as your main point of contact if you require assistance with your website.

    Ionos clients have more options for getting assistance than those of some other hosting companies thanks to a personal adviser and phone numbers for several support centers around the world.

    Other features

    Ionos provides a status page to inform users when services are unavailable or undergoing maintenance. The page also notifies users of any scheduled maintenance and notifies the times when services are interrupted and restored.


    The starting price for Ionos is the lowest among all web hosting services, but the cost skyrockets once the contract renews. That means Ionos is an excellent starting point for web hosting, but if pricing is your top priority, it might not be the ideal long-term web hosting service for your website.

    Here is the starting price of each service: 

  • Shared hosting: $0.50 a month.
  • VPS hosting: $2 a month.
  • Dedicated server hosting: $45 a month.
  • WordPress hosting: $0.50 a month.

    2. GreenGeeks

    Customers who care more about the environment may find GreenGeeks a clear choice because of its pledge to offset its energy usage. Also, GreenGeeks offers shared, VPS, dedicated WordPress, and reseller hosting plans. Each plan also comes with a website builder so you won’t have to start from scratch when creating your website.

    In addition, some GreenGeeks plans provide limitless bandwidth and storage. Prices are a little pricey in comparison to other plans, though.

  • Offers a wide variety of plans
  • Features website builder
  • Produces three times the amount of wind energy it uses

  • Phone support isn’t active 24*7
  • The prices of some plans are high

    Security features

    To safeguard your site, each plan comes with many security features like SSL certificates, DDoS defenses, daily backups, virus cleanups, and more.


    GreenGeeks also offers a 99.9 percent uptime.

    Customer support

    While other services check servers every 30 seconds or one minute, GreenGeeks claims to check its servers every 10 seconds for any abnormalities. This action implies that if your website experiences any problems, GreenGeeks may already be working to fix them before you get in touch with them.

    GreenGeeks also offers phone service from 9 a.m. to midnight, and chat support 24*7.

    Other features

    In addition to planting a tree for every hosting account, GreenGeeks uses renewable energy sources to produce three times as much energy as it consumes. The International Energy Agency estimates that data centers produce roughly 0.3 percent of the world’s carbon emissions, making GreenGeeks a web hosting choice that pays back.


    GreenGeeks demands a three-year commitment that is fully paid upfront. Other contracts are offered at a higher monthly cost but require full payment upfront as well.

    Here is the starting price of each service: 
  • Shared hosting: $3 a month.
  • VPS hosting: $40 a month.
  • Dedicated server hosting: $169 a month.
  • WordPress hosting: $3 a month.
  • Reseller hosting: $20 a month.

    3. A2 Hosting

    A2 Hosting offers tier-based options within each plan for shared, VPS, dedicated, WordPress, reseller, Joomla and cloud hosting. For instance, shared hosting provides packages referred to as Startup, Drive, Turbo Boost, and Turbo Max.

    With these extra plans, consumers have more options to pick from that better suit their needs and enable them to develop their businesses as necessary. However, even the least expensive plans demand a three-year contract.

    Related Post: Joomla vs WordPress: Which CMS Should You Choose?

  • 24*7 ‘Guru Crew’ customer support by chat, email and phone
  • Free site migration when coming from another service
  • Servers are physically secure on site

  • The lowest prices require three-year contracts
  • Some plans don’t justify higher prices

    Security features

    A2 Hosting provides security features like an SSL certificate, twin firewalls, virus scanning, and brute force resistance.

    Each subscription includes DDoS defenses that can identify DDoS attacks as soon as they take place. The Patchman advanced security tool, which typically costs about $25 per month, is also included.


    A2 Hosting promises an uptime of 99.9%. The industry standard for uptime is 99.9%, which means your website won’t be unavailable for more than nine hours a year.

    Customer support

    A2 Hosting stands out for its dedication to customer service. The ‘Guru Crew’ at A2 is accessible 24*7 by phone, email, or chat. A2 Hosting also has a sizable Knowledge Base to assist you to build and expand your site if you prefer to solve a problem on your own.

    Other features

    A2 Hosting offers free site migration if you want to change web hosting companies. This is a good deal since the average cost of a site migration in 2022 is between $300 and $500.


    A2 Hosting’s pricing appears to be ordinary at first glance, but even the lowest prices require a three-year commitment. Due to this long-term commitment, you might have to use this service for a considerable amount of time to save money.

    Here is the starting price of each service: 

  • Shared hosting: $3 a month.
  • Unmanaged VPS hosting: $5 a month.
  • Managed VPS hosting: $40 a month.
  • Unmanaged dedicated server hosting: $106 a month.
  • Managed dedicated server hosting: $156 a month.
  • WordPress hosting: $12 a month.
  • Reseller hosting: $19 a month.

    4. HostGator

    HostGator offers tiered shared, VPS, dedicated, WordPress, and reseller hosting plans. Every plan includes unlimited bandwidth and storage space, allowing you to upload as much material as you’d like to your website. As a result, it’s a fantastic choice for anyone who frequently uses videos, photos, or animated page components.

    HostGator also offers a database of walkthroughs and tutorials that make it simple to launch and manage a website. If you already have a website, you can move it for free to HostGator.

  • Unlimited bandwidth and disk space
  • Free site and domain transfers
  • 45-day money-back guarantee

  • Restoring data from backups costs extra

    Security features

    HostGator provides free SSL certificates, DDoS defenses, and scheduled backups. After the backups are taken, HostGator scans the files to check for malicious codes and quarantines them.


    HostGator guarantees industry-standard 99.9% uptime. Customers of shared and reseller hosting are eligible for a one-month refund if their uptime falls short of that promise.

    Customers of VPS and dedicated hosting, however, won’t be eligible for a refund if their uptime expectations aren’t satisfied. Instead, based on how long the server was offline, those clients get a prorated credit.

    Customer support

    HostGator customer service representatives are available on phone, chat, or email around-the-clock. Customers can also find articles, instructions, and video tutorials in their database.

    Other features

    HostGator offers a 45-day money-back guarantee that is longer than the majority of other web hosting services.


    HostGator is slightly more expensive than other web hosting services because back access is subscription based.

    Here is the starting price of each service: 

  • Shared hosting: $2.75 a month.
  • VPS hosting: $24 a month.
  • Dedicated hosting: $90 a month.
  • WordPress hosting: $6 a month.
  • Reseller hosting: $20 a month.

    5. Accu Web Hosting

    AccuWeb Hosting offers shared, VPS, dedicated, WordPress, reseller, and various other cloud hosting choices. Plans for cloud-shared and cloud VPS hosting are also available.

    Customers can select which of AccuWeb Hosting’s international data centers they want to host their data. This means that you can choose to have your data in a different data center if you predict that most of your traffic will originate from outside the US and want to make your website load faster for those users.

  • Global data centers 
  • Cloud hosting offers 100 percent hardware uptime
  • Free site migration

  • No unlimited data options on most plans
  • Customer support phone service is not available 24*7

    Security features

    Each plan from AccuWeb Hosting comes with a free SSL certificate, free antivirus software, and free daily backups. Additionally, a malware removal security tool is also available.


    Although AccuWeb Hosting offers a remarkable 99.99 percent uptime guarantee, its cloud hosting services provide 100% hardware uptime.

    Customer support

    Customer care is available via phone very occasionally. However, customers can chat and submit tickets at any time. Despite having data centers all over the world, the current phone service is only based in the US and Canada and is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Other features

    AccuWeb Hosting gives you unlimited domains regardless of the plan you choose, in contrast to other providers that have limits on the number of domains an account can have.

    In addition, other services place a cap on the number of email accounts you have in your basic plan. However, AccuWeb Hosting offers 150 business email accounts even in your basic plan.


    Mid-level plans from AccuWeb Hosting, like VPS plans, are less expensive than other services. However, certain plans, like shared plans for example, are slightly more expensive than other services. The cost balances out if you select a shared plan but want to upgrade to a VPS plan.

    Here is the starting price of each service: 

  • Shared hosting: $4 a month.
  • VPS plans: $8 a month.
  • VPS cloud hosting: $15 a month.
  • Dedicated hosting: $80 a month.
  • WordPress hosting: $4 a month.
  • Reseller hosting: $12 a month.

    Related Post: 5 Best Content Management Systems in 2022

Bottom line

The hosting provider you select will probably be a long-term partner for you. So, to choose the web hosting solution that best meets your demands, carefully consider each option.

If you need the help of an expert while choosing, implementing, and managing web services, try Turing. Turing can help you hire the world’s best software developers from 150+ countries.


  1. What is web hosting?

    Data storage on a server or cluster of servers is known as web hosting. Think of a website as a piece of art. Web hosting is similar to a gallery where your art can be stored for others to examine. That art needs to be hosted somewhere so people can see it.

  2. What are the basic types of hosting?

    There are three common types of web hosting: shared, virtual private server, and dedicated hosting.

  3. What is a site migration? Can I do that myself?

    Moving an existing website from one web hosting provider to another is site migration. You can migrate your site manually, but if done incorrectly, you risk losing both traffic and content. So, it might be wise to let an expert handle the migration.

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By Oct 14, 2022
Engineering Manager Resume Tips
Skills, Interviews, and Jobs

7 Steps to Write an Effective Engineering Manager Resume

Steps to write an engineering manager resume: 1. Choose a format that works best for you 2. Ensure your resume is ATS-friendly 3. Draft a concise resume objective 

In this blog post, we explore the responsibilities of an engineering manager, why it’s important to write an effective engineering manager resume, the steps for writing one, and an actual sample resume.

Let’s get started. 

What are the responsibilities of an engineering manager?

  • An engineering manager puts into practice and improves development procedures. 
  • An engineering manager manages workers and assigns work to technical and engineering staff. 
  • An engineering manager oversees the work of teams developing new solutions, products, and procedures. 
  • An engineering manager oversees resource allocation and project logistics. 
  • An engineering manager secures the tools necessary for teams to succeed, including those for investigating and recommending capital investments. 
  • An engineering manager participates in cost management techniques and assists in developing and managing project budgets. 
  • An engineering manager ensures that procedures adhere to standards for quality and safety. 
  • An engineering manager collaborates with other departments and team leaders. 

Why is it important to write an effective engineering manager resume?

Resumes are important because they are an essential tool within your job application. Here are a few more benefits of an effective resume:

  • A strong resume captures the employer’s attention.
  • Your resume highlights your qualifications and experience.
  • Your CV conveys what value you can bring to an organization. 
  • An effective CV is likely to get you a job interview.

How to write an engineering manager resume?

There are a few common elements that any top engineering manager’s resume must have, regardless of where you will be working. For example,

  • The resume header
  • Profile or personal statement
  • The employment history section
  • The resume skills section
  • The education section

Here are six steps to write an engineering manager’s resume using these elements:

  1. Choose a resume format that works best for you

    Making a decision about the format that will best organize and show your professional information is the first step in drafting a successful resume.

    There are a variety of resume styles available that can help you highlight different aspects of your experience, talents, or education; by selecting the one that works best for you, you can point the hiring manager toward the most crucial or remarkable details. 

    You can select one of these three standard resume formats:

    1. Functional: This resume style works by emphasizing your skills and competencies immediately following your resume aim. 
    2. Chronological: This resume style allows you to emphasize how your experience and prior responsibilities make you the best applicant for the position by listing your experience in reverse chronological order. 
    3. Combination: Combination resumes concentrate on abilities and work experience, and leave minimal space for other information, such as volunteer activity, educational background, or a resume summary.

  2. Ensure your resume is ATS-friendly

    An ATS-friendly resume gets past applicant tracking systems easily.

    So, make your resume ATS-friendly by using an easy-to-read resume structure, simple layouts and designs. Avoid using tables, photos, and other graphics. Add relevant keywords from the job description. Insert these keywords throughout as required but don’t over-stuff your resume with them. 

    Use standard headings and avoid complex formatting. Last but not least, make sure you check for the list of acceptable file formats before uploading your resume. If PDF is not an option, you can upload a .doc or .docx version of your file instead.

  3. Draft a concise resume objective

    Your resume’s objective introduces you and outlines your professional goals to the hiring committee. A well-formulated objective can immediately demonstrate why you are the most qualified applicant for the job. 

    So, write a brief resume objective that describes your main goal, who you are, and how you can benefit a prospective company. For example, 

    ‘An engineering manager with five years of experience building solutions for the app development sector seeking a leadership role within a rapidly expanding company that prioritizes innovation and a positive work environment.’

  4. Create a distinguishable work experience section

    Your work experience section is the most crucial part of your resume. This section enables you to highlight your prior jobs and the duties you oversaw. 

    Include your job title, the name of the company you worked for, its location, how long you were an employee there, and the responsibilities you shouldered in that job role under this section.

    List all jobs in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent or present position. When outlining your duties, it’s crucial to be succinct and forceful. If you are currently employed, describe your duties in the present tense, and former roles in the past tense.

  5. Mention your graduate and postgraduate degrees

    Your education can add great value to your resume.

    Include your degree’s name, type, university name, and the dates you attended. You can also think about mentioning any honors, accolades, or awards you won while you were a student there.

    Don’t mention all certificates, diplomas, and degrees. Only mention the ones that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. 

  6. Outline your skills and abilities

    List the duties you oversaw in the job experience area only. In this section, emphasize technical abilities like equipment knowledge or programming language proficiency. Soft talents like leadership, teamwork, and communication are also acceptable.

    Related post: Soft Skills Every Software Developer Needs

  7. Carefully edit and proofread

    A polished resume that is devoid of small mistakes shows the hiring committee that you pay attention to detail and are concerned about quality. So, carefully update and proofread your resume before submitting it. Spot areas where you can make improvements.  In addition, ensure your resume is free from grammar or spelling errors. 

    You can also use an online resume-editing tool or ask your friends, relatives, or coworkers to review your resume for you. Plenty of online free grammar-checking tools are available to assist you in enhancing your clarity and avoiding grammatical and spelling errors. E.g. Grammarly. 

    Important points to remember while writing an engineering manager’s resume
    1. Obtain the hiring manager’s attention with an engaging and unique objective. 
    2. Many hiring managers use automation to filter resumes. So, don’t forget keyword optimization in your resume content. 
    3. Make use of an active voice to influence the hiring manager and convey your value effectively.
    4. Display your hard and soft skills with star ratings, bars, or other eye-catching elements. 

Sample Resume

Engineering Manager Resume

Engineering Manager Resume Sample


Resumes that land you a job effectively advertise you, and always pique the interest of hiring managers and recruiters. Also, use a unique cover letter to highlight your interest in the job role. 

Keep in mind:

  • The cover letter and resume should complement one another. 
  • Edit your cover letter and resume according to the job role. 
  • Maintain a resume format that is simple for machines and people to scan. 
  • Don’t forget to include your successes, achievements, and awards.

Didn’t get the specific answers you were looking for on this page? Head over to Turing’s Apply for Jobs page. There you can apply for the world’s best software engineering manager’s roles and learn more about resume building from industry experts. 


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By Oct 11, 2022
Hiring Gen Z in IT
For Employers

6 Strategies for Hiring Gen Z in Software Development

Steps for Hiring Gen Z in Software Development: 1. Focus on on-campus recruitments 2. Personalize your communication 3. Improve job descriptions

How do you attract Gen Z applicants? How do you recruit Gen Z workers?  How can I start hiring Gen Z in the IT industry? What jobs are Gen Z most interested in? What does Gen Z want out of a job?

Looking for answers to such questions? Let’s dive in.

Who are Gen Z job seekers? 

Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, is the most recent generation to enter the workforce. This generation, born between 1997 and 2012, is very young but already changing the way hiring managers hire and manage the workforce. Generation Z is highly tech-savvy and barely relates to a time before the internet, smartphones, and video games. 

Driven by their limitless potential. Gen Z is determined to leave its mark on the world. However, only four in 10 people think their education has adequately prepared them for the job market.

Only companies aware of such insights can entice and keep Gen Z. So, here is how you can attract and hire Gen Z.

How do you attract Gen Z applicants? 

  • Enhance job postings for Google.

    Optimize your career pages for Google and get rid of third-party sites. This way, your available positions will pop up on Google’s search results pages when a user types in a keyword like “software developer in New York.”

    These job listings may include details relevant to Gen Z, such as remote work, insurance, etc. Giving as much information as possible will help candidates find your open positions faster on Google, simplifying the application process and improving the candidate experience.
  • Use texts for low-pressure interactions.

    No other generation has experienced technology integration as much as Gen Z. 

    According to recent research, 95 percent of 13 to 17-year-old children have access to a smartphone in the USA. However, Gen Z is not too interested in making phone calls. According to another research, 73.4 percent of Gen Z and millennial smartphone users in the US prefer to use the messaging app over the phone app if they could only keep one. 

    Although it is less formal than a phone call or email, text messaging is the preferred mode of communication these days. 

    To use text messaging in the recruitment process, automate messages using recruitment software. Via the same software, regularly update the candidates about the interview schedule, assessment methods, hiring managers, employee value proposition, and more.
  • Showcase diversity in your employer branding.

    According to the iCIMS research for the class of 2021, 58 percent of college seniors looking for diversity in the company during the recruiting process. 

    Gen Z is the most diverse generation as compared to the previous generations. And so, it stands to reason that they appreciate diversity at work so highly.

    Gen Z folks are more likely to search your employer branding, and diversity, equity, and inclusion policies when applying for jobs. Also, stock photos and meaningless mission statements that promise diversity will not impress Gen Z. 

    Therefore, strive for unified branding across all channels because Generation Z may doubt your beliefs and become completely disinterested in your brand if your employer branding varies from one platform to another.
  • Use social media for inviting job applications.

    According to recent research, users between the ages of 18 and 24 are highly likely to use TikTok (55 percent), Snapchat (75 percent), and Instagram (76 percent). 

    TikTok introduced a prototype resume program in July 2021 that allowed applicants to send applications for jobs straight through the app. Additionally, Snapchat has developed unique features that let major companies use the app to draw in and engage job candidates.

    Develop interactive career pages. Or use popular social media apps to provide a more seamless application process to Gen Z applicants.

How do you recruit Gen Z workers?

  1. Focus more on on-campus recruitments: Connecting with Gen Z talent requires maintaining close ties with colleges and universities. Digitalise your recruitment process to reach out to more universities and colleges in less time. Also, use recruitment software for filtering, organizing, and processing eligible applications. 

  2. Improve your career site: For Gen Zs who grew up with the internet, your career page serves as the cornerstone of your recruiting campaign. So, use these best practices to revamp your career page. 
    1. Mention perks and bonuses
    2. Include visual and video components
    3. Keep your message and brand constant
    4. Ensure a beautiful, attention-grabbing design
    5. Add employee testimonials
    6. Place your ‘About Us’ section at the top
    7. Include the mission, vision, and values

  3. Personalize your communication: Form a talent group on Slack, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. Send candidates frequent information regarding their employment status throughout the interview process. Also, send a care package that speaks to your new hire when it’s time to make an offer. 

  4. Improve job descriptions: Make your open positions more appealing by using direct communication in job descriptions. Mention the core responsibilities of a job and learning outcomes in specific bullet points. Also, add an example of how the day-to-day work life would be with that job.

  5. Start an employee influencer network: To find new employees, Gen Z relies on recommendations. Therefore use your present staff to draw in young talent. When you have new available positions, invite team members to share the position on their social media channels. Candidates will get a more accurate sense of your company culture if you share content created by your staff. 

  6. Create an enjoyable candidate experience: Candidates from Generation Z are picky. So, to recruit top Gen Z developers, create a short and effective recruitment process. 

Here are the six steps of a short and effective recruitment process: 

  • Prepare the job description
  • Start searching
  • Conduct a phone screening
  • Circulate remote coding challenges 
  • Interview via video calls
  • Propose offer and onboard

How do you retain the Gen Z workforce?

Here are a few action items to retain the Gen Z workforce:

  • Insist on job security 

    The Great Recession of 2008, which immobilized the economy, cost thousands of Americans their jobs. Gen Zers were still quite young when this occurred. They might have witnessed the severe financial setbacks, job losses, and financial hardships experienced by their parents. This generation’s need for and demand for greater work stability is therefore not surprising.

    To facilitate the same, this generation is also more likely to have a side job to diversify their income. This means that, as an employer, you need to:
  • Allow applicants to complete coding challenges from any location. 
  • Encourage them to have additional income streams besides their jobs. Admit and accept moonlighting. 
  • Avoid micromanaging their work.
  • Consider chances for growth and learning. According to studies, 40 percent of Gen Z professionals are continuing in their current positions if they offer opportunities to learn and advance in their careers. 
  • Build an environment that challenges them and offers a variety of opportunities for self-improvement. 

In addition, provide benefits like the following: 

  • Healthcare insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Retirement plans 
  • Bonuses and incentives 
  • Paid time off
  • Holiday entitlement
  • Flexible work

Where to look for Gen Z candidates?

The following are a few resources that you can tap into to hire talented Gen Z candidates:

  • LinkedIn: You can use the power of data-driven recruiting with LinkedIn Talent Solutions.
  • Online forums: Quora, Reddit, and other platforms can help you target specific communities. These platforms can also help you build relationships with Gen Z job-seekers and increase brand awareness.
  • Social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram can be used to locate niche networks, cut through the clutter, and promote your business and culture through current employees. 
  • Online coding challenges: Hackathons like MHacks, HackMIT, Junction (hackathon), and HackTX are great for networking with excellent young developers.
  • Turing: If you’re looking to hire pre-vetted Gen Z developers, try Turing. Turing’s AI-backed Intelligent Talent Cloud helps companies source, vet, match, and manage the world’s best software developers remotely.


Recruiting Gen Z may seem like threading a needle with one eye closed. However, you need to remember that they are new-age workers with clear professional objectives who are looking for a mentor to help them succeed in the corporate world. Understanding their values and giving them a workplace that supports them is crucial to hiring and keeping people from this demographic. 

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By Sep 28, 2022
Tips to Improve Programming Logic
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

5 Tips for Beginners to Improve Programming Logic

Tips to Improve Programming Logic: 1. Hang on to the problem 2. Stimulate your mind with online video games 3. Participate in coding challenges more often

What are the 5 steps in the programming method? How can I be good at programming logic? What are the basics of programming logic? How should a beginner start programming?

Looking for answers to such questions? Keep reading.

A collection of rules in computer systems, also known as programming logic, specifies the order in which certain components should be placed to enable the computer hardware to carry out particular tasks. In other words, programming logic is applying rules in a systematic way to produce a workable outcome.

Programming logic gets better with practice. However, practice is not the only way to ace the programming logic skill. Many junior developers struggle to grasp development skills at the beginning of their careers due to a lack of guidance. So, here are five solid ways to become an effective programmer and improve your programming skills. 

5 tips to improve your programming logic

Therefore, understanding and using logic in programming is a crucial requirement to become a good front-end or back-end developer. To do the same, follow these five tips diligently.

  1. Hang on to the problem

    Programming allows you to break large problems into smaller ones, which you can attempt to solve separately. To solve the issue at hand, all you have to do is write the program’s pseudo-codes. 

    Start by resolving the simpler problems before moving on to the more challenging ones. But make sure to never give up. 

    Your logical reasoning in programming will advance as you face more challenging problems. Also, this step will help you understand how to implement logical reasoning in programming.
  2. Stimulate your mind with online video games

    Games like Among Us, Lumosity, CogniFit, 2048, Limbo, Chess, checkers, and more demand a lot of reasoning skills. 

    So, play video games often to sharpen your reasoning skills and concentration. You can use them to complete your mental workout or release your stress. 
  3. Participate in coding challenges more often.

    Working on coding problems is quite helpful because doing so will allow you to exercise your logical mind. 

    Several websites host interesting coding challenges. These sites also let you view the solutions provided by other programmers. After review, you can compare your code with their code and become more rational in your thinking.

    Seven popular coding challenge websites:
    1. TopCoder
    2. Coderbyte
    3. Project Euler
    4. CodeChef
    5. Exercism.io
    6. Codewars
    7. LeetCode

      In addition, attempt some of the toughest coding tasks and bug bounty programs that Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and other big techs offer, to take your coding challenge to the next level. 

      You can also attempt the coding interview question commonly asked by big tech companies. Read this post on ten tips to crack a software developer job interview for more information.
  4. Read books and white papers to identify and solve problems

    The programming books and white papers contain a ton of solved examples that can help you develop your programming logic. 

    Most times, such study materials also mention their approach to solving programming problems, which come in handy when you wish to look at problems from a different perspective. 

    Therefore, refer to examples given in books and white papers to co-relate the programming problem at hand and try to solve it with the underlying method. 

    Five popular books to improve your programming skills:

    1. Programming Challenges by Steven Skiena
    2. Programming Logic and Design by Joyce Farrell
    3. Starting Out With Programming Logic and Design by Tony Gaddis
    4. Introduction to Logic Programming by Michael Genesereth and Vinay K. Chaudhri
    5. Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with Prolog by David Maier and David S. Warren
  5. Look at other people’s code.

    If nothing works out, use this step as your last resort.

    Read, examine, and imitate other people’s code while practicing because doing so will help you improve your programming skills. 

    One of the most well-known programming platforms is GitHub, where you can find many excellent projects and a large number of programmers that can quickly and efficiently tackle even the most challenging problems.

Related post: How to Simplify Code Complexity: Avoid These Complexity Pitfalls

Additional tips for improving your logic in programming

In addition to these five suggestions, you can strengthen your programming logic by learning more about data structures, algorithms, and programming paradigms. 

  1. Data structures

    Your understanding will improve if you study programming solutions, particularly those with outlined advantages and disadvantages. You can follow the underlying logic by examining existing algorithms and their related data structures. Following this practice will improve your programming reasoning.
  2. Algorithms

    A sorting algorithm is a good place to start understanding algorithms. Use a deck of cards, as a means to visualize the algorithm. A sorting algorithm’s random numbers are simulated by shuffling a deck of cards. Use the cards and programming logic until you fully comprehend the operation of the algorithm.
  3. Programming paradigms

    Programming paradigms are models that have distinct methods for solving problems. The four most common programming paradigms are:

    1. Procedural programming, often known as a top-down paradigm, is a programming style that makes use of procedure calls and divides instructions into subroutines. 
    2. A framework programming known as object-oriented programming considers objects to be instances of classes. The state and behavior of the class are included in the objects. 
    3. Pure function-based mathematical constructs are known as functional programming paradigms. A list of inputs is provided to pure functions, which then wait for a return value. 
    4. Logical programming paradigms use statements to convey rules that have mathematical roots.


Feeding the logic in your programs is not that difficult. There are numerous ways to develop your programming abilities. In this blog post, we’ve only covered the most common tips. Feel free to share more tips that helped you strengthen your programming skills in the comments. 

If you are a skilled software developer looking for a remote job, join Turing. With Turing,  you will get collaborate with the world’s best programmers and work on some of the most rewarding development jobs out there. Visit the Apply for Jobs page at Turing.com. 


  1. What are the 5 steps in the programming method?
    There are five main ingredients in the programming process:
    1. Defining the problem
    2. Planning the solution
    3. Coding the program
    4. Testing the program
    5. Documenting the program

  2. What are the basics of programming logic?
    A collection of rules known as programming logic specifies the order in which certain components should be placed to enable a computer to carry out particular tasks. Programming logic or formal logic both involve applying rules in a systematic way to produce a workable outcome.

  3. How should a beginner start programming?
    Follow these steps to start programming: 
    1. Figure out why you want to learn to code
    2. Choose an in-demand programming language
    3. Take online courses
    4. Watch video tutorials
    5. Read books and ebooks
    6. Use tools to practice coding
    7. Check out how other people code
    8. Complete coding projects

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By Sep 22, 2022
Become Ethical Hacker
Languages, frameworks, tools, and trends

National Day of Ethical Hacking Special: How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Steps to Become an Ethical Hacker: 1. Gain solid proficiency in LINUX/UNIX 2. Acquire a solid understanding of C, Python, PHP, Java, and SQL 3. Learn to be anonymous 

On this national day of ethical hacking, we are discussing the eight steps to becoming an ethical hacker. 

Let’s get started. 

What is hacking?

Hacking is the attempt to gain access to a computer’s internal private network or system. In other words, hacking is the unauthorized use of computer network security systems for illegal purposes. 

What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking is the ability to spot gaps in a computer network or cloud infrastructure of a company and fix the problems to stop cyber mishaps or attacks. 

What is a hacker?

Hacker is an information technology expert who employs non-standard methods to accomplish a goal or get around a challenge within a computerized system. 

There are several types of hackers, such as the following: 

  • White hat: An ethical hacker is an individual who uses their knowledge to identify network and system vulnerabilities. Such hackers have no malicious intent.
  • Black hat: A hacker who gains unauthorized access to third-party systems and networks for malicious intent.
  • Gray hat: A gray hat hacker is someone  who gains unauthorized access to a network, software, or hardware but reveals the gaps to the company
  • Green hat: Green hat hackers or script kiddies generally have no technical skills. They use pre-built hacking tools to hack computer systems, networks, sites and applications.
  • Hacktivist: A person who hacks to prove a certain ideology

What is an ethical hacker?

Ethical hackers attempt to break into systems and networks using a variety of programming languages and tools. After successfully breaking into the system, they offer suggestions to the company on how to remedy the gaps and vulnerabilities in the company’s computer systems and cloud infrastructure. 

In contrast to classical black hat hackers, ethical hackers help businesses strengthen the security of their systems. Also, instead of taking advantage of computer systems and networks, they use their abilities to make the company’s IT infrastructure more secure.

What is the role of an ethical hacker?

Ethical hackers may work as independent contractors, in-house cybersecurity administrators, or cybersecurity consultants for a company’s website or apps.

While working on any of these roles, ethical hackers shoulder the following responsibilities:

  • Hacking their systems: To discover potential dangers, ethical hackers hack their company’s systems. Such hackers are employed to identify security loopholes in the system before outside hackers do. 
  • Document their findings: Ethical hackers meticulously record all of their discoveries and potential dangers.  Accurate reporting of bugs and vulnerabilities posing security concerns are their primary responsibilities.
  • Keep the company data safe: Ethical hackers must abide by the data security best practices to keep all of their discoveries private. They should never consent to reveal their discoveries and observations in any circumstance. 
  • Handle the loopholes in the company’s computer systems: Ethical hackers also fix the system’s security flaws based on their observations.

What is the career path of an ethical hacker?

Starting off in a profession as an ethical hacker entails providing defensive security services to an organization’s cybersecurity team.

Your proficiency and performance as a hacker can help you climb up the ranks. For example, you can start as a security specialist, move up to a security administrator, and later become a security software developer.

Common job roles in the field of ethical hacking:

  • Information security analyst
  • Cyber security analyst
  • Cyber security engineer
  • Security analyst
  • Security Engineer
  • Penetration tester
  • Information security manager

What is the average salary for an ethical hacker?

Ethical hacking is a very rewarding profession. If you meet all the requirements, you could earn a salary of at least six figures. 

The average ethical hacker salary, according to Glassdoor, is $114,648. Also, the top ethical hackers might earn over $700,000 in total remuneration due to their crucial role in a company’s cybersecurity.

However, the remuneration largely depends upon factors like experience, skills, education, projects, geography, and salary negotiation skills.

How do you become an ethical hacker?

You will need technical proficiency and interpersonal abilities to become an ethical hacker. In addition, ethical hackers should also be innovative problem solvers. Solid communication skills are also very important. 

In addition, some ethical hackers have “social engineering” skills as well – Instead of hacking a system digitally, they attempt to persuade people to provide them with the information they require. 

Although some have degrees in electrical engineering or information security, the majority of ethical hackers have a college degree in computer science. Ethical hackers often have several years of experience working in IT as security specialists or programmers.

Some people may gain their hacking skills via independent research and trial-and-error. However, the majority of companies favor hiring applicants with formal education and certificates in ethical hacking.

Ethical hacker certifications

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) are the two certificates that are specifically related to ethical hacking. 

The CEH certificate represents the unique network security discipline of ethical hacking. 

Similarly, the OSCP test comprises questions on a virtual network with targets that have different operating systems and configurations. The candidate who passes the test will have proven their ability to investigate the computer network, spot any weaknesses in the system, and carry out cyber attacks. 

Although there are other certifications available, these two certificates are the most popular ones. 

Related post: AWS Certification Guide – All You Need to Know

8 steps to become an ethical hacker

Step 1: Gain solid proficiency in LINUX/UNIX

Since Linux is one of the most often used operating systems for hacking, you should be familiar with it if you want to be an ethical hacker.

The most well-known Linux operating system created specifically for hacking is Kali Linux. Other examples include Red Hat Linux, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, BackTrack, and other popular Linux distributions.

Step 2: Acquire a solid understanding of popular programming languages

C is considered to be one of the earliest computer languages and is also known as the mother of all programming languages. Also, C serves as the foundation for learning UNIX/LINUX. Therefore, to fully leverage the open-source operating system Linux, you must learn C programming. 

In addition, ethical hackers are proficient in at least two to three programming languages, such as the following: 

  • Python: Extensively used for exploit writing
  • SQL: Best for hacking large databases
  • PHP: Helps fight against malicious attacks
  • JavaScript: Suitable for hacking web applications

Step 3: Learn to be anonymous

The most crucial step in ethical hacking is learning how to mask your identity.

If black hat hackers discover that there is another user in the network, they may attempt to attack that user’s system. Therefore, anonymity is essential for ethical hackers.

The three most promising methods for protecting your identity online are Anonsurf, Proxychains, and MacChanger.

Step 4: Get well-acquainted with networking concepts

For ethical hackers, understanding networking principles and how they are made is essential.

Exploiting vulnerabilities requires knowledge of numerous network protocols. Ethical hackers who have an in-depth understanding of networking technologies like Nmap, Wireshark, and others are in high demand these days. 

Here is a list of a few more important networking concepts that an ethical hacker should be well aware of:

  • Subnetting
  • TCP/IP Network 
  • Network Masks and CIDR
  • Automobile Networks (CAN)
  • Address Resolution Protocol
  • Wireless Networks
  • Bluetooth Networks
  • Simple Network Management Protocol
  • Server Message Block 
  • Domain Name Service (DNS)
  • SCADA Networks (Modbus)

Step 5: Increase familiarity with the deep and dark web 

The dark web refers to a large portion of the internet that is hidden or invisible to common search engines. Access to the deep and dark web requires specialized authorization or software like the Torr browser.

Although the dark web is a haven for criminal activity, not all of it is unlawful. The deep and dark web has a respectable side as well, and ethical hackers need to know how they operate.

Step 6: Learn cryptography

Information security uses encryption for several purposes like authentication, data integrity, secrecy, and more. Therefore, cryptography is a valuable skill for an ethical hacker. 

Step 7: Dive deeper into hacking

Once you have a firm grasp of the basic hacking tools and techniques, dive into the basics of SQL injections, penetration testing, vulnerability analysis, and more.

Keep up with the most recent system security updates, as well as the newest hacking and system security tools and techniques. For the same, follow online forums and blogs. 

Some of the most popular online forums and blogs for hacking are as follows: 

  • IT Security Guru
  • Security Weekly
  • The State of Security – Tripwire
  • The Hacker News
  • Schneier on Security
  • Infosecurity Magazine
  • CSO Online
  • Troy Hunt

Related post: 9 Best Forums for Developers to Join in 2022

Step 8: Explore vulnerabilities

System weaknesses or gaps are vulnerabilities. Acquire the skill of scanning networks and systems for security gaps. Some vulnerability identification tools in the Kali Linux operating system are as follows:

  • Nessus Vulnerability Scanner: Identifies issues in web applications
  • Nikto Vulnerability Scanner: Identifies issues on web servers
  • OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner: Identifies issues in devices within a network
  • Wapiti Vulnerability Scanner: Identifies web application issues like SQLi and XSS
  • Nmap Vulnerability Scanner: Identifies issues across multiple systems

In addition, you should also know about vulnerability testing tools like Metasploit, OpenVAS, and Nessus.

How to gain experience as an ethical hacker?

  • Practice resolving susceptible machines from Hack The Box and Vulnhub.
  • Try bug bounty platforms to simulate real-world conditions. 
  • Hack actual running websites. However, make sure to do no harm. 


Ethical hacking is not an easy career path, but it can be a lucrative option for those who find math, problem-solving, critical thinking, and coding interesting. 

If you are an experienced software engineer looking for a great career, try Turing.com. Turing offers the world’s best remote software developer jobs that offer amazing compensation and benefits. Visit the Turing jobs page for more information. 


  1. Can I become an ethical hacker?
    Yes, anyone with the necessary skills and training can become an ethical hacker.

  2. What qualifications do I need to be an ethical hacker?
    College degrees in computer science, two-year degree programs in IT, or ethical hacking certificates are some of the prerequisites for building a career as an ethical hacker.

  3. How long does it take to become an ethical hacker?
    The amount of time it takes to become an ethical hacker relies on your experience, skills, and credentials. It can take a few weeks or several years to become a proficient ethical hacker.  

Frequently Asked Questions

QNLP (quantum-inspired neural models) for NLP differs significantly from existing NLP in that it employs the mathematical foundation of quantum theory to represent language aspects. The neural network then receives these quantum-theoretical properties as input. Further, since quantum mechanics notions have more detailed physical justifications, they are easier to understand when used to explain features.

The categorical distributional compositional (DisCoCat) model for natural language serves as the theoretical foundation for all QNLP techniques. DisCoCat encodes lexical meanings as quantum states and processes that may be implemented as quantum circuits in specialized hardware or simulators.

The key applications of QNLP include language production, text-to-voice processing, text analytics, automated speech, bioinformatics, etc.

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By Sep 16, 2022