
What Is Programmer Imposter Syndrome and How Can You Deal With It?

Subhasish Dutta
20 Feb 20247 mins read
Mental health and productivity

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What is programmer imposter syndrome? How can you deal with it? This blog post aims to help developers understand imposter syndrome and the steps they can take to overcome it.

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough as a developer? Do you feel incompetent in doing your job?  Whether you are fresher or experienced, there will come a point when you compare your performance to other developers. You may feel that it’s a matter of time before you are exposed as incompetent and shown the door. This fear can affect your productivity and slows down your career growth. If you have ever questioned your capabilities as a developer and wondered whether you’re qualified for your job, you are not alone. Many talented developers experience programmer imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. 

According to a recent survey conducted by Blind, as many as 58 percent of tech workers feel like impostors. What’s more, this number includes employees from tech giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta, and many others. If you are wondering what imposter syndrome is, why it is common to developers, and how to deal with it, you are at the right place. Keep reading to know ways to maintain good mental health as a software engineer or developer.

What exactly is programmer imposter syndrome?

Programmer or developer impostor syndrome is the feeling of self-doubt that many software developers experience, despite possessing excellent skills and several years of experience. This syndrome is prevalent in many high-skill industries, especially software development, due to high competition and new technologies. Moreover, the expectations of high performance while delivering high-quality software products on tight deadlines create pressure on developers. 

As a result, many developers start comparing themselves to their colleagues. They feel like they aren’t good enough and develop an inferiority complex. These developers fail to recognize their abilities and are unable to concentrate on their jobs. This further leads to insecurity and anxiety, adversely affecting developers’ confidence and motivation. This feeling is nothing but programmer imposter syndrome. 

 This syndrome is common among many developers, especially early in their careers. Recognizing these feelings early can help you to take effective steps to overcome them. 

How does imposter syndrome affect developers?

Imposter syndrome can adversely affect developers who have just started their careers or working in a highly competitive environment. Let’s look at how this syndrome impacts developers.

Fear of getting exposed as an imposter 

Developers experiencing imposter syndrome may feel they are not as competent as their colleagues, despite having the same skills. They may also feel whatever they achieve is a result of luck rather than their abilities. This often leads to self-doubt and a fear of being caught as a “fraud.”

Affects career growth 

Programmers battling imposter syndrome may lose self-confidence and the motivation to work. They shy away from taking on new challenges or opportunities because they fear failure and suffer from negative thoughts and emotions. As a result, the syndrome significantly impacts their career growth.

Dissatisfaction at work 

Imposter syndrome causes anxiety and stress, and quite often, developers are unable to leave these feelings behind. In addition, these feelings often lead to a sense of dissatisfaction, and they are unable to concentrate on their work.

Many developers quit their job

Developers suffering from this syndrome struggle to share their thoughts with others and hesitate to ask for help or guidance. They desperately look for a way to escape this situation. Quitting jobs seems to be the easiest option for many. 

Why are developers prone to imposter syndrome?

Software developers are prone to imposter syndrome due to the tough competition at work and the pressure to learn and adapt to new technologies. They work on projects with high stakes, which creates stress to perform at the highest level, leaving very little room for error.

Moreover, tight deadlines worsen the situation as they don’t have much time to solve complex coding problems. And so, many programmers develop feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt when they encounter a problem and don’t know how to solve it. They doubt their abilities and feel like a fraud. These factors contribute to imposter syndrome and many highly skilled developers are unable to shake off this feeling.

How to recognize imposter syndrome?

Recognizing imposter syndrome at an early stage can help you get rid of it with the right steps. 

Here are some signs that can help understand if you suffer from programmer imposter syndrome. 

  • Persistent feelings of not being fit for the job
  • A constant fear of getting exposed as a fraud
  • Fear of communicating with fellow developers as it may expose your knowledge gap
  • Unable to match your colleagues’ performance
  • Doubts that you made the wrong career choice

Please note that the above list is not exhaustive. Different developers may notice other signs of imposter syndrome depending on factors like their work-life balance, mental health, and more.

How to deal with developer imposter syndrome? 

Programming is a highly rewarding career, but it comes with its own challenges. Programmer imposter syndrome is one of the most glaring ones. As you read above, almost 58 percent of software engineers struggle with this imposter syndrome. 

So you shouldn’t panic and get overwhelmed. Instead, you must focus on how to overcome it. Here are some solutions to help you deal with programmer imposter syndrome.

1. Accept that you’re dealing with imposter syndrome

Recognizing the problem is the first step toward finding a solution. The earlier you identify this syndrome, the sooner you can get over it. Many developers ignore the signs initially only to find themselves deep into the problem later. So be on the lookout for any of the programmer imposter signs discussed above.

2. Learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable

Here’s the thing: technology is never constant. And nobody’s an expert in every technology stack. The most successful developers are the ones who keep learning always and adapting to the changing industry needs.

Maybe you have a colleague who is an expert in a language you know nothing about. Now this situation might may you uncomfortable. It may even make you believe you know nothing.

However, the reality maybe be different. Your colleague may know nothing about a technology you are proficient in. So, instead of underestimating your potential, try venturing into unknown territories. Expand your skill set. 

3. Stop comparing yourself to others 

Constant comparisons often lead to programmer imposter syndrome. Many developers look down upon themselves thinking they have limited knowledge compared to others. But they forget that every developer is different and has different skill sets.

So the next time you find yourself making such unhealthy comparisons, remember: you have worked hard and deserve to be where you are now. You don’t need to be the best to deserve your position but you can always learn and acquire the skills you don’t have now.

4. Give yourself the credit you deserve

Developers suffering from imposter syndrome often believe that their achievements are driven by luck and not skill. This is a negative approach that belittles your achievements and breaks your confidence. Whatever you have achieved in your professional life is because of your efforts, and you should take credit for your success. Be happy about your achievement and believe in your capability.

5. Reach out to your seniors 

Your seniors can be of help if you are suffering from imposter syndrome. It’s highly likely that they faced the same challenge as you back in their time. So don’t hesitate to bring up this topic with them if you’re comfortable enough to do so. Ask them questions. Reach out to them if you’re stuck with a code or need help finalizing a design. Remember, it is natural to stumble along the way when working on a new project. And asking for guidance only shows your willingness to learn and do better. 

6. Develop a ‘never give up’ attitude 

Success never comes easy and fast. It demands hard work, determination, discipline, and persistence. If there’s something you cannot do as a developer, that’s just all the more reason to go ahead and learn it. If you look back at your journey, you will realize you have worked hard to become a software developer. It was not easy, but you did it with flying colors. Cultivate self-compassion. Learn to believe in yourself. Reframe your failures as opportunities to grow. Focus on progress instead of aiming for perfection. 


Suffering from programmer impostor syndrome can be exhausting but remember, you’re not alone. The majority of developers experience this syndrome somewhere along the line in their careers. Keep Richard Branson’s brilliant quote in mind: “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you are not sure you can do it, say yes. Then learn how to do it later.” Believe in your capability, give yourself the credit you deserve, and allow yourself to grow.

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Subhasish Dutta

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